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2) Community Questions and Answers - The Basis of Mental Health Awareness and Support

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

As previously introduced, the Questions and Answers Pages at 7 Cups offer a wide range of quality based answers to common mental health questions

Questions and Answers are available for 38 main categories, ranging from General Mental Health, Disabilities, Managing Emotions, Loneliness, Grief, Recovery, Student Life, Work Stress, and many more!

Through this directory of available knowledge, awareness, and support, 7 Cups is equipped with answers to the common questions and concerns people have. Most of these Questions and Answers are featured in search engine results due to the value of the content they contain.

The main community Questions and Answers Page offers a recent questions section as well as a section containing the most answered questions.

All 7 Cups users are invited to search for or ask new questions through the main page. Community users can also participate in this area by submitting their answers, which are reviewed by a team for quality and other important requirements.

Through this discussion, we will discuss the basic requirements needed to research as well as write quality answers for the Question and Answer Pages. Additionally, we will optimize the drafted answers in light of certain guidelines.

(i) Basic Research and Writing Requirements: When writing answers to community questions, keep in mind these tips:

  • You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words.

  • If research is needed to guide your answer, consider only learning about the topic and avoid direct copy/pasting researched tips, advice, or information.

  • Consider verifying the information or facts through at least 2 reliable sources.

  • When researching possible answers or things the person can benefit from, consider their circumstances and if the tip is do-able and generally applicable.

  • Avoid plagiarism.

  • Use professional and appropriate language.

  • If comfortable, you can add a personal anecdote to help add meaning to your answer. However, avoid turning the answer to just your account or an entire focus on your experience.

  • Be empathetic, and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust.

  • Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive.

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try.

(ii) Ensuring Optimized Answers: Although the above requirements and tips help deliver a great answer, further optimization of drafted answers can help ensure their quality.

At 7 Cups, the Content Team uses researched and identified important keywords to guide their research and the writing process to result in optimized content as answers to community questions. In this regard, the basic tips/requirements involved are:

  • Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences.

  • Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic.

What are Keywords?

Generally, keywords can be thought of as terms or phrases that describe a piece of content. Related keywords are supporting keywords that can help further describe or expand on that initial content. For example, for the keyword “anxiety”, related keywords can be “anxiety symptoms” or “anxiety treatments”.

Keywords help with search engine marketing and hence are an important part of SEO strategies. A simple strategy to find keywords is to look for Google Related Searches. These related searches are searches that relate to your term. For instance, a Google Related Search for “anxiety symptoms” is “what is anxiety” - using this insight, you can consider including this phrase alongside a brief category of your content outline to help strengthen the optimization of your content.

For other free tools to help with keyword research, you can visit this external link.


Review this Sample Optimized Answer:

Question: How do paper bags help with panic attacks?

Provided Keywords: asthma attack, heart attacks, asthma, problems, brown paper bag, medical conditions, hyperventilation syndrome, mouth, respiratory alkalosis, common causes, chest pain, benefit, stress, medications

Approved, Optimized Answer:

While panic attacks might mimic the symptoms of heart attacks, they can be caused by several other problems and medical conditions. These include feeling stressed or facing medical conditions such as asthma attacks, hyperventilation syndrome, or even respiratory alkalosis. Although the common causes may differ, common symptoms include chest pain. Deep breathing through the mouth or by using a brown paper bag has its benefits, as it aids in the restoration of the loss of carbon dioxide in the blood during the panic attack.

Notes: The question was general, requiring general research-based knowledge on the process of using paper bags for panic attacks. As the keywords were essentially covered, note that this answer does not have 8-10 sentences, but further supporting information or even a personal anecdote can be added.

The following activity will help you put your attained knowledge to practice. Please write an optimized answer to the following community question, in light of the provided keywords. In addition, you are required to reply to at least one other student’s answer by identifying at least 3 strengths (things done correctly as per discussed guidelines) as well as at least 1 tip for improving the answer.

Note: You are welcome to click the question link and submit your written answer for community publication once done as this is an existing question!

Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Bonus: Want to put your knowledge to test? Consider joining the Question and Answer (Q&A) Approval Team here and earn cheers for helping approve community answer submissions. You will be using the above knowledge as well as reminders on what makes a good answer. For more information, click here


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Izzy274 July 16th, 2022


Hi Soul! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was great to read your writing.

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 256 words and 1421 characters.

> All the tips and ideas you gave were doable and applicable to the situation.

> Your writing showed no plagiarism.

> You consistently used professional and appropriate language throughout.

> You avoided giving direct advice and provided a great range of ideas that encompassed many different reasons for feeling not good enough.

> You included 10 sentences, which went over our requirements.

