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LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support

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🌈 Share Your Coming Out Story & Offer Support! 🌈
by CheeryMango
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Hey everyone! Pride Month is a time to celebrate our identities, honor our journeys, and support one another. One of the most personal and powerful experiences for many in the LGBTQ+ community is the act of coming out. Whether you’ve already come out, are considering it, or are just here to support others, this is a safe space for you to share your story and offer encouragement. How to Participate: * Share Your Story: If you’re comfortable, share your coming out story with us. How did you come out? What was the experience like for you? How did it impact your life? * Offer Support: For those who have already come out, please offer advice, support, and encouragement to others who might be considering taking this step. * Ask for Advice: If you’re thinking about coming out and have questions or need support, don’t hesitate to ask here. We’re all here to help each other. ------------------------- Note: Please be respectful and supportive of everyone’s experiences. We are here to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Weekly Prompt #3: What helped you understand and accept your sexuality/gender identity
by ASilentObserver
Last post
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. Last time we discussed, What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self? [] In today's prompt, I want us to take a minute of reflection and share what was the journey of coming out looked like for you. The prompt: What helped you understand and accept your sexuality/gender identity? What was that journey like for you? Share your thoughts with us. Join us in the LGBTQ Support Chat today! [] [] ------------------------- [] [/sharer/sharer.php?]
🌈 Pride Month 2024 Forum Discussion Masterpost
by tommy
Last post
June 22nd
...See more  Happy Pride everyone! I hope you are enjoying the month so far and are taking advantage of the different opportunities available to you across 7 Cups to celebrate. Please click here [] for a thread outlining how we are celebrating Pride for 2024! We wanted to compile together all of the different forum posts, discussions and icebreakers/games into one place so you do not miss out on anything.  This is an inclusive celebration and many (if not all) of the discussions/threads are suited to everyone, not just those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Please let me know if you have posted a thread which you'd like adding to this list and thank you to everyone for making this celebration so wonderful!  🏳️‍🌈 Say hi and introduce yourself here [] 🏳️‍🌈 Share your coming out story and offer support [] 🏳️‍🌈 Pride playlist: share your favourite songs [] 🏳️‍🌈 How does your country celebrate pride? [] 🏳️‍🌈 What tip would you give to maintain a healthy relationship? [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] What is your favorite book with LGBTQ+ representation? [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] Pride Parade! EmotionsListener 7 Cups pfps generator [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] Supporting a Loved One Who Identifies as Belonging to the LGBTQIA+ Community [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] AMA with a 7 Cups Therapist [] This masterlist will be updated each time a new thread is posted. Last update: 1 July 2024
I need someone to help me find out if I'm gay
by Hiddenvalley700
Last post
1 hour ago
...See more I'm a guy and I don't know what my sexual orientation is because I don't know how to find out if I'm gay or straight. I just want to know, how are you supposed to find out what your sexual orientation is. What do I have to do to find out my sexual orientation? Please help me, I really need to know.
It ain't easy
by Silvashadow
Last post
9 hours ago
...See more I really don't know how to start I guess I've always felt I should have been born a female even when I was younger one of my fondes memories was me getting caught by me Dad trying on female clothes and you can probably guess it didn't go over so well so I fled the state and moved away you see I was able to officially start my transition a years ago but alas I'm missing one little thing the bottom surgery right now I'm in a situation where I can't even get the proper care because I don't drive it I don't have a vehicle of my own to get to and from my appointments and on top of that my pore excuse of a social worker ridiculed me and instead of helping me she said that I told you I can't do anything I personally understand why in this country getting the right health care has to cost like just trying to stay alive for people is a luxury that a lot of people can't afford and live long and healthy and flourishing life's I really hope that I can just take care of what I need to take care of but I know that people who are associated with the LGBTQ+ community we all have a target on our backs and the thought really does scare me know that for they say to pray the gay away and transgender is just a fase well we are all human on our own journeys for better of for worst and I really hope that what ever happens we will be able to live peacefully with each other we need to set our differences aside and find our common ground and just try to peacefuly get along
🌈 LGBTQ+ Awareness - Pride Month: Say Hi and Introduce Yourself! 🌈
by CheeryMango
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Hello everyone, and welcome to our special Pride Month thread! This is a space where we can all come together to celebrate our diverse LGBTQ+ community, share our stories, and support one another. Whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, or any other identity under the rainbow, you are welcome here with open arms. This is a safe and inclusive space where everyone's identities and experiences are respected and celebrated. To kick things off, why not introduce yourself? Share your name, pronouns, and a little bit about yourself. You can also let us know what Pride Month means to you and how you're celebrating this special time of the year. Say hi, introduce yourself, and let's make this Pride Month one to remember! 🏳️‍🌈💖
🌈 Share Your Coming Out Story & Offer Support! 🌈
by CheeryMango
