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Forum Supporter Announcements

KyleBorg June 27th, 2022

We've moved! Please congratulate our newest Forum Leaders here 🩡

Please join us in welcoming Forum Supporters to their roles here!

Interested in becoming a Forum Supporter yourself? Apply here!

Join the sub-community leadership taglist here to stay up-to-date on all information pertaining to sub-communities!

MistyMagic November 12th, 2022

We have a new Forum Supporter!

@Liv125 has decided to join Hobby Zone


I am really pleased to see what Liv will achieve as they learn and grow!

@AffyAvo @Asher @Azalea98 @bookworm274 @CheeryMango @Chevy81 @considerateParadise6717 @DonaldDraper @DylanxYuzu @EmmaE @emotionalTalker2260 @Erato @fallenAngel19 @Helpingheart23 @imaginativePear1976 @Izzy274 @KBeauty12 @kindheartedLily6247 @KyleBorg @LavenderHere @magicalOcean594 @MamaPiggy @Mel @MilaAvery @MistyMagic @Moonlemon48 @MyNameIsNicole @NoneTheWiser @Oceanwaves16 @Optimisticempath @PandaHelp000 @QuietMagic @RainbowdogsofParadise @Rodeogal @rrretsuko @scarletPear1945 @Sher217 @SkylarListens @SnailPurple @soulsings @SparkyGizmo @Starlasky @sunisshiningandsoareyou @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sunshinegiraffe123 @Sunthruclouds @tami150 @TessMo @theriverissinging @WarmLightXO @whenitsdarklookforstars @WhiteRoses25 @YourDigitalFriend

Listening - One Step At A Time!

SparkyGizmo November 12th, 2022


Congrats! *high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

Liv125 November 12th, 2022

thank you!!πŸ’—

Liv125 November 12th, 2022

thank you so much misty! :) i am excited for this new opportunity as well

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 12th, 2022

@Liv125 Livvv omg I think you're perfect for the forum supporter role, and have the knack for connecting with people via words and emotions, always being your uplifting and extremely observant self. So proud! πŸ€—β€

Liv125 November 12th, 2022

thank you so muchh sun!! πŸ€—πŸ’› i really appreciate your kind words as per usual, i hope you have an amazing rest of your day

November 27th, 2022


Welcome aboard @Liv125

Good job

Liv125 November 27th, 2022

thank you scarlet πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

CheeryMango November 27th, 2022

Please join me in congratulating our newest forum supporter @Markzzmq. They will be working with the Needs Reply Team!

SparkyGizmo November 27th, 2022


Congrats! *high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 27th, 2022

Needs reply can always use more compassionate folks, thanks alot for joining the team, and helping us help more. Best wishes to you, @Markzzmq, keep it up!❀

MistyMagic November 27th, 2022

Great news, well done! Good to hear!

bookworm274 November 28th, 2022

Hi everyone, please join me in welcoming our 2 new forum supporters:

@LlamaLizz for the Needs Reply Team!

@blitheSun94 for the Trauma Support Community and the Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and Psychosis Community!

@CheeryMango @MistyMagic @Mel @Heather225 @tami150 @theriverissinging

SparkyGizmo November 28th, 2022


Congrats everyone! *high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

MistyMagic November 28th, 2022


@LlamaLizz @blitheSun94 Congratulations, well done!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

blitheSun94 November 29th, 2022


This made my day. Thank you! ❀️

blitheSun94 November 29th, 2022


Thank you for your support and participation as well! I know this community is stronger with you here. ❀️

November 29th, 2022

@LlamaLizz @blitheSun94

Good Job, thanks

Optimisticempath November 29th, 2022


MistyMagic December 23rd, 2022

We are very pleased that we have two new Forum Supporters to announce Yayyyyyyy!

@SilentSerenityy for Disability Support


@Obstruct for Student & Career Support

Please join me in congratulating them both! I look forward to them bringing more activity and participation to their forums!