Constructive Feedback:

> You included 12/ 30 keywords. Perhaps you could find ways to fit in even more to optimise your writing.

> It would be great to see you verify your writing by including some sources.

> It would be awesome if you included more active listening skills in your writing to empathise with the reader's feelings.

> It would be great to see you include more specific ideas, for example, more methods of challenging cognitive distortions.

Overall, your article was super insightful, and it was great to read about the many different issues that can contribute to negative self-talk, which you explained in a very clear and professional way.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy


sweetOcean1415 July 10th, 2022

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?


Start by accepting that you are not the only one who feels this way. Every human being has had similar thoughts. What is helpful is to have someone to talk to who understands where you're coming from. It's also important to remember that good news is always lurking around the corner.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but I believe the first step is to find out what works best for you. Many resources are available to help you feel better about yourself, such as therapy, self-love groups, and family members. Some people find therapy the best way to improve their self-worth and self-confidence. Others find self-love and family members to be the best sources of support. It's crucial to find the first step that works best for you and take it.

Recently, I read an article that resonated with me. The article talked about how we all have a negative inner critic and how it can hold us back from being our best selves. The article went on to say that the best way to combat this negative inner critic is to start by listening to it and then having therapy. It made me reflect on my own experiences and how I've dealt with negative self-talk in the past.

The article also mentioned that finding good news and the best way to push yourself forward is important. Having good news or something, you're proud of can help boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself. This is something that I think is important.

When I have questioned my self-worth, I have found it helpful to find a quote and do some self-reflection. Smiles come in abundance and are not limited. Healthy relationships, limiting self-doubt, and focusing on the good times can be beneficial.

I would like for you to pause and take a minute to SMILE. Look in the mirror. Do you see yourself as a better person? A simple smile can help shift your mindset and reset your expectations. Remember that you are an amazing person. Consider the quote by the beloved Dr. Maya Angelou, "Your crown has been bought and paid for. Put it on your head and wear it."

To read more about self-worth and avoiding negative self-talk, check out these articles on

Izzy274 July 17th, 2022


Hi Ocean! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was a pleasure to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You included 2371 characters and 401 words.

> The information you shared was written in a unique and personable way.

> You included two reliable sources which added credibility to your writing.

> The tips you gave were very doable and applicable to the situation.

> Your writing was 100% unplagiarized - except for the quotes!

> Your language was professional and appropriate throughout.

> You included lots of empathy and active listening skills in your response.

> You gave a range of ideas for many different outcomes and scenarios and avoided giving direct advice.

> You wrote 26 sentences.

Constructive Feedback:

> Perhaps it would be good to include more active listening based on the different feelings and emotions people may experience as a consequence of not feeling good enough.

> You included 17/30 keywords which is a great amount, however perhaps it would be good to see you include even more to make your writing even more optimised.

Overall, your article was highly empathetic and gave so many unique and individual ideas for facing this situation. You made your response personal and also included useful sources which were really helpful.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy274


admirableRose261 July 10th, 2022

When you don’t feel good enough for someone, it can feel like hell on earth. Anxiety gnaws at you as you question every interaction with the person. All sorts of toxic thoughts might flow through your mind, your inner critic leaving you exhausted and sad. It can make having a good time with your friends, partner, and family members seem difficult, your mind interrupting you, wondering the best way to be a better person.

The good news is, you’re not alone in those feelings. Human beings are social animals. From when we are children, we form groups to share resources, information, and to have fun. When someone causes us to question our self-worth, it can cause our self-confidence to plummet. Here is the secret: the real reason we feel this way is to help us become the most amazing person we can. Those feelings are our cues that something needs to change. The first step is to quiet the negative self-talk and self-doubt.

How? Remember that your voice is unique and valid. Speak to your parents about your feelings. Open communication with family members can help with negative feelings. Those conversations can leave you with a different perspective on the situation. If that isn’t helpful, practice some *self-love* through caring for yourself and doing what brings you joy. As an example, I love to write and help others. When I put on a large amount of weight, those closest to me were hurtful, and I felt terrible.

I did the "right thing" based on the healthy examples of others. I did not vent on social media, rather, I sought out therapy, became a volunteer at 7 CUPS and NAMI, and spent time writing in my journal and praying about the feelings my body and life gave me. Making small changes helped. I have nurtured a healthy relationship with myself. At the end of the day, I know I am capable of great things no matter what anyone else says or how anyone else makes me feel.

People can go their whole-life grappling with these feelings. Remember, do what brings you joy, no matter how trivial it may seem. Get distance from the situation or person. Speak to those around you that are a loving source of support. Finally and most importantly, nurture a healthy relationship with yourself to build your self-esteem. Good luck! I’m rooting for you!

sweetOcean1415 July 11th, 2022


Hi, I enjoyed reading your post for several reasons.

