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Regulate my emotions

lausau123 May 22nd, 2023

I have been having difficulty regulating my emotions when I get angry.

if anyone has any coping strategies please let me know

Optimisticempath May 23rd, 2023


I can relate when it's difficult to manage anger ... I think it is one of those emotions that most people have trouble dealing with ...some people shut down ... some people burst out ... some seek a different way

how do you manage it usually? or what helps you calm down when you feel angry?

for me ... it helps sometimes, kinda knowing my triggers? so I try to avoid those when possible

might also be helpful to try some ways to ground and calm.

I like to journal sometimes ... but mostly I shut down and cry 😅 which prolly isn't the best way to deal xD ... we can keep trying tho and see what helps us feel more in control of our anger... than letting anger control us. I believe in you 💕

lausau123 OP May 23rd, 2023


I usually have outburst and shut down.

lausau123 OP May 24th, 2023

I usually have outbursts and I shut down a lot and cry

Optimisticempath May 24th, 2023

@lausau123 it's ok to cry.. crying can be a way to let out your emotions also

is there something else you'd like to try?

lausau123 OP May 24th, 2023

@ Optimisticempath

yes there is something else I’d like to try.

bestTurtle618 June 21st, 2023


Hi! I personally struggle with my anger as sometimes it becomes very unbearable and overwhelming, I usually burst out in tears but sometimes I try to calm myself down by chewing some ice, cold shower, playing with my animals, and watching some funny videos to try to avoid the burst of emotion.

Optimisticempath June 21st, 2023

@bestTurtle618 those are nice ways to calm down:)

patientShell1003 May 15th

@Optimisticempath When I feel angry, I try to call some helplines to help me feeling better.

Optimisticempath May 27th

@patientShell1003 that is brave of you to reach out for support <3

TerraAquaVen May 24th, 2023

@lausau123 I've recently been exploring guided meditation to help with my anger and anxiety. It just really helps me to relax and let go of my troubling feelings. Here's on of my favorite ones and there are a ton more on YouTube. It's been a wonderful resource for me. Best of luck to you <3.

lausau123 OP May 24th, 2023


thank you. I will take a look at it

Kaya31 May 24th, 2023


Anger can be a very tricky emotion to control, I have also had difficulty in dealing with it for a few years in my life. however, it is essential to understand that engaging in destructive activities (such as physical aggression, verbal abuse, alcohol abuse, or any other thing that is cause you or someone else harm) is not the only way to express our feelings of anger. anger can be dealt with in a constructive way as well (by channelling it towards activities such as working out, painting, journaling, running, etc).

I personally, like to vent my feelings of anger to an understanding friend or a listener here on 7Cups. talking about the situation that made me feel angry, in a rather calm or humorous way helps me look at it from a more rational and light viewpoint. it was a difficult process for me to reach this level of control, and I do still relapse sometimes, but it has proven to be very effective for me.
lausau123 OP May 24th, 2023


I totally agree with what you said.

Wildflower2923 May 24th, 2023

@lausau123when I get angry, I think of three things that make me happy, I refocus my mind on something other then my anger, this is not to dismiss your anger, but maybe that could be addressed after you’ve cooled down for a bit, then visit why you were angry and maybe by then you wouldn’t be so angry, works for me anyway, âœŒđŸ»

Wildflower2923 May 24th, 2023

@lausau123when I get angry, I think of three things that make me happy, I refocus my mind on something other then my anger, this is not to dismiss your anger, but maybe that could be addressed after you’ve cooled down for a bit, then visit why you were angry and maybe by then you wouldn’t be so angry, works for me anyway, âœŒđŸ»

Wildflower2923 May 24th, 2023

@lausau123when I get angry, I think of three things that make me happy, I refocus my mind on something other then my anger, this is not to dismiss your anger, but maybe that could be addressed after you’ve cooled down for a bit, then visit why you were angry and maybe by then you wouldn’t be so angry, works for me anyway, âœŒđŸ»

Wildflower2923 May 24th, 2023

@lausau123when I get angry, I think of three things that make me happy, I refocus my mind on something other then my anger, this is not to dismiss your anger, but maybe that could be addressed after you’ve cooled down for a bit, then visit why you were angry and maybe by then you wouldn’t be so angry, works for me anyway, âœŒđŸ»

lausau123 OP May 25th, 2023


Thank you.

