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Quality Suggestions/Feedback

EvelyneRose July 14th, 2020

This thread is for posting any ideas or constructive feedback you may have! Things you'd like to see, things you think might help, things you think aren't working quite right but have constructive feedback for, etc. For questions, please post them in the Quality Questions thread. Thank you!

August 5th, 2020

I think one area that is totally lacking is trainning on how to handle chats with people with disabilities. It just feels the listeners have no clue on how handle that topic . It seems like most listeners do want take on chat when it says the topic or if the members says that topic. A lot of times the listerners just say they do not take that topic. I think if there is better trainning on this topic members will be more at ease to talk about that topic and be less fearful on bring the topic. Ithink that would help with bring growth to 7 cups as new member with this topic to joined and sub commite wil grow strong. 7 cups. Need to willing to to step up to plate and make this happen so this population will feel that they belong here and have people that will understand , listen to them an treat them with repect.



August 5th, 2020
Tyedyedbutterfly65 August 5th, 2020

@Raysofsunshineandrainbow2005 Thank you for tagging Me Sunshine I am a person that does live with several disabilites and it can be very hard to find a Listener who can handle a chat with a Listener that has some physical disabilites or learning disabilites ... many just either have not had any physical disabilites so it can be hard for them to know what to say and there are so many types of physical disabilities ..

If Listeners share that they do have a certain dsiability on their profile it can help for sure so that is one way that a member can search for a listener and maybe find one browsing listeners and reading the profiles.. Not all Listeners share what they are dealing with in life because it can also cause some issues like some members will use the Listeners disability against them sadly..

Even when a member comes to us and states they have a terninal illness this one is a hard one for many listeners to chat about they either feel helpless or trggered or just scared they could say the wrong things.

The Disability chatroom does an awesome job handling so many topics and disscussions and the site does have many helpful links and forum post to read over.

Peace and Love heart


EvelyneRose OP August 6th, 2020


Thank you Ray! Will pass it on

AffyAvo August 9th, 2020

@EvelyneRose Are stats collected on things like topic and rating given?

EvelyneRose OP August 9th, 2020


I assume so! I'll ask Glen!

August 14th, 2020


August 15th, 2020

Just in case was not clear. I was talking better trainning for listener in general population on chats with disabilties @EvelyneRose

August 15th, 2020

This came to me during my self care.

i think part of reason why we get not good listener or ones here for the wrong is signing up to be a listener is too say . The test is like something why one could do test and trainning once they sign up. I think one thing that can help getting the right listener is first make the test and trainning not too easy. Also I think having some requirements that person needs to have done before they can sign up to be a listener.


August 15th, 2020



EvelyneRose OP August 15th, 2020


good ideas Ray! We're working on that within the parameters of the site. Thank you!

RarelyCharlie August 15th, 2020

@EvelyneRose That's encouraging news Relieved

Within the parameters of the site, the idea @Raysofsunshineandrainbow2005 mentioned of having some requirements that person needs to have done before they can sign up to be a listener could very easily be achieved by requiring members to demonstrate a supportive role in forums before being allowed to begin listener training.

And the first idea—make the test and training not too easy—is very easy to do within the existing parameters of the site.

We appear to have far too many listeners, most of whom stopped listening long ago. I think one obstacle to real progress is the unstated but strongly implied goal of 500,000 listeners. Maybe we have to get that over with before we can start being more rational about what it means to be a listener.


EvelyneRose OP August 15th, 2020


Interesting that's a good input about the number. I know at least for me, the idea is quality over quantity. As you stated, it would be nice to have some sort of stop gap first, so that is my goal.

August 16th, 2020

one thing really needs to changed or get better Response Time or have some one show up is the cs request form. Only. 3 times I filled it out a cs got back to me an rest of time when I filled it out no one showed up. To day I filled it out and no. One got back to me. This can be frustrating to have form out there that does not work. I am not if no one sees the form or what but this totally unacceptable . It can be hard when listeners needs cs and no one is there. I think getting this fixed would help listeners to get cs when there is no one around

EvelyneRose OP August 16th, 2020


Hi Ray! Chat Support is actually under @Mel since she is the ambassador, but am tagging her here so she's aware!

September 1st, 2020

I hope this right place .
I thought maybe having some training on less often topics. Would be useful if they. Do come up so the listeners can have some idea what are talking about.

for example topic codependency . I felt little lost without any trainning on the site.