1. I liked how you mentioned becoming a volunteer on 7Cups as a tool that helped you. You also provided quick relateable resources that they could try, like journaling.

2. Your post had a nice flow and kept me wanting to read more.

3. I saw a lot of keywords used throughout the post.

Maybe include a source for more information; they should check out a website/link

admirableRose261 July 11th, 2022


Thank you so much. What link would you suggest? Something with 7cups or a journaling prompt website? An app like Stoic? Is that allowed on 7CUPS?

sweetOcean1415 July 17th, 2022

Maybe an article link would pull it together. I have never thought of journal prompts. That is also an interesting idea.

admirableRose261 July 11th, 2022


For more resources regarding journaling, check out Dr. Dawn's Wellness Tools.

AmbrosialElysian July 14th, 2022


Admirable post ;)


1) Feels like a conversation which is lovely!

2) I like that you shared your own experiences

3) It's full of empathy

What to improve: Maybe just a bit shorter!

Izzy274 July 18th, 2022


Hi Rose! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was fascinating to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 397 words and 2264 characters.

> The tips and information you shared were written in a unique and genuine way, and your writing was very flowing and easy to read.

> The tips and information you shared were doable and applicable to the situation.

> Your writing was 0% plagiarised and totally unique.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate throughout.

> You used amazing active listening skills throughout and answered not only the question but also linked it to the readers' feelings.

> You avoided giving direct advice and gave a good range of ideas.

> You wrote 30 sentences.

> You included 30/30 keywords.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you verify the information that you share by including some reliable sources, although I can see that you did this in response to other feedback already! :)

> It would be great to see more specific tips/ approaches to the situation - it was great to see how you gave this information about your own experiences, such as with writing, but maybe you could expand on, for example, how to communicate more openly with family members, and a range of tips for this.

Overall, your response was so interesting to read due to the highly personal elements you included, and the understanding and reflectiveness that came from the incorporation of active listening skills. Additionally, including all 30 keywords is an amazing achievement, and made it a highly optimised piece of writing.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy274


WhenTheTimeComes August 25th, 2022


Beautiful answer!

Strengths :

1. I love how you made of the difficulty a strength by saying that the real reason behind self-doubt is to become our best self

2. You have used your personal experience as an inspiration and gave examples of what one can try to get there.

3. The overall language is excellent, and you are taking us into a story, it's very well-written.

Tip :

Some edition could make it more impactful, maybe set a goal for yourself to reduce it from 3 lines and see the beautiful sentences you might come up with once you are trying to shorten it.

AmbrosialElysian July 12th, 2022


You scroll theough social media, see all the good news for others and question your self worth. You wonder if you could be a better person, a better partner, a better parent for your children. With a crushed self-esteem, you decide to take the first step: Therapy.

Your whole life, there was a voice inside of you telling you that this was the right thing to do. Surely, therapy would be the best way bring you a healthy relationship, a better communication and self-confidence.

Weeks pass and you feel slightly better, you are excited about all the great things you will do for others but to your surprise, something feels lacking. You realize your inner critic never fell quiet since you only wanted therapy to 'fix' yourself. You never once said "What do I need?" and just said "What do I need to do?"

The secret is that you don't need to do anything to feel good enough. You are good enough, you deserve a break by being your best self.

parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

AmbrosialElysian July 12th, 2022

@AmbrosialElysian Sorry! Accidentally included the key words.

Izzy274 July 19th, 2022


Hi Elysian! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was so interesting to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 169 words and 942 characters.

> Your writing was written in a genuine, unique way and did not appear copy/pasted.

> Your article had 0% plagiarism.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate.

> Your article was written in an empathetic tone towards both the situation and the readers' feelings, particularly in the last few sentences.

> You wrote 10 sentences.

> You included 19/30 keywords.

Constructive Feedback:

> it would be great to see you include at least 2 reliable sources to verify your information & facts.

> It was good to see you talk about therapy but it would be great to see you give more different ideas that a person can try, such as different techniques, as we do not know a person's full situation.

Overall, your response was written in a really unique way, almost like it was following a person through their journey to feeling happy with themselves, which gave it a very empathetic and understanding feel, as well as making it relatable and hopeful to many readers.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy274


AmbrosialElysian July 20th, 2022

Hi! Thank you so much for your detailed response♡ ^^

ThoughtBubbleExpess July 18th, 2022

What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

I know that feeling, and it sucks. I'm so sorry you're going through it right now. Truth is, it's impossible to fit into someone else's idea of perfection. Every other person you meet will have a different perception of you. What's important is how you see yourself! You are more than enough and don't forget it. You are not worthless and there is nothing wrong with you. You are much better than you think!

