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Censor list update now Live - please share feedback

User Profile: Laura
Laura November 9th, 2018

This update was originally announced here.

We know that these updates can sometimes work in unexpected ways in the product and how you all communicate. We are prepared to tweak and make changes swiftly to minimize any frustrations this update may cause.

Please share your feedback in this form.

User Profile: Erato
Erato November 9th, 2018

@Laura thank you for this update! However, this may be irrelevant but the title used for the alert which is "Language Lists" could be misleading. (or maybe it's just me?). As someone who never seen the previous post about the censor system, I thought that you've literally made some updates regarding the language list found in the listener profile. That's all XD

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 9th, 2018


I did too!

User Profile: kylerj78
kylerj78 November 9th, 2018


That's what I thought, too. I was thinking that maybe 7 Cups is compatible in more languages now. Perhaps it was a bad choice in title for the post

User Profile: Ayla
Ayla November 9th, 2018


I thought exactly the same, glad I checked though

User Profile: Laura
Laura OP November 9th, 2018


Good feedback! I can change out the alert title!! Sorry!

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User Profile: kylerj78
kylerj78 November 9th, 2018


Are we allowed to see the list of words that are to be automatically censored so that we know what words to avoid? For me its obvious with most words but there are some that you just never know and those are the ones I would like to take out of my vocabulary on 7 Cups.

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 9th, 2018

@kylerj78 @Laura

Hi Laura, I agree can we see a list since it seems there are more words on it that has been added since for a couple LTM that I talk to I feel that I am being censored a lot all of a sudden and have no idea why the words I am typing would be on the list.

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User Profile: kylerj78
kylerj78 November 10th, 2018

@DanaMH @Laura

Not to mention, for me at least, it seems kind of unprofessional and a bit embarrasing if we as listeners get sensored in a chat with a member.

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 10th, 2018


the censor only applies in the chat room. You can type curse words in chat room without being censored. The words censored are cursed words or things like that.

@Laura so you got the way they would bypass some words in the new list?

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 10th, 2018

@SouthernFlame @Laura

Flame, the words I am trying to type are good coping skills thou so it is embarrassing that I am trying to figure out what word 7cups doesn't like me typing in a 1:1. It also would be against the clock with this new response time if I was active so that would also be frustrating for that to go down for stupid things like this. (Yes, that is a DBT judgment word) and my therapist would be all over that word but if we aren't saying anything bad I just don't get it.

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 10th, 2018


May I ask what coping skill is censored?

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 10th, 2018


I talk about DBT and CBT things a lot and I don't remember the exact words I was saying but it was about the DBT Mindfulness Meditation on YouTube and I recommended the Anxiety one to start with since a lot of members have sleep issues and I mentioned to them that it really helps to relax and I almost fell asleep listening to it and it wouldn't let me send the information to several members. We also talk a lot about Mindfulness and good coping skills to use and how many times they can try it a day. I tried breaking it up some and using some other words but just thinking of some other words sometimes are hard to figure out that will make since to the member in the context to what we are trying to talk about. I have been seeing the sensor thing a lot in the last 2 weeks and using these same words in the past have not been censored. I use Alphabet of Stress Management and Coping Skills information a lot.

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 10th, 2018


I see. By any chance was it "fall asleep" I have getting censored too! I filled out the form on the first post.

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 10th, 2018

@SouthernFlame @monbon @Laura

Another thing that happened a little while ago today I was trying to send a team person a url for a discussion that we are working on and it wouldn't even let me send it to them and there is nothing wrong in the url so not sure why I would be censored on that either.

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 10th, 2018


That is so frustrating. I hope they look into it... some things are just too much ><

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User Profile: CaringBrit
CaringBrit November 14th, 2018

@DanaMH Names have even been censored and sometimes gotta change up my messages when checking in with my team its not just coping methods

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 14th, 2018


But I can't even copy a url for a discussion to give to someone to review. I don't dream up the url's Google does that.

