Talk to someone online about Breakups
Romantic breakups are tough. Going from a place of vulnerability and contentment with a person to no longer having that type of connection can be heart wrenching. Perhaps you feel as though your heart is being torn in two or that there’s no hope of ever finding a partner in life. One of the best things you can do following a breakup is to talk to someone about it in order to process how it is affecting you. 7 Cups of Tea listeners are just a click away and would value the opportunity to journey with you toward a mended heart. The Surviving Breakups Guide is a great resource as well.
or talk to one of our listeners:
I'm a 58 year lady who has health issues, but I don't give up I can't ...
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I'm here for you buddyDon't feel bad I'm always here for youFeel free ...
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Talk to an expert therapist about breakups
Welcome! I am so happy that you are here. Conflicts in life can present us...
Talk to Lindsay NowDanydg
Hi, how are you?.Hola, estoy aquí para poner mi granito de arena y ay...
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