I've personally dealt with Clinical Depression, Social Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Insomnia, as well as various other medical and health issues (such as Asthma and Chronic Migraines).
That being said, I'm doing just fine now, with all of the above mentioned issues either under control or a thing of the past. This was done through a combination of therapy, medication, and personal research into the fields of psychology, therapy, and general wellness.
I'm a very logical and detail-oriented person. I regularly help my friends and family members (as well as myself) talk through their problems and develop a step-by-step plan to take action and correct what needs correcting. I also know what it's like to deal with a problem that *cannot* go away, so I have lots of great tips on how to feel better about a situation when there's technically nothing you can do about it.
My life is mostly populated with women (they make up the vast majority of my friends and family). Therefore, despite being a man, I am both familiar and experienced with issues unique to women (as much as one can be without having been a woman themselves, anyway). So if you are a woman who feels somewhat nervous about chatting with a male, fear not! Of course, you're more than welcome to browse through the wonderful female listeners we have here- but know that I am also here for you.
That's certainly not to leave the out the fellas- or those who don't subscribe to the gender binary in general. I'm more than happy to lend an ear and a brain to anyone who needs 'em!
Let's talk. :)