First, learn to accept who you are. Then, learn to be comfortable with yourself. Start by accepting your thoughts and feelings and then find the courage to change them for the better. Start by understanding and then accepting your emotions, thoughts and desires.

To have Self Confidence, start by changing your attitude towards yourself. Have confidence in your abilities and not compare them to others. Recognise your accomplishments.

Remember, the best relations are those who can be supportive, encouraging, loving and caring towards you. A healthy relationship is a relationship based on mutual respect and not judgement.

To become a better person, start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart. To have a good time, Be open to new experiences. Learn to be more accepting of yourself. Be patient and trust the process.

To stop your inner critic, Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. To get control over self-doubt, Keep a positive mindset. Keep your head up high. Do good things. Take care of yourself. To keep a positive mindset, Start by believing in yourself. Trust me. You have nothing to lose by being positive and honest.

Negative self-talk is a bad habit. Whenever something bad happens, keep calm, take a few deep breaths and shift the focus to something positive.

At the end of the day, Remember to Voice your opinions, listen to what your heart says and follow it without judgement. Communicate to yourself and open up to yourself more, to feel good about yourself. And believe that great things are coming your way.

Izzy274 July 20th, 2022


Hi Bubble! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was a pleasure to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 343 words and 2008 characters.

> Your writing comes across genuine and not copy/pasted.

> The tips you shared were doable and applicable to the situation.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate throughout.

> Your tone was very empathetic towards the situation, especially at the beginning of your writing.

> You gave great specific tips and approaches whilst also keeping a positive tone.

> You wrote 34 sentences total!

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you verify the information you share through at least 2 reliable resources.

> Your writing showed 14% plagiarism from our checker ( ) - this may be completely unintentional, however, it is just something to watch out for!

> Sometimes it felt a little like you were giving advice due to the tone of your writing, which we want to avoid as we do not know a person's full situation. By using phrases such as 'one idea is to..' or 'some people may find ___ helps....' we prevent it from sounding like advice!

> You included 10/30 keywords, which is a great effort but perhaps there are areas you can add in even more to make your writing more optimised.

Overall, your writing was so great to read, and the level of empathy and validation, along with the clear tips and approaches you shared helped to make your response very helpful to readers.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy274


ThoughtBubbleExpess July 21st, 2022


Hi there! Thank you so much for the feedback I didn't know about the plagiarism checking, also it sounded like an advice because most of my references for my works come from my conversations with people, I kind of like keep asking things to all of my contacts and the advices or things they say is what gives me inspiration but, thank you so much for pointing it out, I'll make sure to paraphrase things well. Tbh i was having a hard time for the keywords, but they helped me a lot as well. 😊

I was wondering if I could re-do my assignments and then submit them again if I'm not satisfied enough?

Also could you tell me more about verifiable sources please? I already have a grammarly keyboard, what else can I use for putting my articles through test please?

Izzy274 July 21st, 2022


Hi Bubble! Thank you for your response, it’s good to hear that you drew on real experiences and conversations you’ve had to create your response! I’m glad the keywords helped as well, although they can definitely be difficult to fit in.

You are always welcome to re-do an assignment and I will give you more feedback, however there is no pressure to and you have already passed this step of the CDM :).

Sure, verifiable sources are sources that come from reputable places - for example at the end of your writing you can include links to any relevant 7 Cups Forum posts, or perhaps links from the NHS website (or your country’s equivalent), or mental health charity websites.

It’s great to hear you have the Grammarly keyboard, that should be really good. Grammarly is what we use to check all grammar throughout CDM, so that should work out well!

Here is a paraphrasing tool which can be helpful for rephrasing parts of your writing if plagiarism/ grammatical issues are found: .

I hope you find that helpful, please feel free to ask if you have any more questions :).

- Izzy274


ThoughtBubbleExpess July 22nd, 2022

Thank you so much for clearing all my doubts now. I like repeating assignments to learn it more better and for various different outcomes I can get by trying a thing different times and also reflect and improve from my previous mistakes. I'll make sure to do a bit research on other reputable sites such as those you mentioned. Thank you so much for the paraphrasing tool, I'll make good use of it in my next assignments. All of this was really helpful to me. Thank you so much. Hope you having a great time.

