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Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself here!!

Heather225 June 21st


Welcome to our community! We're excited to meet you!

Please introduce yourself below.

Afterward, be sure to check out our welcome pack for everything you need to know starting out:

We've got vibrant group chats too! The Sharing Circle is open 24/7 for adult users! Drop in HERE so we can get to know you better!

LittleBirdie30 July 5th

@AshleyGamer1995 Hi Ashley! How are you doing? Welcome to 7 Cups! 🥰

AshleyGamer1995 July 5th

@LittleBirdie30Not much, but not fine, either. I am new to 7 Cups but it isn't going as I wanted. :/ :(

LittleBirdie30 July 5th

@AshleyGamer1995 I'm sorry that you're not feeling your best. Is there anything I can do to help your experience improve? 💚

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@AshleyGamer1995Welcome to our community! Be sure to check out the Welcome Pack (Blue text is clickable)

AshleyGamer1995 July 5th

(Please say something to me, people...)

Heather225 OP July 5th


Welcome to the community!!!

AshleyGamer1995 July 5th



Feelit87 July 5th

Hey everyone! Brand new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Blaine and I'm a 37 year old male looking to make some new friends and connections. A small group of friends is all I have in my real life right now and they are far from the most supportive bunch, hoping to find more help here if I can.

LittleBirdie30 July 5th

@Feelit87 Hi Feelit! Welcome to 7 Cups! If support is what you are looking for, you've. come to the right place! Do you have any questions in regards to navigating the site? We are here for you! 🩵

Feelit87 July 5th

@littlebirdie30 ill admit that I'm having a little difficulty getting back and forth to the forums but ill figure it out in time lol

LittleBirdie30 July 7th

@Feelit87 Hi! You can find all our forum communities here:

Do you have any specific communities you are looking for?

healingsoul4892 July 6th

@Feelit87Hi and welcome! We're glad to have you here. The Welcome Pack is full of helpful resources (Blue text is clickable)

Rebekah July 6th

Hello everyone! 🌞 My name is Rebekah, I've been a listener here for almost 5 years. I'm a safety and quality ambassador here on 7 Cups; you may also see me around in the chat rooms from time to time! It's lovely to be a part of this community, and I hope you feel the same way!

TheSaurus0009 July 6th

I'm a 45 year old male who has been struggling with a combination of treatment-resistant depression, ADHD, and high-IQ.  I was first diagnosed with depression in 2003, and have been through CBT, CPT, EMDR, multiple anti-depressants, Alpha-Stim, and I can't even tell you how many other treatments.  I'm at a pretty low place right now, as I'm somewhat on an island, and am looking to find some community.  AMA.

soulsings July 6th

@TheSaurus0009 welcome to 7 Cups. My name is soulsings. I am sorry to hear that you have not found the responses you were hoping for. There are many resources here at 7 Cups. Send me a message if you want some others,

The problem I have had was unrealistic expectations of finding life to be wonderful all the time but I have found it to be a mixed bag so to speak. One thing that has helped me is mindfulness and guided meditations . There are 300 here on 7 Cups so here is the link that you can listen to and not even leave the 7 Cups Site

Hope you get the support you are looking for. 

healingsoul4892 July 8th


Welcome to 7 Cups! Make sure to check out the Welcome Pack - its full of helpful info (Blue text is clickable)

SummerKay2024 July 7th


Hello SummerKay here and I love being a part of 7cups. 

LittleBirdie30 July 7th

@SummerKay2024 Hi SummerKay! We are so happy that you love being a part of 7 Cups! 🤗 We're happy that you are here with us!

healingsoul4892 July 8th

@SummerKay2024 Hi and welcome! We're glad you're here. The Welcome Pack has llots of useful resources (Blue text is clickable)

Aroaceweirdo July 7th


I'm @Aroaceweirdo and I've recently joined the community. I've joined as a member and a listener. I hope to find some way to ward off my negative thoughts. As a person still in school, my dream job is to be a psychologist (preferably clinical but i haven't given it too much thought) and I hope as a listener I get to know about general mental issues of people across the world.

LittleBirdie30 July 7th

@Aroaceweirdo Hi there! Welcome to 7 Cups and thank you for joining to help us support members around the world! 🌎 You will definitely gain lots of wonderful experiences here that will help you in your job as a psychologist in the future! Please let us know if you need anything at all! :) 

healingsoul4892 July 8th


Hello! Great ot have you with us. Be sure to explore the Welcome Pack (Blue text is clickable)

celestialwizard July 9th

Hey there. I used to sometimes use this place, but I haven’t in several years. I figured that, since I’m effectively new to the app again, this would be a good place to start.

