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Weekly Prompt #9: What role do you think stress and anxiety play in panic attacks?

ASilentObserver June 7th, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

Last week we discussed: What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with health anxiety? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.

This week's prompt: What role do you think stress and anxiety play in panic attacks? Are there any lifestyle changes or habits you have implemented to reduce your overall stress levels?

Please remember that you're not alone. Millions of people around the world struggle with stress, anxiety, and panic attacks, and every step counts that help you cope. So take a breath, give yourself a hug, and know that you've got this. We are all in this with you.

Join us in the Anxiety Support Chat every Monday and Tuesday!


Fradiga June 7th, 2023


I would ask a doctor about this. Stress can lead to anxiety which can then lead to panic?

thoughtfulmomma June 7th, 2023


Anixety plays a MASSIVE role in panic attacks. At least it does for me and those around me that suffer with them.

The more I worry about things, the more I think about things I'm worried about, the more my stress goes up, the more my anxiety goes up. And boom - there I am in the middle of a panic attack. When I didn't have all of my anxiety issues, I never had panic attacks. I've had a lot of stressful times in the pass, but it never triggered a panic attack in the way my anxiety does.

I have to do a grounding exercise when I'm in panic mode, especially when I'm out of the house when it happens. 5 things I see, 4 things I touch, 3 things I hear... that kind of stuff. It helps a little bit. I know some friends who, if they have an attack in a store, they just leave. They can't stay in there any longer.

ASilentObserver OP June 13th, 2023

@thoughtfulmommaIt anxiety plays a major role in triggering panic attacks. Reflecting on your experience with grounding exercises and leaving places when needed is wise. What coping strategies have you found most helpful during panic attacks?

purpleTree4652 June 7th, 2023


Hi, ASO,

What role do you think stress and anxiety play in panic attacks? Are there any lifestyle changes or habits you have implemented to reduce your overall stress levels?

They're directly related.

I made bracelets with one or two word reminders of my skills to help me when I have anxiety attacks. They were cheap to make. I bought letter beads and elastic at the local craft store, and pretty calming blue beads to fill in the rest of each bracelet. They're pretty. I've got about 8 of them. They say, 'meditate', 'pray', 'refocus', 'ground', 'deep breaths', and more. They've helped me when I've started spiraling down into an anxiety attack. I was wearing them every day, but since I moved I got out of that habit. I have to get back in to the habit.

I also pray to God to help me think constructively about my problems.

ASilentObserver OP June 13th, 2023

@purpleTree4652 Those bracelets with reminders sound like a helpful and creative coping strategy. It makes sense they've helped guide you through anxious times in the past. Dealing with anxiety and panic attacks can be tough, but you're showing resilience and strength in the strategies you've found that work for you.

akay06 June 7th, 2023

I would preface this by saying everyone is different, but stress and anxiety are the only things that cause me panic attacks. I’ve had them for so long now though that I know my stressors and what will most likely cause them. However, there are always the ones that come out of nowhere where I didn’t think I would get one or waking up to one that I’ll never avoid. For me, the tricky part is trying to avoid my avoidance behavior and grow. It’s a balance and I’m always learning better ways of how to achieve it.

ASilentObserver OP June 13th, 2023

@akay06 Thank you for sharing your experiences and journey. Managing stress and anxiety while growing can be quite challenging. What aspects of avoiding your avoidance behavior do you find most difficult but also important for you to work on?

glowingPond June 7th, 2023


I think knowing the difference between anxiety attacks and panic attacks is important. Anxiety attacks build up gradually and are usually a result of a trigger, while panic attacks happen suddenly and are usually unexpected.

Anxiety and stress can definitely play a role in panic attacks.

Great ways to cope with stress in life include (but are not limited to) seeking mental health help; maintaining a healthy lifestyle (exercise and diet); socializing; meditation; balancing study/work and life. I used these ways to cope with stress and anxiety, under therapist suggestion, and it helped a lot with my quality of life and mental health.

ASilentObserver OP June 13th, 2023

@glowingPond Those are helpful insights. What feelings come up for you as you think about coping with stress and anxiety?

cccocoapuffs June 8th, 2023


I think that Because stress and anxiety are such overwhelming feelings. it leads to panic attacks along the lines. When we have so much stress and anxiety in our day to day lives it can be hard to cope and we start to feel panicked, almost as if our bodies don't understand what to do with the feelings we have.

