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My Diary place

AmalieAnne July 19th, 2017

Not sure who will read it or if anyone wants to, so I guess it is for me. I can put things here when I need to and if you are reading this remember it is just the ramblings of me. So I will put things here and it will not get in anyone elses way.

Avaray December 13th, 2018


πŸ˜„ yeah a story too... Hmmm let me think... I enjoy Dee Henderson's books, that would be nice, thanks Ames.

I see the orthopaedic surgeon on Tuesday and he will take this horrid thing off and probably take the stitches out if they not desolvable onesπŸ˜• then i see the O T and she will make a splint brace thing to fit my arm and then i will wear that for about 6 weeks and do ot to regain the proper use of my hand (but i think that one can be removed if necessary, so won't feel so trapped and irritable)

I've been getting pretty good with using one hand even was helping make some Christmas decorations yesterday. πŸ˜€ i will attempt driving tomorrow, fortunately i have an automatic so i don't need to change gears, and it's a short drive .

Thanks for the story and care my little friend....❀

AmalieAnne OP December 14th, 2018

@Avaray I looked at Dee Henderson and her books are well… kind of for oldies and I have read books from the 19th century so that is saying something, not sure what though. I was perhaps thinking more of legends and fairy tales, you can pick the [European] country. If you are feeling brave then a ghost story but it has to be the morning or keep every light on just in case you get scared (which means me). I will even try to do the voices cheeky

Good luck for the orthopaedic surgeon, hopefully it is much better by which I mean hopefully the Avaray has been good *looks at you with a stern look*. Dissolvable stitches that is the work of magic or such me thinks. Where do they go? No one knowns! So, then you have a brace thing, try to keep that on although I get the grumpy part. Once it is all better, do they have to do the other hand? Sorry I forgot but I think you said both. You will be fixed soon just remember it will hopefully keep you fixed for a while.

My bestest friend is learning to drive in the spring, she is getting so grown up. I still have to wait a year I think it is 16, then you cannot drive without an adult until you are 18 [it is confusing] but I will see how Sophie does because its kind of is a lot of responsibility. Do not drive unless you can do it in a safe manner, do not make me get the stern look out again. It is only 11 more sleeps until Christmas, might be 10 for you and on the 20th we leave here and head for granny and granddad who will both be at the airport. Yea… so I will be crying at the airport for good reasons. I am heading for one less sleep, school was difficult today and I did not get to go walkies with Molly. Any who, ni ni Avaray.

Avaray December 14th, 2018


Night night sweet Ames.... Thank you for keeping me company.

I'm glad you're going to have a good happy cry xx

Hugs my dear little friend, ❀

Avaray December 14th, 2018


Sorry school was difficult xx

Ps you forgetting i am an oldey.... Like ancient 😬😁

Hugs kiddo

AmalieAnne OP December 14th, 2018

@Avaray *huggles* I think granddad might be older than you but we are not sure how old he is. I think that you would be a ghost story kind of person, I will bring torches, oh a torch is like a candle but modern hehe. Update me on Tuesday please smiley I need to know because of the naughty and nice list, let's say you might be on the boarder (that is the wrong word but sounds the same) but I cannot tell you anything else of course. Only 10 more sleeps

Avaray December 16th, 2018


You are a cheeky chop 😁 I was using the knitting needle today, so tempted to rip this thing off. 😀

Got into our plastic pool that we have on the back veranda just to try cool off as it is so boiling hot, sort of looked like a whale waving a white flag in the air (my bandaged up arm) πŸ˜‚

9 more sleeps by us its the 16December, i think u get to Christmas first.

AmalieAnne OP December 19th, 2018

@Avaray I guess a cheeky chop is better than a silly sausage. Did it go ok yesterday? And I hope that you did not rip the bandage thing off before you got to the doctors. It is winter so you should not be… of you are the upside part of the planet. Normally when it is hot you go for a sleep but I will throw ice into the pool but you have to talk to me using whale language. We are spending Christmas at Grannys and Granddads house so I think we are will a couple of hours different. I know time travel, so confusing. So only five more sleeps until Christmas.