Izzy274 July 22nd, 2022


Thank you Bubble! It's great to see you're so committed to improvement, and I look forward to seeing your next work on the CDM programme :). Have a great week as well <3

ThoughtBubbleExpess July 23rd, 2022

Thank you mentor, it's all because of your support. Here's my next work:

What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone

How Self-Esteem Works

When we have low self-esteem, it usually affects our thoughts, feelings and actions. We may think “I'm a failure” or “I'm not good enough”. This negative self-talk can weigh us down, making us feel guilty for disappointing others or frustrated because of our wasted efforts and then we avoid tasks thinking we'll fail or begin to second guess ourselves. Growing up there are many things that influence the way we view and feel about ourselves, such as family members, friends, parents, partners, social media, society, school, life experiences etc. Most of the time our negative thoughts tend to be self-critical and clouded by negative expectations and patterns such as lecturing, labelling, assuming worst-case scenarios and undermining our abilities. Most of the time we don't even realize using these negative patterns on ourselves.

Dark Sunglasses

Our thoughts are like sunglasses. When we’re outside on a sunny day and get blinded by the sunlight, we instinctually grab shades to see things better. Similarly, when we come across a situation that makes us question our self-worth, we grab a pair of sunglasses to understand the situation better. These “dark glasses” only catch the negative stuff.

Most of the time we might believe being critical and harsh on ourselves pushes us and keeps us grounded. But does it really help? Imagine your friend did badly on a test and their self-esteem took a blow. Would you criticize all the mistakes they've made? It might push them but how would it affect their self-esteem? We may feel that “dark sunglasses” motivate us but thinking from a different perspective, we can see that these beliefs make our self-esteem worse.

Forming our Safety Bubble

Most of the time our safety bubble forms to protect and stop us from challenging ourselves. To pop the safety bubble, the first step is to adjust our strict rules and

experiences still haunt us? Most of the time it's because of strict rules that we create to limit our actions, often called as “ideal self”. These strict rules then guide our behaviors in everyday life.

These actions may support this “perfect” persona and keep our self-esteem “safe”. But they haven't changed our strict rules, making us pressure ourselves and strive to be perfect. But our low self-esteem remains unchanged.

Putting on “Clear Sunglasses”

We’ve all at times comforted a loved one, friend, coworker or even a stranger. We find it easier to comfort someone else than ourselves. To change our perspective, think about what we would say to a friend going through a hard time? Now let's compare the words that we use for ourselves. How different is it? What would we tell a friend if they're stuck in a negative mindset? Or if they were feeling sad, angry or scared?

Our goal isn't to put on “bright sunglasses” and only focus on positive thoughts. Our goal is to create a clearer view of the situation by putting on “clear sunglasses” which allows us to acknowledge both our positive and negative qualities.

It's ok if we find ourselves slipping back into old habits. We all slip up, from time to time. But if we become aware of ourselves slipping up, we may want to ask ourselves:

Is this thought true?

Is this thought helpful?

Is this thought important?

Is tho thought necessary?

Is this thought kind?

Popping the Bubble

Often times our safety bubble forms to protect and stop us from challenging ourselves. To pop the safety bubble, the first step is to adjust our strict rules and become more flexible. A simple reminder, Everyone's pace is different. At the end of the day, let's be proud of how much we’ve discovered and learned about ourselves and acknowledge our growth. We deserve it.


Intellect: Create a better you app/ Learning path - Self Esteem, Intellect company

sweetgrandpa August 4th, 2022


As positive points I would cite:

- Motivation, I felt courage throughout the response and a real desire to raise self-esteem and improve the image of those who feel that way;

- Demonstrates intimacy with the problem, generating confidence and willingness to open up;

- Used keywords in quantity that seems correct to me.

Improvement point:

- Perhaps including "what to do" in the same proportion as "what result to get", it seems to me that there is an emphasis on how the person should be but more practically including what should be done.

PrincessConsuela12 July 19th, 2022
Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?
answer: nowadays it's common to have low self-esteem due to many reasons.Due to comparaison,failed-relationships or rejection one can feel not good enough for someone.
In that case it's important to step back and remember that even though your feelings are always valid they are not facts.Try to replace the negative self-talk and the harsh inner-critic
by quality self-time : list qualites that you like about yourself and make you special,practice words of affirmation they're found to be very helpful ,spoil yourself with love
depending on your love-language and finally practice some hobbies that make you feel good.
Also,it's helpful to spend time with people that make you feel accepted,loved and good about yourself.Moreover it's important to know that failed relationships dont't mean that you're
not good enough. Always keep in mind that you're good enough and worthy .

Izzy274 July 21st, 2022


Hi Consuela! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was great to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 145 words and 878 characters.

> Your information and tips come across in a unique way and not copy/pasted.

> The tips you shared were doable and generally applicable.

> Your writing was 100% unique and unplagiarized.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate to the situation.

> You used an empathetic tone and included active listening skills to answer both the question and the reader's feelings.

> Your answer was related to the question and contained tips and approaches to specifically deal with the situation.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you verify your information/ facts through at least two reliable sources.

