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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Nichole31 March 1st, 2016

I am going through so much right now it's difficult to try to figure out what needs to get done first out even way to start.

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lazyKatz March 1st, 2016


Take time out to relax, breath and accept a HUG x

Turquoisedreamer March 1st, 2016

@Nichole31 Ouch. I'm sorry you're having a hard time right now. I hope things turn around for you pretty darn quick!

Maybe take a time-out before you try fixing things - see what needs sorting out, break it down into more manageable parts. I know what it's like to try doing too many things at once - it's overwhelming and in the end, nothing changes.


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princessorianna March 1st, 2016

I've been emotionally numb since my boyfriend abandoned me beginning of January, then suddenly came back after about two weeks. things just haven't felt the same, and I'm all sorts of depressed. we recently decided to take a break and see where things go from here.

he basically disappeared, not answering calls or emails or texts or voicemail. when he reappeared after two weeks, he said he was ashamed to admit he'd lost his job. I'd hardened my heart against him, figuring I'd neve see him again so why bother keeping feelings that were of no use.

I'd go back into therapy, but i have a sleep disorder so i can't schedule appointments. help???

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independentPark9142 March 1st, 2016


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independentPark9142 March 1st, 2016

what we should all do is have sex and keep calm coz thing will work out

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Turquoisedreamer March 1st, 2016

@princessorianna Wow. I'm really sorry things are like that for you, and I truly hope it turns around asap!

I don't know all the details of what went on between you and your boyfriend, but it seems a shame that you're going to give up on relationships all together. Getting hurt sucks, I know, but don't give up on the awesome stuff, too. Take a time-out (hey everyone needs one now and then, amiright?) and maybe see if you want to try again somewhere down the track. Who knows? You may just find Mr (or Mrs - not judging ;)) right around the corner..


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Sjr March 1st, 2016


big hug, babe ❤️ relationships can be so difficult

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Lalalexus March 1st, 2016

@princessorianna I am so sorry, this sounds really distressing. This also sounds like you were totally left in the dark for two weeks and it caused a lot of pain and confusion; that you're still dealing with now. Have you tried breathing techniques when you're feeling overwhelmed? It really helps me sometimes in anxiety situations.

How do you feel towards him right now. Big hugs. You'll get through this x

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princessorianna March 9th, 2016

@Lalalexus I can't do breathing techniques; they actually cause me anxiety. like i won't be able to breathe normally agan.

right now I'm having a continuation of my breakdown from yesterday because I need therapy badly but noone can provide it due to my sleep disorder. the local psych hospital outright rejected me when I said I would not be able to follow their regimented schedule. I don't have anywhere to turn as the few friends I have are too far to actually see me. I need cuddles desperately.

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shelock March 1st, 2016


just wanna give you a big warm hug...

"time" is the best medication...

God bless you....

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Mgsue19 March 1st, 2016

I have just started using this app, and it has some great potential. It's great to have someone to talk to, but a lot of the listeners seem to think that there has to be a specific reason as to why we are feeling down. At least the ones I've talked to so far. I do not mean to offend any of the listeners here. I just would like them to know that sometimes we don't all have a reason, or know the reason. Sometimes it is just how we feel, and it is just nice to have someone to talk to. I just feel lonely and empty a lot of the time and it's good to try and keep my mind off of things.

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Sjr March 1st, 2016


havent experienced this with a listener yet as I haven't had the opportunity to speak with one. But I think in general this is a very important point. 🤘🏻 thank you for sharing!

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myaekingheart March 1st, 2016

I've been feeling so overrun by anxiety lately. Everything is weighing me down and I feel trapped in this neverending pit that just keeps growing deeper and deeper. I want so desperately to break free from this unhealthy routine I'm stuck in but I can't find an escape. It's really damaging my quality of life and I just feel so lost.

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Lalalexus March 1st, 2016

@myaekingheart hope you are okay. I can really relate to the extreme anxiety. Breathing techniques can help in times of heavy distress or anxiety but it's hard to deal with it the rest of the time isn't it? It's really good how you identify with how you're feeling though. I think it's great you verbalise it so well xx

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Sjr March 1st, 2016

Wasn't able to get my medication for my insomnia today... So I will be off of it cold turkey starting today for the first time in a year. Already having withdrawal symptoms. Bleh. Could be worse. But not being able to sleep is not fun. I'm sure a lot of you have been here with medications...

Nessasing March 1st, 2016

I really like this guy whom I've known for about a month, we both admitted we liked each other but no commitment have ever made, like I don't even know what are we right now. I've tried to ask although he answered but now it's still not official... He was really sweet and nice to me, saying things like 'ahh I couldn't stop thinking about you' 'you're beautiful' 'I'm so lucky to know you'....but now he's being so different, very cold and indifferent, text me much less and is not asking me out anymore. I think he's losing interest in me and I don't know what to do because I'm really attached to him....what should I do? Please help...I can't stop crying....

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Red272395 March 1st, 2016


i know that feeling and I have been there too.. It sucks and it hurts so much but it will only get better with time. Try to keep your self busy, like really busy... Watch stuffs, travel, cook, work over time or anything that will take your mind off him, talk to your friends and go out there and meet new people, you never know how perfect something can turn out.. Give it a chance

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Crashingwaves2403 March 1st, 2016

I don't know what to do, one minute my partner is the most loving wonderful man who makes me feel as if I'm the most special person in the world and then he gets into one of his moods and it's like I don't exist. He's constantly on his phone and if I try and talk to him he snaps, if I cry he shouts at me telling me why I shouldn't be upset. On Christmas day he left at midnight for a few hours with no warning. I know my problems are tiny compared to some and I feel guilty getting upset about it but I can't stop crying which only upsets him more.

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Lalalexus March 1st, 2016

@Crashingwaves2403 I don't think you should feel guilty or compare your issues as less important. It's affecting you and how you feel so it's definitely relevant xx

Sounds really rough what you're going through with him, the inconsistency of it all. They can be very switched off and give off different vibes. Going through a similar thing with my boyfriend and it seems impossible to get through to them sometimes. Do you feel a bit underestimated?

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Crashingwaves2403 March 1st, 2016

@Lalalexus thank you so much for your reply xxx I don't feel underestimated but I do feel isolated and lonely at times and feel like I always have to be the happy go lucky person but it's so hard sometimes. I'm sorry you're going through something similar xxx

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Red272395 March 1st, 2016


it went through something similar sometime back with my ( ex ) boyfriend, one minute everything was great and the next, he was completely avoiding me, not replying to my texts and calls for weeks at a time.. Things went on like that for a while and then I decided to confront him. I told him to be honest with me and that it was okay if things didn't workout. Shit happens. If your confronting him, try not to cry because most men can't handle extreme emotions. So in their defense they try to show emotions like indifference, anger and coldness etc . Give it sometime, if things don't workout for you with him, you can always make a new start

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Lalalexus March 1st, 2016

I stopped taking my anti depressants for anxiety 3 days ago and am feeling surprisingly good. Although I have this dark cloud over my shoulder just waiting to be riddled by anxiety and need to go back on them. I really don't want to, the side effects were awful. Feeling very "damned if you do, damned if you don't" but somewhat optimistic.

Pandas4ever March 1st, 2016

I could use one right now, thanks. smiley

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lazyKatz March 1st, 2016


Lots of HUGS, all welcome x

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versatileTurtle6754 March 1st, 2016

I need several hugs...