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Overcoming Social Anxiety - A Journey Together!

reliablebunny23 July 13th

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. 

I've been working on overcoming my social anxiety, and have made significant progress in reducing it. I wanted to share my experience and some strategies that have helped me in hopes that they might help you too. 

I know many of you here struggle with social anxiety too, I've seen numerous forum posts and group chats on this topic, and it's heartbreaking to see so many people going through this, especially because I've personally felt the profound impact it can have on one's life. 

That's why I really wanted to share this post. Feel free to share it with anyone here who might be dealing with social anxiety. My goal is for it to reach as many people as possible and offer support. 

Important Note

This post isn't a substitute for professional help, but I hope it can offer some support and guidance to those who, like me, are navigating this journey without professional assistance.

My Experience With Social Anxiety

Initially, I used to find it incredibly daunting to even think about leaving my house or being in public spaces. Even just being watched by people used to be so scary for me. I always avoided going to public places. 

But over time, I learned that avoiding situations that made me anxious only reinforced my fear. So, I decided to face my anxiety head-on, step by step. 

I began seeing each outing as a chance to work on reducing my social anxiety. 

Throughout this journey, I have learned numerous strategies that have helped me cope and grow. 

Additionally, gaining awareness, understanding, and consistently reminding myself about various aspects of social anxiety has facilitated my journey and made it more manageable. 

Insights And Strategies 

I'll be sharing these strategies and insights in the comments section, as listing them all here would make this post overly lengthy. Moreover, since I'm still in the process of overcoming and learning, new insights and tips continue to surface. Thus, I'll share them one by one in the comments. Please keep checking periodically as I will be posting them gradually, whether weekly, daily, or as often as possible. 

Sharing And Supporting Each Other

Feel free to share your experience with social anxiety in the comments below and express how it affects you and makes you feel. You can suggest any strategies that have worked for you, whether you developed them yourself or found them elsewhere.

Let's support each other by reading each other's experiences and responding with suggestions and encouraging words. 

Together, we can remind each other that we're not alone in this journey. 

Daliy Progress 

Feel free to share your daily progress too in the comments, detailing what steps you took to overcome social anxiety each day. 

It can serve as motivation for others who may currently feel unable to overcome their social anxiety. Sharing your progress can show them that gradual steps and community support can make a difference in their journey. 

Your ongoing engagement is greatly appreciated.

Personal Diary

Additionally, you can keep a personal diary to record & track your progress and feelings throughout this journey of overcoming social anxiety. Tracking your journey can offer valuable insights and serve as a supportive resource along the way.

Final Thoughts 

I believe overcoming social anxiety alone can be difficult, but together, we can make it significantly easier. While it may take time, consistent efforts within our supportive community can facilitate the journey and remind you that you're not alone. With our big and compassionate cups family, we can and will conquer social anxiety together.

reliablebunny23 OP July 29th

Strategy #3 

Pay attention to the way you speak to yourself, especially in social situations. Notice if you are being overly critical or negative. 

When you catch yourself thinking negatively, question the accuracy of these thoughts. Ask yourself if they are based on facts or irrational fears.

Instance: Suppose you're at a study group and you feel anxious about sharing your ideas. After you speak, you might think, "I probably sounded dumb. They must think I don’t know what I'm talking about." Instead of letting this negative self-talk dominate, challenge it by asking yourself if this thought is based on actual feedback or just your own fear. Consider that your peers are likely focused on the discussion rather than judging you harshly. Replace the negative thought with something more constructive, like, 'Everyone has their own style of contributing, and it's okay to make mistakes. My ideas are valuable, and sharing them helps me and the group'. 

reliablebunny23 OP August 2nd

Strategy #4

If you feel too anxious about entering a room, class, or place full of people, try this technique: Dress up in your favorite outfit—something you love wearing and that you’ve received compliments on. Make a beautiful hairstyle that you feel confident about. And then, give yourself five genuine compliments. This practice can boost your self-esteem and reduce anxiety by reinforcing a positive self-image.

Instance: Imagine you’re about to attend a new class or a social event and start feeling overwhelmed. Before you leave, stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself five things you genuinely appreciate about yourself. For example, you might say, ‘I am a good listener,’ ‘I am prepared for today’s class,’ ‘I have a friendly & beautiful smile,’ ‘I’m capable of handling new situations,’ and ‘I am worthy of being in this space.’ By focusing on these positive aspects, you can build confidence and ease some of the anxiety about entering a crowded or unfamiliar environment. 

reliablebunny23 OP August 13th

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

 ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Take a small step every day. We all can & will overcome this.❤️ 



reliablebunny23 OP August 25th

Whenever I had to go somewhere outside, like walking to my tuition (even though it’s just a 5-minute walk), my social anxiety made it incredibly hard. I was always worried about being watched and judged by others. In the beginning, I used to refuse to walk and would ask my father to drop me off instead. But since he didn’t always have the time, I eventually had to walk there alone.

