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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Blueintheheart March 28th, 2016

@Shybutterfly17 You're not alone. Even if it feels that way. I promise <3 -hugs-

CleopatraElizabethI March 28th, 2016

Needing a hug. I have a job decision to make and I'm currently unsure.

Unicornsyay March 28th, 2016


Take some time to weigh the pros and cons of each!

Best of luck to you (hugs)

twinklesme March 28th, 2016

I feel like I won't graduate school :(

sourcefedder March 28th, 2016

@twinklesme big hugs! You can do it!

WaitingForMyMiracle March 28th, 2016

@twinklesme And if you don't, it's not the end of the world.

MeganBoudewijn March 28th, 2016

I just need help. I can't bear these thoughts and feelings anymore. I can not convince myself of anything positive.

AuroraGirl1221 March 28th, 2016

@MeganBoudewijn I know it's hard to find positivity when you're surrounded by negative things, but trust me, the positivity is ALWAYS there. Sometimes you just have to look a little harder to find it. Sending hugs to you, and don't worry, I know you'll make it through :)

coolitdown March 28th, 2016

I feel like I've been making so many rash decisions and not thinking about the outcomes. I feel like I'm losing focus...

BenC1998 March 28th, 2016

I really need a hug. I am a desperate loser.

Out of all the things that I've done, or the things other people have done, nothing will be more terrible than my feelings being shut down by others annoyance.

I feel I am not allowed to express my feelings and be heard by creating a film that helps me show my anger and depression. There are changes being enforced on this film that destroys it's message and metaphors.

All I ask is to be loved by the world, or at least here on 7Cups, no matter how ideal it may sound. I've even had an influence from the concept of world peace.

Idontknow91 March 28th, 2016



ReyDel March 28th, 2016



quietredpanda March 28th, 2016

My grandma recently died and she's the sixth immediate family member to die on me. It's just now mum & I, and a few other close family members. The family member I'm the cloest to moved to anothee country last year.

Easter used to be an importaant holiday for the family and I've spent it alone, in a new city I moved to last year, with no family nearby. I also only have a few friends and none of them are in the city either.

So I just feel really sad and alone, and feeling like everyone has just deserted me. It hurts. A hug would be really nice.

shagadelicbaby March 28th, 2016


Many hugs xxx

Kyliewooten1030 March 28th, 2016

I have really bad anxiety and feel like I'm all alone on this and need to feel like I'm not worthless

Theydontsee March 28th, 2016

I need to cry and a hug. I'm alone.

Magiieeeeee March 28th, 2016

Don't have a friend make me feel asjejekahhwijd

TheClarinetDork March 28th, 2016

I feel as though there will be no end to the taungting thoughts my minds makes.

ChronicStrive March 28th, 2016

Even being on this site is making my heart pound. I think my mind is ruining my life.

neonpassport6383 March 28th, 2016

I need a massive hug and reassurance that although I feel purposeless and empty right now, it is temporary. Although my life as I knew it fell apart and my trust was shattered, I shouldn't lose hope in humanity and the good that's in the world... *le sigh* hugs gallore please. haha

Chrisramon March 28th, 2016

@neonpassport6383 No homo! But i love you to dog! Go out there and don't be afraid of anything!

plucky14 March 28th, 2016

@neonpassport6383 I totally understand how you feel sooo MASSIVE HUGS!!

plucky14 March 28th, 2016

I think I ruined my life by marrying the guy I thought was the perfect man for me, now we have a 3 yr old if I leave we'll be another broken home & another statistic I need multiple hugs.

Princesslilia March 28th, 2016

Slowly but surely relaxing

Polar2016 March 28th, 2016

I need a hug. Holidays are always tough.

AuroraGirl1221 March 28th, 2016

@Polar2016 Here's a hug for you! Don't worry ok? Keep your head up and you'll make it through :)

ReyDel March 28th, 2016

I need a hug. I'm going to through a bad breakup. Ex was trying to make me chose him or the baby that's growing in me! Of course I chose the baby! Smh shows the type man he is!

RoveraiC March 28th, 2016

@ReyDel a hug for you, it was a great choice... you will not regret itsmiley

ReyDel March 28th, 2016


you are absolutely right and wonderful thank you!

here's a hug back!

Snowfoxrapids March 28th, 2016


It is all dependent on your age.

snovvdrops March 28th, 2016

I know the whole purpose of this site is to reach out and talk to people but I feel like I would be annoying them with my problems. -.-

snovvdrops March 28th, 2016

I know the purpose of this site is to reach out and talk to people but I feel like I would annoy people with my problems. -.-

Guppy9696 March 28th, 2016

I'm having trouble managing my fiancé's aspergers even though I love him it's hard on me right now.

christinasunhow March 28th, 2016

@Guppy9696 what if you both discuss it with each other? In a relationship you have to have communication.

March 28th, 2016

I'm having a hard time in school right now. I may not graduate on time and there are a lot of things wrong with that. Just having a rough go of it this semester

Victoria1123 March 28th, 2016

@LostAtSea23 it's ok.. It took me 2 extra years to graduate I'm 19 and I'm barley going to graduate this year.. Because of my depression I couldn't even get up for school.. But just motivate yourself and just do the best you can. Diploma is very important.

Lisara March 28th, 2016

@LostAtSea23 It's okay. I know you're thinking "it's not" and that my words are empty but I get the feels. Just take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have power, power to control everything.

March 28th, 2016

@Ntan2745 I'm taking 2 or 3 classes over the recommended credit limit, and my classes start earlier in the morning than usual which means I either don't sleep or don't do homework/study.

Twinklestar1 March 28th, 2016

I need a hug. Turns out I'm the kind of person who ignores their children to make themselves sick

Snowfoxrapids March 28th, 2016


Honestly, I think you should get off of here and spend time with your kids. You'll find a lot more self worth if you just do what your daily life calls for. You won't be kicking yourself later.