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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





maddymadhu3583 March 26th, 2016

Yes u can@SilverSyler

Aprilstarlight March 26th, 2016


Here comes the hugtrain!!!! Chuk chuuuuk!! Everyone get in for home station to give @limegreenEyes4553 some hugs!!

SuperWhoLock88 March 26th, 2016

Really needing hugs right now

Aprilstarlight March 26th, 2016



carefulCity1996 March 26th, 2016

I want a hug today is a bad tormenting day for me crying

SuperWhoLock88 March 26th, 2016


Big soft squishy hugs! Hope your day gets better.

sakinah111 March 26th, 2016

hi im new, anyone needing a hug even if they find it difficult to recieve physically, i give one out cyberly xx

sakinah111 xxx

knockemaildown March 26th, 2016


optimisticriver March 26th, 2016

@knockemaildown - HUG to you :)

SadGandalf March 26th, 2016

Gathering with my wife's family, and literally nobody cares that I'm here.

Can I get a hug?

Aprilstarlight March 26th, 2016

@SadGandalf of course you can come over here *walks to you like a grandma* you don't need to ask for Huggies😁😁

Iovelyleo March 26th, 2016

@SadGandalf Family gatherings can be tough man :( Here's a hug from me!! You'll get through it.

undefined711 March 26th, 2016

Hugs for everyone!!!

Morakane March 26th, 2016

Kinda need a hug too

Iovelyleo March 26th, 2016

@Morakane Here's a internet hug from me to you! <3

Jayisgray March 26th, 2016

I wish I had someone to talk to about my sexuality

sensibleThinker666 March 26th, 2016


Blissfulnight March 26th, 2016


sensibleThinker666 March 26th, 2016


dynamicPapaya372 March 26th, 2016


hi i need help i am going to be a mother soon and they babys father and i are not getting along good right nowfrown

aquaPomegranate2895 March 26th, 2016

I wish that this was a real life hug and not virtual...crying

LucyisaKnight March 26th, 2016

People I love keep dying and I just need a hug and someone to say its okay to be sad

jshe4941 March 26th, 2016

@LucyisaKnight it IS okay to be sad. We are born with those emotions for reason, they help us cope. Grieve, it's ok :-) sending you a hug

Heavenatease March 26th, 2016

crying@LucyisaKnight I know what you mean. I lost my dad 2 years ago, one of my school teachers just died last year, and my friend tried to commit suicide yesterday.

Heavenatease March 26th, 2016

crying@LucyisaKnight I know what you mean. I lost my dad 2 years ago, one of my school teachers just died last year, and my friend tried to commit suicide yesterday.

Smdp March 26th, 2016

@LucyisaKnight its okay to be sad but its also okay to fight for your happiness

CPC3 March 26th, 2016

@LucyisaKnight take a deep breath and know that even this will pass. It's gotta be one of the hardest things to go through. I'm very sorry for your losses

fairmindedDrum531 March 27th, 2016

@LucyisaKnight This year I lost both my grandparents, within a week of each other. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss, my heart is breaking for you right now. People who have touched your life with love, kindness or joy deserve to be missed - you don't need to "get over it". Take your time. Take the space you need. When the feeling of love is intense, so is the feeling of loss. Crying, becoming quiet, feeling angry or feeling intensely sad because you will miss them, is healthy and a natural part of the eventual healing process. The people you lost meant so much to you, of course you're not going to simply be ok - not because you are not strong, but because you loved and recieved love, so genuinely. How lucky are we all to have had these people in our lives? The absence of something, acknowledges the presence of something just as great... that is never something to take for granted.

You don't have to be happy right now. You don't have to be sad all the time.

Everything will be ok @LucyisaKnight , even if it will never be the same again.

ParanoidPoet March 26th, 2016

I need a hug desperately. I've learned that a lass that I love does not feel the same way.

DepressedOctopus March 26th, 2016

@ParanoidPoet me too dude it drives me crazy that she's interested in other guys when she knows my situation too. You don't need anyone that doesn't need you that's my philosophy.

ParanoidPoet March 26th, 2016

@DepressedOctopus I'm not quite sure I agree with your philosophy, but thank you for the words of encouragement.

yellowBlackberry7305 March 27th, 2016

@ParanoidPoet It's always disapointing to find out someone doesn't feel the same way.

chersyad March 26th, 2016

have you ever felt really alone, depressed at the same time? when i tried to make something new, my anxiety blocked me, people say i'm weak because i cannot control my anxiety.. they just don't know how it feels to be rejected,bullied...

that's why i have many issues at the same time :(

kgrace March 26th, 2016

*Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs* I wish I could give all of you real ones♡♡

justtnotokay March 26th, 2016

The guy I love doesn't want to talk to me. I wish I could have a hug from him 😞🙁

Myconfusion March 26th, 2016

-hugs- to all people having a tough time .. it will eventually get better

MPE1016 March 26th, 2016

I real could use a listener

natsu1 March 26th, 2016

Im battling really bad depression and it seems every night i find myself crying myself to sleep..idk how long i can handle feeling all these horrible things until i finally just shatter..

niirvvana March 26th, 2016

@natsu1 i completely understand the feeling. i shattered but im putting myself back together. if you ever need someone to talk to, im always up and open to talk

CPC3 March 26th, 2016

@natsu1 I've battled depression a few times. You r not alone. Are u aware of what's been bringing u down