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Hey everyone! Pride Month is a time to celebrate our identities, honor our journeys, and support one another. One of the most personal and powerful experiences for many in the LGBTQ+ community is the act of coming out. Whether you’ve already come out, are considering it, or are just here to support others, this is a safe space for you to share your story and offer encouragement. How to Participate: * Share Your Story: If you’re comfortable, share your coming out story with us. How did you come out? What was the experience like for you? How did it impact your life? * Offer Support: For those who have already come out, please offer advice, support, and encouragement to others who might be considering taking this step. * Ask for Advice: If you’re thinking about coming out and have questions or need support, don’t hesitate to ask here. We’re all here to help each other. ------------------------- Note: Please be respectful and supportive of everyone’s experiences. We are here to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Thursday !
by Onyx000
Last post
1 day ago
...See more How is everyone’s day going anything exciting today this weekend ? 
Divide in the LGBTQ+ community over new gender identities?
by courageousKite3480
Last post
2 days ago
...See more I know there is a lot of divide within the community over many topics, because everyone is human and we all have our own perspectives.  Growing up in the community there was a lot of internal divide on the spectrum of gender that materialized in many ways.  I had a hard time finding the words to explain my experience to my son, especially in trying to communicate why a lot of the older LGBTQ+ community is having a hard time with the new generations gender identity movement.  Tell me how you feel you have seen or have experienced this divide?  Please be kind to each other, we all have our own experiences, let’s leave room for non judgment. 
Hi guys!
by Jessbooklover
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3 days ago
...See more I am new here and wanted to get to know people! So, if you could, tell me: 1: How long you have been here 2: How old you are (like teen, young adult, adult) 3: One piece of advice for any queer person
by Plushminion
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...See more I went on 2 dates with this girl I thought I had an instant connection with. Our humour and energy matched so well and I really loved our first date. The second date was somewhat less romantic but we still spent quite some time together and we chatted after and talked about meeting up again. Then she went away for 2 weeks for a trip and I haven't heard from her since. I sent her a message and I was vulnerable sharing my feelings but she left me on read and hasn't responded since. I'm telling myself that she's probably busy but if I'm being honest, no matter how busy she is, a "sorry I won't be available for the next 2 weeks" text isn't that much effort to send. And if she didn't want to see me again I would rather she tell me then leave me guessing. I would tolerate honesty over ghosting much better. I feel angry and abandoned. The moment I'm communicating my feelings she disappears. Ugh.
What even am i
by Val8383
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...See more Hi group! I'm new to therapy and trying so hard to figure things out. Whenever I get the question asked about sexual orientation I never know how to answer it. I am still hiding in the closet mtf. The though of intimacy with another male is not appealing to me. However if I were to have the female body I have always wanted, then I find the thought of being with a male totally erratic. Am I gay? Being with a male when you're a girl makes you straight though, right? Just confused and trying so hard to find myself. 
Being lgbt in a religious household
by politeWheel1343
Last post
...See more Context: We are both from a traditional Christian household which does not approve of same-sex relationships of course. My gf (22 F) has been under a lot of stress because she is very close to her family but has to “give them up” for our relationship as it progresses in the future. Ever since we got together (starting this year), she frequently gets upset that she has to let go of her family, her family will hate her, and get mad at me because “I don’t understand” since I’m not as close to my family. She also has gained weight and her body is starting to take a toll on her, which added to her stress. It’s been happening now and then that we both can’t find a solution (about our relationship), but my advice was to just take it one day at a time and we will figure this out eventually because it will work out. I really love her and I don’t want to lose her, and I want to figure things out with her. But because she has been home a lot lately (due to her injury), she’s been “getting closer” to her family and I understand how this feeling maybe came up more. It’s been really stressful for me as well because I want to find a solution for us but the biggest thing is we don’t know how her parents will react when they know about us. This is also her first relationship and she is saying why is everything so hard, why is it when it comes to our relationship, it’s never easy and always needs to work things out. Please, I need some helpful advice as I’m really vulnerable now and I don’t want to lose her. What do I do? How can I comfort her and keep us strong?
nonbinary loneliness.
by winterspruce
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...See more Hello. I am a transmasc nonbinary person. I identify as an Androgyne. i use he/him pronouns. These are my ramblings about how being a nonbinary trans person has got me feeling down. I feel alone because I am a nonbinary person. Even when I explain to somebody that i am a transmasculine nonbinary person and what that means for me, I feel like they still either see me as a binary man or a (emphasis on Trans) TRANS "man" ie a super masculine queer female. They still perceive me in an inaccurate way. In trans spaces I feel wary sometimes of binary transgender people too because of gatekeeping and transphobia/hate which some people binary trans people have towards nonbinary trans people. I also feel left out in places meant to be mental health resources and safe areas because they tend to be geared towards women. And if they are specifically targetted for men i also don't fit in, so I feel like i don't have a lot of resources. I have had negative experiences relating to this and it makes me feel alone and invisible. Like no one really cares what I've gone through. Sometimes when I think about it I feel alone in society. Like i am invisible and the only one like me. I am always the unnamed "other". I don't fit in society and I'm tired. I was born and lived as a girl for the first part of my life and it was wrong. I transitioned to male and lived as a man. It lessened dysphoria about my body but it wasn't quite right either. Now I just want to be me. I just want to be. I want to be free but now i feel alone, invisible and misunderstood.
At what age you figured that you are a lesbian?
by sinfulforest
Last post
...See more Please share your stories.