Avaray December 19th, 2018


Hey chop πŸ˜€

I finally got that thing off me yesterday... But now i have a splint formed on my hand/thumb/arm to emobilise it for 6 weeks so scar tissue can build up where the took the bone out and put the tendon in. Been uncomfortable/sore. Then after 6 weeks the ot exercises start. But the positive is i am alowed to remove it for about half an hour a day, so the thought of having that moments of freedom are helping me be a tad less grumpy. My orthopedic surgeon said my scar looks like something from a Harry potter movie. I don't watch his movies but i think it's because it looks like a lightening bolt. πŸ˜‚

It was 40 C yesterday i think even ice cubes would have melted in a few moments, i prefer cool days.

6 more sleeps our side and my moms birthday on 22. So 2 celebrations.

Hugs Ames

A picture of my cast.

AmalieAnne OP December 20th, 2018

@Avaray Aww that means you have been good but the splint thing looks like it will not give you much movement, you only have to wait until the end of January then it will be fixed (mostly). Your cast reminds me of a weird mediaeval device used to protect the arm in combat by talking the hits, kind of like an act as a shield, it never worked against the long sword. Any who, let me sign it on the white part cheeky not sure I can sign the cream parts. At least you can take it off for a little bit each day but I am timing you Mrs Grumpy. I have not seen or read Harry Potter either! It is currently -1 here so a bit cooler than 40 degrees, so you come visit although we are leaving today. I will leave chocolate just in case you decide to visit. Happy Birthday Avarays mommy and Happy Christmas oldie Avaray if I do not get what I wanted finished. *hugs*

Avaray December 20th, 2018


Thank you..... And a happy Christmas to you dear Ames, and safe travels and a wonderful time with your family...

I might try sneak through the airways to get that chocolate πŸ˜πŸ˜€

Hugs my little friend


AmalieAnne OP December 23rd, 2018

@Avaray I hope you are being good with your cast... remember I have spies everywhere lady. Only two more sleeps until Christmas YAY. *hugs*

AmalieAnne OP December 23rd, 2018

@Avaray I have my granddad pillow so I am very happy and my granny who is looking after mommy

Avaray December 23rd, 2018


Hey Ames, pillows, especially special ones are great for hugging and feeling comfort. I hold the cushions in my psychologists office and at times hide behind them, something about them makes me feel safe too.

23 hours and 33 min to Christmas πŸ˜ƒ

I'm trying to be good i went back and she changed my splint and put padding under that i have to leave on now πŸ˜•πŸ˜€ apparently a sensory thing where my body needs the equal pressure over my arm/hand otherwise the irritation is worse. But now that i know you have eyes every where .. I'll have to be good. 😯😰

Sent you some chocolate 🍫🍫🍫 πŸ’πŸ’πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

Avaray December 23rd, 2018


Ok i just got that, it's actually your grand dad not an actual pillow πŸ˜€πŸ˜œ sorry i was a goof, I'll blame it on my pain meds and sleeping pill, or my age or that it's after 12 at night or ...... πŸ˜€ ok i was just a goof.

Hugs my little friend, enjoy your grandparents 🌹🌹🌹

AmalieAnne OP December 25th, 2018

@Avaray NO more sleeps until Christmas, it is 5am'ish here waiting for the oldies to get their bottoms out of bed or me be jumping on them (at 9am). I take my blanket and other things when I see S. my therapist but I did mean the granddad, he makes for a lovely pillow and cuddleir. So taking things with you to see your psychologists (spelling argh) is normal smiley It is bad you cannot take off your splint but keep going being very good (it will add to next years naughty or nice list points), you need to fixing even if it is frustrating, still in the event of a monkey attack you can use it and it will not hurt you. Also bedtime lady!!!!!!!!!!! So stubborn!! Thank you for my chocolate.

