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Dealing with BPD and the stigma
Personality Disorders Support / by paidir
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May 26th, 2017
...See more I'm not sure how to phrase this but will do my best. Every time I do some research on BPD I wind up in tears bc so much of the info is how to survive me, how to recover from knowing me.... not for me to know how to improve myself and deal with this and be a better person. It makes me feel like society thinks of me as some kind of monster at worst, or at best just catastrophically broken. Just needed to share.
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How have you handled the aftermath of manic episodes, if they affected friends and family? How to talk about it, experiences, etc.
Bipolar, Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support / by paidir
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October 19th, 2016
...See more I honestly now realise I've been bipolar way longer than thought. I am diagnosed BP1 was BP2 but even that was only a few years ago and was questionable bc my hypomania seemed so minor. Now tho I know I was just hiding it from myself, justifying it etc so I couldn't see it for what it was...out of control. I am getting help, on meds etc. The more I clear up and see what is behind me the more I know I need to have some very hard discussions especially with friends. I'm not asking anyone to tell me how, only curious what experiences ppl have had, anything anyone learned that might be good to know. I haven't been my best self pretty much ever, and I regret that. I'm trying now to be better and worthy of my friends. I want them to know that. And that I own everything that happened even tho I never meant to stress out or hurt anyone. Thanks in advance!
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my listener rocked, we set another time for tomorrow, I posted a good review and now she's gone completely from the site!
Safety & Knowledge at 7 Cups / by paidir
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June 13th, 2015
...See more I'm hoping against hope that there is some technical issue here... I had a fantastic chat with a listener who really got me, and helped a lot. I'm many flavors of special including autistic so few can deal with me and even fewer seem to click and get me. She listened, asked great questions, etc. And I really left feeling better. She said she would love to continue, and we set a time for tomorrow night.  went back tonight to write a couple things she said down in my journal...and the chat is gone. I went to her listener profile and it 's gone completely. I didn't say anything, all I did was submit a positive review, so I can't imagine that would have caused someone to leave. So confused, sad, worried... 
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followup or something for when a member leaves a forum upset (disagreements etc)...
Site Updates / by paidir
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December 8th, 2016
...See more I know we cant contact members 1 on 1, and i get the why but there is one scenario where i wish there were something to do. When there is some issue in a chat and somebody leaves upset, esp an active member. It haPpens, understandbly since so many of us are struggling too. just wish there were a way to offer support or a place for them to go. It upsets me to see it and not be able to do anything.
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