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Sleep Study "Participation"
Healthy Living / by LeGhost223
Last post
May 19th, 2017
...See more I have recently developed a sleep study for my AP Psychology class. What happens is you guys would go ahead and pick a few days where you aren't busy and pick a time where you aren't busy (I suggest in the after noon around 3 or 4.) and you would nap for 20 minutes one day, 50 minutes on another day and an hour and thirty minutes on another. I would ask that you take the survey honestly and try to avoid bias. I'd also like feedback as to whether you think changes should be made and whether or not you actually plan on doing it. Thank you so much and I hope to hear from all of you. (As an aspiring Psychologist, this is my first ever conducted study!!!!) It its simplest form, my sleep study is as follows: RESOLVED: Do short naps during the day lead to a reduction in stress? HYPOTHESIS: Taking a short nap during the day reduces stress in teens. INTRODUCTION: Ben & Jerry's, Zappos, Uber, and Google all have dedicated napping times and places specifically to increase productivity and learning skills (1); however, I want to know if it works wonders on decreasing stress too. SURVEY: BEFORE THE NAP: How old are you? _____________ Circle how stressed you are currently 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 About how many hours do you sleep at night? _____________________________________________________________________ Do you personally think taking short naps will reduce/increase stress? YES NO Do you take naps during the day? If so, How many do you take per day? _____________________________________________________________________ AFTER THE NAP: Circle how stressed you are now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Did the nap reduce your stress? Why do you think it did/didnt reduce stress? _____________________________________________________________________ Are you feeling more relaxed or more groggy? RELAXED GROGGY INDIFFERENT Do you think you will end up taking more naps like this one in the future? YES NO Do you think sleep and stress are correlated? YES NO REFERENCES: (1) Weir, K. (2016, July & aug.). The Science of Naps. Retrieved May 10, 2017, from
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Ideas for the site.
Site Updates / by LeGhost223
Last post
February 13th, 2017
...See more Hello! I personally have quite a few ideas for this site, but I dunno who to go to. Who can I talk to to make suggestions for the betterment of this site? Also, you guys, if you want, can post to this feed about any ideas you may have. :)
Feedback & Reviews
Very personable. I'm not good at explaining my emotions, I'm quite awkward, but this person made it very easy for me to talk and feel better.
Really nice and helpful.
Lovely person
Very understanding and helpful - 10/10 :)
Really lovely person and understood me. I felt like I could open up to them. Really helpfulxxx
Great support, Made me feel more normal! :)
Replied immediately, helped whenever possible, really felt like a friend. would definitely contact again
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this person is amazing
Helpful :)
Good person, helped me !
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very understanding of my situation.
I love you
Thanks and Good Luck :)
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