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L Newbie 3
Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceAug 17, 2023 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderFemale PathStep 15 People helped1 Chats1 Forum posts8 Forum upvotes4

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns.

Maybe it's realizing your brain works a bit differently or understanding how your upbringing shapes your view of the world. Or maybe you are just trying to figure out when and how to deal with everything on your plate, while finding out where you fit in. 

Wherever you are, you matter, you are meant to be here, and you are not alone. You have every right to feel how you feel, and each day you have the opportunity to make life happen for you instead of to you.

There are always options, even if they're not immediately clear. And sometimes, all you need is to get around someone who can help you uncover them. That's where I come in! I hope to plant that seed with you, by truly meeting you where you are at, and listening so that I may understand.

There is just one teeny tiny catch... I need your help in order to do that!

This is your official invitation to be open and willing to explore alternative possibilities, and to take inspired action! Think of it like accepting a quest, and embarking on a journey to learn, grow, and create more choices and peace in your life. 

Will you answer the call? 

If so, I'm here to help you find the tools you need to get started, provide you with encouragement along the way, and support you in creating a plan of action.
If not, that's okay too! Sometimes the timing just isn't right yet.

No matter what... 
I will hold space for you to be seen without judgment. And I will cultivate an open environment for you to be safe, and to share what is on your mind and your heart.