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Does everyone secretly despise LGBTs although many openly claim to accept and love it, including LGBT members and allies? Are there really people who see LGBT as of equal worth as heterosexuals?

301 Answers
Last Updated: 12/15/2020 at 10:52pm
Does everyone secretly despise LGBTs although many openly claim to accept and love it, including LGBT members and allies? Are there really people who see LGBT as of equal worth as heterosexuals?
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September 25th, 2020 7:02pm
Yes. Yes, in fact I do see the LBGTQ+ as equals. I cannot argue that perhaps there are disingenuine people who put on a facade for the sake of looking 'clean' and 'acceptable', but please don't let that take away from the people who do genuinely care about the LGBTQ+ community. Not everyone is going to love or accept, not everyone will be honest and that truly sucks, but there is always going to be other people who will view the community as equals. At the end of the day, we are all human. To judge someone based on who they love would be wrong of us.
Profile: sereneButton43
June 10th, 2020 12:26pm
I can't say for everyone but I'm sure some subconscious bias exists even for allies that can be due to anything from bad experiences to irrational assumptions. People raised with heteronormativity find it difficult to see LGBT individuals without a biased lens. Although I imagine when they are aware of such thoughts, they can usually get past them. Even so, "despising" might be going too far. Its not something I have seen any LGBT member/ally admit to, and I doubt its something they covertly do either. The community has seen a lot of growth over the years and continues growing with cultures being more open to the idea that people can have different sexual preferences, gender, etc. I would say that that most of us see LGBT no less than heterosexuals.
Profile: IceCreamLover321
June 11th, 2020 1:25am
I don't think everyone secretly despises LGBTs. There may be some who claim to support it concealing how they truly feel regarding the community. This may be due to fear of judgement and negative backlash or willingness to conform due to an increase in public support and awareness on the community. There are definitely people out there who regard LGBT as of equal worth as heterosexuals including but not limited to those who are part of the community themselves. There are those that look beyond just the surface to see that we are all human beyond our exteriors and past our sexual orientations and identities.
June 11th, 2020 10:56pm
Not everyone. It's best to focus on those who care for the LGBT community wholeheartedly but also don't be surprised at those who show their true colors. When they do, take it for what it is and accept that not all people are understanding and tolerant. It's not your fault so don't take on that burden of making yourself out to be the problem because you're not. I can't promise that things will be better, but you'll find that when you aren't so worried about what the bigots think, you'll find something you didn't know you could have and that's peace.
June 18th, 2020 8:34am
Of course! Many of my friends are very supportive and there are plenty people out there who don't care about your gender or sexuality. There will always be people who like to treat others less than them, because they are different, but they are the exception not the rule. The people who truly care for you, will always love and support you no matter what. LGBT people are just as valid and important as straight and cis people, don't ever listen to someone who tells you otherwise, they are in the wrong not you. You don't need other people to determine your worth, always know that.
Profile: silverHeart49
June 24th, 2020 10:21am
Hey, look of course in our society there are people who despise the LGBTQ+ community - but these are a minority. Fortunately there is a massive majority of people who are loving, accepting and happy for the LGBTQ+ community - because why wouldn't they be? what difference does you sexuality make? It doesn't, there is no difference. Love is love and it always will be. You are totally worth it! Make sure to surround yourself with these people, the minority lack education, they lack empathy and that is not something you need in your life. Us majority just want the best for you, just like we want the best for everyone else regardless of how they identify! :)
July 3rd, 2020 5:00pm
No, there are many people who wholeheartedly support the lgbt community, despite what you may see! I know it can be overwhelming to see so much hate and ignorance, especially online, but there are so many people who are willing to support you. There isn't quite a good reason why someone wouldn't see lgbt members as of equal worth as heterosexuals. Society doesn't shun people with green eyes for having a rarer trait that they were born with! We can think of it like that. Almost all of my friends and I are either part of the lgbt community or support it! And then my friends' buddies also are a part of the community or support it. It can be hard to see, especially through the internet sometimes, but yes there are people who wholeheartedly support lgbt.
July 17th, 2020 3:31pm
Everyone does not secretly despise the LGBT community. Acceptance is real and genuine, there truly are people who know that LGBT community members are as worthy and equal as heterosexuals. Who someone loves and wants to be with is worthy, regardless of gender. Its no one else's place to tell you who you should be with or what is right, because there is no universal answer. What matters is what's right for you and what feels good for you. No one has the right to tell you how to live your life.