> Sometimes the phrasing you used felt a little like advice. As we do not know the complete scenario a person may be facing, we should consider encompassing all possible outcomes and multiple things a person can try.

> You wrote 7 sentences, it would be great to see you write a few more to meet the guided 8-10 sentences.

> You included 3/30 keywords, perhaps there are opportunities to add in even more keywords to optimise your writing.

Overall, your response was insightful and showed some great empathy towards the situation, as well as shared some great specific tips and techniques which can be super useful to readers.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)



justFarheen July 23rd, 2022


Hi there,

Three strengths:

  • Your tone was empathetic and informative.
  • You focused on the question and answered it appropriately offering notable and great tips for the reader.
  • You met the word and character count! :)

1 suggestion:

  • An improvement could be using more of the keywords provided.

It was a wonderful response overall! :)

justFarheen July 23rd, 2022


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

It is quite common for us human beings to fall into the terrible hole of self-doubt. The real reason why this happens is that your inner critic becomes your self-talk and eventually lowers your self-esteem and self-confidence. You may find yourself questioning everything you do and say. You may even feel distant from your partner, parents, and family members.

The good news here is that there is a way to overcome this difficult feeling. The first step could be trying to develop self-love for yourself. You should know that you are an amazing person and that you are enough! You should be aware of your self-worth. Convert the negative self-talk to a more optimistic attitude and mindset. Reading and believing in positive affirmations is said to be one of the best ways to build self-confidence and self-love for yourself. This results in developing a voice that can help you be a more confident and a better person overall. You can do what makes you happy! Live the way you enjoy! Be yourself! And be confident in who you are!

At times it can be so that another person isn’t sincere with you and doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Keeping a lookout for red flags or toxicity can help you determine the source of negativity. In other instances, misunderstandings and miscommunication in your relationship may cause these feelings. A healthy relationship with your partner and/or family members, consisting of regular communication and the right amount of love, care, and happiness, can certainly help you avoid and even overcome this challenging feeling. Talk to them. Let them know how you feel. A person who would care for you would listen and understand. Ask them about things that are bothering you, clarify misunderstandings, and avoid jumping to conclusions.

I wish you all the best and good luck on your journey out of the confusing hole of self-doubt and into the warmth of self-love, self-confidence, and everlasting happiness.

Izzy274 July 23rd, 2022


Hi Farheen! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was awesome to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You included 330 words and 1958 characters.

> Your writing came across as genuine and the tips and information aren't copy/pasted.

> The tips you shared are doable and applicable to the situation.

> Your writing was 100% unplagiarized.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate throughout.

> Your answer was definitely related to the question and had many tips and approaches to manage the situation that were highly specific and positive.

> You wrote 24 sentences.

> You included an amazing 21/30 keywords, which made your writing highly optimised and specific to the situation.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you verify the information you share through at least two reliable sources.

> It would be great to see you include more active listening skills to add more empathy, and help not only answer the reader's question but also their feelings.

> Sometimes it felt a little like your article was giving advice due to the tone. As we do not know the complete scenario of a person, it would be great if you considered more causes of feeling not good enough, to give a really well-rounded response.

Overall, your article was written in a super positive and knowledgeable way, and it was great to see you include a range of specific techniques, as well as include almost all of the keywords!

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy274


considerateDog9882 July 23rd, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly It can be hard feeling you are not good enough for someone. Now more than ever, numerous sources can contribute to this feeling for a huge portion of the population. From social media to social settings in school and work, there are many different sources that can contribute to this feeling. It is important to remind ourselves, that everybody is unique and special in their own way. Taking time to focus on yourself and reminding yourself about this message can greatly help lessen the worry.

Izzy274 July 24th, 2022


Hi Dog! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was great to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 494 characters.

> Your writing comes across as genuine and not copy-pasted.

> The tips you shared were generally doable and applicable to the situation.

> Your writing was 100% unique and unplagiarized.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate to the situation.

> You showed empathy and used active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings.

> You avoided giving direct advice throughout your writing.

Constructive Feedback:

> You wrote 86 words, it would be great to see you add a few sentences to meet the requirements of 100 words.

> It would be great to see you include a range of more specific ideas and approaches to the situation.

> Including at least 2 reliable sources can help to verify your information.

> Your answer had 5 sentences which does not meet the requirements for 8 sentences.

> You included 1/30 keywords. Perhaps there were opportunities to include more keywords to optimise your writing even more.

Overall, your writing was clear and concise and written in a very professional manner which made it understandable for readers, and your use of empathy through active listening skills helped to show your understanding of the topic and make your writing relatable to readers.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy274


Izzy274 July 25th, 2022


(Starting a new thread since our last one reached the maximum length :))

Hi Bubble! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was great to see your improvements re-doing this task!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 638 words and 3791 characters.

