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New To The Anxiety Support Community? Introduce Yourself Here!

Laura November 29th, 2014

Let us know more about you, what brings you to 7 Cups! We are glad you are here!

SabreL June 1st, 2017

@PandaBelle98 It causes hand tremors, blurry vision and severe headaches. It can be something else of course Im not a doctor but you have to start somewhere and tick those off you dont have. I dont know if testing is for free in your country.

PandaBelle98 June 1st, 2017

@SabreL Probably not. I live in the US. But seriously thanks for the help. I'll talk to my doctor to get her perspective on it

adaptableJet6205 May 30th, 2017

Hi everyone I'm new on here. I've suffered from Anxiety my entire life however was only diagnosed about 3 years ago. After that i was diagnosed with depression as well. So now I am officially diagnosed with severe anxiety and severe depression. It's something i struggle= with day to day. Lately it's completely taken over me, it got some bad that i lost my job, failed 2 college courses, wasn't eating or sleeping, was having suicidal thoughts and even self harmed for the first time (i slit my wrist) and because of that i know have a scar (i try to hide oit as much as i can because i'm ashamed of what i did). It's been a long three years more importantly a long few months. But I'm glad to say that I'm doing a lot better, i'm actually sleeping, my appetite is coming back, my suicidal thoughts are going away, I haven't self harmed since that first time, and i'm taking a bit of break again (long story), and am more importantly i am back in therapy and its really helping me (even thought its making me realize how bad my family messed me up) and I have hope that it will all be okay one day. So basically what i'm trying to day is i know life is very hard and unfair and i know we all go through things and we are all fighting our own battles each and everyday but don't give up. I know its hard and at this moment you may not see anything but darkness but believe me there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Everything will be okay. Also if anyone needs someone to talk to i'm here.

PinkLion666 May 30th, 2017

Hi Guys my name is Abraham. My favriot color is purple and i am Bi. My parents got divorced when i was 6 and from 1-5 grade i got bullied. It was horrible becauses the two combined. In 7th grade i had a crush on a boy but he was super homophobic and i soon got over him i have problems still because he and his cousin bully me but im stronger now and will not hesitate to stab anyone that comes in my path. Another thing that happened in 7th grade is that i got really sad that i posted something on my snapchat story that said, "Im just gonna hand on this noose." Someone in my class told the priceable and they wanted me to go to therapy so i went one day and they asked some questions and i made sure my answers sounded normal so i didnt have to come again and she concluded that im ok and we left, but deep down inside i wanted to stay. Right now I've been having some anxiey problems but i never had them this bad. I've been struggling with my sexuality, like i dont want to bi anymore but im ok now its weird because i never questioned my sexuality and iv been out to my friends for 2 years... Strange. Im not out to my parents and never plan to come out to them their not homophobic or anything its just i dont feel comfortable. So thats my life. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‚πŸ˜Œ

SabreL June 1st, 2017

Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with BPD after being diagnosed with bipolar for years. I get severe panic attacks before I go to work. As a result I have lost the last 3 jobs I have had. I have started working from home as a rental agent. I think its dealing minimally with people, basically show them the house, the contract can be done over email and phoning them if they dont pay. So basically about 5 days a month of intense panic. My husband works shifts. If he is off and can come with me, I am good. If I have to do it on my own...sweat outbreak like I have been running a 5kay so when I meet the client Im even more self consious because I stink like a gym bunny. I am seeing my therapist in about a month (in my country there is a severe shortage of psychiatrists so visitations are far and few between). I try and workout as often as I can. I fell off the bus when it comes to food but I generally eat as healthy as I can. I started up an old hobby of mine. But dealing with people is exhausting. Perhaps the life of a hermit would suit me.

