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Become An Adult - Teen Listener (ATL) | Support The Teen Community
by ASilentObserver
Last post
August 29th
...See more Hi everyone! This post talks about a very important step in a listener’s journey, becoming an adult-teen listener. We were teens once and we know how confusing and challenging teenage life can be. A lot of questions and thoughts in mind, but no idea who to reach out to. But you can be that person to whom they can reach out and feel heard and comforted. You can find all the information you need on the role, requirements, process, benefits, and expectations here. ➡️ What is an Adult -Teen Listener? An Adult- Teen Listener is a trained listener who listens and supports both adult and teen members. Becoming ATL allows one to join the teen side of the 7Cups community and listen to teen members 1-1, participate in teen member group chats to support members there, and participate in teen listener group chats to share experiences, learning, and resources to support teen community better. Commonly known as ATL in the community. ➡️How is it helpful to become an adult-teen listener? * Allows one to support teen members i.e. helping them feel heard, and less stressed and your support efforts contribute to a better support system while they transition to a new phase of life (Adulthood) * Allows an aged-up Teen Listener to reconnect with their teen members to continue listening and supporting them * If interested in leadership opportunities, it allows one to participate and help scale up teen community projects. Important Note: For all of the 18+ listeners who are interested in listening to teens, to work with teens, you must have experience as a listener and meet some general criteria, as outlined below. Additionally, the application process involves a background check and a video call interview on either Skype or Google Hangouts. ➡️ How to apply to become an Adult-Teen Listener? Basic Requirements * Be a Verified Listener [] * Be a listener for at least 3 months * Have at least 100 1-1 Chats * 4+ Star Rating * 6000+ cheers * Completed 20+ training guides [] including AL 1 [] & AL-2 [] * Zero Behavioral Reports In addition to that, a few more criteria * Full legal name * To verify identity, you would need to submit a photo of 1 government ID. (Please send the ID via email to * Successfully complete a video call interview with a community leader * If you reside in the USA, you will need to provide a phone number for safety check purposes. If you do not live in the USA, this is NOT required. ▶️ Click this link to submit the application [] ➡️ A few resources that you may find helpful: * FAQs related to Adult-Teen Listener Program [] * Click here [] to see tips for fast application processing! * We understand that the Adult-Teen Role process can be scary for some, but we assure you all of your data is safe with us and it is truly worth it. You can hear from the teens themself here! [] * If you are already an ATL and feeling confused? Check out this guide. [] If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to @Bookworm4, @Jenna, @Heather225, and @ASilentObserver. We look forward to working with you to bring more support to the teen community. *Post edited by Erica on 04/15/23 for clarity purposes* *Post edited by Jenna on May 20, 2023 to update interview information* *Post edited By Jenna on May 23, 2023 to clarify ID submission*
Aging Up Support Thread
by Hope
Last post
June 25th
...See more Hi everyone! In the past few weeks, the Teen Leadership Team has been brainstorming ways to better support our transitioning teens. In an attempt to provide you with a space where you can get support on transitioning into the adult side we are launching this Teen Transitioning Support Thread. Here is it how it will go: â This is a safe space for all teens who are soon aging up or have recently aged up to share anything that concerns them about the transitioning process, ask questions and get support. â The thread will be monitored by our Teen Transitioning Mentors. Most of our Teen Transitioning Mentors have gone through the aging up process themself and are passionate about supporting our transitioning teens. They will respond to the members posting in this thread. Important! â This is not a place to get support on matters other than aging up as a teen. This is so we can focus our resources on supporting the teens who are going through the transitioning process. If you are looking for support on a personal matter/in need of a listener, please check our browse listener page. [] *Aging Up: A period when a member/listener who joined 7 Cups as a teenager turns 18 and is moved to the adult side. It is also referred to as the transitioning period. ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Teen Transitioning Program. Please read about it here [].