> The tips and information you shared came across in a very unique and interesting way and did not feel copy/pasted.

> The tips you shared were definitely doable and applicable to the situation.

> Your writing was 100% unplagiarized.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate to the situation.

> The tone of your article was highly empathetic, and you used many active listening skills to help not only answer their question but also their feelings.

> Your answer was very specific and definitely related to the question. Your tone was also positive overall.

> You wrote 52 sentences overall!

Constructive Feedback:

> It was great to see you include the app as a resource, but it would be even better if you included another source of a different type (e.g. a website), to further verify your writing. You can add links to 7 Cups by pressing 'ctrl' then 'k' and inputting the hyperlink :).

> Although the structure of your article was very unique and the metaphors really help readers to understand the situation, it did feel a little like advice sometimes, perhaps because the almost story-like way you wrote it made it difficult to give a very wide range of tips and approaches for people in different situations, as different things always work for different people :).

> You included 9/30 keywords, which made your article quite optimised! It would be great if you could include even more keywords to make your writing further optimised :)

Overall, your article and the unique structure and use of the ideas of 'clear sunglasses' as well as safety bubbles really helped readers to gain a deep understanding of the situation, and look into themselves to find the reasons behind them not feeling enough. You also wrote in a highly professional and empathetic way throughout, which made your article super comforting and relatable to read.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM again! Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)


ThoughtBubbleExpess July 26th, 2022

Thank you so much! It's always a great experience to receive valuable and precious feedbacks from you. I'm glad that it came out as an original, unplagiarized work. The reason behind using a different approach this time and redoing my work was to relate similar feelings to the reader.

The idea for this whole article came out from the intellect app only and that's why I didn't put any other links there, also I use android/ iOS devices 😅

I'm sorry it felt like advice but I made sure to emphasis on words such as ‘we could try this or that’ instead of ‘you could do this’. And about the keywords, I think it limits the creativity and flow but I still tried to add some.

Self-reflection is the main part here since it's something so underrated but still solves many problems, I tried to relate to the reader as much as possible. I'm glad it came out as comforting since that's something I'm not very good at. I can sit for hours and listen to someone and be empathetic but saying the right words and comforting someone or sympathizing with someone is something that I can't do at all.

Izzy274 July 26th, 2022


Hi Bubble! It’s great that you were able to explore a different approach this time, and focus on empathy and relating feelings to the reader.

Ahh sure, it’s cool that you used the Intellect app for inspiration! You can also link to sources that readers may find helpful, even if you didn’t use them when researching your article. For example, if you were talking about therapy, you could add the link to 7 Cups therapy (

It’s great that you took efforts to prevent it from sounding like advice and still add keywords without inhibiting your creativity or flow :).

You definitely related to the reader a lot, and you were great at being comforting in your writing! It’s awesome that you’ve done so much self-reflection on your strengths and areas to improve, and I hope that your future CDM tasks can also help you to develop these skills :)

ThoughtBubbleExpess July 27th, 2022

Thank you so much, it was possible because of your encouragement and support.

Oh, I didn't know about that, but in my further projects, I would love to include more things about 7 cups. I'm sure it would help the readers. I didn't mention therapy there because some readers may not have the resources needed to get access to therapy.

Thank you, Till now CDM is allowing me a great opportunity for all my creativity to flow. I'm sure further CDM tasks would allow me more chances such as this :)

sensitivePark5608 August 2nd, 2022


It is good to take note you are trying to read this answer, it tells me you are someone who want to improve yourself, growth yourself.

I am suggesting a look inwards method for this answer. Nevertheless, you could communicate further with someone who could support you after you do our own exercise.

When we have a feeling of not good enough for some one like our parents or our children or someone who is important to us in our whole life,

1) What are the deeper messages of the “I am not good enough” feeling bring to you?

2) Towards these messages, just imagine if you are good enough parents or important others of yourself, what message you will tell yourself?

3) What new action are you going to take so that you could become a better person?

4) List down your action plan, put the date you feel comfortable that you could achieve it.

5) Find out the first step in the action plan and give yourself an opportunity to try the first step, it may be difficult for someone for move the first small step.

6) Continue your action plan and adjust your action plan whenever necessary while you do it.

7) Try to avoid compared to others while doing all these things, you are the only one know who you are, what difficulty you are facing, where you are and where you are move on.

If you are facing serious self-doubt, serious self-critic, serious negative self-talk. Please do not hesitate to contact 7 cups support team.

Good luck to you !

Izzy274 August 2nd, 2022


Hi Park! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was great to read your writing!

