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Why is he ignoring me after breakup?

303 Answers
Last Updated: 08/24/2020 at 6:16pm
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Anna Pavia, psicologa psicoterapeuta psychotherapist psychologist counselor

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I feel my work as my personal mission and I love it. My work with clients is nonjudgmental, supportive. I am a very good listener. I use several approaches. Amo il mio lavoro.

Top Rated Answers
November 17th, 2016 11:55pm
It may be tempting to want to maintain contact after a breakup, especially if you're the one who has been broken up with, but taking some time and space will be good for both of you if what you're interested in is maintaining a friendship. It's not easy to have healed well for either person immediately.
December 3rd, 2016 1:16am
Some people are not as resilient and strong as you are. Breakups usually mean a break of commitment and time. This is devastating for some, and relieving for others. As for a solution, my love, there may not be a way to fix that. Time is your best friend in relationships, or so my friend once said. It helped! Good luck, dearest.
December 9th, 2016 2:49am
The hard answer to that is because you are broken up. And even if people can become friends with their exes after a break-up, it takes time and space and both parties have to want it. Instead of looking for his attention, whether he left you or you left him, no matter what was said to gentle the trauma of a relationship ending, take time to focus on yourself instead, and practice some self-care.
January 19th, 2017 2:46pm
He may need some space and time to process the break up and work out what he feels and thinks. Alone time can help process the situation
February 12th, 2017 9:43pm
People have different ways of coping after they breakup.. he probably just needs time to digest what has happened and space to try get over it
February 24th, 2017 7:56pm
He might not want to face the fact that the two of you have broken up. It might be hard for him to think about.
April 5th, 2017 4:37am
If he is ignoring you after a breakup, it could be based on how nasty the breakup was, the fact that he is upset along with you or that he wants to give you some space. He doesn't want to hover over you and make things worse. If he acts fine then he may have moved on.
April 28th, 2017 10:39am
Because he doesn't want to get distracted. Usually practical guys tend to bury their past relationships and move on with life. It does not mean the guy hates his ex, its just about looking ahead rather than backwards.
April 30th, 2017 2:22pm
There's a chance that he's ignoring you after the breakup because that's his way of coping with the situation. Regardless of who initiated the breakup or if it was mutual, it can be a very upsetting experience and he may just want to try and keep to himself with it.
May 3rd, 2017 2:03pm
He might be moving on from you and everything from you. I know it hurts to hear that, but after people stop being exclusive, unless they are making the effort to be friends or stay in contact, then they usually take the time to move on from you. It's probably best though. I know it hurts you a whole lot, but darling you'll be okay.
May 5th, 2017 10:44pm
It depends on his position in the break up. If he left you, it's a sign of no interest and that could be it. If you left him then he may just be to devastated to speak to you, afraid that a simple hello would remind him of old times and make him cry.
May 7th, 2017 6:10pm
That's a sign that he may want to move on. The time will come if he wants to remain friends with you but for now, it's best you to do your own thing and pursue on your dreams. :)
June 9th, 2017 9:52pm
Breakups can cause lots of emotions from anger, sadness, etc. and as he deals with not being with you any more than he needs time to himself. Eventually, the emotional pain will heal and he will be able to be around you.
July 1st, 2017 1:49am
The breakup might be a little awkward for him. I would try asking him about it, and see what he says.
July 9th, 2017 12:30pm
After a break up you need time to cool down and think about what is been happening, give each other time and space
August 10th, 2017 3:47pm
Sometimes it's too hard to face someone you loved so you try to cut off contact. You feel it's easier to just not see them at all and to not being up old memories. Sometimes it's good to talk about it though.
August 11th, 2017 9:11am
From experience its sometimes because he just needs some space to figure things out for him self and he could be ignoring you because he may want Some space from you
September 16th, 2017 12:41am
He may need to time to get his head straight and think clearly before he starts talking to you again. The break up may of hit him hard and he'll need time to get back to his normal self. This may take him a couple days, months you'll have to wait it out and he may message you back.
October 5th, 2017 9:05pm
He might be taking time to get over you and making sure that he won’t hurt you by lashing out at you. He might be upset, maybe angry. And maybe he just doesn’t want to be friends.
November 16th, 2017 3:37pm
Breakups are very hard, and he very likely is taking time to himself to sort through his feelings and fully move on/recover from what happened. It's not uncommon for both people from a past relationship to up and ignore each other completely.
November 17th, 2017 12:30am
He may be trying to cope himself especially if you broke up with him. He may just need time to get himself together
November 17th, 2017 8:12pm
Because he tries to move on and staying in contact right now may cause things to get worse for both of you because of the recent break up, give it some time and time will tell
November 30th, 2017 6:31am
Maybe he needs space. Most people need that after a relationship. Give him time and occasionally say “hi”. Start small
December 14th, 2017 11:49pm
Some people don't know how to handle their emotions. Some people become clingy and want to make things better (even if there is nothing to make better), and some people become distant. Give the person space and time. They deserve it just as much as you do.
January 7th, 2018 5:53am
It's the normal reaction of certain people after a breakup. Ending a relationship is a huge mark in someone's life, and after it happens, some people tend to hide and and act like it did not happened. Other people do react differently and tend to not Ignore the situation. It all depends on the person
February 10th, 2018 1:10pm
People often feel like they need time off after the end of a relationship. I am one of them as well. It's not easy to stop caring about someone over night. Being close but not as close as before can put many poisonous thoughts into the mind of the person that they might feel overwhelming. They might need time.
February 15th, 2018 4:28am
It is normal for people to avoid each other after a break up. This is because many times we don't feel comfortable addressing the after break up scenario and there is a feeling that the conversation may be awkward or even go downhill while discussing the cause of break up. Another possibility is that he might want to avoid getting triggered which is the case most of the times.
February 21st, 2018 9:58am
It depends on the reason of the breakup, of the feelings each of you had after this event, who decided the breakup. Maybe it was too painful for him and he wants to take some distance and heal, maybe he considers the breakup the end of the relationship and considers no use in talking to you as before. You should figure out, first, if you consider to be healthy for you to continue talking or seeing each other after the breakup. In most situations, it wouldn't be advised, if you don't have a serious commitment to repair the relationship. Talking to him would only affect you even more. Take care!
February 23rd, 2018 9:01pm
Most guys ignore you after a break up because it's over and his healing process can beginning. Him ignoring you is his way of not falling back.
February 28th, 2018 5:28pm
They may me ignoring you after you have broken us as they may be finding it hard and needing some time to come to terms with what has happend.