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User Profile: CaringBrit
CaringBrit November 14th, 2018

@DanaMH try a shortner and give a shortner link instead

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 14th, 2018


How do I do that?

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User Profile: Laura
Laura OP November 12th, 2018


We are unable to share the list, unfortunately.

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User Profile: kylerj78
kylerj78 November 13th, 2018


May I ask, is there any particular reason why we are not able to see the list? Personally, it doesn't make too much sense to keep us listeners out of the loop on how we should speak in order to maintain professionalism. I'm just wondering

User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@Laura if the list cannot be shared then listeners need to be able to figure out the word combinations that are censored and share them with eachother so that we can learn what words we need to avoid saying so that we can carry on a normal conversation with members without knowing and educating eachother on the words to avoid were going to keep being censored and itll take listeners so long to respond to members we have to have some way of working together as listeners to figure out what words to avoid

User Profile: DavidEss
DavidEss November 13th, 2018


Don't avoid responsibility, laura. I get why you are unwilling to share the list, and agree, but saying that you are unable to is untrue.

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User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@DavidEss there wouldnt be a need for a list and new word combinations continually added to the list if the censor didnt let the person know that what they said was picked up as suspicious it should just detect it and be investigated not let the person know so they know what sets off the censor and try different combinations until they find something that works its literally a training tool to teach people what the censor detects and how to bypass it telling them what works and what isnt detected so the fact that there is an ever growing list now of such common everyday words is the fault of the censor itself and its still happening and the list of everyday word combinations will continue to grow as those trying to say something will be made aware that something isnt allowed and rephraise it

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 13th, 2018

@jennysunrise8 If our 1-1s are being investigated isn't that a problem when we are told our conversations are confidential?

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User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@AffyAvo good point ! and whats being looked at now are just common innocent words and phraises (and words that include such letters as asl even though sharing age and sex and a general location isnt identifying at all and one can use the words how old are you and are you a male or female , exc) it leads to a lot of false positives being picked up so more conversations are being looked at that have nothing to do with sharing contact info

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 13th, 2018

@jennysunrise8 What do you mean that conversations "are being looked at"?

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User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@AffyAvo when a censored word is detected in this case asleep or any other censored word or phraise that triggers the censor the conversation is looked at in the chatbox by someone not just the comment that was trying to be sent to see the context of the message that triggered the censor if they were really talking about sleep or whatever the trigger was

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User Profile: incompl
incompl November 13th, 2018


Where are you getting your information from? 1-on-1 chats are not looked at by anyone.

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User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@incompl oh only the comment that im trying to send is looked at i thought the comment is looked at and some of the conversation also

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User Profile: scarletLand3247
scarletLand3247 November 14th, 2018

@jennysunrise8 yes some of the convo is looked at.

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User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 13th, 2018


To clarify, their comment is not correct.

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 13th, 2018

@jennysunrise8 What? I sometimes write entire paragraphs. Who else is seeing that besides the listener if it gets caught in the censor?

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 13th, 2018

@AffyAvo @Power @Heather225 can you please elaborate on this? I thought our 1-1s were confidential.

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User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 13th, 2018


Don't worry, chat are completely confidential. I am not sure where that information came from.

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User Profile: scarletLand3247
scarletLand3247 November 14th, 2018

@EvelyneRose if that is the case why did a former listener of mine get told about a convo we had had which btw was not sharing personal info but a situation I was going thru.

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User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 14th, 2018


Confidential as in no one can see them except you and listeners are not supposed to share with others. As for your question, I couldnt tell you since I wasnt them, but Id guess someone broke confidentiality which is against policy. If that happens, please email

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User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie November 13th, 2018

For what it's worth, my understanding is that chats are confidential.

When a message contains a banned phrase, the censor blocks the entire message, not just the banned phrase. The entire message is sent for evaluation, and one or more other people outside the chat see it. In very rare cases, human error has resulted in censored messages being published in listeners' profiles. Apart from those very rare errors, the evaluation takes place in a confidential way.

