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Cycles of PTSD

TrineT July 7th, 2016

Headed to work, did not sleep well at all today, it is going to be tough being around people today and I definitely worry about having flashbacks at work.

Deep breath -

perhaps today is the day I can break the downward spiral of this round of PTSD exacerbation

KristenHR August 14th, 2016


You are awesome

You are a survivor fighting for you

You are beautiful

TrineT OP August 14th, 2016

In working on my PTSD and the path of healing I am receiving some great support. It is amazing to go from being so afraid to ask for any help to being in a spot where you are encouraged to ask and share. I am not saying I am good at sharing or opening up, but I think that will come, but I feel like I have a found a potentially safe place.

Through all the support I am also trying to learn and accept that it is ok if we take a few steps backwards, because tomorrow it might go in the right direction again. Also, I am finding that I have to take much smaller steps that I first thought, for me to feel relatively safe. Safety is so important to me, yet it is really hard to find and keep.

I have attended a lot of the Trauma support group sessions before I always leave feeling a little more informed, but today I felt like I needed to leave. I went for a walk and tried to think though what it was this time that made me feel unsafe and scared. I don' have the answer. I am just glad I left.

rozie September 29th, 2016

Good for you @TrineT.. sounds like you are in touch with what you need to do for your self, like leaving and going for a walk. And noticing those small steps... so significant but can be overlooked.Wishing you well as you continue on your journey... I'm sure your story is an ecouragement to others too..

TrineT OP August 15th, 2016

Perhaps it is because I am trying to work on stuff or trying to open up a little more, whatever it is, my body seems to be in high alert. I am so anxious, I feel unsettled, constantly looking at who and what is around me, can't seem to relax and get to a more calm state. I keep having the thoughts that I need to get to safety, but I am in a physically safe place.

TrineT OP August 16th, 2016

Getting up extra early today - I am tired of waking up witht the nightmares.

Opening up, allowing myself to share, is difficult I think in part because I am afraid of the responses I might get. I have tried to share small parts before and the reponses felt truly hurtful such as "you should have gotten over that a long time ago, it can't be that bad now", that really hurts when you are trying to explain the continuous nightmares and you are feeling vulnerable due to having exposed your feelings.

TrineT OP August 17th, 2016

Today there is a sense of "just being". I know I feel tired, I know it is rough, but I also know I am still moving, I am not feeling stuck today. I have worked on the positive affirmations for a few days, journaling, continue to add and work on coping skills, and I am trying outreach, perhaps some of all the work is slowly starting to show results? I feel like I can breathe this morning, I can go through this day with a little less fear. I can "just be" in the bit of calm of the moment.

TrineT OP August 18th, 2016

I have noticed a few times while journaling that I am not even being totally honest with myself. There are times when I sit down and try to describe an event and the associated emotions and I find myself being very superficial in my description or not writing down the correct emotions such as understating the emotion/feeling. It might just be a denial thing or perhaps I just don't want to face the real thing, not sure. Just an observation.

TrineT OP August 21st, 2016

The last two nights have been so hard as it has been so many nightmares. I keep trying to use the grounding techniques but I can't make them work. I get up and try to go to bed a little later but the nightmares come right back. Last night it was the same thing, so eventually I just quit going to sleep. My whole body feels shaken and on edge right now. I hate having such nights, I don't like the memories and I would so much like for it to stop.

TrineT OP August 22nd, 2016

Got all wrapped up in my blanket after having a cup of warm tea and toast and a couple of sleep meds. I was in the middle of chatting and trying to read the messages as I fell asleep. I slept so good and solid for a few hours. It was such a great relief. Just a few hours with no fear and no interruption in the sleep makes a huge difference. I actually think I can handle this day much better. I am looking forward to this day.

TrineT OP August 26th, 2016

Wednesday was such a great day filled with my favorites - outdoor activities. climbing from morning to early afternoon and then mountainbiking til it got dark. Didn't even get home until 10pm. I went to bed having a great attitude and felt more relaxed than I have been in a while. I think I fell asleep immediately but after three hours of good sleep I started waking up again with the nightmares and they did not let up. I finally just got up and stayed up the rest of the night. I can only hope that the nightmares were triggered because I am working on stuff that causes them, because I can't figure out what else would be a trigger for that day. It really was a day full of good self-care and doing fun positive stuff with lots of pysical activity to let my mind relax and my body wear out a little. Thursday I was just tired all day and last night was only a little better in terms of restful sleep. I am so tired this morning and I feel so burned out on these nightmares.

TrineT OP August 27th, 2016

I matter.

I won't give up because I have not yet tried all the different possibilities for healing.

TrineT OP August 30th, 2016

I finished my third session of counseling and this time it was a little easier. Not quite so worried about meeting with a stranger for a talk. I am sure I am not done being afraid of going through with it, but I am getting more reassured that I am doing the right thing.

KristenHR September 4th, 2016


You're doing good. :) The unknown joined with the hard work, it can be a bit frightening. But I read through your writings and you are strong.

TrineT OP September 7th, 2016

Today is a day to look forward, to go do, not because I need to for healing but because I want to.

KristenHR September 8th, 2016


Awesome post!

TrineT OP September 11th, 2016

Some days are up some days are down, so if this is a down day - that means there is a chance that tomorrow will be better.

TrineT OP September 18th, 2016


so sorry you are experiencing this. I hope you will be able to find a starting point of healing here. I have found lots of great resources here for grounding, coping etc, but most of all some really awesome listeners that are supportive of your journey

JShado September 20th, 2016

@TrineT Hi there. Thanks for your reply. I've noticed your candid authenticity in your recent posts in the feed. Its inspiring to view others using this platform to heal. My trauma and ptsd symptoms have left my life devoid of family and friend connection out of a misguided self preservation. But im coming to realise I cant find healing on my own.

This post has been deleted
KristenHR September 19th, 2016


I'm glad you posted. It's so tough to deal with PTSD symptoms. I'm so glad you're here and that you can relate, though I'm sorry that you're experiencing these symptoms. I hope you know that you aren't alone in this process. One thing I want to share is that we offer facilitated chats on topics related to topics that are here in this community forum. So we'll let you know when more are offered and their topics.


JShado September 20th, 2016

@KristenHR Thanks for your kind reply. Facilitated chats sounds engaging and interesting. Look forward to hearing about them

TrineT OP September 29th, 2016

I have a lot more in my tool bag today than I did even just three months ago to fight this PTSD. I try to work hard at it everyday. It is like it is almost a full-time job trying to practice the coping skills every day - so that when needed it will come more natural to use. I have started seeing a few methods that working for me again such as being in the outdoors have a calming effect and it really helps me reduce the internal stress that builds up.

Even so, there are still many days and nights I am fighting just to get through the fear and flashbacks and all the emotional garbage. I am slow in my healing and it is at times difficult to have the patience, especially if I go through several days that feel like giant steps backward. But I have now learned those are the times that I need to reach out for support to get the encouragement, motivation, and inspiration to continue on this path. I helps tremendously to be able to ask some of the many questions you are left standing with and also to be "challenged" in your way of thinking and your perspective, which can allow you to see things differently and thus allow for growth and healing.

HelpfulNick95 September 30th, 2016

@TrineT that's awesome that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in a way and knowing that there are ways to get past this or at least reduce its occurrences. It takes a strong heart to believe that and it seems like you are doing all the right things to deal with this disorder :) I can't wait to see all the progress you make. Keep us updated either in your feed or in this thread :)

rozie October 1st, 2016

You are doing so well @TrineT... be encouraged... and one step at a time, sometimes seems like a step back, so be patient. We are with you on your journey to healing.