Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
I really need a hug right now. I feel like my girlfriend wants to call it quits, but she is sending me mixed signals, telling me she doesn't want to break up but she feels very emotionally distant and not her usual self. A guy held an umbrella for her in the rain on Tuesday and she has been obsessing over it since, saying it made her whole week and sending mixed signals since then (playing breakup radio on Pandora, talking about wanting to meet up with him and "thank him properly", etc). I have no idea what to do and it's driving me crazy and making me want to cry out of frustration. I don't want to lose her (we've been together for 6 months) but I know this isn't healthy relationship behavior either. I've never seen this side of her before.
I need a hug today- I'm diagnosed bipolar and today has been a bad one. I'm not sure what triggered my mood- but I have not been able to concentrate the way I want to. It's so hard because I feel like I've overcome so much and finally took my disorder under control- but it is still affecting me- and today it truly did.
@Movingforward37 hi there!! getting a diagnosis can be very overwhelming. I was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder about two years ago, in the spring of my senior year of highschool, and i know just how hard it can be! however, try to think of it as your first step towards recovery and know that now your demons have a name- and they'll be easier to face. I am brand-spakin-new to 7cups, so im still trying to figure this website out, but if you can send messages to each other (i think you can?) im always here and willing to answer questions or help motivate or anything. Bipolar disorder can be extremely difficult, but you are 100% capable of recovery!! I hope you take care of yourself today and every day and know that you are never, ever alone.
@Movingforward37 BIG HUGS FOR YOU .YOU TAKE CARE :)
@Movingforward37 Huge hugs! I'm bipolar too..I relate.
all of the hugs in the world for you!! im proud that you came out and acknowleged that it affected you and just know we are all here for you. <3 xoxoxo
@Movingforward37 I won't say I understand how you feel, no one can truly know that unless they go through the same things, but I can and do, offer you an arms open wide, sincere and warm hug to stay with you until you feel a little stronger. Here if you ever need to talk
I've done bad in my university course and so i have to go see an academic advisor today, definately in need of a hug <3
@totoro7991 Sending you a huge HUG! Whatever happens, it's no reflection on you. You have the world stretched out in front of you, this is just a set back that you'll move on from. Learning is for all time, not just this moment. It will be ok x
@totoro7991 here you go! (Virtual hug)
@totoro7991 here you are, a big hug for you! :)
I was okay this morning. And now I'm feeling pretty awful. I'm sad and I don't know why. I also feel helpless because I've been trying to tackle my depression for months now and what I've done obviously must not be helping. So now I feel useless.
hello I am in need of a hug please, I keep canccelling plans to go out with my friends even though I know I am letting them down but I don't know how to tell them that I'm feeling low and that it stops me from seeing them
@mackie907 i would suggest you tell your wisest friends about it and also it keeps you away from public.. Isolating yourself. Ok? And if you need to talk i will do my upmost best to listen to you; big hug!
@mackie907 Sorry you're feeling low. I've done the same thing myself, countless times, so can appreciate what you're going through. Here if you need to talk and regardless, sending you a big, big safe hug, full of strength and full of warmth, one that stays if ever you're in need
I could use a hug... I can't even put into words what all is goin on right now I just I'm at my lowest point.... Inside I want to end my life but I'm trying so hard to fight those thoughts..
@beautifullybroken Sending hugs your way! Everything will get better. At least you're opening up about it.
Upset but trying to hold it together. I'm not doing so well tonight- all day really. I'm feeling defeated and worn down and I'm not coping well even though I want to. I wish I had someone who wasn't afraid and would just be here with me lying on the floor. Not looking for advice just not to be alone in this.
@niceMoon4358 Sending you a hug!!
@niceMoon4358 I know exactly how you feel. I'm here for you whenever you need me. I get an know exactly the feeling
@niceMoon4358 Sometimes having someone to simply sit with us in quiet companionship is all that we need. I hope you find that 'someone'.
@niceMoon4358((((((nice moon)))))
I need a hug because I am in so much pain, but can't cry. Even when I'm alone and thinking of everything weighing on my mind, the relief of letting it out won't come. I feel lost, like no one understands or appreciates the things that I go through on a day to day basis.
Another day another 24 hours of feeling too broken to ever be fixed no matter how hard everyone tries. Another day of desperately needing a hug bc I have nobody real to do it.
@paidir sending big hugs your way
@paidir Awwww. Here, have a hug; I've got heaps ;)
ineed a hug. my parents are beating me. pls help
@plshelpmewithmyproblems I am so sorry. Huge hugs to you
I feel sorry for you. Please have a voice and do something so they can stop beating you!!! [Hug]
@plshelpmewithmyproblems hi I'm new but I'll send you a big bear hug
@plshelpmewithmyproblems I'm so very sorry this is happening to you. Stay on this site, there's a lot of help for people in your situation. This is not your fault. I hope you find the help you need. Here if ever you need to talk. I send you a safe, safe hug