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 269 words and 1487 characters.

> The tips and information you share are written in a unique way and don't feel copied/ pasted.

> The tips you provided were doable and generally applicable to the situation.

> Your writing was 100% unique and unplagiarized.

> The language you used was professional and appropriate throughout.

> Your answer was related to the question and contained tips and approaches to help deal with this specific situation.

> You avoided giving direct advice by suggesting many different ideas/ solutions.

> You wrote 13 sentences.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you verify the information and facts you share through at least two reliable sources.

> It would be great to see you include a more empathetic tone in your writing by including more active listening skills to not only answer the question but their feelings.

> You included 9/30 keywords. Perhaps there may be more opportunities to include keywords and make your writing even more optimised!

Overall, you included such a great range of different suggestions and ideas which made your writing very well-rounded, as well as offering a range of things that would work well for different types of people. This helped to make your article very interesting and helpful to read.

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy274


sweetgrandpa August 4th, 2022


What to do when you feel like you're not good enough for someone?

It is interesting to note that the term “feel” is used in the question asked, that is to say that something is perceived not through rational means, but through feelings.

Feelings are like automatic programs that are being built by lived experiences, traumas and the learning we have in our growth where what is accepted in our environment becomes validated and what is not accepted we try to delete from our attitudes.

The problem is that we have a way of being because we are unique beings, and each individual understands the same situation in different ways.

I see the way out of this in what we can call self-acceptance, which would be the ability to accept yourself and embrace all that you are. Thoughts, emotions, speeches, actions, personality traits, strengths and weaknesses

The question will certainly arise, “And how to develop this skill? “Here are some tips:

First, it would be to reflect on your difficulty in accepting yourself, to ask yourself what prevents you from accepting yourself without restrictions? Is your self perception negative? Is that what someone said a long time ago? It is important to take time for this reflection and write down what is perceived.

Another possibility would be to identify your personality traits, what we call self-knowledge, there is also the tip of recording not only the negative points, but what you are good at, skillful and seen as a good, resume the previous reflection exercise, but this time, focus on identifying your personality traits. If you can't think of many, ask people you trust for help.

The last step I can cite would be to raise your self-esteem, with this new knowledge about yourself in hand, make a third list only with positive personality traits and achievements, forget about comparisons with other people and see daily everything that benefits you. environment in which he lives even without getting approval about it.

Don't forget, be kind and complacent with yourself, seek support whenever you need it, our chats are a great option and remember that we are passengers in life and we are constantly learning.

Izzy274 August 4th, 2022


Hi, sweetgrandpa! Thank you for your response to this step of the CDM, it was amazing to read your response :).

Article Strengths:

> You wrote 352 words and 2092 characters.

> The tone of your writing is unique and does not come across as copy/pasted.

> The tips you shared were doable and generally applicable to the situation.

> Your writing was 100% unique and contained no plagiarism.

> Your language was professional and appropriate to the situation throughout.

> Your answers were definitely related to the question and tips and approaches to deal with the specific situation.

> You avoided giving direct advice really well and encompassed a range of ideas the person can try.

> You wrote 16 sentences total.

Constructive Feedback:

> It would be great to see you verify the information and facts you share through at least 2 reliable sources.

> The tone of your article was very kind and understanding but it would be great to see you include more active listening skills to help not only answer the question but their feelings.

> You included 1/30 keywords. It would be great to see you include more keywords to ensure your writing is fully optimised to the topic.

Overall, your article showed a great understanding of the question and topic, and the way that you presented a range of helpful and relevant ideas really help readers to clearly see the options available to them and find a method that works well for them :).

Congratulations on completing this step of CDM. Please feel free to pm anytime if you ever have any questions! :)

- Izzy274


Ayamii August 29th, 2022



  • I like how you evaluated the question and provided a detailed breakdown of how the reader’s feelings may have developed from
  • I like how you included rhetorical questions – gives a conversational tone and helps the readers reflect on their experiences and thoughts
  • You also had a great flow – it had good transitions between your points, making it easy for the readers to follow


  • I think it would be beneficial if you acknowledged some potential feelings the reader may have experienced arising from their concerns of not being enough – to show empathy and understanding

Anxin August 16th, 2022


Question: What to do when you feel you're not good enough for someone?
One can feel guilty about not being good for someone like parents, partner or friends. This makes one lose self-esteem and self-worth. The good news is that self-love is the best solution to this problem. Spending quality time with oneself and working on improving is the first step to curbing the inner critic, self-doubt and negative self-talk. One must remind themself that they are amazing. This will boost their self-confidence and improve their sense of self. They will have better and healthier relationships and look forward to great things. At the end of the day, the self is an absolute constant.