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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

FunnyFumbleFan April 12th, 2017

Hi, my name is Sam. I have generalized anxiety and depression. I have worked very hard to get where I am now! :)

KatChats April 12th, 2017


KatChats April 12th, 2017

@ExquisiteElephant Oops! Messed up! Was trying to type "I'm really happy for you <3 Keep staying strong!"

HairlessCat April 12th, 2017

Hey! I'm Zoe. I've just started up as an intern, so I should be hanging around these forums quite frequently! Just thought i'd stop and say hi, hope that's alright :) Small bit about me: I love cats, music, and my favourite flavour of ice cream is chocolate. Hope you have/had a great day. :D

SilverSkiesBleu April 12th, 2017

Hello there everyone, I'm new here, My name is Sam, I'm by no means an actual therapist but I did take psychology in college and my understanding of human emotions and behaviors seems to be up to standard. My hope is to help as many in my spare time as I can with whichever issue they present me with

BrookeRenee2198 April 12th, 2017

Hi, I'm Brooke. I just recently joined and I believe I have major anxiety and depression, though I have never been officially diagnosed. My mom thinks I make it up to get attention. My dad doesn't really understand it or believe me either. I don't really feel like I have anyone in my life that would understand me or know how to make me feel better. I haven't really talked to anyone on here yet and I just feel like I never know what to talk about when it comes to how I feel or where to start. Besides that, I find it difficult to open up to people but I am hopeful this website will help me

AstronomerAJ April 13th, 2017

Hullo, everyone! My name is Aj! I have Anxiety Disorder and it is NOT fun, though you guy all probably know that... Anywho, just wanted to introduce myself.

P.S: I"m very awkward...

NothingGold April 13th, 2017

Hi, I've been on 7cups for a while but am new to this community. I have depression and in the last year I've had anxiety with a few panic attacks thrown in for fun. Also having a stressful time in terms of some relationships in my life.

Doing OK lately but am hoping to try to participate in this community a little more. :)

gracefulReeds19 April 13th, 2017

Hello to everyone here. For the first time I decided to join a support site. I've been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder nearly two years ago. That was the first time I understood why it was so difficult to make friends or talk to new people in general. I can understand what it feels like because I learned how to somehow cope... that is why I believe I can help.

eternalWaterfall85 April 14th, 2017

hi I'm new to all this I suffer from Generalised anxiety disorder and self harm tho I've found few good ways to stop myself. Through mental health I'm doing recovery and wellbeing class find its a big help.

FionaLester April 14th, 2017

Hello I'm new to this place. Really excited

Vatsa April 15th, 2017

hey everyone!

Time isn

lilylovelace April 15th, 2017


I really don't know what to write, i just thought it's a good idea. I've been here for a while under the eating d/o community but i recently got diagnosed with anxiety d/o and i go to 7cups just to calm myself and talk to listeners. I'm already 23, and a medicine student, which makes it more difficult. I get to miss an exam because of panic attacks, or get zero in a practical exam because i just can't control my trenbling hands and i can't turn the microscope knobs properly. It's been terrible and i feel like my psychiatrist is just loading me with lots of pills until i feel better. But i don't think that's really very helpful. I don't think my parents really understood what i have although they're very caring. My boyfriend gets dragged down by me too, which sucks, it's not making any of us any better. I feel frozen at times. You can call me lily btw, but that's not really my name, i just feel safe that way. I've never been to any support group or forums before, so hello.

Stxrlzy April 15th, 2017


sharfa13 April 15th, 2017

Hi im Sharfa. I am an extrovert with incredible social anxiety, which, believe it or not, makes the anxiety a thousand times worse. I just found this site and I feel like this will really help me move forward and I am really looking forward to stop the over-thinking over-reacting and just go back to being that girl who was doing so well in life and just move forward and be someone who can just roll with it instead of crying about everything. I sincerly hope that everyone here gets past this and has happy amazing lives. I also hope that i can get some support here because people IRL dont believe there's anything wrong with me becuase i see okay. I'm not okay. I want to be tho. Lets all move towards being okay together <3

airreeekuh April 15th, 2017

Hiii! :)

My name is Erica, and am 16 years of age. I live in the Philippines and growing up, my parents would like to think of me as their star child as I pretty much excelled in anything I was being put on. But as I got older, the expectations lowered because I wasn't performing as well in both academics and cultural matter which really made me self-conscious and anxious over the past couple of years. Hoping this new 7 Cups community would accept and welcome me warmly as I am! :)

MyNamesBlurryfaceXxX April 15th, 2017

hello people!