I will try and think of three things that make me happy

VivianFei May 24th, 2023

Hi when you feel anger rising, try stepping away from the situation for a moment. Take deep breaths, count to ten, or even go for a short walk. This can give you the space you need to calm down and think more clearly. I would try to deal with that matter that make me angry after a while preferably after days. Instead of lashing out in anger, try expressing the matter calmly and assertively. Also, I think what's most effectively is to identify the trigger, if it's a particular person or a subject matter. See if you can avoid that trigger and remind yourself this trigger could easier anger you.

lausau123 OP May 25th, 2023


thank you

I will do these things to help me calm down when I am angry

glowingPond May 25th, 2023

@lausau123 Hi! I am sorry you find yourself in that situation. Managing emotions can be challenging, and the first step to manage them is to recognize which emotion we are experiencing.

Each person has a different way to deal with their emotions and I am sure you will find what works best for you!

I am attaching for you couples of things I read about it and that I think you might find helpful. I like to provide some inputs for people to be able to find their own path!

- MHA ways to manage emotions

- Emotional intelligence toolkit

I wish you all the best! :)

lausau123 OP May 25th, 2023


thank you. I will take a look at the links you sent me.

Yes it is hard for me in this situation and it’s definitely hard for me to manage my emotions but I will get there at some point.

glowingPond May 25th, 2023

Absolutely! It’s not easy but it’s possible! It’ll be some work, but it will all be worth it đŸ©·

lausau123 OP May 25th, 2023


yes it will be worth it! 💖

compassionateCar7091 May 25th, 2023

I totally understand, but what we think we become !

lausau123 OP May 25th, 2023


thank you for understanding me!

M4LIN June 11th, 2023

@lausau123 I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble handling your anger. What do you mean exactly when you're saying that? Is it that you feel the emotion too strongly, or a combination of that and acting out physically on it? Or something else.

Regardless, I'm not judging, just wondering. If I may I'll give you an anecdote.

I talked to a friend the other day who has problems with bursts of anger, feeling out of control as they strike. We ended up calling them "anger attacks" (like panic attacks) since we realized there are so many similarities between panic and anger attacks.

And for him they usually stem from periods of having mishandled other emotions in life. Often stronger ones. And by mishandling he meant not sharing them, leading to an explosion of all that's been suppressed.

So for him it led to anger attacks where he felt no control at all. But when he actually takes care of his emotions (he's been to therapy but quit too early was our conclusion) he never gets these attacks.

BismaKanwal June 13th, 2023

@lausau123 I am sorry you are facing such sort of an experience.

If you're having difficulty regulating your emotions, particularly anger, there are several coping strategies that may help you manage and channel your emotions in a healthier way. Here are a few techniques to consider:

Take a breath and pause: When you feel anger rising, take a moment to pause and focus on your breath. Deep breathing exercises can help calm your nervous system and provide a moment of clarity before responding.

Practice mindfulness: Bring your attention to the present moment and observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Mindfulness exercises, such as meditation or body scans, can help you develop a greater awareness of your anger and its triggers.

Identify triggers and patterns: Pay attention to the situations, people, or thoughts that tend to trigger your anger. By identifying these triggers, you can develop strategies to either avoid them or modify your responses.

Use "I" statements: When expressing your anger, use "I" statements to communicate your feelings and needs assertively without blaming others. For example, instead of saying, "You always make me angry," say, "I feel upset when this happens because..."

Find healthy outlets for anger: Engaging in physical activity, such as going for a walk, practicing a sport, or doing a workout, can help release pent-up energy and reduce anger. Engaging in creative activities like painting, writing, or playing an instrument can also provide a constructive outlet for your emotions.

Seek support: Talk to someone you trust about your struggles with anger. Sharing your feelings and experiences with a friend, family member, or therapist can provide valuable perspective and support.

Practice problem-solving: Instead of reacting impulsively, try to problem-solve and find solutions to the underlying issues that trigger your anger. This might involve communication, negotiation, or seeking professional help when needed.

