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Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself here!!

Heather225 June 21st


Welcome to our community! We're excited to meet you!

Please introduce yourself below.

Afterward, be sure to check out our welcome pack for everything you need to know starting out:

We've got vibrant group chats too! The Sharing Circle is open 24/7 for adult users! Drop in HERE so we can get to know you better!

sensibleBalsam9151 July 24th

Hi everyone, I'm new here. I signed up because my anxiety has been through the roof lately between work, kids, and my relationship. I just have felt so overwhelmed, and 7 cups looks like it has some good tools for de-stressing. Wish you all the best.

LittleBirdie30 July 24th

Hi Balsam! It’s nice to meet you! I’m sorry you’re having so much anxiety. 🙁 Have you done a 1-1 chat with a Listener yet? That’s always a good option! Let us know if you have any questions!

sensibleBalsam9151 July 24th

@LittleBirdie30 - hello! Nice to meet you too. Yes, I have had a wonderful 1-1 experience so far. This feels like a really great community. I'm glad I signed up.

LittleBirdie30 July 24th

That’s so great to hear! ❤️

Rohtash July 24th

@Heather225 I'm Rohtash from Indian.

Heather225 OP July 25th


welcome to the community Rohtash!

Avocado1989 July 24th

Hi All,

I had a very bad breakup last week. Probably the worst anyone has ever heard. I came to know last week that my so called partner who was apparently 'separated under the same roof' with his wife made her pregnant 16 weeks back. I was also 8 weeks pregnant. She called me last week out of the blue and told me this news. She had no idea about me too. I miscarried this week. Worst part is he has no guilt or remorse and he says he did this so he would not lose either of us. 

Avocado1989 July 24th

I randomly came across this website and thought could give a try.

Heather225 OP July 25th


hey, welcome to the community! if you need any guidance in getting around, you can drop me a PM anytime!

easyScarf7950 July 28th

That is beyond heartbreaking 💔

reallyoverallofit July 24th

Hi. I am here because my once a week talk therapy session isn't cutting it. I have sever chronic clinical depression. It gets ugly. And dark. I am always sad and always extremely fatigued. I've tried these sorts of support forums before and didn't feel supported. Here's to hoping this one is different. 

Heather225 OP July 25th


i do hope our community can give you the support you're looking for. welcome!

Nerdish84 July 25th

Hi. I'm 40 and I have 4 teens/young adults (I'll have a 21 year old soon 😱). I'm divorced and remarried and we welcomed a grandchild this year. I don't have a peer group IRL, and no close friends. I really think I'm on the autism spectrum but have not been clinically diagnosed (the doc said, "if you are, you're high-functioning *shrug*). Because of this I don't fit in anywhere except with other obviously neurodivergent people. I know people find me weird and I've learned to be ok with that. Now that I'm 40 I find myself wanting to branch out and do new things. I made a bucket list for this year and I've checked off some things and it's been kind of cool. Nothing major just things outside my comfort zone. I'm really happy to have a space to be heard and not judged.

LittleBirdie30 July 26th

@Nerdish84 Hi Nerdish! Welcome to 7 Cups! It sounds like you're doing a really great job of spreading your wings and doing things that challenge you, with time! Congratulations on welcoming your first grandchild and we're so happy you're enjoying the community! Let us know if you need anything! 🩷

Fortunata67Anima September 12th

@Nerdish84  Hi.  I am new here too.  People find me weird too.  I feel like, for  since I was a teenager, that I don't really "fit" anywhere.  And yeah, we just learn to deal with that feeling of not fitting in.  I'm trying this 7Cups out to see if a weirdo like me can find a place.  And I hope you have too.  


hello i just joined 7 cups. nice to meet y’all

soulsings July 27th

@thoughtfulBeechwood8771 nice to meet you too. How are things with you?

IdeasOfReference July 27th

I just signed up and I'm still getting my bearings ..

Hoping to make some good connections maybe, I don't know

greka7 August 8th


Hello, welcome to 7 cups!

Hope that you'll find your journey here at 7 cups rewarding and inviting. May you achieve whatever it is that you are seeking on this platform.