Anyway, enough of all that. I’m Robin, and I’m transmasc, neurodivergent, and chronically ill. My life has sort of been in shambles as of late, so I’m hoping to be able to talk to people for a little reassurance, and if possible I’d like to try to give back by helping other people when I can, too. It’s nice to meet you all.

soulsings July 9th

@peachStrawberry5882 nice to meet you too. Sorry you feel your life is in a shambles. Hope you get the support your are looking for. 

tranquilechoes July 10th


Hi beautiful souls 💗

I am Garvanshi or tranquil as ppl know me here I joined 7 cups in Jan'24 so I am still relatively new although this community never made me feel so I joined 7 cups when I was in a tough time and needed help and then when got a bit better i decided to help others as much as possible so here I am as listener and trust me when I say that every moment on 7 cups is as rewarding as it could have been i always feel greatful to be a part of this wonderful community and family and I hope for each one of you to find the same amount of comfort and happiness I did love you 🤍✨

LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@tranquilechoes We are so happy to have you here, Garvanshi! Please let us know if you need any help with anything! 🩵

Amanda84 July 10th


my name is Amanda84, nice to meet you and thank you for the kind welcome and support :)

LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@Amanda84 Hi Amanda! Welcome to 7 Cups! It's so nice to meet you too! 🩵

greka7 August 8th


Hi Amanda, I know it's been some time since you joined us, but I would still like to extend the warmest welcomes to you!

Thanks for being a part of this community here at 7 cups, we're excited to have you. I hope your journey is a smooth sailing and insightful one. There are so many resources and supporters if you ever need them!

Best of luck to you xx

sketch84 July 13th

Hey, newbiie here. Still trying to navigate the site best as i can lol.. hope im in the right spot for intros ... anyways, looking to meet likeminded ppl who r into spirituality (not religion) and who just wanna keep each other company. Id b open to help too if u needed an ear. Tc all :)

soulsings July 13th

@sketch84 welcome to 7 Cups. One area that may be of interest to you is mindfulness discussions. They do not require anything but an interest in mindfulness. Discussions are in group support rooms on Monday 3:30 PM EDT and Thursday 5PM EDT. The room is a popup room so it appears 10 minutes before the discussion starts and closes after that. Here is the mindfulness community.

I am into spirituality but not advocating any religion and I post on the Religion & Spirituality community forum. I do not have to reply to every thread but there are some that interest me and often people are looking for help if you want to jump in and comment. Start your own thread that interests you and use the tag list in your thread so people get an alert about your thread. 

Feel free to send me a message

@Heather225 Hi, it’s been a week since I got here. I haven’t been consistent but I’ve gotten a couple of days in and I’m already feeling a massive shift in my life. 

Heather225 OP July 15th


i'm so happy to hear that your experience is positive here and improving your life! that's what we're all about 🥰 if you ever have questions about the site, my PMs are open to you! 

littleSkies6260 July 15th

Hey everyone! You can call me Linds! I'm 35, live in Oklahoma, and a mama to two amazing (now 18+) daughters! I found 7 cups of tea by chance, looking for ANY answers and so far am loving it. I feel like this is going to be a great addition to my life and my journey!

 I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, PTSD, and anxiety as a young teenager and ADHD as an adult.  I have been through 8 years of active addiction and just shy of 12 years active sobriety! About a year ago, after talking with my doctor, we agreed to test a theory. . maybe the depression and anxiety were a result of the undiagnosed ADHD . . I'm not sure that's the case with the depression, but I also do not want to take more pills! So I've decided to continue without meds and really focus harder on self-help and self-healing. With that said though, I know I cannot do this without support, and outside of my children, I typically do not have much; and certainly not many adults that truly understand the "I don't know" and "What's wrong with me?" questions. 

I am not signed up as a listener, however, I am always more than happy to help support anyone I can in their journey! We fight together! 

soulsings July 15th

@littleSkies6260 welcome to 7 Cups. Glad you find so much here at 7 Cups. That is really wonderful to hear. 

EazyPezzy82 July 15th

Hi everyone I’m EazyPezzy82 and I’m so happy to be part of 7 cups .

LittleBirdie30 July 16th

@EazyPezzy82 Hi EazyPezzy! We're so happy you're here too! Do you have any questions about anything? ❤️

camisheere July 15th

Hi! I'm camisheere, and I'm new to this community! I'm hoping to practice my listening skills and support others through their struggles. This community provides a great place for anonymous listening, and I'm excited to start!

soulsings July 16th

@camisheere welcome to 7 Cups as a listener. Your enthusiasm for the site is something I share also.

redCar5112 July 16th

How to introduce? We shouldn't share personal details