ASilentObserver OP June 13th, 2023

@cccocoapuffs It sounds like feelings of stress and anxiety can be overwhelming at times. Tell me about a time when you noticed these panicked feelings coming on. You're not alone in facing challenges like this.

Barltik2065 June 9th, 2023


"What role do you think stress and anxiety play in panic attacks? "

In my world, they play a significant levels.
Stress comes from influences towards or from things\people that are important to me.
If they were not important, I wouldn't care and would have little influence.

"Are there any lifestyle changes or habits you have implemented to reduce your overall stress levels?"

On the comedic side: Remove humanity. Removes the issues and influences and the things that would permit these to happen.
In the real world:
This is where spiritual comes into play.
We can be our own worst enemy. And we should not lean into our own understanding for we are in the situation because of us.

purplelady568 June 12th, 2023

@Barltik2065 - you said all the things that I wanted to say, only better. Excellent answer!

Barltik2065 June 13th, 2023


It is comforting to know that I am not alone in my ways of thinking.

Thank you for sharing :)

ASilentObserver OP June 13th, 2023

@Barltik2065 Great insights Barltik. thank you for adding and sharing them with us here.

Pari45 June 10th, 2023


BismaKanwal June 13th, 2023

@ASilentObserver the two are closely related. excessive stress and anxiety both can contribute to occurrence of panic attacks. To reduce overall stress levels and manage anxiety, individuals may find the following lifestyle changes or habits helpful: Regular exercise: Engaging in physical activities like walking, jogging, or yoga can help release endorphins and promote relaxation. Relaxation techniques: Practices such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness can help calm the mind and body. Healthy lifestyle: Maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding excessive caffeine or alcohol intake can contribute to overall well-being and stress reduction. Time management: Prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and learning to delegate or say no when necessary can help reduce overwhelming stress levels. Social support: Building and maintaining strong connections with supportive family members, friends, or support groups can provide a sense of belonging and comfort during challenging times. Seeking professional help: If stress and anxiety persist or significantly interfere with daily functioning, it may be beneficial to consult a mental health professional who can provide appropriate guidance and treatment options. Remember, everyone's experience is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's important to find personalized strategies that suit your needs and seek professional advice when needed.

ASilentObserver OP June 16th, 2023

@BismaKanwal Those are helpful strategies for managing stress and anxiety. Thank you for sharing them with us Bisma

Lilac4Roses June 30th, 2023

Anxiety, stress and such can bring on a panic attack for me. I tend to fight the panic which makes them worse for me. Distraction works best. Reading others experiences and answers on here helps. Do not feel so alone.

ASilentObserver OP July 4th, 2023

@Lilac4Roses That sounds difficult. Distraction techniques can be really helpful when feeling overwhelmed. What sort of things do you find help distract you? You're not alone - many people find sharing their experiences helpful.

AutiBoy September 9th, 2023

One sets the other off it is a bit of a circle.

The most helpful thing I do is rate anxiety 5 times a day so I know how and when to avoid it getting too bad and I breathe as I'm doing something that makes me anxious. Journaling and meditation 3 times a day.

ASilentObserver OP September 11th, 2023

@AutiBoy Those coping strategies sound helpful for managing anxiety. How does rating your anxiety levels and practicing mindfulness through journaling and meditation impact your overall well-being? It seems focusing on self-care in this way provides some sense of control over difficult feelings.

AutiBoy September 13th, 2023

Kind of about control and yes it is more self-care however it's also about letting me know when I need more from myself and to use more skills.

It's more about avoiding problems in the first place. I go boom and want to avoid that. By monitoring my levels 5 times a day I can see if it's going up and do things to bring it down. I journal about all I did to help myself create more knowledge on what self-care and coping skills work. It's self-care but will not work on its own. It also creates a bigger picture when I do fail and go boom.

ASilentObserver OP September 14th, 2023

@AutiBoy It sounds like monitoring your levels through journaling and self-care activities helps provide insight into what helps and hinders your well-being. Keeping a bigger picture perspective through ups and downs also seems valuable for understanding what works best for you. You're taking steps to care for yourself during challenging times.