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blueTree4814 July 24th, 2019

I cannot cope with my nightmares any more. I've been having them for about 3 years now and I don't remember the last time I slept properly. I have them multiple times a night and each one is horrifying in it's own twisted way. This is really starting to impact my life.

I am always tired and have no energy and i would rather just saty awake then deal with them anymore. I'm desperate I've tried everything. I've done the dream journals and sleep music pretty much everything.

If anyone has any suggestions then please share I am absolutely desperate

BlueBetta July 24th, 2019

@blueTree4814 Nightmares are always really hard to deal with. Have you tried meditating before bed? It sounds like you probably have, but I thought I'd suggest it in case you haven't.

I've heard people say it helps.

LuckyDucky79 May 17th, 2020

Since your asking for suggestions: there's a technique called lucid dreaming where you learn to become aware you are dreaming while you sleep. It can help you direct your dream and let it play out how you want to.

For example, I have nightmares where I am attacked by animals (never really happened but it's symbolic). In my dreams I'm aware it's a nightmare and I can imagine growing a hundred times bigger so the animals become the size of ants that can't hurt me in comparison.

Another technique was developed by Jaap Lancee. With this technique you journal about a nightmare right up to the point where it gets scary. And then you radically take the story in a different direction and write a positive ending. The ending should be so positive that the feeling it evokes is completely incompatible with fear.

Reread that story many times and play it out by daydreaming it consciously. This conditions your brain into following the new story line. So the next time you're having the nightmare, your brain is more likely to play out the story in that positive direction.

Hope this was helpful. :)

gregariousAcai1247 May 18th, 2020

@LuckyDucky79 Ooooh these are interesting!

lavenderNectarine9250 May 18th, 2020


I get nightmares sometimes but not as often as yours. I also struggle with insomnia and can't stay asleep. Recently I got a weighted blanket and it has helped me a little bit. My nightmares aren't gone but they're different and not as intense. I have no idea if it's backed up by science, but weighted blankets are supposed to help with anxiety, insomnia, and nightmares so maybe give it a try. Even if it doesn't help a lot the blanket is still really comforting.

Dalieh June 26th, 2020

I am really sorry to hear that you, like myself, struggle with nightmares. I have them several times at night as well, and it's been going on for years. I truly wish I could say that I had some tips for you, but I am as desperate myself to find answers. I am aware that I am dreaming most of the time, but it's still horrible - I still go trough the emotions and pain in the nightmare really does hurt physically, which is truly horrific. I know I have to wake up, but I struggle to do so - the only thing that seems to be working for me is ending myself in the dream - and that is truly horrible every time. Even in a dream it's so unnarutal and my body is fighting it with everything it's got. The only thing I have noticed so far is that when I fall asleep to sleep hypnosis videos on youtube I have had some nightmare-free sleep. Maybe you could try that? I wish you the best of luck, and please do share if you find something that helps!

Dancia July 10th, 2020

I struggle with this a lot. Mine are like riddles I need to solve or else everyone dies. It's more tiring to sleep sometimes.