FAQs: Adult-Teen Listener Program
by ASilentObserver
Last post
January 10th
...See more Support comes in various forms. Listening to a member 1-1, group chats, forums. Supporting a listener or a leader etc. Similarly, when a listener becomes an Adult-Teen Listener (ATL), they are willing to support teens. But while applying to become an ATL [], there can be a lot of questions or concerns in your mind. We will be trying to address more of them through this FAQ post. It lists most of the common questions usually a listener may have. ☑️What is the significance of Adult-Teen Listener? Adult-Teen Listener is a unique role in the 7Cups. As 18+, we all have our experiences of being a teenager as well as lived experiences of the transition phase of a teen to adult. We understand the struggles and emotions a teen goes through, so being an ATL allows us to listen, support, and comfort a teen in order to help them have less stressful experiences being a teenager or a teenager in transition. That’s how ATL has a significant impact on the teen community. ☑️What is ATL Interview? Is it necessary to attend? ATL Interview is part of the ATL Onboarding & Training Process. It is necessary for everyone to attend. Without it, your ATL onboarding process may not be completed. ATL Interview is an Audio-Video Meeting with ATL Program Leaders to assess and discuss your support vision and the community’s expectations from an ATL. It is an opportunity for an open conversation with the ATL Program Leaders. ☑️How long ATL interview going to be? ATL interview lasts for 5 minutes to 10 minutes based on the ongoing discussion needed. ☑️Why do I need to submit social media handles or Government IDs? It is required for the ATL Verification Process to protect the privacy and safety interest of an ATL and teens. Having the verification process allows consistency in the application and onboarding process for all. ☑️Is my information secure? They are highly secure and confidential. Any social media handles or Government iD you share is only visible to an Admin. Your information is only used to complete the Verification Process after which the government IDs are deleted. ☑️Does having an interview mean I am approved to become an ATL? Not necessarily. While landing an interview certainly moves you a step closer to becoming an ATL. Though, the best fits are selected. What if I fail the interview or requirements to become an ATL? That is okay. If in case you fail, you will receive feedback to improve your skills in the areas you needed to improve and after a certain period, you can reapply. We are all learning and failing is part of the process. ☑️What kind of questions should I expect during the interview? What are the keys to responding to these questions? In addition to expectations, and behavioral and situational questions, the most common questions you might expect are your vision, how would you support a teen with X situation? How do your listening skills help the teen member? Etc. The key to responding to the interview questions is to acknowledge and identify what encouraged you to apply to be ATL in the first place and how your presence may bring support to the teen community. ☑️I am scared to attend the interview. Any tips? * I hear you and I can relate to how anxiety-inducing interviews can be. Here are some tips that may help reduce anxiety. * Deep breathing: Take slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm to help calm your body and mind. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. * Mindfulness meditation: Focus your attention on the present moment, your breathing, or your body. This can help you relax and reduce worrying thoughts. * Challenging negative thoughts: Identify negative thoughts that are anxiety-provoking and challenge them with more balanced thoughts. This can help reduce anxiety and worry ☑️After becoming an ATL, what I can do? Once you are an ATL, you will have complete access to the Teen Community and you can do the following: * Take a 1-1 Teen Support Chat * Communicate with a Teen Listener 1-1 * Participate in the Teen Member Group Chats to support teen members * Participate in in the Teen Listener Group chats to learn and share your experiences and tips with fellow teen listeners. * Can apply for Leadership Roles like Teen Transitioning Mentor, Teen Chatroom Mentor, Moderator, etc. ☑️If I have a question or any concerns, who should I contact? For anything and everything related to Adult-Teen Listener Program, you can reach out to anyone of us @Bookworm4, @Jenna, @Heather225, and @ASilentObserver If your questions or concerns are not covered here, please add your question to this thread. To apply to become an Adult-Teen Listener, submit your application here! [] | Read more about the role []
Introducing New Role: Teen Transition Supporter
by ASilentObserver
Last post
March 7th
...See more Are you passionate about supporting teens through life's transitions? Do you have a knack for making connections and fostering a sense of belonging? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you! We invite you to join our team as Teen Transition Supporters. In this rewarding role, you'll play a crucial part in welcoming and guiding newly transitioned users within our community. Here's what you'll do: * Warmly welcome newly transitioned users with personalized messages and forum introductions. * Actively listen to their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through private messages and group interactions. * Facilitate their integration into the adult group chats by introducing them during designated sessions and encouraging participation. * Lead engaging activities to foster interaction, build trust, and address common concerns. * Share existing resources relevant to young adults and identify gaps where new resources could be created. * Promote self-care and healthy boundaries to empower their transition. * Serve as a dedicated check-in buddy for the first four weeks, offering ongoing support and addressing any questions. Why join us? * Experience the joy of helping transitioning teens have a good transition. * Develop your abilities and communication and leadership skills. * Make a meaningful and supportive contribution to the 7 Cups community. * Gain valuable experience and personal growth that will help you in your own life and career. Requirements to be a Transition Supporter * Be an Adult Listener * No behavior reports in the last 3 months * Listener Level: Helper or above (3800+ cheers) Ready to make a difference? Apply today by filling out our application form: Transition Supporter Application [] Please share this post with anyone who might be interested in becoming a Teen Transition Supporter. We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions? Feel free to comment below or send us a message. ------------------------- * If you are an adult-teen listener, you can apply to be a teen transition mentor [] * If you are a teen, share & celebrate your birthday with us [] * If you are about to transition or transitioned, submit a transition support request here!  []or share in this aging-up support thread [] @Heather225 @Amy @SirenofSerenity @Soulsings @Dystopiatae95 @wishfulWillow6962
Teen Transitioning Mentors Reviews: 2022
by FrenchToast
Last post
August 30th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone!! We will be using this forum thread to celebrate the reviews for our hard-working and lovely Teen Transitioning mentors for the year of 2022! Please do join in me in celebrating and congratulating them ❤️ If you wish to review your TTM mentor, click here []! ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Teen Transitioning Program. Please read about it here [].