The censored message might reveal details of the chat. However, the censored message never becomes part of the chat, and therefore in a strict sense the chat itself remains confidential.

There has been a suggestion (in another thread) that maybe the people who evaluate censored messages might have access to the chats so that they can understand the context of the censored messages, which would help in evaluating them correctly. I think this seems unlikely, but I'm not 100% certain.


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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo November 13th, 2018

@RarelyCharlie I still see that problematic - if I think I'm telling one particular person something, it gets censored, so it goes to another person (people?) that I never planned to send those messages to so they can evaluate what I said and why it was censored.

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User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie November 14th, 2018

I agree, it's problematic in a way that creating an exception for "asleep" doesn't address. But it's how 7 Cups was always designed to work. Censored chats were always intended to be a feature. Back then, no one thought through the implications for confidentiality and how it would feel to be a member of a community where a kind of secret police can monitor things.


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User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@AffyAvo yea i wonder too every time a flagged comment goes out i kinda think about whos reading it and im sure each time a comment is flagged someone different reads it not always the same person even more reason why less comments should be setting off the censor needlessly a lot of my comments are long too sometimes although not personal usually but a member comment would be personal if i was a member i would definately have an issue with my comments getting flagged a lot just for saying normal things and unknown people reading the comments especially if it was very personal information just because they contain the word asleep and who knows what other silly word combination is setting it off thats very understandable! if comments are read by someone outside the chat it should only be if a phone number or address or email or something triggers it

if a person cannot speak about real issues a person is going through such as asking about sleep or asking about being " bullied at school " another word combination that apparently someone thinks is bad to say or talk about ( maybe it could be code for something! ) for some reason that just prevents people from being able to talk you dont want the censorship to be so extreme you cant carry on normal conversations about real issues people are going through

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User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 13th, 2018


That all is because of the recent censor changes though. They're working on fixing it.

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User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 13th, 2018


Just wanted to chime in so that we don't spread false information by accident that this is not actually true.

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User Profile: DavidEss
DavidEss November 13th, 2018


Well, Jenny, that's because the current list isn't fit for purpose.

If a decent job can be made of it , it might be useful.

Afaik I've not been censored, but I rarely read my posts in a chat actually.

At the moment I think it is a total waste of time and money, it must have taken ages to code and wasn't put to much of a test, it wouldn't get a Verified Censor badge off me, but I am often wrong.

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User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 13th, 2018


This is playing with semantics though. She stated she can't share it because of whatever reason, she answered the question. An answer without a long explanation is still an answer. When people say they can't, it's a colloquialism usually. Usually there is a reason they can't do this or that, it's not that they literally cannot.

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User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie November 13th, 2018

The list is already publicly available. However, sharing it more widely would expose how shoddy the whole thing is, and I don't think that would help to get us all where we want to be on this.

It seems to me it would help to have a clear commitment from 7 Cups to the community that the censor is understood to be broken and that it's going to be fixed so that it never again gets in the way of supporting members.


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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 14th, 2018


Do we know when this might happen?

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 10th, 2018

@Laura I just had a terrible issue in 1-1s with the censor as a member was having sharing what they had to say cause the censor and it was not some obvious thing.

The phrase "Just fall asleep" as well as just "fall asleep" is censored. I think 1-1s need less censors. I agree with censors for the rooms but leave the censors out of my PMs please. It's hard enough to listen.

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 10th, 2018


My suspicion is it's "asl" that is being censored. I'm noticing it too in things like "asleep" "aslong" and even discussing amaerican sign language (ASL)

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 10th, 2018


Do you also think the word "sleep" is also recently added to the list since I was able to say that word in the past to folks?