Please note: bolded grey text is hyperlinked.

Welcome to LGBTQ+/MOGII Support! We are so pleased that you have found our little rainbow here in the 7 cups forums. Our community is here to support you as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person, family member, friend and/or ally. Whether you are curious and questioning, or out and proud, and all the stages in between, this is a place where you can find support in being who you are and coping with the challenges that come with it. We strive to keep this a safe space for all. Here you can discuss anything and everything related to the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and being LGBTQ+/MOGII.

What are the different forum topics for LGBTQ+/MOGII Support?

Asexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about asexuality? Explore more here!

Checking in and breaking the ice: A place for you to introduce yourself, take part in our community check-ins and get to know other community members by participating in fun games!

Community & Culture: Want to know more about the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and cultural contributions? This is the place to learn more!

Discussions and Resources: Want to participate in meaningful discussions and access additional resources? Join in here!

Gay Support: Got a question or want to share more about being gay? Uncover more here!

Gender Identity Support: Questioning your gender identity? Want to share your experiences? Discuss it here!

Intersex Support: Got a question or want to share more about being intersex? Learn more here!

LGBTQ+ General SupportStruggling with other issues as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person? Working to cope with issues impacting the wider LGBTQ+/MOGII community? Find more support here! 

Lesbian Support: Got a question or want to share more about being a lesbian? Share your experiences here!

Multisexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about multisexuality? Discuss more here!

Questioning & Coming Out: Are you questioning? Thinking about coming out? Maybe you already have? Share your struggles and stories here!

How can I heIp?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable to). Alternatively, you may wish to join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information. Even just participating in events, check-ins and group chats can be a great way to help build and support the community!

Helpful Threads

Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our taglist to be notified every time a new discussion or update is posted!


Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to? All sub-community specific guidelines can be found below and should be followed in addition to the general forum guidelines.

HelpI still have a question!

You can ask your questions in this thread and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.
Community Guidelines

1) Be kind & open minded at all times!

2) Do not impose any beliefs onto another in any harmful way!

3) Please don't express judgments or attack anyone within the community!

4) Please respect each other's gender, pronouns, sexual orientation, identities in general!


Community Leaders
Group Support Mentor / Teen Star
Room Supporter
Community Resources

1. Abuse, Violence, Discrimination & Safety

(Abuse guides and resources, violence prevention and staying safe, normativity, discrimination, privilege)

2. Allies, Families & Friends

(Resources for allies, caregivers, families, organisations, communities, schools...)

3. Asexual & Aromantic Spectrum

(Resources, guides and websites, finding your identity, gray-asexuality and demisexuality)

4. Coming Out

(Resources for you before, while and after coming out)

5. Emergency & Crisis Resources

(Helplines, hotlines, emergency numbers, crisis information)

6. Gender Expression

(Understanding gender expression, feminising, masculising & binding, names and pronouns)

7. Gender Identity

(Understanding and finding gender and gender identity, gender terminology and glossaries)

8. Health, Dysphoria & Transitioning

(Gender Dysphoria help, transitioning resources, LGBTQ+ health information)

9. Religion

(LGBTQ+ supportive religious resources by denomination)

10. Sex Diversity & Intersex

(Understanding sex diversity and intersex, resoruces)

11. Sexual & Romantic Orientations

(Understanding attraction and orientation, finding and accepting your identity, gay, lesbian, bi, pan resources)

12. Workplace & Education

(Being LGBTQ+, coming out at and seeking work, university or school)

13. Trans Resources

(Resourses for the Trans community)

Full LGBTQIA+ Resource Spreadsheet