MaisieIsHere June 1st, 2017

Hello I'm Maisie. I'm 17 and have a one year old daughter. I also suffer with depression. I'm a listener and will listen to anyone if you need

ravenclawthinker June 1st, 2017

Hello people. I'm new to using 7Cups! I've been recently having issues with questioning what my purpose is in life and when I think about my future i feel numb sometimes. I'd like to get to the bottom of why I have these thoughts so I can rest my state of mind. If anyone is/has gone through anything similar it would be great to get some advice :)

bubble872 June 1st, 2017

Wadup everybody... im dieased, I wish I would die sometimes, but all it does is slowly kill me. For fun I sit in doctors surgery, go to pathologists, pop pills, sleep over at hospitals. My life generally sucks... my dad just lost our house from gambling and I have to take care of my folks, thank God though I have a good job... but it really sucks being sick, I would like to die sometimes cause the pain so much. But the diease wont let me.. today has been one of the worst nights of my life...

RoseNightingale June 1st, 2017

Hi everyone, my name's Sharon. I'm new to the 7Cups community and joined so I could help other people through my experiences and learn from others as well. I was diagonsed with OCD, anxiety, and depression in the past about two years ago. I've improved greatly since then. I'm currently working on how to manage social anxiety, stress management, and standing up for myself better to form healthier relationships with other people and become the best version of myself.

MariaPR June 2nd, 2017

Hello everyone, my name is Maria. I just joined the 7 cups community and am excited to get help. I'm in college studying to become a pastry chef. I can't wait to get to know all of you.

hugsandtea June 4th, 2017

Hello all! I have had terrible anxiety over the years, but I am gradually getting better every day. I have learned to distract myself and surround myself with positive things and consider myself now as a positive person. I am here for everyone and would love to make friends with you all!

navybrat13 June 4th, 2017

Hi, within in the last year I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I also deal with situational depression sometimes. My family is not very supportive when it comes to this. They believe that you should just get over things as quickly as possible so that your life can go on. But I've felt stagnet because I can't move on if these issues are bothering me I can't move forward in my life. Most nights I cry myself to sleep because I can't talk to them about the things I'm dealing with. I've noticed my health declining, getting sick frequently, inabilty to fall and stay asleep, focus declining, etc. If I ask to see a therapist they would have to admit there's a problem (and they won't) I just needed a good group of people to talk to get these emotions because it seems that my family is not really that supportive of the help I feel I need.

chelen205 June 5th, 2017

Hello, my name is Helen and I have generalized anxiety. It's hard to do daily things, when most of the time you're scared or worried. But I'm trying really hard to not let my anxiety control me. Do guys have any good tips for coping strategies?

piggie June 5th, 2017

Hi there. I just found this website today so I am new here. I struggle with anxiety everyday of my life. Mostly health anxiety. I'm terrified of death and anything related to death. I live in a constant fear that something wrong with me automatically equals a serious illness or death. I've gone to doctors about my anxiety, been prescribed xanax (i don't really like to take it because it makes me feel like I could sleep for hours) but so far I haven't been to counselling because there aren't a lot around here and I don't have a lot of money to seek out professional help. Is there any advice anyone can give me about health anxiety? Or is there any tips to help me overcome this? I feel like I haven't relaxed in a very long time. I hate going to doctors, so most of my day ends up with me sitting around feeling scared that I'm on deaths door.

Thanks in advance yes

fearlessPear8268 June 6th, 2017

Hi everybody! I am new to this community, just wanted to introduce myself and say hello! I've had anxiety for pretty much as long as I can remember. Sometimes it's manageable, sometimes it is outta control - the most important thing to me is moving forward and continuing to learn to manage my anxiety. My positive attitude and knowledge that anxiety is super common helps me maintain. Nice to join a group who understands!

MusicalSerenity June 7th, 2017

I suffer from anxiety and depression. I'm terrified of saying or doing something that'll end up ruining my relationship because of my anxiety. I'm constantly scared of ending up alone and not being loved. I've cried more in the past two weeks than I have in the past five years.

emotionalMoon9511 June 7th, 2017

Hi I have bad anxiety can't think or get out of bed or do anything can't get help nor support having really bad nightmares and flashbacks feels like hell

Mandabanna June 7th, 2017

Hello everyone-I'm new to 7 cups and so far it is helping me through a very tough time. I have anxiety/panic disorder that has relapsed after about 6 years of very little panic attacks. I've been a week now battling this, using all of my coping mechanisms, going up on my celexa (with doctors approval) going back to my therapist, and counting on friends and family. Has anyone ever had an acute relapse in their anxiety? If you did, how did you get out of this vicious cycle?!