Profile: bouncySky15
July 25th, 2020 4:12pm
Absolutely, there are certainly people who are homophobic/ transphobic, but there are also tons of amazing and supportive allies willing to help fight for equality. It’s easy to only see the people who only support the LGBT community in public, but there are definitely people who are strong allies and see LGBT love as equal to that of straight couples. And maybe you yourself as lesser than heterosexual people, and it may take time to overcome that, but know that you are valid and worthy of love. Not all, but many people think you are just as valid as straight people, and you’ll meet them all throughout your life.
Profile: graceyrae12
July 25th, 2020 6:11pm
Yes! I think that a lot of people do actually view LGBTQ+ members as equal to heterosexuals! A lot of people are just scared, and afraid on what society is going to say. The Internet and society has told people that it’s not normal to be a member of LGBTQ+ BUT actually it’s completely normal, LGBTQ+ members make up half of the world. There are also a lot of people who do say they support them just on social media and not actually support it, but you have to find the right people I think. Things like this are tricky
Profile: lyricalPillow74
July 31st, 2020 6:07am
Hello there! What you have asked is a really genuine question because even though I am not a part of the community, I have this question in mind as well. But from what I have seen, I believe that there are people of varied opinions, because even though the LGBTQ+ community has always existed, somewhere or the other we always tried to pretend it doesn't exist or believe that "being gay is a mental illness". As the awareness about homosexuality is increasing more with time, people are accepting this idea even more. But yes, homophobia unfortunately still exists, but then I don't think anyone should ever let anybody else dictate their identity or their choices! While I say that, I am also of the opinion that we should also be a bit understanding towards homophobes because not every homophobe despises LGBTQ+. There are some of them who are still trying to understand and accept the idea of this community actually existing, so it is wise to give them that time as well. (like Rosa's parents in Brooklyn 99)- some day we will move towards a better day and some day the world will be a better place than yesterday. :D Love is love, so live and let live!
August 5th, 2020 1:26am
People think all sorts of things about LGBT people. Some people do see and think of them similarly to themselves. Others feel that some of the behaviours are weird like males wearing makeup. That idea makes them uncomfortable. Others don't like LBGT people because they feel like their activism is in their face and like they are being attacked. A few people feel like they are more important than heterosexuals and that they are better and kinder than others. Is important to treat these people equally to other people no matter how you feel about them. Who they're attracted to doesn't complete the person they are.
Profile: freshPassion7021
August 5th, 2020 2:50pm
I’m a lesbian. Even in the days that I didn’t know my sexuality, I saw LGBT as of equal worth as heterosexuals. I am confident to say that most people my age in my community see LGBT the same as me, which is encouraging. However, quite an amount of older people despise LGBTs either secretly or openly. They see it as a mental illness and discriminate LGBT members and allies. If they have an LGBT children, they might take them to a doctor. This is a common phenomenon and there are still LGBT treatments online. So I think it’s a yes to both of the questions.
August 6th, 2020 6:24pm
Not quite. Many people despise LGBTs although they openly claim to accept and love them. But there are also many people who see LGBTs as of equal worth as heterosexuals. The amount of the later is growing exponentially. The amount of the first group is stagnant. Social change is very slow to be well appreciated in a lifetime. But discrimination will disappear as generations pass by. It is happening with racial discrimination (the US elected a black president, people of all kinds all over the world were furious about the killing of George Floyd). It happened also to a very great extent with women in politics, academia, and the workplace.
August 13th, 2020 8:07pm
I think its human to have a little bit of lgbt curiosity about ourselves and our sexual orientation, but because this has been shamed for so long, people are afraid of their own curiosity. I think if someone secretly despises lgbt its because they fear they are lgbt, and their sense of identity, i.e. ego, is threatened, which turns into anger and hate. I think a true heterosexual would have no hatred towards lgbt because they have nothing to fear. If you are comfortable with your own sexuality then why would you feel the need to diminish someone elses sexuality?
August 19th, 2020 4:58pm
LGBT people are equal and are just as worthy of people who are heterosexual or cisgender. Unfortunately there is some hate towards the community, but it can be too easy to focus on this. Don’t get me wrong, homophobia is awful and we should absolutely stand up to it, but please do know that not everyone is like this. There are plenty of people who are allies or are even part of the LGBT community themselves. It can often feel like the whole world is against us, but they are not! LGBT people are so brave and they deserve the same rights and acceptance as everyone else.