Best of luck to you :))


HII :3 My name is amy, I'm a trans female (assigned male at birth) I'm 15 and I LOVE helping people, it makes me feel like I actually have a purpose in life :3 Helping people just makes me happy.

soulsings July 28th

@professionalTree4655 amy welcome to 7 Cups. My name is soul or sings when I found 7 Cups 9 years ago I loved the fact that there were so many ways to help people and receive support. 

Have you considered going through the self paced training to become a listerner? I found that after completing the training, I was able to help people even more. It is free and there is no pressure, you just finish it when you have time.

Enjoy your time here at 7 Cups!

mrOnion72 July 28th

Hi everyone, I'm Onion, I'm just starting today 😁

yourbuddy30 July 28th

@mrOnion72 Welcome to 7 cups Onion

greka7 August 8th


Welcome Onion, so happy to have you here.

I hope that your experience here at 7 cups is a great one. Thanks for joining us, you're making big differences :)

soulsings July 28th

@mapleAndPancake welcome to the oasis. Hands you a cool bottle of water. 

Hope you get the support you are looking for. 

orianathebookworm July 29th


Hi everyone! I wanted to introduce myself and let everyone know that if they ever need a friend to talk to, I'm here! My name is Ori and I'm a psychology student and will be graduating in December. I joined 7 Cups as an Active Listener to gain more experience as a listener and be there for those who need extra support! I love reading, coloring, theme parks, and cooking! 

Can't wait to learn more and be part of this community!

soulsings July 30th

@orianathebookworm thank you for your service to 7 Cups.  

Another way to support people is via topic group support sessions. Here are some that are done on serious topics.

Maybe you will find supporting people there fulfilling also.

berrysbs08 July 30th



hello ! im new here and currently a student and teenager. my pronouns are she/her and i decided to use this site to help myself cope with things somehow :)

Heather225 OP July 30th


welcome to the community!!! i know you'll find the right help for you! we're all here for you, if you have any questions or need guidance as you get settled in!

MysticMotivations July 30th

Hi there! My name is Cayla and I am a neurospicy certified health and life coach. I also do substitute teaching part time. I am a mother to 3 lovely kiddos. I’m in the US but I have the privilege of working with clients worldwide!

I came to 7Cups to help make a difference in people’s lives because it is truly fulfilling to me to use my talents to help others. I absolutely love what I do and I love the idea of this community!

thank you so much for having me!

greka7 August 8th


Hello Cayla, we're very excited to have you here!

Hope you find your experience here very exciting and rewarding. I'm positive you'll make a big difference with your extensive expertise.

Best of luck to you on this adventure of yours here at 7 cups :))

Room2Bloom July 31st

Hii everyone

I am Room2Bloom.

Super excited to be part of this community💃

My passion for helping others find their way is what has brought me to 7 Cups.

I look forward to making new friends, and having a wonderful time here.


Thank you for having me

Room2Bloom July 31st


Thank you❤️

KiaMia July 31st


Newbie here my screen name is KiaMia and I'm very glad to be here, thanks so much for having me.😀

Heather225 OP August 1st


and we are so happy to have you! 🥰


Hello! I’m new here, joined just a few days ago. I’m a single parent with a demanding job and basically feel like a hamster running on a wheel. I’m tired and have lost the joy in life. I also have a lengthy list of problematic relationships that make me extremely wary of attempting to form any new ones.

A question - how do I see all the replies here? I can only see maybe 30ish and cannot seem to see an option to look at more.

KiaMia July 31st

Welcome am new here too. Just joined last night. Also had lost that joy and looking for a positive place to connect with people.

sensibleBalsam9151 July 31st


to your question about replies - I see page numbers at the bottom of my screen to click on for other replies.

On the other note, welcome! I'm pretty new here too, but everyone has been really nice and supportive. Just know that you are not alone <3 I'm a mom with a busy work/life schedule too, which is part of why I signed up. One day at a time right now is how I'm going about it as well as trying to make a little more "me" time throughout the week. Like you, I feel like I kinda lost part of myself and I'm trying to find a way back to being less anxious and enjoying life more again. Best wishes!

sduffy26 August 1st

@Heather225 Hi everyone, I'm new here. I reached out to a mentor and I'm learning how to use this site. I'm excited to get things going and to join you lovely listeners in this community!

Heather225 OP August 1st


i'm so glad you connected with a mentor!! that's such a critical part of the journey and it'll help you immensely! if you need any additional help, you can PM me. happy listening!!