Apply to become a Teen Transitioning Mentor here!
by FrenchToast
Last post
August 26th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone! As you all know, we recently ramping up the Teen Transitioning Mentor team using our Welcome to Uptown [] project to help those teens that are aging up to the adult side of 7 Cups soon. The process of aging up can be overwhelming with all the changes that happen on the site. The team's goal is to ensure that the teens are aware that support is available to them during this transition period. To best assist teens in their transition period, you should be aware of the following: * How the aging up process is on 7 Cups * Logistics around the process and the changes that come with switching sides * Why aging up can be hard What are the requirements: - Verified Listener Badge [] - Be an adult (18+) - No serious behavior reports in the past 3 months - Must be an Adult-Teen Listener [] (ATL) for at least a month - Those in a leadership role already will be given preference! - Have aged up on the website before (Have the Evolution badge) - This is optional! Some notes to keep in mind: - This role is available to only ATLs as they are the only ones that can interact with teens. - The team reserves the right to remove any mentor on any basis, well within reason. It can be based on inactivity, unprofessionalism, etc. - Each role entails a month-long trial that follows the training. You will be trained initially and then put on a trial so both you and the team can create an understanding of each others' work style. - Please be mindful of how much time you can dedicate to the role. We have requirements for this role that need to be fulfilled and will only be possible if you are active. General expectations from all the roles: - Always be open to feedback, be it positive or constructive. We strive on the feedback we are given and will take every opportunity we can to become better. - The roles will require consistent involvement - Quick learner and a team player - Must be comfortable leading group discussions for the team - Be a proactive guide to all our teens so they can transition smoothly - Be flexible and ready to adapt to different needs that you might come around to face - Deliver a good response time to teen mentees. It is recommended that you reply to mentees within 3 days/72 hours. - Please review our leadership position guidelines: [] (Note: For all the applicants selected for the role of Teen Transitioning Mentor, the Chat Support training is a must to take as the Chat Support training is now Compulsory for all mentors) If you would like to join the team, please fill out this application form ⇨ HERE []. If you meet the necessary requirements, we will reach out to you with more information regarding training. (Updated by @amazingNutella24 on 26/03/22 to add in the CS training compulsory requirement) (Updated by @FrenchToastClub on 11/21/22 to remove listener 3 month requirement) ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Teen Transitioning Program. Please read about it here [].
Teen Transitioning Program Testimonials
by FrenchToast
Last post
August 20th, 2022
...See more Hi everyone! This is a place where I will post testimonials submitted by our mentees. If you would like your testimonial to be featured here, please fill this form! [] Interested in reaching out to a teen transitioning mentor? Request one here []. Please do not post in this thread! ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Teen Transitioning Program. Please read about it here [].
Teen Transitioning Mentors FAQs
by FrenchToast
Last post
October 7th, 2021
...See more Hi everyone! I wanted to post all bout the teen transitioning mentors we have here on 7 Cups. Aging up can be hard but we are here for you. We now have specialized mentors to support those that are going to age up soon. They are here to be a guide into the adult side as things change and new rules get implemented. How does it work? It's quite simple. Fill out a form to request a mentor and they will reach out to you in 2-3 days to help you with the process. What can teen transition mentors do? They can help you understand what's different on the adult side. They can answer any questions you may have about what's on the adult side. They can also assist you with navigating the site once you age up as well as with ATL applications and expectations. So, basically, they're your buddy through the whole process. Who can seek support? Anyone who is about to age up within a year or less. But we really support everyone with aging up! What are my other options? We will continue to host discussions, events, icebreakers so that you get the chance to be familiar with our mentors and expectations. We also have the aging up process which will provide you information. This forum area [] is where all the gold is! How can I request a mentor? By filling this form [] out, please only fill it out if you are requiring assistance with aging up. Only those requests will be taken! If you have any questions, concerns, queries about our project, please PM me and I will be happy to iron it out ❤️ ------------------------- This post is brought to you by the Teen Transitioning Program. Please read about it here [].
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Community Mentor Leader