As I kept walking alone regularly, I noticed my social anxiety slowly began to decrease. I still felt the fear of being judged, but it became easier to manage & started to reduce by reminding myself of a few things and asking myself certain questions, like :

“Why would people judge me? I’m just a normal person walking to my tuition. I’m not doing anything wrong or committing any crime.”

But sometimes, insecurities would creep in, like thoughts about my outfit being weird. So, I’d challenge those thoughts by asking:

“If someone else were wearing this outfit, would I even care? Wouldn’t I be focused on where I need to go and what I need to do? Why would I care about a random stranger’s outfit or anything else?”

I also reminded myself:

“I’m not the main character in everyone’s life. There are so many other people on this road besides me. No one is so free that they’d waste time judging me.”

When I started thinking this way, I realized that most of the time, people weren’t actually judging me; it was just my mind playing tricks on me. I’d then ask myself:

“Even if someone does judge me, does it really matter? Will I ever know what they’re thinking? No, right? So why should I care about their opinions or judgments, especially those that are unknown to me?”

These reminders helped me a lot, and I encourage you to try them out. Start small—a 5-minute walk near your house is enough to begin with. But make it a habit to remind yourself of these things whenever you’re outside. As you get more comfortable, you can gradually start going to different places.

Tagging those who commented earlieron this post to ensure you're notified about this new comment: 

@Apeatrice @Arie3 @PastaIsVeryUnderrated @Gargi07 @notjustsomeone @daydreammemories @Rizuemu000 @GoldenRuleJG @TU100OT @KindleMissie @cloudySummer 
KindleMissie August 25th


Thank you so much Bunny for sharing these wonderful strategies!!😊 It's great to hear that these methods have helped you. You are so brave and determined🌟. It’s inspiring to see how you’ve turned these moments of anxiety into opportunities for self-growth. Your approach of questioning those fears and focusing on what really matters is really practical and thoughtful. So so so happy to see you making progress and growing!!💗 YAYY!!!🎉 lots of love and hugs for you💕


reliablebunny23 OP August 25th


Thank you so muchh for being so kind & for such sweet words!! 💗💗

I just hope others can make progress & reduce their social anxiety with help of these coping strategies and ideas too!! 

Lots of love & hugs for you too. ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ 🖤✨

KindleMissie August 25th


Your Welcome!😊💕 And you are doing great!😃 These will be really helpful for people who are dealing with social anxiety. Thanks again for sharing!🌟

reliablebunny23 OP August 25th

@KindleMissie ❤️❤️

cloudySummer August 25th

Hey, thanks for thinking of including me, but I don't have any issues leaving the house. You can take me off that tag list, @reliablebunny23 .

reliablebunny23 OP August 25th

@cloudySummer okay!💙

daydreammemories August 28th


Awesome post! thanks for tagging me 😊😍💚

reliablebunny23 OP August 28th

@daydreammemories You're welcome.💗

notjustsomeone August 25th


Thank you for the helpful suggestions. I am still struggling but I hope I will become better.

reliablebunny23 OP August 25th

@notjustsomeone You will 💙, just believe in yourself, & you aren't alone we are here for you throughout your journey of overcoming social anxiety. <3

reliablebunny23 OP August 27th


Hii, I saw you asking for tips on reducing social anxiety in the support room, but by the time I came you had gone from there, so I thought to tag you on this post. I hope it helps you. 💗

reliablebunny23 OP September 2nd

Strategy #5

When it comes to managing social anxiety, it’s just fine to start with little changes. You don’t have to volunteer to lead a meeting or strike up a conversation with everyone you meet.

A few ideas to try:

  • At the store, skip the self-checkout and challenge yourself to make small talk with the cashier instead.
  • Raise your hand in class to ask a question.
  • Compliment a classmate’s or co-worker’s outfit.
  • Host a small gathering for close friends and loved ones — socializing in your own space can help you feel more comfortable. 

