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What does the "Last Active" time indication mean on a listener's account?
Newbie Hub / by gregariousAcai1247
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November 18th, 2019
...See more Just want to see if my favorite listener is still active. "In last week" is supposed to mean the listener has logged in within last week, right? And "In last month" is supposed to mean the listener has logged in within last month? My experience shows that "In last week" means within the past month, and "In last month" means more than a month but maybe less than 3 months ago. I'm not sure.
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GregariousAcai247's Journal
Journals & Diaries / by gregariousAcai1247
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July 29th, 2019
...See more I found this out and loved the idea! I like public journaling. It feels like someone is listening but I don't have to burden anyone or put too much effort in working with someone else, if that makes sense. Mot that it's a bad thing either. I had a listene whom I talked to for more than two years-- we made an effort to work with one another and it was so worthwhile. But effort is still effort. I have an account on Prosebox and it's an amazing place. I recommend it for everyone. If not to write, then to read and comment-- the entries there are so amazing-- raw, honest, and beautiful. I'd still like to try out the 7cups forum format. I guess because on Prosebox one entry is after another, but here, I can let my thoughts run in a long thread lol Everyone is welcome to read and reply if you wish! Just a warning that my life is really boring haha
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Maintaining Long-distanced friendships?
Depression Support / by gregariousAcai1247
Last post
April 26th, 2018
...See more I have a lot of long-distanced friendships due to moving. It becomes my big source of guilt because I'm not good at keeping in touch, though I really do like my friends and I think about them. However, I procrastinate on writing them, on answering their messages. It's not easy finding something to talk about when you just don't share environments. I have two close friends whom I do talk to frequently, but the rest I don't and I always feel guilty about that. They're people I really like. They reach out first, and I'm always so happy when they reach out, but I can't reciprocate as much as I want to. Does this make sense to anyone? Can anyone relate to this experience?
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