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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





projectblue April 23rd, 2015


greeneyedwolfy84 April 23rd, 2015

I'm sure you are hun

HerbalTea123 April 23rd, 2015

You do not have to prove your worth... you are an amazing individual! HUG

krystel April 23rd, 2015

you are more than just enoughheart keep it in mind

bestillmyheart April 23rd, 2015

This is the first time here and I feel the same feelings you feel. Yet, I have a good feeling about this.

maskedkarma April 23rd, 2015

*HUG* you are worth it. believe it, embrace it, hold it close in your heart. it takes a while to believe but it's a solid truth

daria73 April 23rd, 2015

BIG LONG HUG. Stay positive. Your a beautiful creation.yes

tealHickory7619 April 23rd, 2015

hug. Im going though the same thing but remember in the end its just you against the world

Learningirl April 23rd, 2015

We are all worth something. At times and many times, we are made to feel that we are not. Those that do that, well they are not worth having in our life. Staying strong is not always an option, but finding people that love us, and want to have us in our lives is.You are here, that means you have fought through. be proud of that and know you can do this.

suicidalmind April 24th, 2015

You are beautiful don't let the world hide your beauty

Castiel55 April 23rd, 2015

depressed in a black hole of darkness...sad

sherridbw April 23rd, 2015

Why do you feel that way?

krystel April 23rd, 2015

You only lose energy when life becomes dull in your mind. Your mind gets bored and therefore tired of doing nothing. Get interested in something! Get absolutely enthralled with something! Get out of yourself! Be somebody! Do something! The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have. you are never alone

parkerm April 23rd, 2015

sad and lonely

ASadKitten April 23rd, 2015

((Hugs)) We're here for you~

greeneyedwolfy84 April 23rd, 2015

Right now I feel so stressed I'm screaming inside my head and I feel trapped and isolated. I don't know how to fix this. I wish it would stop. I wish I knew how to cut loose and relax.

ASadKitten April 23rd, 2015

((Hugs)) I understand what you mean. I'm the same... That's a question I'm trying to answer myself... The only thing I've done is distracted myself from it all with a hobby.

krystel April 23rd, 2015

To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.

passionateCucumber9868 April 23rd, 2015

I am leaving my husband of 11 years, I am homeless, need surgery but have no insurance, my children have distanced themselves from me because Im so emotional. I need lots of hugs!!!!!

krystel April 23rd, 2015

Be proud of yourself and the decision you took. you made this decision for a reason. always remember that reason and keep on going. be strong i know you can do it. you are never aloneheart

decisiveCat1684 April 23rd, 2015


I am here with you....lots of love--I feel for you. I am so sorry that your are going through this.

passionateCucumber9868 April 23rd, 2015

I am leaving my husband of 11 years, I am homeless, need surgery but have no insurance, my children have distanced themselves from me because Im so emotional. I need lots of hugs!!!!!

ASadKitten April 23rd, 2015

((Hugs)) We'll always be here to support you!!!

daria73 April 23rd, 2015

One day at a time, one moment at a time. Life has a way of placing blessing in front of us when least expect. Just breath. I send you a big hug and a hope for a better tomorrow if not today.yes

daria73 April 23rd, 2015

One day at a time, one moment at a time. Life has a way of placing blessing in front of us when least expect. Just breath. I send you a big hug and a hope for a better tomorrow if not today.yes

orangesalt April 23rd, 2015

I feel incredibly afraid that I'll somehow ruin my life so badly that I'd regret choosing to live today

BlackDiamond567 April 23rd, 2015

We have one life to live and we should spent it by doing crazy things.. so do what you want, if you a make a mistake that's good because you'll learn from it.. and if you destroy your life that's fine too you'll be able to start from the zero and go to the top.. I was there.. I ruined my life too but I got up and I am standing here strong enough to continue my life..

Coffeeloverxx April 23rd, 2015

I was doing so good but I feel myself slipping into the old me. The person who cried herself to sleep and harmed yourself to feel some type or crazy relief. It took me a year to try an better myself but I'm just a useless cause.

wakinglight April 23rd, 2015

i don't feel like saying anything. just want a hug, to know you are here with me.

emmycnw April 23rd, 2015


krystel April 23rd, 2015

warm hug

emmycnw April 23rd, 2015

I'm facing family issues :(

krystel April 23rd, 2015

Everything is going to be Alright, You're going to see the Light, and it's going to shine so Bright.

PetalsOnTheWind April 23rd, 2015

*Gives Cuddle*

maskedkarma April 23rd, 2015

sometimes i just want to crawl under my desk and cry for no good reason and when i cant it makes me want to cry even more

daria73 April 23rd, 2015

So do it. Get down there and be free. Cry be humbled by your emotions. Know its ok to do so. Then come back up and feel better. HUG HUG HUG

brightLunch3163 April 23rd, 2015

Sometimes I feel like I cant give more space, be courtious enough, smile enough, like I'm always walking on eggshells - trying my best but always failing - some small detail is alwayswrong or not good enough... somedays I just need a hug - for someone to say I need you, I love you Im glad you are here with me... I know im not perfect (but I do try why does love have to be to tough...)

lightPomegranate1048 April 23rd, 2015

Stay in the moment. Relax physically and emotionally and you will feel good. Love is always there. Big hug to you xx

Messespeeses April 23rd, 2015

I am on my 2ndday without hydrocodone. I have been on pain meds for spine issues for over 5 years. I am an RN and never wanted to take it in the first place. It has affected my life in so many ways. I am ready at 35 years old to get my life in order and have a family. Hope it's not too late😕 coming off of the meds is hell right now. I could definitely use hugs and support!

lightPomegranate1048 April 23rd, 2015

Big hug to you my friend xx