Remember, managing anger takes time and practice. It's important to be patient with yourself and seek professional help if anger continues to significantly impact your well-being or relationships. A mental health professional can provide tailored strategies and support to help you regulate your emotions effectively.If you are feeling like you need expert

guidance, then I’d recommend talking with a therapist here


thoughtfulStar354 June 27th, 2023

@lausau123 Hello and thank you for sharing about these difficuties that you are having with anger. Anger is a very intence emotion that many have difficulty with. many have the belief that we "should" never express our anger, especially when one tends to maybe hurt others with it. Anyway there are some tools out there that can help. One is to have awareness of the fact that you are angry and that it is "ok" to be. Another is called a time-out. This is when one retreats from the situation or person that they are angry with/about. It is best to let the person know at a time when its calm that you are going to try this the next time you are feeling angry. A last tip is to take a deep breath before you respond when you feel angry. Let us know how this works.

Camille32022 October 6th, 2023


That sounds really hard, but I'm glad you are able to label your emotions and accept how you are feeling. Sometimes mindfulness exercises can help, so you can feel more calm and present. 7Cups has lots of resources you can use if you wish! 

Sunshinecat1 October 22nd, 2023

It's a common misconception regarding emotions that happiness, joy, and peaceful are positive emotions and oftentimes, anger, guilt, regret are considered negative. But it is necessary to feel all kinds of emotions completely. Emotions are like children. Once you give them some care and attention, it will go away silently. It's also important to remember how to manage emotions, meaning not taking any action in the peak of emotions. Identifying your triggers and understanding patterns will prove to be helpful.

Hope this helps 

InsightfulPhoenix October 30th, 2023

@lausau123 Anger is a very tough emotion, because it's our bodies way of wanting to communicate the hurt and pain we have been holding deep withing. I'm sorry you have been feel this way. Some ways I found effective is watching a comfort show, listening to music or even spending time with loved ones can help release the tension and create a more effective way for our thoughts to process. I hope this helps <3 

MegaEXE5976 November 26th, 2023

@lausau123 Hi there.

I have struggled with this myself and I have gone to the gym a lot to work off a lot of physical symptoms where you just need to exhaust yourself.

Emotionally it also helps to talk about it especially if its the person that I have had a disagreement with so that it can be worked out.

I hope this helps. Have a great weekend!

cuddlySunset2342 January 26th

@lausau123 Regulating your emotions can be really difficult, I find that writing down all of my thoughts and feelings can really help me identify the causes of all the different emotions making them so much easier to deal with.

patientShell1003 May 15th

@cuddlySunset2342 Hi there, I agree with you. When I have difficulties to regulate my emotions, I try to write down all my thought. That help me getting better.

compassionateCar7091 January 26th

Mediation videos with cozy ambience

Abdul010 January 27th


Managing anger can be challenging, but there are several coping strategies you can try to help regulate your emotions. It's important to find techniques that work best for you, as different approaches may be more effective for different individuals

SunshineStina February 3rd

Hello. I am sorry you have been having difficulty with this. Let’s look together at ways to regulate when you are angry.

Yfgaex February 4th


Sorry to hear about this. Maybe if I quickly explain what is going on in your brain it might help.

Strong emotions make us “stupid”. What that means is that when we are angry, for example, the higher advanced part of our brains physically shuts down and the primitive part of our brain stem, is switched on.

So way back when early man was at risk of being eaten by a lion, our primitive brain would have us reacting without even thinking. So if a lion walked into your room, you’d react without even thinking about it. You’d be out the window without thinking.

When you get angry, your thinking brain is temporarily switched off and you are being controlled by your primitive brain. Have you noticed when you are having an argument that you can never see the other person’s point of view? It’s all about me and how wronged I am.

So what do you do when you get angry?

It takes about 20 minutes for your thinking brain to switch back on. So remove yourself from the source of your anger. If it’s a person, say that you’ll have to talk about this later. Then to help your thinking brain turn back on, try a thinking game. Like spell your name backwards or go through the alphabets listing food or films or do a maths problem.

Usually when you go back to the issue and are not emotional about it, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal anymore.

I hope that may be of some help.

dynamicJackfruit4752 February 4th

The best thing to do when you get angry is to take a deep breath and go to a different room,if you're fighting with someone...calm yourself and think about what you want to say to that person....