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Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself here!!

Heather225 June 21st


Welcome to our community! We're excited to meet you!

Please introduce yourself below.

Afterward, be sure to check out our welcome pack for everything you need to know starting out:

We've got vibrant group chats too! The Sharing Circle is open 24/7 for adult users! Drop in HERE so we can get to know you better!

LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@redCar5112 Hi Car! You can share the name you prefer people use here at 7 Cups and maybe share a little bit about what brought you to 7 Cups 😊 It's nice to meet you! 

Heather225 OP July 16th


hi! when we say introduction we mean the name you choose to go by and what brought you to Cups!

New here looking for relationship advice. 26 yo female!
LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@WannabecalmPrune1799 Hello and welcome!! We're glad you're here! If you want to speak to a Listener, they can definitely help you with some relationship stress you are going through. We can't give advice, but they are here to listen! You can join the general request queue or you can browse for a Listener here who takes Relationships as a topic! You can also find our Relationship Stress community here! I hope this helps! 😍

Maslow July 16th

@Heather225 Hey I am Maslow, looking forward to helping!

LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@Maslow Hi Maslow! Thank you for being here and helping our members! We so appreciate everything you do! 🥳

Maslow July 16th

@LittleBirdie30It is no problem!!

Heather225 OP July 16th


wonderful to have you! do let me know if you have any questions! we're here for you every step of the way

Maslow July 16th

@Heather225 Thank you so much Heather support like this truly means a lot to me. I would ask if there is any work I could do that would be eligible for putting on a resume.

LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@Maslow There are a ton of wonderful roles that we have! But even just listening looks incredible on a resume! You can find a list of our leadership roles here: Let us know if there's any questions you have! 

Maslow July 16th

@LittleBirdie30Thank you kindly

LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@Maslow You're welcome! 💛

orangeCircle9013 July 16th


Hi. I'm sarefawe. Looking for help in controlling my eating habits, I tend to overeat.

LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@orangeCircle9013 Hi Sarefawe! Welcome to 7 Cups! We are glad you're here! You can definitely find support by speaking with a Listener, which you can do by joining the general request queue or by browsing for a Listener here! We also have a community for Eating Disorders! You don't necessarily need to have an eating disorder, but it could be good to talk to other about what you are experiencing! We also have a Healthy Living community. I hope these help! 

ZuziaUwU July 16th

@Heather225 I have abondonment issues, major depression and overall lack of will to live, most likely will end it soon, tried to talk with listeners to feel les alone and another listener just ghosted me all of the sudden. Is it meant to be that way or something? are they not allowed to reach back? why a listener said she will see me again in a couple of days then dissapiered? and then it happened again

ZuziaUwU July 17th

@ZuziaUwU honestly i am surprised to say that the longer i am here the worse i feel, just had 4th listener ghost me, a place meant to help us understand our worth made me feel even more worthless

Okbass July 16th

My Name is Okbass. I joined 7 cups 9 days ago. I must confess that, this is a very interesting and nerves calming community that heals and restore. I can see the passion, love and the willingness and readiness in helping a member out of a situation. Sincerely, this is a community to belong. I stick here. Please, how do I become a listener? That is my passion.

Thank you very much while I await your respond


@Okbass Hi Okbass and welcome to the community! I'm so glad to hear you are liking the concept of the site. You can learn more and sign up for a listener account by visiting this link (clickable in blue)

fearlessabbey July 17th


Hey I'm new here. My name is Abbey and I am turning 16 this year. I have struggled with mental health the past few years. I am diagnosed with ARFID and anxiety and am getting tested for other things. I hope to meet some new friends and to be able to talk to others about my highs and lows!


@fearlessabbey Hi Abbey, welcome to 7 Cups! Our teen community is super fun and supportive. Have you look at the teen specific forums or group chats?

greka7 August 8th


Hello Abbey, 

First of all happy early birthday to you! 16 is quite the milestone to reach.

Thanks for joining us at 7 cups, I hope you find those like-minded people here. There are so many loving communities that you can join to cultivate relationships. If you need a listening ear, don't hesitate to reach out to a listener as well.

