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Weekly Prompt #14: How do you ensure a good night's sleep despite the anxiety?

ASilentObserver August 14th, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

A couple of weeks ago we discussed: Do you find it difficult to embrace your imperfections and acknowledge your strengths? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.

This week's prompt: How do you ensure a good night's sleep despite the anxiety? Have you found any relaxation techniques or bedtime routines that help?

Anxiety can disrupt your sleep patterns and lead to insomnia. This week I want us to reflect and explore this topic that can help with anxiety and sleep. Let's get started and all thoughts are welcomed!

Join us in the Anxiety Support Chat every Monday and Tuesday!


blissfulTouch29 August 17th, 2023


Do you have a favorite book or a favorite song you go to when you are anxious?

AnimalLover2006 August 18th, 2023


i love a good thriller and as for music i love adele songs

blissfulTouch29 August 18th, 2023


oh nice. What is your favorite adele song?

AnimalLover2006 August 22nd, 2023


someone like you

blissfulTouch29 August 22nd, 2023


i like that song

ASilentObserver OP August 18th, 2023

@AnimalLover2006 A soothing activity like reading or music can help distract the mind from racing thoughts. How have you been feeling in general with your anxiety lately? Please know you're not alone in facing such challenges.

AnimalLover2006 August 18th, 2023


somedays i can manage my anxiety but other days i rly struggle

ASilentObserver OP August 18th, 2023

@AnimalLover2006 It sounds like some days can be more challenging than others with managing your anxiety. Please know you are not alone in this. We are all here with you to listen to and to support. <3

cafedaydreams August 19th, 2023

When it comes to really bad anxiety I often can't ensure a good night's sleep. The anxiety simply exhausts me until I pass out *shrug*

ASilentObserver OP August 21st, 2023

@cafedaydreams It sounds like the anxiety is really weighing on you and making it difficult to get restful sleep. What helps you feel seen and heard during those long nights? We are all here with you to listen to and to support

akay06 August 20th, 2023

I don't fight it anymore. I used to stay in bed and try the breathing techniques that my therapist gave me. I used to take melatonin. I tossed and turned. I couldn't shut my brain off. I still don't sleep well, but now I get out of bed and either do something productive off my to-do list, which makes me feel good, or I go downstairs to read a book or watch TV and not wake up my family. It gets me out of my head which will usually help me fall asleep a few hours later. I still only average 4 hours of sleep on anxious nights, but it's better than nothing.

ASilentObserver OP August 21st, 2023

@akay06 It sounds like not being able to sleep due to anxiety has been challenging. How does it make you feel when you're able to get out of bed and engage in activities that take your mind off of things? I'm glad to hear you've found strategies like reading or watching TV that provide some relief, even if it's just a few hours of rest. Your effort to care for yourself in a way that works for your situation speaks to your strength. Please know you have all of us here with you to listen to and to support.

akay06 August 21st, 2023

Thank you. Doing something productive makes me feel like my old self before I struggled with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Reading or watching TV gives me hope for a little bit anyway. It gives me hope that everyone's life isn't constantly worrying and never solving any issues and that maybe my life could be that again one day.

ASilentObserver OP August 22nd, 2023

@akay06 It sounds like doing productive activities and finding moments of escape through reading or television helps you feel more like your usual self and finds hope for better days. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself through the things that lift your spirit.

0B August 21st, 2023

Heating pad.

blissfulTouch29 August 21st, 2023


That is a good one

ASilentObserver OP August 25th, 2023

@0B It sounds like your anxiety is making it difficult to get a good night's sleep. I am glad that heating pad help you. How does that make you feel?