Tagging those who commented earlier on this post to ensure you're notified about this new comment: 

@Apeatrice @Arie3 @PastaIsVeryUnderrated @Gargi07 @notjustsomeone @daydreammemories @Rizuemu000 @GoldenRuleJG @TU100OT @KindleMissie @notjustsomeone

KindleMissie September 3rd


These are such great tips!😊 I totally agree with you that starting with small, manageable steps can make a big difference. Once you get comfortable with things like making small talk with the cashier or raising your hand in class, hosting a small gathering for friends can become a lot easier✨. It’s amazing how those little victories can build up your confidence over time. Thanks for sharing these helpful strategies lovely Bunny!🌟

reliablebunny23 OP September 3rd

@KindleMissie Thank you so much 💗

This one tip is from google tho, but I have also followed this tip, and it worked a lot for me, now I can ask doubts in class, walk on a road alone, & can do a lot more things in public much more easily, because now I know I won't be judged for these things, and I realized and observed this after taking small steps. Fr, small steps really gives you confidence. 💗

KindleMissie September 3rd


It’s so inspiring to see you embracing new challenges and achieving such great things!🌟🎉 *Celebrate your victories🎉🎉🎉* Congratulations, this is truly impressive!✨ Your journey highlights how powerful gradual progress can be, and it’s wonderful to see you being kind to yourself along the way. Way to go, Bunny girl!💖 So proud of you, keep up the amazing work!🌟😊


reliablebunny23 OP September 3rd


Thank you so much!! ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ 💗✨ 

You're always so sweet.. ❣️


reliablebunny23 OP September 3rd

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all doing well.

I’m tagging you all on this post, because I saw your forum posts on social anxiety, and I wanted to share this post with you.

I created this post to offer support to those dealing with social anxiety and hoped it would reach as many people as possible. 

Since it was challenging to comment on each of your posts individually, I thought tagging some of you here would be a better way to connect. Feel free to check out this post and the comments.

If you prefer not to be tagged in future updates, please let me know. I apologize if tagging without prior notice is bothersome.

Additionally, if anyone else reading this would like to be tagged in future comments on this post, just let me know.

Thank you!

Tagging some users
@imaginativeAcres3354 @anonyHuman933 @tealPapaya5453 @Olivia99000 @amicableZebra1684 @bestLake7495 @Ali155117 @Maeli1012 @Pemm
reliablebunny23 OP September 3rd
Tagging some more users :
@sofiacarsonfan27 @creativeCoconut9561
@m00nch4ser @fearlessBlueberry6162 @bubblewumble @energeticStrings5999
sofiacarsonfan27 September 3rd

thank you for tagging and for the tips 💗

reliablebunny23 OP September 3rd


you're welcome, I hope it helps 💗

reliablebunny23 OP September 3rd

Tagging some more users :

@sympatheticIdea721 @bearbearr @s0cksz @NickyYayUwU @Lovinlivin8

s0cksz September 3rd

you are so sweet, appreciate you bunny <3 (:

reliablebunny23 OP September 3rd


Thank you socksss, I hope it helps you!💗

reliablebunny23 OP September 3rd
You all can also tag anyone else who might be dealing with social anxiety to this post.
reliablebunny23 OP September 4th

Tagging some more users : 

@anthystruly @helloKiwi9145 @Lenei

reliablebunny23 OP September 4th

Tagging some more users from @s0cksz post.

Thanks for the post, sockz 💗 and sorry for lurking.

I was just trying to find others who also deal with social anxiety, and I noticed so many comments from people who relate to social anxiety on your post, so I thought to tag them all here. 

Tagging some more users : 

@Maeeeeebae999 @agreeableMoon262 @Tinywhisper11 @ZinYA0938 @Jewelmoon17 @PurpleHearts7 @Hiiamanonymous @ariseg @Sxm1ra @zac607 @m1CHE11e @royalPiano4520 @akunknown @Insomniacx @peaceseeker03 @wrenrainygardens @understandingChestnut3621 @OhHelloThereImHere @alixsyellows @greenSea1254 @Iamwhoiamwhoami @gbrenna @brightAcres4936 @Melflower @intellectualStrings6074
reliablebunny23 OP September 8th

Tagging some more users : 




reliablebunny23 OP September 9th

Question #1

What social situation do you find the most difficult to handle, and what have you tried to manage it?

I'd be happy to share what has worked for me if it aligns with your struggles. Others are welcome to chime in with their thoughts, experiences and suggestions too. Let’s learn from each other & find what helps us all. 

Tagging some users:

@Apeatrice @Arie3 @PastaIsVeryUnderrated @Gargi07 @notjustsomeone @daydreammemories @Rizuemu000 @GoldenRuleJG @TU100OT @KindleMissie @bianca0504 @imaginativeAcres3354 @anonyHuman933 @tealPapaya5453 @Olivia99000 @amicableZebra1684 @bestLake7495 @Ali155117 @Maeli1012 @Pemm @sofiacarsonfan27 @creativeCoconut9561 @m00nch4ser @fearlessBlueberry6162 @bubblewumble @energeticStrings5999 @sympatheticIdea721 @bearbearr @s0cksz @NickyYayUwU @Lovinlivin8 @anthystruly @helloKiwi9145 @Lenei @Maeeeeebae999 @agreeableMoon262 @Tinywhisper11 @ZinYA0938 @Jewelmoon17 @PurpleHearts7 @Hiiamanonymous @ariseg @Sxm1ra @zac607 @m1CHE11e @royalPiano4520 @akunknown @Insomniacx @peaceseeker03 @wrenrainygardens @understandingChestnut3621 @OhHelloThereImHere @alixsyellows @greenSea1254 @Iamwhoiamwhoami @gbrenna @brightAcres4936 @Melflower @intellectualStrings6074 @brightOak7358 @MaeMae99 @littleNini16

