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Hi I’m new here

Lasweetbaby34 September 10th, 2021

Hello everyone, I’m 40 years mother of 4 teenagers i have 2 boys and 2 boys, I’m originally from california but I now reside in Illinois.. I’m a home stay mom, I suffer from major depression, anxiety, and diabetes. I just recently found this site and i wanted to check it out to maybe find new friends or people to talk to. Even though I have a family of my own everyone is doing their own thing and they hardly pay attention to what I feel. I do have a partner but it’s like i don’t even have one because he doesn’t care about me and is always on he’s drinking so maybe that could be my issue that is causing my depression. Living with someone that drinks daily is really hard and stressful. Not sure if someone in here is going through the same thing as I’m now and I really hope i find people to talk to because since i been in here I’m having a hard time finding listeners they are hardly there for you, and mostly i get are males which is fine, but i rather have a female since they intend to understand more than males do. I hope that I’m able to meet some of you and if anyone reads my post don’t hesitate to message me I’m always here to listens to others, even though I’m feeling terrible.

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

I am new to this and I completely understand you I’ve been going through a lot myself so trust me I know what you are going through as for chatting I have the same problem my situation scares people away but I’m here for you

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 19th, 2021


I haven’t seen what is going on with you have you wrote a post regarding what is going on with you? I mean I know sometimes it’s hard to even post here, trust me I’m a little shy person myself, and I just recently decided to post my introduction and see if maybe people can relate on what I’m going through. I have a family, but my partner who is living with me is a alcoholic and he is making my anxiety, depression, and diabetes worse. I have no support and sometimes I just feel lonely everyday. Right now I’m just in my room thinking what I’m going to do I’m just so lost.

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

I have felt that way before I understand you I’ve lost almost everything myself

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

do you want to chat

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 19th, 2021

yes I just wrote you a comment, sorry I don’t know how to send a message, so it has to be through the comments.

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

Sorry you feel this way and may I say I’m here to chat you can be open about anything I don’t judge I’m just here to help and get help that’s all.

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

Wish we could chat privately so no one sees what you write I’m sorry

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 19th, 2021


i’m here for the some reasons I want to give support and for others to support me to. We might not be open up to talk about our situation but I must tell you I’m here for you to. If you want to talk about what is bugging you let me know I want to give you the support you need don’t be a Shame we are here for one another to help us feel a little better.

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

Thanks same here it’s a bit embarrassing talking about it here but let’s just say base on my situation I’ve lost almost everything I feel lost without hope so I understand you I’m here for you as well

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

Same lol sorry I’m just learning how to do this but I did reply

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 19th, 2021


I know it’s really hard when everyone could see your messages but I want to become a listener that is the only way we can private message each other. Members can only message each other through postings, but if you are a listener you can private message others, but I don’t even know how to even become a listener

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

I believe if you go to the messages and ask that robot helper it takes you to the site to become a listener it would be nice to chat privately

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 19th, 2021


im going to try to figure it out, if not will ask one of the listeners that I’m currently talking to, how they do it. But in the meantime we can message each other here if you like.

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

Yes of course that would be nice

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

So wha things you wish be different

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 19th, 2021

I wish that I had a better relationship a partner that actually cared about me, spend quality time with me. Someone that takes me out to eat and just be dedicated and not drink. I hate drinkers because in my family when I was younger they just to be lots of problems because of the alcohol.

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

I understand cuz I’m going through the same thing

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

I think it noni the name of the robot just ask “ how you I become a listener “ and it should send you a link I try to do it but wouldn’t allow me smh

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 19th, 2021

That robot should tell you how to become a listener, not sure why it doesn’t let you.

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

Yeah I try two times got me disappointed cuz I wanted to become one to chat with you

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 19th, 2021

Let’s keep trying don’t give up. I think what a listener told me you need to answer some questions to become one, but he didn’t tell me where.

ambitiousDrum84 September 19th, 2021

Ok I got it look for me Drummer84

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

Did you found me

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 20th, 2021

If you became a listener you might be able to message me yourself. Look for Lasweetbaby34

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

I can’t you need to try but let me see ok

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

Did you found me Drummer84

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 20th, 2021

Where you able to become a listener?