0B August 31st, 2023

Hmm I guess, I just know that heating pads make me sleepy and pass out like a light.

generousSailboat3674 August 24th, 2023


Weighted blanket, melatonin gummies, and mainlining caffeine the next day until I eventually collapse from exhaustion at 8:00 pm in about 4 days

ASilentObserver OP August 25th, 2023

@generousSailboat3674 It sounds like you've been struggling with anxiety and finding a good night's sleep. That must feel challenging. What's on your mind as you think about managing your anxiety at bedtime?

generousSailboat3674 August 26th, 2023


lack of work, lack of money, feral child who’s supposed to start school next week, spouse who doesn’t care that we’re almost out of money and is neither looking for work nor helping to parent our feral child who’s supposed to start school next week, and keeping an ear open for the next time the feral child who’s supposed to start school next week wakes up screaming again

ASilentObserver OP August 28th, 2023

@generousSailboat3674 I am sorry to hear that, generous. It is a difficult situation with a lot on your plate and stress with work, money, and parenting responsibilities. You mentioned the challenges - is there anything that's helping you get through each day?

Please know we are all here with you to listen to and support you. Please feel free to share anything and everything stressing you out. You are not alone in this.

generousSailboat3674 August 28th, 2023


"is there anything that's helping you get through each day?"

Nope. Just the knowledge that if I don’t, the kid starves.

ASilentObserver OP August 29th, 2023

@generousSailboat3674 you're going through a difficult time taking things day by day for the sake of your child. Caring for others can give us strength when we have little for ourselves. Sending hugs, if okay. We are all here with you Sail. You are wonderful.

Georginahowe August 24th, 2023


When my anxiety is bad i make a cup of tea listene to music or watch netflix and talk to people here

ASilentObserver OP August 25th, 2023

@Howegeorgia20 It sounds like finding ways to relax and distract your mind have helped you on nights when anxiety is high. What usually worries you before bed?

Georginahowe August 25th, 2023


Sometimes about day ,can you answer pm please

spicyavocado3788 August 25th, 2023

🤍 Switching from coffee to herbal tea mid afternoon (Passion by Tazo is my favorite)

🤍 Sleeping with a favorite stuffed animal

🤍 Imagine going to a relaxing place or having a conversation with whatever fictional character my brain comes up with

🤍 Going to bed clean and with brushed teeth

🤍 Deep breathing

🤍 Listening to white noise or a guided meditation

ASilentObserver OP August 25th, 2023

@spicyavocado3788 It sounds like managing anxiety before bedtime is important to getting a good night's rest. Choosing calming activities and making your space feel comforting are wise strategies. How does trying those impact your feelings as you prepare for sleep?

spicyavocado3788 August 25th, 2023

It helps me to sleep more soundly when I do my little “ritual bites” before bed. I call them bites because I don’t really have an order of doing things, and it can change day to day. But those are a few things I can always do to calm my anxiety before bed. Having my bedroom dark and cold helps too. Anxiety is a constant companion (🙃😅) so I do a lot to try to accommodate her.

ASilentObserver OP August 28th, 2023

@spicyavocado3788 It sounds like you've found some helpful ways of coping with anxiety before bed through your little "ritual bites" and preferences for a dark, cool bedroom. Doing what we can to feel comfortable and at ease is important for relaxation. I'm glad you're taking steps to accommodate your anxiety - it's wise to care for ourselves when we're able.

What kinds of activities or sensations help ease your mind as part of your rituals?

August 28th, 2023

Get tired

AutiBoy September 15th, 2023

Short answer nothing helps

The long answer is more of a rant

Sleep haha what is sleep? 3h or 4h on a good night 0h to 3h normally. I'm in pain my pain means I can't bounce off my ADHD. My ADHD makes my anxiety worse then my anxiety makes my pain worse and my pain makes my ADHD worse. We go round and round all my issues bonce into each other and sometimes when it comes to boom then crash I fall and nothing is ok. Sleep is frustrating.

ASilentObserver OP September 18th, 2023

@AutiBoy I am sorry to hear that Auti. It sounds like you are experiencing a difficult time with your health issues interacting in challenging ways. Not getting enough sleep can make life feel like a constant struggle. What's it been like trying to manage everything you're dealing with? You don't deserve to be in so much pain. I hope things get better for you. you have all of us here with you

accidentaltruth September 18th, 2023


For what it's worth, one thing that we know from medical literature is that drinking a ton of water will kill your REM sleep more or less because it'll interrupt your cycle of sleep. I'm no expert but I'm somewhat of an expert on sleep and it's totally correct.