May your stay here be a good one,

Cheering you on always :))

ARainbowedSea July 17th

@Heather225 Hi! I'm new here. My name is Mar. I hope I can connect with others through this community. At this time in my life I am restarting in my 30's. There's a lot of change happening in my life. In the last two years my chronic pain and mental health have really disabled me. I even applied to SSI because I have been able to work. But my pain has shown some remission, it's spinal so I still have to be careful but I've also started to rebuild my resume and have started to look for a part time job. I'm an artist, my medium is analog collage, and I also like to write poetry. This year I was in behavioral hospital for a month in Feb - March. So, it feels like for the first time in my life I am starting with a clean canvas. I'm moving back in with my parents during this transition but I'm excited to go back to school and get my education - which is something I've struggled in the past to stick with because of my undiagnosed autism and adhd, but now with a late in life diagnosis I will have accommodations for my classes. Anyway, this is my introduction! I hope you have a restful day. 

LittleBirdie30 July 24th

@ARainbowedSea Hiya Mar! Welcome to 7 Cups 🩷 A fresh start is always so refreshing and I'm so glad that you're able to start working towards achieving your goals on your own time! I'm sorry you've been going through a hard time, but you've come to the right place if you're looking for community! Let us know if you need anything! :) 

funnyApple615 July 17th


My name is Ahmed

from Egypt 

50 years Old

LittleBirdie30 July 24th

@funnyApple615 Hi Ahmed! So happy to have you here and I hope you're doing well! 🤗

willow2845 July 17th

Hi I'm Willow,

I've been dealing with feeling stuck and isolated, leading to feelings of depression.

I'm hoping I can find some comfort in conversation with others experiencing similar feelings. :)

LittleBirdie30 July 24th

@willow2845 Hi Willow! I'm sorry you're having these feeling of isolation and depression, but I'm glad you found us! We have a Depression Support Community in the forums and we also have a Depression Support Chatroom where people can chat together and support each other. I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any questions!

TheHaz July 17th

@Heather225 Following the instructions for new members then, I'm supposed to introduce myself "below".

Just waiting for the AI to tell me to sit funny and not fidget, and focus on my breathing while pretending not to be thinking about my shopping list or whatever until the exercise has finished. I shall see into my big toe and be one with god/the cosmos/not think of anything while thinking about it.

LittleBirdie30 July 24th

@TheHaz Let us know if you have any questions Haz! We are here for you! :)

QueerDragonsRule July 17th

Thanks so much for having this available

LittleBirdie30 July 24th

@QueerDragonsRule Thank you for being here Dragon!! 🐉

anonymouslover0987 July 17th

Hi everyone, I'm @anonymouslover0987, and I'm a new member


@anonymouslover0987 Welcome to 7 Cups! Whatever your reason for being here, I am really glad you are here! :) I find 7 Cups to be a great mental health platform and I hope you take advantage of all it has to offer. Being a new member, sometimes members may need a little help navigating the site, so I would like to leave you the Member Welcome Pack in case it may be beneficial to you. :) Hope you find this resource helpful and I hope you have a great day. <3

Heather225 OP July 25th


welcome to the family!

Lorey39 July 17th


Hi I'm Lorey, I'm new here.  I'm healing from childhood abuse and trauma and looking for support.


@Lorey39 Hey there. Welcome to 7 Cups. I am really glad you are here. I hope that while you are here that you are able to get the support you seek. We have so many wonderful, compassionate listeners available if you ever need someone to chat with. You can always put a request in the queue or search for an available listener here. I know you mentioned you are trying to heal from childhood trauma and I really wish you all the best on your journey as you find healing. Perhaps the Trauma Support Community is a community you may find to be beneficial to you. 7 Cups has so much to offer. <3 Hope you have a great day, Lorey, and all the best to you. 

Lorey39 July 24th


Thank you!


Forester192 July 18th


Hello everyone, I'm Forester. I've joined about a week ago and i'm curious about this community.

soulsings July 18th

@Forester192 welcome to 7 Cups. So nice to meet you. WHat are your areas of interest and maybe someone here can suggest resources at 7 Cups that will help you in your quest for support. 

Hope you get the support you are looking for.

Heather225 OP July 25th


welcome! so happy to have you