Nestingdoll June 8th, 2017

@Mandabanna I had a pretty rough patch with my anxiety just last month. I too increased my medication (per the doc) and start talking to a therapist on 7 cups. I'm finally starting to feel ok again. It helps knowing that you've gotten out of rough patches in the past and been okay for a long time.

This too shall pass! Good luck

Crazykat1984 June 14th, 2017


I have had relapses before but I wasn't sincerely working to manage my anxiety. I have been trying everything from aromatherapy to crystals to meditation as well as meditation & talk therapy. I do lots of research online to find solutions. Keep trying until you find something that works! Binaural beats on YouTube & earbuds are a good place to start!

Julietlovesu415 June 8th, 2017

Im having a tough day. I woke up with horrible anxiety and tried to calm it down but everything kept making it worse. I thought my walk to work woukd helo but it didnt. My mind is racing a million miles a minute. Ive tried breating, i tried my essential oils and i tried exercise. Im currently eating for the second time today, maybe its dehydration? All i know is i want it to stop befire i have a panic if anyone has any idea on hoe to keep my mind calm during work today that would be great.

compassionateWhisper50 June 8th, 2017

Hi -

I have internalized the criticism of earlier authority figures in my life, and create my anxiety non-stop. I wish to stop this, while also engaging with those people, and not seeing "authority" as a scary thing.

MsJavaChip June 10th, 2017

Hey, everyone. I'm a newbie. And I often feel depressed and anxious over simple things. I also feel very lonely even when I'm out having fun with friends. What's wrong with me?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a nice day.

intelligentPeach2027 June 10th, 2017

Hi everyone! I'm a newbie.... and terrified out of my gourd!! I suffer from lots of things including paralyzing anxiety. I hate it. I think I'll check things out before being active, but I'm encouraged that this site exists.. I'm not alone. Thank you so much for accepting me!!!

akanksha92 June 11th, 2017

@Laura Hello! I dont know if I suffering from depression. I have been a very socially anxious person and feel awkward among people even among my friends. When this awkwardness increases I become very shy and almost lose the ability to communicate. My mind becomes unable to process how to react or interact with people.

And for almost a year and a half I have stopped talking to people. I use to have many friends. Now there is no one to talk to. And the reason is because I don't want to talk. I don't feel like talking to people now. I feel sad all the time. But still I don't understand what it is to feel like to be depressed. Or this is depression?

Saryn0 June 21st, 2017

@akanksha92 often times anxiety and depression go hand in hand. Personally I suffer from general anxiety disorder with panic attacks and major depressive disorder. For me anxiety will me back from doing things that I want or need to do (ex. Communicating with friends) because I feel as though I am not in control and unable to do things that causes depression. Does anything other than social interactions cause you to feel nervous and freeze up? If not you may suffer from social anxiety. Remember anxiety is very common and you are not alone. As with all hurdles get yourself safe and then dip in a toe. Was there any friends that you were particularly close with that you maybe able to open up to? I feel comfortable with very few people but those people that I do make me feel amazing. Message me if you need anyone to talk to.

Crazykat1984 June 21st, 2017


I'm no psychiatrist, but I do suffer from depression. Isolation is a symptom. It can also make you feel worse. Talking about your feelings can help, even if it's only here in the 7 Cups Community. I also have problems with anxiety as you described, not being able to think around other people. Sometimes, it also feel like my brain forgets how to listen to English, which is my primary language. Does that happen to you?

undefinedandundetermind01 June 11th, 2017

Hello everyone i too suffer with anxiety which controls my life but its not in all aspects. Mine relates mostlt to my kids and been on roads that are faster than 50mph and leaving the house or car just purely because i become anxious i havent locked them.