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

Yes I was you can look for me now as Drummer84

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 20th, 2021

I did try to look for you but i can’t find you, maybe you can try to look for me. Since you became a listener

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

It’s up to you we can continue chatting here if you like

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

How’s your day

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 20th, 2021

Busy and stressful like I usually have it everyday I never do anything on Sunday's. How about you?

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

I try but can send you a request or anything I’m sorry

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 20th, 2021


Maybe you can try sending me a message through your other account that you did with the username Drummer84. Just post here and maybe I could try to send you a message and see if it works that way.

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

I don’t know why you can’t find me I’m under the depression group it’s Drummer84 my pic it’s the sun and the sky

ambitiousDrum84 September 20th, 2021

Check the last message I send it with the other account

Drummer84 September 20th, 2021

@Lasweetbaby34 hello I’m here for you

Lasweetbaby34 OP September 20th, 2021

hey you finally knew how.. I just sent you a request look for it so we can chat

amiableBlackberry92 October 19th, 2021


I'm still praying for you and sending vibes for a good outcome for you. Your a strong woman and I know you're gonna get through this and the other side will be an opportunity for you.

Best ABB 💜

Lasweetbaby34 OP October 22nd, 2021


Thank you so much for all your prayers. Well I did have court yesterday and let me tell you that I was so anxious and scared when i was in there. I didn’t know what to expect at all, when I go in front of the judge I completely have panic attacks and I think I want to just fly away since I don’t feel comfortable with strangers being there and just listen to what is happening to me. I never had this happen to me at all. I actually have 2 courts, one is for a felony and the other one is for traffic, so the other one is still this coming week as well as the other one to. I have a pre-trial and not sure still what is going to happen to me, I saw my therapist this past Thursday and she saw me how overwhelm and stress I was. I told her that I cannot take it anymore I’m not strong at all I know a lot of people are telling me you are a strong women you can overcome this. But I told me therapist that I’m not I’m so weak about to have a major break down at this moment. She even told me that this court situation has been a dark cloud for me since it started, I told her that before I did have problems here an there, but nothing similar to court issues.

This court situation is consuming me little by little and I just don’t know what to do. I have a lot of fear right now me thinking about being in jail frightens me because who is going to guarantee me that they are going to take care of me with all the health problems I have right now. I even told her that being stuck in there behind 4 walls and being with all your loved ones away from you is going to make you even sadder. I just want to give up already and even though I do want to do some time in the following weeks I don’t know how to react at this. The court system is just so hard on everyone that commits a felony they think you are a complete criminal even though you did a mistake. I know I’m not a criminal I’m a good person but with all the health issues that I’m having and also my eye sight problem that I’m having took me to take the wrong path. They don’t hear me out my public defender doesn’t do anything so I can at least be in probation. I’m sorry to say this to you but if i don’t let it out with someone I think I’m going to go nuts but I think I’m already crazy with all of this.

How can you feel ok with all this happening to you. Sure I do have family member a husband but none of them seem to care about my situation. All of them just tell me just do the time including my therapist. How can they say this when they know how horrible Jail is especially for someone feeling so depress. I feel like nobody cares about my feelings and that I just want to run away and never come back. I wish at this point that I could go back in time when i was younger and just forget about not having any worries sure i was living with my parents and they were strict with me. But I rather go back to that then be experiencing what I’m going through now just stuck without no way out. I think right now I just need someone that could at least understand me what I’m feeling and going through see I try to reach to my older kids but they just to busy for mom. My mom doesn’t really care about my situation so I just sit and lay back and start crying. Right now I’m so low and depress that I even have nightmares of jail already. See how bad jail is consuming my whole life. I wish all this could just be over and I just have my own life back :( feeling so blue right now.