If you prefer not be tagged in future updates or if someone else wants to be included in future tags, just let me know!

Apeatrice September 9th


Nice question, bunny. Thanks for your post.

Lol, I practically freaks out and starts screaming (maybe not in their presence but right after I run away from them)every single time any one besides my mom and my therapist talk to me. 

A lot of people (especially neighbors) has been asking me why I'm not in school and is that baby in my arm my sister and stuff. I keep my month shut and scream silently after they walk off, many people think I'm mentally ill and yk, they gossip 😭

Its a vicious cycle, began by past trauma.

reliablebunny23 OP September 9th


Thank you for sharing your experience, Apea.

It sounds incredibly challenging to deal with these interactions, especially when they trigger such strong reactions. It’s tough when past trauma makes these situations feel overwhelming.

Remember, it’s okay to set boundaries and take care of yourself in these moments. You might find grounding techniques helpful, such as focusing on your breath or using sensory exercises to stay present and calm when you start feeling overwhelmed.

Working with your therapist can be really beneficial as they can help you address past trauma and develop coping strategies tailored to your needs. If you can, gradually expose yourself to social situations in a controlled manner with their support.

Be kind to yourself and recognize the progress you’re making, no matter how small.

Small steps make a big difference (: 

You're not alone in this. ❤️

Apeatrice September 9th


Thanks for your warm words🫂

OhHelloThereImHere September 9th

1 type of social situation that makes me freak out is when someone just breaks down and maybe even start crying in front and near me. I’ll be just standing there like an idiot and hopping around them like I’m doing a ritual or something since I don’t know what to do and what to say. It’s genuinely awkward for me and I don’t know if I should give them a hug since I’m not a person who does physical contact with people outside of family often :( it sucks even more if I know the person and/or is friends with that person.

I still don’t know what I should do so normally I just google it on the spot where they can’t see me before approaching them or if they could I just freeze and listen to them before trying my best to say something that could help them feel better. I normally just try to distract them though and I feel kind of guilty for that since I could not actually solve the problem. Somehow it kind of works most of the time? Idk how and why but I am not complaining about it. 😀

p.s. idk if this counts or not lol

Apeatrice September 9th


Sending strength and hugs (if accepted)

OhHelloThereImHere September 9th

Not physical hugs xD I’m scared of them but virtual hugs are nice 😄

reliablebunny23 OP September 9th


Thank you for sharing your experience, Yt. 

It's completely normal to feel unsure in these situations. I feel the same sometimes. And I think most of the people do. 

Sometimes, just being present and showing you care can be really comforting. If physical contact isn't your thing, offering a listening ear or kind words is also valuable. 

Your effort to help, even if you feel uncertain, is valuable and appreciated.

And I think with time & experience, you might find that you become more comfortable and natural in providing support. 

Remember, you don't have to be perfect. 💙

ThornyNini September 9th


Thanks for making this post bubunn

Okie sooo,I wanted to share my story about struggling with social anxiety.,I've been working really hard to overcome it, and I've made some amazing progress,well not really ,I used to get super nervous just leaving my house or being in public,like I hated stepping out of my house because I knew I'd see people,and seeing people where not my things ..........but I realized that avoiding those situations only made it worse. So little by little I started facing my fears,every time I went out, I saw it as a chance to work on my anxiety.

I've learned some really helpful strategies along the way, and I want to share them with you guys if okie ......Firstly ,I pay attention to my thoughts, especially when I'm in social situations ,like If I start thinking negative stuff, I challenge those thoughts and try to be kinder to myself. I also remind myself of my accomplishments, which helps boost my confidence. Another thing that's helped is taking small steps out of my comfort zone, like chatting with a cashier or participating in class activities,And honestly, remembering that most people are too busy with their own lives to judge me has been an improvement cause I always had that nagging mind that everyone would judge me where ever I went and stuff like that,but I guess not everyone judges people.

I hope these tips even though not much can help some of you guys who might be going through the same thing. Let's support each other and share our own experiences and advice.We're not alone in this, and it's so much easier when we have each other. Can't wait to hear your stories and tips...