August 29th, 2020 11:16pm
Hi there. As someone who is part of the LGBTQ+ community, this is something that is a bit difficult to say a complete and secure answer. The reason why I say that is because while I do believe there are many allies, there are still people who will have an issue with the community for whatever reason (the most common being religious), even if they say that they don't. But, that doesn't mean that 'everyone' (meaning the world entire) is against or hates the LGBTQ+ community. There are many who love and accept the community. As for members of the LGBTQ+ having problems with other members of the community, there will be rifts for different reasons. It happens. But, again, just because there are a few members that have a problem with another group within the community does not mean that everyone is going to have issues with that said group. Let's say, a common one, is that there are some Lesbians and Gays who may have issues with Bisexuals for whatever reason and don't accept them in the community or spaces. But, that doesn't mean that all Lesbians/Gays have an issue or will exclude Bisexual individuals just because a few do. As for your question if there are people who truly see the LGBTQ+ community as equal worth, yes! There really are people who sincerely will not care who you are dating or are with and will see it as something normal - much like a heterosexual couple.
Profile: ashleykaye
September 18th, 2020 9:46pm
I don't know about other people but personally I truly don't see a problem with people in the LGBTQ+ society. In my opinion we're all just people who want to be accepted and loved. There's nothing wrong with either of those things. I see people in LGBT as of equal worth as heterosexuals. No matter where you go in the world there's gonna be people who dont like you for something you say, or what you look like, etc. So therefore i dont think it should matter anymore who you love. It's none of my business who you love or what you do in your life with the person you love. The only thing that should matter if you're in LGBTQ+ to me is what you want to be referred to as.
Profile: Gemeri
October 28th, 2020 6:34pm
Not everyone despises the LGBTQ community it's just the some that get taught to, your educators are your biggest role model and that educator may not always be to certain things that aren't the social norm leaving people to be raised with judgment and as much as they may try to change it may still sit in the back of there minds the things they were raised to believe but growth can develop and it is a good sign for change. I can agree that some allies and members can be the oppressors but not all the time, it's very helpful to have the mindset of believing we can do this together not apart. There are many people who feel the LGBTQ community should be as respected as heterosexual, there indeed is hope for equality and it is indeed worth it.
Profile: jessa411
December 8th, 2020 1:17am
I don't secretly depise the LGBT community. I'm not sure what that entails exactly. Would it still be a secret if we posted on here? hahaha I'm joking! On a serious note...I do support them. I have always supported the LGBT community. For me, I have never understood why people couldn't love anyone that they wanted to or felt attracted to. Why are people judging others simply because of who or what they are attracted to? Just let be people be happy! I believe all rights are human rights. Heterosexual, bi-sexual, trans, queer...yes. I believe WE are all equal.
Profile: RainbowRosie
December 4th, 2020 10:21pm
I’ve actually never really thought about it but since it’s a good question I’d like to answer. I see many people recognise LGBT as of equal worth as heterosexuals but people are people and of course, not everyone does. This makes me a little sad that they feel this way but it’s really their problem and I wouldn’t let it matter to me. What is important is that we show kindness to one another and not be so stuck on sexuality. We need to be looking after one another, especially in these times. No one is better than anyone else. We all have our merits and it’s that we should be looking at.
Profile: pacificsydney12
November 21st, 2020 8:48pm
I don't understand why anyone who claims to love LGBT people "secretly despise" them. Typically if people say they love the LGBT community, they can explain why, which is just that anyone who is LGBT is just another human who loves other humans. Therefore why would anyone who can easily understand that concept actually hate them, and for what reason? What would make an LGBT person any less "worthy" than a heterosexual person? What would be the defining quality of "worth"? If someone's value is based on who they love, that's pretty sad and I'm not sure anyone who thinks that is a qualified judge on this.
Profile: HereAndAllEars
November 21st, 2020 7:19am
There are most definitely people who unequivocally accept LGBT+ individuals as equal to people who are heterosexual and cisgender. I would know because that is how I genuinely feel about the community. Although one's sexual and gender orientation is a large part of their identity, it is still only a single aspect of who they are. Who you love and what gender you identify as does not dictate what kind of person you are. Whether you're LGBT+ or straight, you deserve a fair shot at chasing the life that you want. If you're willing to care for others, then you deserve to love and be loved, regardless of orientation. Plus, if everyone secretly hated the LGBT+ community, including themselves and allies, why would any supports for them exist in the first place? Why would LBGT+ members ever admit that this aspect of themselves exists? Why would certain countries allow gay marriage to gain legal traction if they did not support it and knew that no one else would either? Why would nonprofits and volunteers work so hard for a cause that they secretly despised? The truth is that LGBT+ members shared this part of themselves with the world because they believe that they could be accepted, if not by others, then at least by themselves. And although the rest of the world still needs to address a lot (emphasis on a lot) of human rights issues surrounding LGBT+ specifically, the work so far has been a testament to the genuine and growing acceptance of the LGBT+ community as who they are: just like everyone else.