Avaray December 25th, 2018


Only half an hour left until 9... Hopr those oldies have got their bums out of bed by now... πŸ˜‚

Have a love Christmas my dear Ames

AmalieAnne OP December 31st, 2018

@Avaray *huggles* I hope your cast has remained on your body or you will be in trouble oldie. Happy New Year smiley

Avaray December 31st, 2018


Hey cheeky chop xx ... All I'm going to say is..... I've been half good 😏😁

Happy new year Ames πŸ’•

AmalieAnne OP January 2nd, 2019

@Avaray You are in trouble oldie lady!!! Where you cast or... something... naughty step 30 minutes and no coffee for a week. One of those things should do it.

Avaray January 2nd, 2019


I'll take 2 hours on the naughty step if i can have my pillow with... That sounds like a vacation, oops I mean torturous πŸ˜πŸ˜€. Time out on the naughty step pleeeeeaase 😜

I'll confess to the O.T. today because she sees me today.

Hugs Ames πŸ’•

AmalieAnne OP January 2nd, 2019

@Avaray You can have a pillow and a teddy but still no coffee for a week, I am told everyone you are not allowed it. Plus no phone or book on the naughty step. I hope your OT does not have to remove your hand for being a naughty, personally I would put a cast like a broken leg one on so you cannot misbehave. I am very strict. I think I am seeing a doctor today I have an ear infection, I am really tired but granny said I have to wait to take any more medicine (it is 5:17am). So I am a little grumpy.... I would hug you back but I do not want to give you an ear infection as well, we do not need a super grumpy Avaray. You will be running after monkeys and everything..

Avaray January 2nd, 2019


Ok now you are threatening me..... No phone πŸ˜‘πŸ˜§πŸ˜•πŸ˜­

That's like torturing me. I'll be good... πŸ™

My Ot was happy with me, she showed me how to massage the scars and I am allowed to remove my splint to clean my arm an massage but only a few times a day, so another 4 weeks... But at least i feel I can breathe and not stuck... Avaray. A lot less grumpy now,

Sorry you're not feeling well, ear infection is horrible, take your meds and get some good rest. Ava will read you a story this time while u go to sleep. Hugs... (No worries about getting sick, im tuff used to hugging sick kiddos. So I'll sort that infection out if it tries to come my way ⚑⚑⚑⚑)

Rest up and get better Ames πŸ’•

AmalieAnne OP January 5th, 2019

@Avaray OK I am not threatening you silly but you could have made your hand not get better. Even though it was ok I still think half an hour on the naughty step with no phone is acceptable. *Naughty Avaray* I am very happy that your hand is ok, do you have something like bio-oil? When I had the tummy tube thing removed for the last time, that helped reduce the scar even though my belly button still freaks me out more to be honest. It is good you can remove it for the massage and cleaning, now you will not be running after monkeys shouting bad language because you are too grumpy.

I am feeling better, silly ears. Mama wrapped me up and tries to carry me around even though I am too big now. I am really tempted lick your ear but then you might get the ear infection and then you would go back to being very grumpy. Can I pick a Nordic fairy tale please? I have to read them yet - - Christmas is weird time lots of people I do not know visiting. Anywho it is 4am so bedtime, Spanish people are weird I know cheeky Even though it is actually quite cold here, not Canada cold. Ni ni

Avaray January 5th, 2019


Thanks for only half an hour.... I'll be a good girl and do my time out πŸ˜€ i have heard of bio oil thanks for that, and have also found a cream that they use on babies and it's helped to take that tactile crazy feel away quite a bit... So i feel like i can breathe a bit better.

Your mom loves you, no matter how old you'll always be her baby, just a mom thing..and I'm glad you're getting abit better xx

I can read you thr fairytale.. But then you need to fall asleep young lady.... 4am indeed.... !! Ok here is some warm hot chocolate to make you hopefully sleepy and not give you a sugar rush 😁

Ok, drink up.... Snuggle down under your blanket, Now close your eyes..

Long time ago in the land of neverending happiness there were princesses, prince's, fairies, castles, knights but the most important and loved person in the whole kingdom was a beautiful princess called Amalie, she had a heart made of gold, this made her the kindest most compassionate soul who helped and loved any person, because that's who she was.....