EvelyneRose OP September 2nd, 2020


Good idea! Feel free to pm me if you want to talk more about this!

vivelespatates September 2nd, 2020

@EvelyneRose one more distinctive color for the "busy" statut in the 1-on-1 chat, i want my regular members being able to see when i am on site and available for them, but not accepting new members (vs online), because i reserve times when my regular members have priority for chat versus taking new members. the orange is very similar to red offline statut and my members dont always see when i am on busy vs offline.

EvelyneRose OP September 2nd, 2020


Like a purple?

AffyAvo September 2nd, 2020

@EvelyneRose @Rarelycharlie recommended shapes along(?) with the colours a while ago. I like that idea a lot.

RarelyCharlie September 2nd, 2020

@AffyAvo Yes, that was a while ago. I suggested using shape along with clearer colours, implemented my design, and published the code on March 13th 2016. Back then it looked like this in colour and monochrome. The original forum discussion seems to be lost:

Since then 7 Cups has changed the design two or three times without ever fixing the problem.

In June 2018 a developer known here as @SnugglyNarwhal was assigned to work on the issue, and there was further forum discussion: Updated Listener Icon Poll

I proposed an even clearer design:

But even though a 7 Cups developer had been assigned to work on it, nothing was ever implemented.

(If anyone ever wonders why I sometimes remark on 7 Cups' resistance to change, this kind of saga is the reason.)


vivelespatates September 2nd, 2020

@RarelyCharlie love the idea for shapes, definitely would make it easier. in your example though the grey and orange are already more different color than the red or orange and would already be better..

EvelyneRose OP September 2nd, 2020


yes I myself have suggested shapes because the member and listener shape are almost the same to me. I also like the idea of different colors!

September 5th, 2020

I been noticing whenever the gr Goes really over 20 there is a panic over will all these gr Get taking. New or some listeners get idea that they need a lot of chats to take care of that get ls to take more chats. I think if there is some way to display or have it some where that listener see would like help like there is many listeners on line Alll the gr requests will be taking would be helpful

EvelyneRose OP September 5th, 2020


Thanks Ray! I will pass it along!

vivelespatates September 6th, 2020

@Raysofsunshineandrainbow2005 that is true people focus on number of requests more than the average waiting time which is rarely over 2 min. maybe even the bar could change from green to orange when the waiting time is over 2 minutes instead than based on "10+ requests"

September 6th, 2020

Maybe having a easier way to find. Out what to do if some in. Crisis like active sh or The s one. That seems like a lot of l ask what to when that happens.

i did not want to tigger any one that why I did not s words or whole sh thing



EvelyneRose OP September 6th, 2020


Hi Ray! Thanks for the suggestions. Like something in the new listener primer?

vivelespatates September 6th, 2020

@Raysofsunshineandrainbow2005 I agree its very hard to navigate on the site for a new member or listener. 7cups is very resourful place with much links, documents and wonderful forums, but its very hard, even for the most experienced of us who use the site daily, to find what we need quickly.
the trainings for listeners (in training section (Listener only link) could and should be different from the self help guides for members (they are already listed as different menu and are on a different page but content is a duplicate) and the trainings should focus more on "how handle chats on xxx topic" (same like those I still suggest to my mentees and are listed here (Listener only link) even if kinda outdated it could be a good opportunity to update it too).
Of course, It could definitely includes the informations from the listener primer on the training page and/or be part of the progress path.

EvelyneRose OP September 25th, 2020


got it! Will pass it along thank you!

September 25th, 2020


Hi there!

I want to share my feedback on a couple of quality issues I noticed in relation to the last AMA with therapists, hosted on the 14th-16th September. Link here:

Issue 1

What happened: Posts from members were expected to receive an answer following the order of posting, as stated in the description of the event. This did not happen though. Therapists replied earlier to later posts. No explanation was offered as for why this happened.

Problem: members may feel unheard and think their questions are perceived as unimportant or less important/less interesting.

Solution 1: questions should be answered in the order received.

Solution 2: therapists could reply with a short message if they feel another colleague may be better equipped to answer a specific question. Something along these lines, for instance: Hi there, thank you for your question. As it falls more in @nameofothertherapists area of expertise, I will let them reply to you.

Issue 2

What happened: Several posts from members were left unanswered (and still are), despite their being posted in time. These posts not only saw later ones being 'preferred', but also got dismissed.

Problem: as above, members may feel unheard and think their questions are perceived as unimportant or less important/less interesting.