I struggle through like most of u and each day brings its own challenges. I have pretty much learnt to no show my anxieties as much as i used to. I hope that one day we can all post a feed on how little anxiety has on our lifes. X

teenagedwxtch June 12th, 2017

Hi um I just joined and although not diagnosed the term I use as a way to express how I feel is anxious and I'm happy to join the community of caring people

numbly June 15th, 2017

@teenagedwxtch Glad you are here! I hope you find the help you're seeking :)

TropicalLights June 13th, 2017

Hi, everyone. I am fairly new to 7 Cups but I look forward to finding healthy ways to manage the day-to-day life. I used to suffer from depression but its mostly controlled except for those really bad days. My main concern is anxiety, which has been getting out of hand lately. I have anxiety attacks sometimes, particularly when driving and in school. I don't have attacks as often as I did before but now its more just this constant state which leaves me emotionally and physicaly drained.

numbly June 15th, 2017

@TropicalLights Hello, I am new to 7 Cups also. I just wanted to say that I experience the same constant sort of anxiety. It's just a continuous live stream so-to-speak of worries, doubts, and endless "what-ifs." It's affected my ability to experience life, people, contentment, and my education. So I know what you mean when you say it's completely exhausting. I hope I can find a way to help me quiet that noise of anxiety. I hope you do too!

ronbert June 13th, 2017

I found 7cups by accident but am glad I did. 9 months ago I had an epiphany that some day I won't be on this planet anymore and thus thought developed into severe health anxiety that plagued me almost constantly. I've been to the er so many times they know my name and I've had it all done and been told that I'm healthy (apart from being obese).

For a few months I've been trying to accept that my symptoms are anxiety related and trying to explore chopping mechanisms. I tried an antidepressant for anxiety but it hurt my stomach and made me feel like a zombie, I take a single hydroxyzine in emergencies.

As is common with must health anxiety patients I experience new ailments frequently and have to fight the urge to Google or run to the er. I plan to talk to my general doctor about therapy so that I might be able to explore my anxiety and begin advancing towards a healthy worry free life. My biggest fear is passing away early like my uncle (died at 21) and my mother (died at 36). I'm 25 now so that weighs heavily on me. Anyway that was long but I hope to be around here frequently and confide in you wonderful people.

emerijourney June 16th, 2017

Hi, I'm Mai.

I have social anxiety and it make's it really hard to do anything that I really want to do without getting engulfed in a cloud of anxiety and worry. It's really been running my life for a long time, and I want to take control- it's just hard to remember that sometimes when I am depressed or anxious. I rethink everything in my entire existence and beat myself up a lot, but hey, I'm still here. I really don't WANT to have it control my life, and I don't WANT to be consumed with it. I want to do so many things that my anxiety just won't allow me to do.

I guess I really just want to fix it a little, which brings me to why I'm here at 7 Cups.

It's really nice to meet you all!



Hello! I understand hundred percent what you are struggling with. I feel the exact same and it's good to see you so optimistic about your situation. Welcome to 7cups!

emerijourney June 16th, 2017

@selfconfidentRaspberries8930 Thank you! I'm glad I'm here.

Crazykat1984 June 18th, 2017


I hope this community helps you manage your anxiety

tryingmybest7 June 17th, 2017

hello everyone! Im Claire (my nickname is Clarissa) I just joined 7 cups of tea a couple days ago so i am pretty new. I have generalized anxiety disorder (i think thats what its called) and am trying my very hardest to get through it!

BeselfconfidentBike1626 June 17th, 2017

hello all. i finally decidedto seek some help for my undiagnosed anxiety disorders that i have been fighting since highschool, i have just graduated college and I have finally gained the courage to seek out help now that I've been thrown into the real world.

selfconfidentJet8940 June 18th, 2017

​​​​​​Hi, I'm new here. I'm hoping that I can get some help.

I have relationship anxiety and depression - I have had both these things before, and everyone keeps telling me that I have the tools to get through it again, but I can't remember any of them. I feel truly hopeless, and ashamed that I can't seem to manage this.

All I want is to be with my wonderful partner of ten years, but I keep worrying that if I try and get better, I will find out the thoughts I have about wanting to leave him are true. I have tried CBT worksheets and have no evidence for why I would want to leave him, but I am so scared of the thoughts coming true that I get more and.more depressed about them. I would honestly give up anything just to stay with my wonderful boy, and all I want is to get better for him, and for us.

Praying that there are people here who can relate and who can help.