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 11th, 2018


I'm not sure! I haven't tried just saying sleep in a chat yet

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 10th, 2018


These censors are making chats hard sad Some phrases should not be censored but left to the discretion of the Listener and Member

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User Profile: DavidEss
DavidEss November 14th, 2018


Actually it might be useful if the listener could turn off the member's censoring, and the member could turn off the listener's.

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 14th, 2018


That would be nice but I do think some of the censoring is to catching rules being broken of offsite content. It just needs to be less strict.

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User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie November 12th, 2018

Yes, and "gaslighting" I suppose. Technically, there's a thing called a "word boundary" (denoted by \b in the code) that could have been used to avoid censoring groups of letters inside other words—preventing this kind of issue is definitely not rocket science. Maybe someone can whisper "word boundary" to the developers in the hope of triggering an "Aha!" moment.

This will not save American Sign Language, though sad


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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 12th, 2018


Asl should just not be in the censor list. It's nothing that we can't already give out.. age... gender... country.

User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 12th, 2018


At least American Sign Language can be reasonably worked around, but I would be hardpressed to consistently remember I can't use asl in any word, so I hope the dev team is able to implement the word boundary

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User Profile: practicalIdeal2007
practicalIdeal2007 November 11th, 2018

I don't chat alot in 1-1, becuase I find it hard for me. There are a few exceptions. I had finally decided to share something difficult, took time to make sure the message made sense and was.clear. I got a pop up saying something like it seemed I was in crisis. I reread and saw nothing to indicate that. I changed a couple words and tried again, same message. It was a frustrating experience. My anxiety is now much higher after trying to figure out what I said wrong. I have not had this pop up before.

Finally getting the nerve to share and then being shutdown was not a good experience. How many other members experience this and don't say? I understand why the censor is there, but maybe at least let us know what we said wrong.

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User Profile: kylerj78
kylerj78 November 11th, 2018


I agree with that. If you're gonna sensor us, at least tell us what words are sensored and what we said in that moment that caused things like member experienced.

Practice, I am sorry that you had to deal with that. Seeking someone to talk to takes courage and I am sure that it wasn't pleasant being told you can't say what you needed to. I hope that you were able to speak with a Listener in regards to what you needed to talk about <3

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User Profile: practicalIdeal2007
practicalIdeal2007 November 11th, 2018


It is a listerner who I offline chat with, as live chat is harder for me. I don't know if it still makes sense after the editing. I will find out after they have a chance to get back to me. It does make me second guess whether I want to try to continue to explain if it doesn't make sense.

User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 13th, 2018


If they shared the list, then it would be easy for people to know what words to avoid, so it doesn't make sense for them to share the list. We're just going to have to try to work around the censors best we can :)

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User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@EvelyneRose it would be helpful for listeners to be able to have a thread where we can all share what word combinations trigger the censor so we can figure out what to avoid so we can have a normal conversation with members

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User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 13th, 2018


I understand that, and I get that definitely, but that also means it'd be helpful for people to avoid the censors if they know what words will trigger it. That's why I said they probably can't share the list because of that. I see both sides.

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User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@EvelyneRose the censor itself tells people what words to avoid i guess listeners can just learn from the censor what words to avoid instead of other listeners so everyone will learn eventually each person just write down the word combinations as they are told about them by the censor what words to avoid that makes sense that the censor has to be regularly updated and all the extra works it causes people who are checking what the censor picks up

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User Profile: EvelyneRose
EvelyneRose November 13th, 2018


That's how any site with censors is though. Eventually people figure out what they are and work around them by writing lists or whatever. This isn't 7cups specific, you know what I mean? But at least without sharing, they aren't just giving away the answer. That's how I see it anyway. It takes work for people to figure it out, and therefore people who ARE up to no good might be noticed faster.

