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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





CurlyTraveller April 22nd, 2015

Hugs :)

harleyquinn96 April 22nd, 2015

Maybe I could like a good hug

turquoiseStrings6483 April 22nd, 2015


sealpal1234 April 22nd, 2015

going through a break up. really need a hug.....:(

maybenonsense April 22nd, 2015

A huge hug for you!

ao1829 April 23rd, 2015

Sending all my love to you. BIG HUG!heart

Muin April 22nd, 2015

I lost my grandmother and my dear pet in the same month. I had to chose to put Euthanasia on my pet and I feel guilty and lonely. Sometimes my pet was my only friend. I really need a hug.

Dhru21star April 22nd, 2015

God also need good persons and animal there. .so they just take some from our earth

PHXARIES April 22nd, 2015

Sending hugs your way.

mickjack April 22nd, 2015

I really need a hug not had a nice cuddle for a long time

carefulArcher9173 April 23rd, 2015


The Rainbow Bridge always makes me smile, and eases the pain for me somewhat.

Snowsong39 April 22nd, 2015

Hey, I'm kinda new here, but I'm here for a reason. I've started self harming a few days ago, relapsing from December. And I've been suicidal for a few months. I'm only 15, but I don't think I have much to live for. So a hug would be greatly appreciated.

magicalemem121 April 22nd, 2015


amiableGrapefruit2019 April 22nd, 2015

"Sending virtual hug" "Accept or Decline"

Snowsong39 April 22nd, 2015

I'll gladly accept it. I haven't gotten one of these in a while.

orangebirdcage April 22nd, 2015

Mega hug. Mega. Hug. 🌈

mellifluousmyriad April 23rd, 2015

stay strong! someone loves you!

Dhru21star April 22nd, 2015

God also need good persons and animal there. .so they just take some from our earth

independentOwl770 April 22nd, 2015


nerdfighter5255 April 22nd, 2015

I've been having a really rough week so far and I could use a hug

Vanessawoodmage April 22nd, 2015

*hugs* hope things go better tomorrow!

honestMoon3095 April 22nd, 2015

hugs to me and everyone!

b1asphemy April 22nd, 2015

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ hugs for everybody!!

painbutyoutubers April 22nd, 2015

Um, I am not sure my mother is accepting of me being bisexual and I am stressing about that and I think I need to break up with my gf, would really apreciate a hug....

painbutyoutubers April 22nd, 2015

Um, I am not sure my mother is accepting of me being bisexual and I am stressing about that and I think I need to break up with my gf, would really apreciate a hug....

painbutyoutubers April 22nd, 2015

Um, I am not sure my mother is accepting of me being bisexual and I am stressing about that and I think I need to break up with my gf, would really apreciate a hug....

painbutyoutubers April 22nd, 2015

Um, I am not sure my mother is accepting of me being bisexual and I am stressing about that and I think I need to break up with my gf, would really apreciate a hug....

waiting4wings April 22nd, 2015


painbutyoutubers April 22nd, 2015

Um, I am not sure my mother is accepting of me being bisexual and I am stressing about that and I think I need to break up with my gf, would really apreciate a hug....

carefulArcher9173 April 23rd, 2015

*hugs* Its alright. There are people out there who love and accept you regardless of sexual orientation. Your girlfriend loves you, and even if she doesn't, you'll have future partners of whichever gender that will.

Im asexual so im in the opposite boat. Not sexually attracted to any genders. I thought i was broken for so long, that i was unable to love, that maybe i was a late-late bloomer. I've found that being around other asexuals or ace-spectrum folks helps me.

Try finding LGBT or bisexual specific support in your area, via online, via phone, or even come back here to 7cups for help/venting.

*more hugs*

galefrayenking April 22nd, 2015

I'm done. I have no one left now... i just need a hug, in real life. :(

pluckyPerson9012 April 23rd, 2015

really feel like I can't do anything right recently. feel like such a poor excuse for a friend, daughter, person. all I want in the world right now is a hugbroken heart

S4M0FTH3N1GHT April 23rd, 2015

God, sometimes I just need a hug. Like a full on Baymax compassion hug from Big Hero 6.

courteousAvocado7604 April 23rd, 2015

you grow from this experience and hugs to every member on 7cupsoftea god says to love everybody and i love all yall

ao1829 April 23rd, 2015

I've been feeling terrible lately. I would love a hug right now <3

mellifluousmyriad April 23rd, 2015

[heart] ​ [heart] ​ [heart] ​ stay safe, I'm sending lots of love your way!

friendlyLion3125 April 23rd, 2015

smileyHugging Hugs hugs and warm sweet friendly hug to make you really special heart

cchalesse April 23rd, 2015

Sending out a hug to anyone that needs one today!!!

mellifluousmyriad April 23rd, 2015

I constantly feel utterly worthless, and my parents always say really mean stuff to me, it didn't use to be this way, but now I feel like it's unrepairable, I just feel like dirt and don't wanna do this anymore

ghivashel15 April 23rd, 2015

i sometimes feel like i'm not good enough for my family or people i hold closest to me and i'm slowly getting better but i could really use a hug to let me know that i am on the right path