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Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself here!!

Heather225 June 21st


Welcome to our community! We're excited to meet you!

Please introduce yourself below.

Afterward, be sure to check out our welcome pack for everything you need to know starting out:

We've got vibrant group chats too! The Sharing Circle is open 24/7 for adult users! Drop in HERE so we can get to know you better!

friendlyMoon9213 August 1st

@Heather225 Hello everyone! My name is friendlymoon9213 and I love the night time! I'm very excited to be here and I'm looking forward to meeting new people!

Heather225 OP August 1st


welcome to the community! i love the nighttime too. it's when i am most creative! 

thanks for signing up to listen!

syrupyPancake5775 August 8th

Welcome, I love the night too! But sometimes it's scary😭

hi66666 August 1st


hi Im madoggy 77 I'm new I joined on Tuesday

hi66666 August 1st

@Heather225 and I like dogs and I like to play Roblox and watch YouTube videos and I like to design dress and hope to make some friends 😄

Heather225 OP August 1st


ooh you design dresses?

hi66666 August 1st

@Heather225 Yeah but not professionally  just a hobby

syrupyPancake5775 August 8th

Welcome! Wow, you design dresses? I've been wanting to get into that!

Vikrant007 August 2nd


Mel August 6th

@Vikrant007 hello! welcome to 7cups! 

Vikrant007 August 2nd


frostyPink6987 August 2nd


Thank you for having me here.

I'm totally new to 7 cups but it looks so lovely and everyone seems so friendly and kind.

I'm quite scared to do my first listening but hopeful that it will help someone.

yourlocalIKEA August 5th


Hi there, I'm IKEA!

Welcome to 7 cups! It can be a bit scary to join a new community, but I can assure you many listeners and members here are very nice and welcoming.

Feel free to ask me any questions here if you have any!

soulsings August 2nd

@petlovergirl nice to meet you. Welcome to 7 Cups!

soulsings August 3rd

@PetLoverGirl sorry it was "not your cup of tea!" Excuse the pun.

secretShade9643 August 2nd

I am coming to terms with the fact that I need more support than what I have currently. 

I look forward to using this resource.

soulsings August 2nd

@secretShade9643 welcome to 7 Cups.

greka7 August 8th


Hello there, I hope you are able to find the support you are looking for at 7 cups. Hope that all goes well from here on :))

Cheering you onwards, always



Hi, wow, it looks like people have been a part of this community for ages, which is very good to hear. I am new to the community, but I have already seen so much love and support that it makes me feel like I belong. I am happy I found 7 cups as I feel it will do great things for me. This place makes me feel less alone thank you

soulsings August 3rd

@understandingBeach1058 yes some of us feel like we have been here forever! lol

I agree there's a lot of support here. Message me if you want any links to different activities for 7 Cups,@soulsings

Nice to meet you.

CrescentSkylar August 4th


I am @crescentskylar

comfortingwarmcat August 5th

Hello Skylar.

Welcome! Happy to have you in the community 💓

FlameArrow24 August 5th


Hello! I'm Arrow, a teen listener, I just joined today so I'm a little nervous but I reached out to a listener mentor already. I am currently trying to find my way around and make a decent About Me. Glad to be here at 7cups!

comfortingwarmcat August 5th

Hey, welcome!

Thank you for joining the Cups family💓

We are happy to have you.

FlameArrow24 August 5th

Thank you! Glad to be here.

secretangel22 August 5th

@Heather225Hi everyone, I'm new here. I'm learning how to use this site. I'm excited to get things going and to join you lovely listeners in this community!

 1  Reply
yourlocalIKEA August 5th


Hi there, I'm IKEA and welcome to the community! I hope you have a lovely start here and get all the support you want and need.

Don't be scared to ask any questions you have!

comfortingwarmcat August 5th

Hello. Welcome to the community!

We are so happy to have you here. Thank you for joining the Cups family💗

3veryth1n6is0kay August 7th

Hello everyone, I go by the name 3veryth1n6is0kay, and I've been an active member of the 7 Cups community for the past five months. It's truly heartening to be a part of such a compassionate and inclusive community. While I'm still adjusting to this app, I deeply value each and every one of you, and I'm honored to have the opportunity to listen to those who need someone to talk to. One of the things I appreciate the most about this app is that it allows me to support others and also helps me reflect on my responses, enabling me to learn and grow in how I engage with people in the real world.

If long-time members of this community were asked, what would they say has been the most rewarding aspect of being part of 7 Cups?


LittleBirdie30 August 7th

@3veryth1n6is0kay Hi 3veryth1n6! Thank you for all you do for the community! 🩵

hopefuloutlook August 7th

@Heather225 Hi, been part of this community since 2017. Experienced Listener, middle aged and listening on topics as mentioned in my bio.

LittleBirdie30 August 7th

@hopefuloutlook Yay! We love having you here! 

sunnyangel3333 August 7th


Hi! I'm Sunny, have lots of creative hobbies and not a lot of friends 
I came here to make friends and find support during a very difficult time of my life, as well as improve my emotional expression and communication because i'm very bad at both of those things, i hope to make some connections and also support others to the best of my ability 

yourlocalIKEA August 7th


Hi Sunny, welcome to the 7 cups, I'm IKEA!

We're happy to have you here, and I hope you get all the support you want and need, as well as making more friends! I'm sure you'll fit in quickly as people here are very welcoming.

I wish you the best of luck!

hopefuloutlook August 7th

Welcome @kiamia, @irrationalKitten108 

@sduffy26 @frostyPink6987 @secretangel22 and many many other new listeners :)

Theofania246 August 7th

Hi everyone! I am Theofania and joined 7cups yesterday! I am very excited to be here and contribute to this amazing community. It brings me great joy to know that I can have a positive impact on peoples' lives and bring some light in their issues. As for who I am, I have a psychology background and hoping to pursue further studies to become a therapist. Currently, I am practicing to be a life coach. I am currently living in the Netherlands and soon will be moving with my boyfriend. I am an arts lover and enjoy engaging with various artistic and crafty projects. I want to help people navigate through issues like anxiety, relationship and mood issues, general mental health, and spirituality among others. Joining here, I am hoping to bring a bit of hope and new perspective in members' lives as well as improve my listening and supporting skills. Happy to be here! 🥰

yourlocalIKEA August 7th


Hi there I'm IKEA (: Welcome to 7 cups

Even though I'm not a listener, you can ask me any questions you have and I will try my best to answer them! I'm glad you decided to join, we're happy to have you here!

turquoiseTiger6959 August 7th

Hello everyone. Just joined. Hoping to make some friends who are understanding, as I will be for you:)

yourlocalIKEA August 8th


Hey there, I'm IKEA, and welcome to the 7 cups community! I'm glad you decided to join. Feel free to ask any questions about how this website works, and I'll try my best to answer them.

I hope you get all th support you need and want!

00StepByStep00 August 7th

Hello! I'm new here. There are lots of reasons as to why I decided to join 7 Cups, but mostly I've been wanting to improve myself for a really long time and I think enough is enough. I really hope this is the begging of a new chapter, feel free to dm if you want to! >3