@AffyAvo @Asher @bookworm274 @CheeryMango @Chevy81 @considerateParadise6717 @DonaldDraper @EmmaE @EmoRex @Erato @GuineaPigzFurEver @imaginativePear1976 @Izzy274 @KBeauty12 @kindheartedLily6247 @KyleBorg @LavenderHere @MilaAvery @MistyMagic @Moonlemon48 @MyNameIsNicole @Oceanwaves16 @Optimisticempath @PandaHelp000 @QuietMagic @Rodeogal @Sher217 @SkylarListens @SnailPurple @soulsings @SparkyGizmo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sunshinegiraffe123 @tami150 @TessMo @whenitsdarklookforstars @YourDigitalFriend

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 23rd, 2022

Congratulations @SilentSerenityy and @Obstruct, so nice to have y'all join the sub communities! ❀


SilentSerenityy December 23rd, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @MistyMagic

Thank you :)

SparkyGizmo December 23rd, 2022


Congrats everyone! *high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

tommy December 23rd, 2022

@MistyMagic @sunisshiningandsoareyou

You're both angels, thank you so much <3

Very much looking forward to getting stuck in!


soulsings December 23rd, 2022

@SilentSerenityy for Disability Support and @Obstruct for Student & Career Support

Congratulations and thank you for sharing your time and energies to make 7cups a better place.

tommy December 23rd, 2022


Thank you so much ❀️🐼

SilentSerenityy December 24th, 2022

@soulsings thank you :)

emotionalTalker2260 December 24th, 2022


very big congratulations @SilentSerenityy @Obstruct 😊


tommy December 24th, 2022


thanks a lot emorex! <3


emotionalTalker2260 December 24th, 2022


You're very welcome <3


MistyMagic December 24th, 2022

Ohhhh wot a grin 🀣🀣🀣

December 24th, 2022


@SilentSerenityy @Obstruct


tommy December 24th, 2022


thank you scarlet ❀️


MistyMagic December 31st, 2022

Hello everyone!

Here is our last Forum Supporter announcement for 2022!



Positivity & Gratitude!

Caring is already a smile spreader and now is carrying on their caring by joining as forum supporter. I look forwards to seeing their contributions to the team Yayyyyyyy!

@AffyAvo @Asher @bookworm274 @CheeryMango @Chevy81 @considerateParadise6717 @DonaldDraper @EmmaE @EmoRex @Erato @GuineaPigzFurEver @imaginativePear1976 @Izzy274 @KBeauty12 @kindheartedLily6247 @KyleBorg @LavenderHere @MilaAvery @MistyMagic @Moonlemon48 @MyNameIsNicole @Oceanwaves16 @Optimisticempath @PandaHelp000 @QuietMagic @Rodeogal @Sher217 @SkylarListens @SnailPurple @soulsings @SparkyGizmo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @sunshinegiraffe123 @tami150 @TessMo @whenitsdarklookforstars @YourDigitalFriend @Heather225

Listening - One Step At A Time!

tommy December 31st, 2022


woooohooooo congratulations Confidant 🐼❀️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 31st, 2022

@MistyMagic Aww this has been a wonderful year for the leadership team! πŸ₯°

Congratulations @Yourcaringconfidant, I have nothing but immense faith in your capabilities to make the P&G forums shine even brighter with your thoughtfulness and creativity! Shine bright, Desiree! Soooo proud of you! ❀

SparkyGizmo December 31st, 2022


Congrats! *high fives* 😊 and *hugs* ❀️

KyleBorg OP December 31st, 2022



January 1st, 2023


Congrats and all the best and happy new year 🧑
bookworm274 January 22nd, 2023

Hi everyone, please join me in welcoming our new forum supporter ❀️

@invaderstitch for the Trauma Support Community!

@MistyMagic @CheeryMango @Mel @Heather @theriverissinging @PaisleyPrincess421 @blitheSun94 @kindcherry2