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User Profile: jennysunrise8
jennysunrise8 November 13th, 2018

@EvelyneRose true they might figure it out eventually but it would be a lot harder if there wasnt a visible popup that appeared informing the person that something in their message hit the censor so the person can try again until they figure out what they can or cannot do the censor itself just becomes an ineractive learning tool to help the person learn what message combinations are detected by the censor and what are not detected eventually the person will find what works because there wont be a popup the message will be allowed the censor teaches people how to get past the censor which is a little counterproductive i think ;)

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 11th, 2018


Sorry you had that experience since it seems like the last 2 weeks they have added a lot of words that where not on the list before making it really hard for members and listeners to chat about things that are not something that should be on the list.

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User Profile: practicalIdeal2007
practicalIdeal2007 November 13th, 2018


I think I figured out what the word was, as it happened again. Or at least one of the words, it may have been more than one. I submitted the word. Hopefully they can fix it.

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 14th, 2018


Hopefully the can fix it since nothing I have said should be being censored so this is really getting frustrating since a couple of us are having to communite via our 7cups email addresses what we want to say to each other as team leaders and gmail is slower than 1;1 messages.

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User Profile: Kindfulness
Kindfulness November 11th, 2018
User Profile: Krista00
Krista00 November 11th, 2018

@Laura another suggestion is to censor non-english word so it will make it much easier to have english only conversation in the chatrooms

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 November 11th, 2018

Hi everyone! Just popping in to say thanks for adding all unneessarily censored words to the form! Please keep providing your feedback!

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User Profile: MonBon
MonBon November 11th, 2018


I am always more than willing to point out miscensored things :P

User Profile: Remina
Remina November 12th, 2018


of course!

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User Profile: WMi
WMi November 12th, 2018

the alert says "New Languages.... and New Member Verification" where can I find this New Member update?

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User Profile: WMi
WMi November 12th, 2018

Oops sorry, the alert actually says "2 new updates: ....." but seems like I only could find 1 update. Anyone can point me the right direction?

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia November 12th, 2018

@WMi - The title of the alert is very misleading. The member part of it, I believe, is the other post in this subforum about guest accounts.

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User Profile: Laura
Laura OP November 12th, 2018


My mistake! i put the alert up with confusing wording!

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User Profile: Laura
Laura OP November 12th, 2018

Super Sorry everyone! I updated the alert title!!

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User Profile: Lauren63
Lauren63 November 14th, 2018

Outta here . Censorship? You were supposed to help . All of you. ALL OF YOU.@Laura

User Profile: Lauren63
Lauren63 November 14th, 2018

Y@Laura you censor members? Wow. AND the rest of you think this ok? Hope you feel really good about yourselves. Because I dont feel good about 7cups right now. I am NOT a listener. If this was a ploy to get me to leave, you win. You all hated me that much. If it wasnt, YOU ALL will never know. I have nothing more to say. Except I think you want people to come heee [edited for moderation power] . Thanks. My anxiety is in the clouds. Thanks.

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User Profile: Laura
Laura OP November 12th, 2018

Okay - I am reviewing the feedback form and we will be updating the lists asap! We have already taken steps to remove "asleep" I think this was added to the list incorrectly, I AM SUPER SORRY FOR THE ANNOYANCE

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 13th, 2018


All words that have asl in it are it so thank you for trying to remove it!

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User Profile: bunnypants
bunnypants November 13th, 2018

@SouthernFlame how many decades has it been since people used asl? has that come back into style?

anyway, disappointed we can't say "53X" anymore. i totally said that every day, in every conversation :P

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 13th, 2018


It is so old lol

also @Laura the word KILL is caught in any word it would not let me say Skill

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User Profile: CalmWhisper22
CalmWhisper22 November 13th, 2018

@SouthernFlame @Laura

Maybe that is why I can't type the word copinig Skills anymore. Since it tells me to call 911 or the crisis center. I talk about coping skills a lot with folks.

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User Profile: Remina
Remina November 13th, 2018


prob >>

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User Profile: melliotm
melliotm November 13th, 2018

@bunnypants 1337 h4x0r5

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