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Uncertain20 July 16th

Hello 30s!

I am 36 years old but I'm feeling like a late bloomer. A lot of regrets, hang-ups, not financially stable, no own family yet. What am I doing in the past 2 decades since I graduated? A lot of questions comes into my mind when I'll be alone. 

Now, I'm thinking starting an own family is good but will I be a good mother or wife inspite of my weaknesses and capacities? 

People in my place keep telling I have to have a boyfriend and be married so I can have an own family. I said to myself it's too late. 


@Uncertain20  Just wanted to chime in.  I'm a single mother by choice and I had my daughter via IVF when I was 41.  You may have more time than you think, but you should go to a doctor and really find out what your numbers are if you want bio kids.

SoConfused2024 August 30th

It’s not too late. I’m 51 years old. I met my Fiance when I was 43. We are still not married. We both are trying to get better financially and health wise. We are taking care of our elderly mothers during the week and we meet up on the weekends. I work and she doesn't, You talk about being a good mother. If you love your child and do your absolute best job in raising him or her, you are a good mother. You need a man to be a partner in good and bad. Someone who will be there and not give up easily. I could have walked out many times but I had to understand that it’s not just me it’s us. You have to not only understand your partner but understand their needs and their feelings. It’s a compromise. I have many regrets in my past. Things I should have done. But with age comes wisdom. You will get there, just take one step at a time.

courteousWater4584 August 30th

Nothing is too late , if you truly want something.

But before starting a new family it is utmost important to have healthy mindset and maybe even financial independence.

FatcAt28 August 30th

@Uncertain20 It's never too late to pursue what you want in life. Many people find that their 30s, and even beyond, are a time of significant personal growth and fulfillment. The experiences you've had over the past two decades, even if they weren't exactly what you envisioned, have shaped you into the person you are today, and that’s valuable.

As for the pressure from others, it’s okay to set boundaries and remind yourself that your path is your own. Making decisions based on what feels right for you, rather than external expectations, is key to finding peace and happiness.

Remember, it's never too late to create the life you want. Your journey is uniquely yours, and it's okay to take your time.

selfconfidentJet260 August 30th

@Uncertain20Its never too late! Family doesn't just mean kids and adoption is always an option too. Marriage can happen at any age, please harbor your natural talents and passions while trying to financially get on track,find various resources like baby steps by Dave Ramsey and budgeting ideas and get credit score in check using credit building apps. You can still start life at any age. I am in the same boat financially but I have saved and finding ways to improve life to get ahead and make up for the time I lost. I am more motivated than ever and It's never too late. You will get married when right person comes your way. Keep living life meaningfully each day.

Stewart25 September 8th

@Uncertain20 Hi! I'm also in my thirties and considered myself a late bloomer! It's never to late to start anything. I did everything unconventionally, and I must say it is working out for me. Give it a shot and it will work for you as well!