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PathStep 3 Compassion hearts9 Forum posts5 Forum upvotes13 Current upvotes13 Age GroupAdult Last activeJuly, 2019 Member sinceJune 4, 2019
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Trauma Support / by blueTree4814
Last post
July 10th, 2020
...See more I cannot cope with my nightmares any more. I've been having them for about 3 years now and I don't remember the last time I slept properly. I have them multiple times a night and each one is horrifying in it's own twisted way. This is really starting to impact my life. I am always tired and have no energy and i would rather just saty awake then deal with them anymore. I'm desperate I've tried everything. I've done the dream journals and sleep music pretty much everything. If anyone has any suggestions then please share I am absolutely desperate
Trauma Support / by blueTree4814
Last post
August 1st, 2019
...See more I haven't been with this guy for months and so much ahs changed. I've moved to a new area and made a completely new start for myself. But I cant get him out of my head. I don't want him back I don't miss it but it's like hes always in my head some where. When he kicked me out him and his new gf said some really horrible things to me that have really been making me doubt myself. I know its sounds stupid but they really did make me feel like I deserved all the things he did to me (yes it got physical) I cant help bit wonder why I got pushed around but he didn't fo it to her. I know all this sounds crazy but sometimes it's all I can think about and maybe it was my fault for putting up for it for so long. Maybe I was to gobby and argumentative sometimes. I wish I could just forget and be happy with all the posative changes to my life.
Self-Harm Recovery / by blueTree4814
Last post
July 7th, 2019
...See more I havent self harmed in about 5 months but I've been undergoing a really stressful part of my life with lots of changes and I'm finding it hard to cope and I keep feeling the urge to relapse Any advice ?
Trying to move on
Trauma Support / by blueTree4814
Last post
July 4th, 2019
...See more I came out of an abusive relationship a few months ago and have been trying really hard to move on from it. I'm starting uni later on in the year and will be moving so I can have a fresh start as well as starting a new job. Even though I've made positive steps I cant stop thinking about all the things that happened to me. It hits me out of the blue. For example I'll be sat in a meeting then all of a sudden I begin to relive one of the things that happened to me and I cant relax or concentrate. Its starting to have an impact on my life and I really don't want to have all my hard work taken away from me because of these moments. I've already spoken to a doctor and am on anti depressants and anxiety tablets and I'm in the waiting list for therapy but I'm worried that by then I might have lost my job by not being able to focus when one of these monets occur (which is beginning to happen more and more often) so any tips on how to handle this would be appreciated
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