Solution 1: ensure that all questions posted in time get an answer.

Solution 2: Reduce the AMA to one or two days only, instead of three, if the amount of questions received by therapists is too high.

Solution 3: Fix a set amount of questions that will receive a reply (for instance: this AMA will give the first 30 queries the opportunity to receive an answer from a 7cups therapist)

Solution 4: Give more time to therapists to reply, up to two weeks for instance.

Solution 5: Run AMAs that are topic-restricted, for instance: AMA on depression, AMA on anxiety, AMA on grief etc.

Solution 6: if the questions of the last AMA are bound to remain unanswered, an apology and possibly an explanation as to what went wrong could be (and in my humble opinion, should be) offered.

I hope I made myself clear enough, please tag me if you want me to expand on a specific point smiley

A big thank you to the therapists who volunteer their time to AMAs

EvelyneRose OP September 25th, 2020


Thank you so much for this feedback! i'll pass it along!

RubyRedGlowingButterflee September 25th, 2020

I said it from the beggining:

- member to member sessions with all safety in place for blocking or etc.

- relevant check in content. Much of the content in check-ins are not tailored to the subject and sometimes totally out of whack. That happens alot in delression but in most forums too. If you are responsible, take the time to taylor your posts to the theme.

- personal freedom to safety rather than someone banning people. Give rights to users of all kinds to block users or contents that they do not like while not banning someone.

- deficiency due to listeners seeking personal gain points and hyeratchy and badges etc. To the detriment of paying attention and caring for members. The rewarding mechanism is sadly based on educational systems rewarding the person itself not the good they have done...result: listener actibity just based on rewards with totall disregard to members.

- i was appalled how 7cups took the call of the "covid" without time to dig and investigate deeper, that is a shame that will stay with the site...

- discrimination of mental disordered members...the mentally disordered people that are convinient to your goals are ok, the rest of mentally disordered people are banned or shunned...I remind you that this site is meant to be dedicated for those in mental need not for people in need of personal carreer of affiemation or leaders...silent helpers are modest and never trumpet their helping effort. Helping is personal and discreet, not a show or a competition...

- ....

EvelyneRose OP September 29th, 2020


Thank you for your feedback! So to recap to make sure I understood correctly.. less gamification, better checkins, and better treatment of mentally disordered members?

October 1st, 2020

I been here For 9 months mostly on other accout but had to start over.

what I have noticed in my 9 months here. There are some members go though the gr bout over 5 times to find the right listener. That must be frustrating to have go though gr so many times to find the right listenet. There must be a way to help them find the right listener without having them go though the gr so many times

RarelyCharlie October 2nd, 2020

@specialPurple1582 Yes, most of the time the system (the website) could find them a good listener immediately. We have so many listeners that it would not be a problem. The problem is that 7 Cups doesn't want to do that, and doesn't want to explain why.


October 2nd, 2020

It a good gr systum but flawed as whole there must way to improve the whole thing for shake of members

EvelyneRose OP October 2nd, 2020


I understand your concerns! I will certainly try my best to improve quality!

11820Read December 26th, 2020

Hello and happy holidays!

First of all, I apologise in advance if this isn't the correct place to post some or perhaps even all of these suggestions.

So now...

On with the suggestions!

1) Since we have many members from all around the globe, I'm thiking if instead of using EST or some other inclusive timezone name, we can switch to GMT/UTC instead. I believe most people will find it easier because they ought to know in which UTC timezone they are - in contrast to the condition where not everybody remember ET or EST is UTC plus or minus how many hours. Even though the time converter machine is provided, I think it still would be quicker to do it by memory of GMT.

2) I understand this one is perhaps technical so maybe I should suggest in another place, but I can't seem to find a more appropriate page. Could you please pass the suggestion of adding searching page/message by key words? I have to say the organisation of 7 Cups, as awesome as this site is, is not easy to navigate particularly for newbies. In my opinion, a key words-search (something like Startpage or Google) should help.

3) This may be technical as well. When we try to unlock or join something, sometimes there are badges required. Is it possible to inform users (both listeners and members) how many items are still left to do? I mean, for instance, someone needs a badge which can be earned by completing 5 chats - now, that person is likely to ask, "How many chats have I actually completed? How many more do I need?" (And perhaps even, "How would a chat considered to be 'complete'? If it's over X messages? Or if it's over Y minutes?")

Well! That's all I can think of currently.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.