Hello there, ladies, gentlemen, and unicorns of 7cups!
I'm Leia, and I decided to join 7cups as a listener because of wanting to help other people who may be going through some tough stuff. I've been through quite a bit, and I've been around friends who suffer just as much. Education wise, I have a degree in Psychology (BSc Psych Hons), with a specialization in Mental Health Science and Counselling Psychology.
I was mainly motivated to become a listener after a friend of mine found it extremely hard to open up and to find help as she's very introverted. The only people she trusted enough, me and another friend, were too busy or were in a different country to help. She finds peace with online friends, and when I gave her the choice between therapists online and offline, she said she would be more comfortable with someone online.
Send me a message whenever and I'll do my best to respond as soon as I possibly can! I'm here to help, with the best of my abilities, so don't worry. :)