My name is Dylan and I suffer with Anxiety Disorder and Depression (not the best thing to brag about). I am not sure when it really started, but I have only seemed to really know what it is now. I started this program today, and it is very friendly. I wish to meet people with the same problems, but I am shy. That is why I came here. Thank you for reading,

-Dylan |-/

AstronomerAJ April 17th, 2017


Hey, Dylan! I love your username!

CactusC April 18th, 2017

Hey there! You can just call me C! I'm new to the site. I'm 22 years old and have been dealing with anxiety, mostly social anxiety, since my early teens. I had learnt to deal with it quite well but in the last year or so I've really started to struggle with it again.

NothingGold May 9th, 2017


Hey C, welcome to the site! :)

courageousPower16 April 18th, 2017

Hey everyone! You can call me Power, and I'm a listener with a lot of experience in anxiety. So if anyone ever needs an ear or a shoulder, I'm here for you.

neatCranberry2154 April 19th, 2017


Hi Power,

How's it going? Anxiety is a funny thing, isn't it? At least, it is to me. So, I experience "Anxiety" now and then. Most of the time, I don't even know that I am anxious (if I was anxious). Someone once asked me, "Are you stressed?" My first thought was... "I don't know."

I learned later to recognize symptoms (fight/flight body responses) which were caused by anxiety that I didn't know I had.

I found that the breathing exercise helps when I use it. Do you have any good breathing exercise which you can share with me? Do you have a tip for me to use it more consistently?

c34 April 19th, 2017

New to this site, happy I found it. Have been dealing with anxiety, among other things, for most of my life. Glad to be a part of the community and hoping to contribute as much as I can.

jr50 April 21st, 2017

@c34. Welcome to 7 cups! Glad you joined!

neatCranberry2154 April 19th, 2017

Hi All,

I'm new to 7cups (still trying to figure out how it works). I get anxious now and then. If you experience it too, you'd know what I mean when I say I get anxious but don't know why. Sometimes I don't even that I am anxious. Anyhow, I just want to see what people are talking about in Anxiety Support and what kind of tools you guys use or found helpful.

NothingGold May 9th, 2017

@neatCranberry2154 Hey and welcome! Hope you find some tools to get you started on your journey, and some people to talk with too. :)

LeetheUnicorn April 19th, 2017

Hey my name is ash! I have Panic disorder and general anxiety disorder! I have learned a lot of great coping skills and cannot wait to share and support others

NothingGold May 9th, 2017

@TheAsh You give lots of great support - thank you! :)

jr50 May 9th, 2017

@TheAsh. Welcome to 7 cups, glad you are here!

April 20th, 2017

Hello. I'm Lynne. I live in Silicon Valley, CA. I've been dealing with anxiety since I was a pre-teen. Choosing a career in the ever changing world of technology may not have been the best idea I ever had.

How do others of you with a career that triggers your anxiety manage it? I'm always interested in tips and tricks.

April 25th, 2017

@amusingSkies2503. Yeah, Lynne that really sucks, but just like in the RL, I'm here for you when no one else is. Hang in there!!

jollystrawb April 20th, 2017


Breathemylove April 21st, 2017

Hi everyone! ☺ I live with anxiety disorder and I have anxiety attacks. I've learned how to deal with them effectively. If anyone would like to cheat about it, you know where to find me.

Breathemylove April 21st, 2017

It's chat, not cheat.😂

jr50 April 21st, 2017


AwkwardTurtleExistence April 21st, 2017

Hello there, Call me Turtles for short. Yes, I am awkward in real life. Hehe. Due to social anxiety. I've learned how to harness the strengths that come from being an introvert and how to accept my anxiety as a part of me.

But that doesn't mean that I do not suffer from it anymore. It will always be a continuous struggle. But I will not let it hold me back

Theora April 22nd, 2017


Hi Turtles! I think a lot of people here will understand being awkward and anxious! Nice to meet you.

Crazykat1984 April 21st, 2017

Hi I'm Kat. I've had problems with anxiety for years that got worse during an abusive relationship I was in for ten years off and on. I'm also an alcoholic in recovery, having quit November 2016. I've had increased panic attacks since then but am learning ways to manage without alcohol. I also receive medical treatment for anxiety, depression, and PTSD. I just want to be calm.

KLM3278 April 22nd, 2017

@Crazykat1984 Hi. It's nice to meet you. I think you sound like an amazing brave person!!

Crazykat1984 April 22nd, 2017


Thank you for the welcome & the compliment!