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Overcoming Social Anxiety - A Journey Together!

reliablebunny23 July 13th

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. 

I've been working on overcoming my social anxiety, and have made significant progress in reducing it. I wanted to share my experience and some strategies that have helped me in hopes that they might help you too. 

I know many of you here struggle with social anxiety too, I've seen numerous forum posts and group chats on this topic, and it's heartbreaking to see so many people going through this, especially because I've personally felt the profound impact it can have on one's life. 

That's why I really wanted to share this post. Feel free to share it with anyone here who might be dealing with social anxiety. My goal is for it to reach as many people as possible and offer support. 

Important Note

This post isn't a substitute for professional help, but I hope it can offer some support and guidance to those who, like me, are navigating this journey without professional assistance.

My Experience With Social Anxiety

Initially, I used to find it incredibly daunting to even think about leaving my house or being in public spaces. Even just being watched by people used to be so scary for me. I always avoided going to public places. 

But over time, I learned that avoiding situations that made me anxious only reinforced my fear. So, I decided to face my anxiety head-on, step by step. 

I began seeing each outing as a chance to work on reducing my social anxiety. 

Throughout this journey, I have learned numerous strategies that have helped me cope and grow. 

Additionally, gaining awareness, understanding, and consistently reminding myself about various aspects of social anxiety has facilitated my journey and made it more manageable. 

Insights And Strategies 

I'll be sharing these strategies and insights in the comments section, as listing them all here would make this post overly lengthy. Moreover, since I'm still in the process of overcoming and learning, new insights and tips continue to surface. Thus, I'll share them one by one in the comments. Please keep checking periodically as I will be posting them gradually, whether weekly, daily, or as often as possible. 

Sharing And Supporting Each Other

Feel free to share your experience with social anxiety in the comments below and express how it affects you and makes you feel. You can suggest any strategies that have worked for you, whether you developed them yourself or found them elsewhere.

Let's support each other by reading each other's experiences and responding with suggestions and encouraging words. 

Together, we can remind each other that we're not alone in this journey. 

Daliy Progress 

Feel free to share your daily progress too in the comments, detailing what steps you took to overcome social anxiety each day. 

It can serve as motivation for others who may currently feel unable to overcome their social anxiety. Sharing your progress can show them that gradual steps and community support can make a difference in their journey. 

Your ongoing engagement is greatly appreciated.

Personal Diary

Additionally, you can keep a personal diary to record & track your progress and feelings throughout this journey of overcoming social anxiety. Tracking your journey can offer valuable insights and serve as a supportive resource along the way.

Final Thoughts 

I believe overcoming social anxiety alone can be difficult, but together, we can make it significantly easier. While it may take time, consistent efforts within our supportive community can facilitate the journey and remind you that you're not alone. With our big and compassionate cups family, we can and will conquer social anxiety together.

reliablebunny23 OP September 9th


Thanks for sharing your experiences and story, Nini. 

It’s interesting to see that we’ve both found similar approaches helpful. It just shows how effective these strategies can be. I’m glad to see others using and finding value in them.

I'm glad you've made progress in reducing your social anxiety. 💗

notjustsomeone September 12th


I find it difficult to give a technical presentation on stage infront of a crowd. Even if I know the technical content, I still become nervous and stammer, and can't say what I initially thought to say, and lose my thoughts and word flow.

reliablebunny23 OP Friday

@notjustsomeone Thanks for sharing your experience. ❤️

It sounds really challenging to speak in front of a crowd, especially when nerves take over. 

One strategy that might help is practicing your presentation multiple times in a low-pressure environment, such as in front of a mirror or with a small, trusted group of friends. This repetition can help you get more comfortable with the content and reduce anxiety over time.

Frankie111 September 9th

@reliablebunny23 Love that you shared so many helpful strategies.

Also, I feel like with social anxiety, one can feel like you have to be perfect in your social interactions i.e. confident, funny etc. This sets one up for failure! I think, it's important to remind oneself that you definitely don't need to be perfect, just kind!

Often the people I'm drawn to the most are those that don't try to be perfect and allow you see past the facade.

reliablebunny23 OP September 9th


Thank you for sharing this.

You’re absolutely right—striving for perfection in social interactions can be overwhelming and unrealistic.

It’s much more important to focus on being kind, genuine, & to just be yourself. 

It’s crucial to remember that being yourself and sharing your genuine thoughts and feelings is what truly matters. 

Social anxiety can make us feel like being authentic will lead to judgment, but in reality, it’s our unique self that connects us with others.

Your point about being drawn to people who are real and not trying to be perfect is a valuable reminder for all of us.

Thanks for contributing to this discussion. (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)