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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





VintagePearl April 23rd, 2015

Big Hug to you today

lightPomegranate1048 April 23rd, 2015

My parents are having a divorce and my dad talks to me about how awful he thinks my mom is. It really hurts me to hear it all the time but when i say something about it he gets angry with me. I feel emotionally used and i feel anxious and lonely and i feel pain. I'm trying to feel happy and act happy but I'm not. I really need a hug right now 😔

VintagePearl April 23rd, 2015

((((Hugs for infinity my friend ))))

Notsoglee323 April 23rd, 2015

I feel really down about my life....well, work mainly. Just don't feel like I'm good enough. Grrrrr!!!'

Kathrie April 24th, 2015

Hugs! Remember, you're somebody's favorite person. You got this.

lifeofpie39 April 23rd, 2015

a hug or more a day keeps the doctor away. Dont forget to hug someone else because they may be needing a hug just as much as you

April 23rd, 2015

Everyday I try to hug my teddy bear because I feel lonely.

Kathrie April 24th, 2015

That's the body's natural response to loneliness. No shame. Hug that teddy bear. *gives both of you a giant hug*

Estelle1313 April 23rd, 2015

Im a big mess. I can`t do nothing right, and Im stressing about everything. Im unhappy with my self, and sometimes I hate my self because Im not normal like others. Im anxious and paranoid...

Kathrie April 24th, 2015

HUGS. Normal is a myth... Don't hold yourself to standards that are meant to enslave. You are a beautiful original and if your life was a book, you would be somebody's favorite character.

ASadKitten April 23rd, 2015

Struggling with anxiety, social anxiety and summer tests... I'm so stress I feel like my emotional mask is cracking.. I started lying for no reason. I told my teacher I didn't do my homework even though I had it in my bag completed... I got in quiet a bit of trouble but at anytime I could've just got out the homework and got out of trouble... I'm breaking bit by bit and I still don't understand why I lied... I could use a hug...

Kathrie April 24th, 2015

I've done that... Even when stuff is done sometimes it's too hard breaking out of safe-statue-mode. HUGS. Anxiety sucks.

Ledzeppers784 April 23rd, 2015

Hug to everyone, sad, sick, anxious having a lot of bad reaction to my pain patch Now I have nothing to use until my drs which is two weeks from now I can't even walk through a grocery store without wanting to cry.

sarbear46 April 23rd, 2015

I'm sorry hun! :( Hope you feel better asap!

Kathrie April 24th, 2015

*hugs* One day at a time. You are your first priority.

GrayHappiness May 14th, 2015


Kathrie April 24th, 2015

Hi, I've been too scared to leave the house for almost a year now. It's impossible to explain to anyone, because all I need to do is go out but it's terrifying... The loneliness is killer.

Alongcameaspider April 24th, 2015

God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good. I would advise anyone to read Jesus Calling (or any daily devotional) I read mine every morning or night. It helps me feel worthy and forgiven.

Kathrie April 24th, 2015

Oh! I love that book! *hugs*

BlueRoseNekoPrincess April 24th, 2015

*air hugs*

Second9434 April 24th, 2015

I never got the chance to speak up i m never good enough

peachDime931 April 24th, 2015

I lost my Dad two day's beforeChristmas last year, I have struggled with depression for a long time but since Dad died, I feel like I can't escape it. I Need a hug :(

Colorscholar April 24th, 2015


MrsNope April 24th, 2015


AlwaysTheLoneWolf April 24th, 2015


Cuttingxsuicidal1 April 24th, 2015



A big hug

Ankur143 April 24th, 2015

A Big Hug Dear

hopelessromantic28 April 24th, 2015

My pain is far beyond anything I can say. I just need a hug. :(

Kathrie April 24th, 2015

*extra long hug* I'm sorry.

sincereRaspberries93 April 24th, 2015

this day keeps geting more and more stressful.....i just can't take much more........don't know how to feel......have a deep headache......seems i need so much....don't know where to start......

GrayHappiness May 14th, 2015

It's just one day, everything will be fine...*Hugs*

DeeDee00 April 24th, 2015

I Feel Life Not Even Worth Living

GrayHappiness May 14th, 2015

All lives are wild and precious,they can be complicated or simple, happy or sad, they are always changing. Just make sure to do follow what you want, make sure your that yourdreams, that your worries stay small and try not tocarry more than you can hold.

GrayHappiness May 14th, 2015


braveApricot2999 April 24th, 2015

I just found out a few days ago the my boyfriend of 2 years cheated on me with multiple girls and he keeps denying it. I was so in love with him and I thought he was in love with me too. But I'm struggling with anxiety, depression and a lot more. I feel so betrayed. I need a hug to help me get through this day peacefully :/

Tim2288 April 24th, 2015

Im in the same exact Boat as you.. I feel your pain.

lovingSea8632 April 28th, 2015

I understand what you must be feeling.. Let me hug u tightly

helpmeplease456 April 24th, 2015

I am depressed so bad right now and lonely and there is no one to be there to huge me .. :(

XDinnaaaaX April 25th, 2015

@helpmeplease456 *hugs you virtually* Its okay to feel down sometimes but I will be here for you so I will hug you virtually again lol *virtually hugs you*