November 20th, 2020 10:42am
I don't really feel so. People who claim that accept that. It may not feel like so because LGBT has been an uncomfortable topic in societies for so long. May be it's just that fading inconvenience. We all are born with a culture, and many of these didn't accept LGBTs easily. These barriers have been there for pretty long time. And now people are accepting it. But it also demands time, because anything you are brought up with has an impact on you and you don't readily know how to deal with it. You have a concept, but not an algorithm and you make one, which you cannot check if it works or not. So, I believe people who openly claimto accept, do really accept it. Also, (additional philosophy 😅) if I am wrong, someone's eyes can't decide someone else's worth.
Profile: Maradudin14
November 19th, 2020 5:35pm
Speaking as a straight person myself, I don't think anyone secretly despises the LGBT community, particularly if they have allied themselves. We're all people, and we're all deserving of equal love and compassion. LGBT people may face unique hardships in life, and it may be hard to feel like you're accepted into the community, especially if you've been hurt before. Even if people hated you, you're worth more than any one person's opinion of you, no matter your sexuality. So, to answer your question, yes, there are people who see LGBT folks exactly the way straight people are looked at.
November 12th, 2020 9:43am
I don't despise LGBT members or allies. I won't not like someone just because they are apart of LGBT. My problem however, is the people who overly advertise the fact they are a part of LGBT. If someone is constantly saying how they are LGBT, or is turning against people when they say they are LGBT, and they make it seem like others are against them. If they would just act normal, and not let being LGBT define them, and instead let it be a part of them, then it would be great and there would be no problems. But some of the people I am around do this, and I don't like it at all. It's too full of drama. This is my own personal opinion, and other than what I witness, I don't really have any experience on the matter, so keep that in mind. I do know a couple of people who don't let being LGBT define them. They don't blurt out that they are LGBT every hour, and they act normal still.
November 11th, 2020 3:55pm
this is my opinion on the topic, coming from a LGBTQ+ member. i fully support any LGBTQ+ member and find them equal worth as heterosexuals. i know you must be thinking how that's normal because i am a part of the community. but thats just a bit from my perspective. i met a lot of people until now who really and truly support our community and don't think we are worth less that any heterosexual. now, it really depends on the person, and their views and beliefs. there will always be people who pretend for publicity etc. but no, most of us don't secretly despise the community!
Profile: stitchforever
October 4th, 2020 7:33pm
Yes there definitely are. I realize that the overall behaviour of society towards the LGBTQ community is mostly negative, yet that does not really mean that everyone around hate the community. Maybe it is hard to believe that there are people who actually accept, support and love the LGBTQ community, but there really are many such people. There are people that believe in equal rights and right to be respected irrespective of sexuality, there are heterosexual people who have never considered the LGBTQs as below them just because of the difference in sexual orientation. After all, what really matters about a person is their personality, whether their heart is in the right place. Sexuality is but irrelevant when deciding a person's worth really. And anyway, let's face it-the society has still not been able to bring itself to completely accept and respect the LGBTQ community as a part of them like the heterosexuals are, making life hard for the all the members and the allies of the community. Why would they willingly bear all the social censure and hardships if they don't really believe in the rights of the LGBTQ community with their whole heart?
Profile: JoelA
October 8th, 2020 12:57am
I do not think that everyone despise the LGBT community. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. LGBT community should be treated equally as heterosexuals. Everyone deserves to be treated equally regardless of their sexual preference. LBGT community deserve the same respect as heterosexuals. However, there are still people out there who for some reason cannot accept the LGBT community. Some of it is due to religious reasons. Unfortunately, we have to respect what other individuals beliefs. We may all have our differences but regardless of our differences, respect should always be given to the LGBT community the same way we do with heterosexuals.
October 7th, 2020 8:40pm
There are more people out there than you think that see LGBT as less. By this I don't mean the clean-cut homophobes. I mean your average joe, who 'supports' LGBT but idealize cisgender and heterosexual people over people of the LGBT community; they're more common than you think. There are also members of the community who dislike others - for example, some gays or lesbians dislike/refuse to date bisexuals. However, to answer your question I don't believe everyone secretly despises LGBT. There are differences between straight and LGBT relationships, so in that regard they will never be truly 'equal'; however there are good, kind people who do not treat LGBT and straight people any differently. They do not change their ideas/thoughts on a person solely because they are LGBT. Hope this helped.