Zzzzzz zzzzz

Ok you sleeping.... Avaray tippytoes slowly back through cyber space back to the 36 c and higher sunny land of the Lion, hyena,Giraffe, springbok, hippo and oh yes the monkey....😬 avaray tippytoes even more quietly now that she thought about ...monkeysπŸ˜•

Sleep tight Ames xx

AmalieAnne OP January 7th, 2019


Lady Avaray of Anjou, former to the Family of Bourbon, must be well behaved in order for your hand to get better. I Queen Amalie of all the land, tyrant to those who disobey, will seek to the naughty step where ever mischief is to be found. I hope your battle scars against the monkey armies of the south have healed and will heal to completion soon. Ok I will stop talking like that now… Hope your hand feels better and less tactile crazy feeling (not sure what you mean by that but it does not sound nice). I am feeling better as well just still feeling a bit icky.

When I say mama, I mean mommys mommy, I do not really call her grandmama because it sounds weird but I make a gu sound before it. She can sometimes be REALLY over protective so mommy has to tell her to stop, it is not a bad thing but I am not going to argue because I will never win. It is just kind of pants still being the baby of the family. I have requested a niece or nephew, still waiting though. I am taking papa (mommys daddy) for walkies later so we might have hot chocolate since it is kind of cold here going to be about 14 degrees or so. Feel free to send me some of the warm heat over here.

Thank you for my bedtime story although I am not a princess, I am the Queen and can be a tyrant when grumpy. You have beaten down the monkey armies so you can rest now although I would like to see you ride a giraffe like a horse because it is funny in my head. Any who, it is 7am here and no one will be up for a while [Spanish way of life thing for the old oldies] although mommy will be up soon. I have some fruit to eat and then maybe invade mommys bed for some more sleep. Be good Lady Avaray of Anjou *hugs*

Avaray January 7th, 2019


Queen Amalie..... Hmmm dont like the sound of grumpy queens,,i will just have to sing her a magic lullaby and make her fall asleep anytime she starts to be grumpy.. 😜

We call my mom or dad's parents a few different names, it can be grandpa, granddad, or granny or grandma, my kids call my dad grandpa and my mom granny they call my husbands dad pops and nanna. I last had grand parents when I was quite young so i don't really remember a lot of things only somethings of what it's like to have someone like that. Your grandparents sound so lovely and caring people.

It was 30 c at 6:00pm this evening, i don't like the heat at all, that makes me grumpy πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜•

I much prefer cool days or days with rain, my granny came over from England as a little girl so maybe part of me remembers that i have some British genes in there.

Any way Oh Queeny, let me bid you farewell for now, I'm just having a short laydown as i have been out most of the day and then i need to help make supper for the troops. The people ones not the furry ones that swing in trees.

Hugs my little friend xx

AmalieAnne OP January 10th, 2019

@Avaray I am sure that would sort out a grumpy queen and there are tricks to get me to sleep but I cannot tell you, strictly secret of course. It is sad, however, that you did not get to spend more time with your grandparents they tend to be special people. Although you must have some English genes, the melting point of an English person is 28 degrees so I might have to throw you into the sea at times to stop you from melting. Hopefully it has cooled down a bit though. I have to wait until August before everyone in my family comes together though but I am looking forward to it. On Friday evening we go back to Canada and I checked it is -7 at the moment. So I might freeze a little arghhhhh.. I hope your troops answer β€˜Yes Drill Sergeant, you have to keep them inline so they are reminded you are the boss cheeky *hugs*

Avaray January 11th, 2019


I could do with a dip in the sea....but as long as i don't get bitten by a shark 😯😬 i dont like things biting me...

- 7....hmmm ... Sounds freezing ❄⛄, crazy extremes on the same planet.

Hope you travel safe, do you go back to school soon? Some schools here went back Wednesday and others next week Wednesday,

Hugs sweet Ames, you are a lovely soul kiddo xx

AmalieAnne OP January 11th, 2019

@Avaray It is a little spooky you talk about sharks, we the aquarium yesterday and I got this poster. l was thinking more of throw you into the sea but yeppers.. I have worn the oldies out completely and we are leaving today, of course I am ready unlike the mommy! Just got to not cry at the airport which means I will be crying at the airport.. I go back to school on Monday yay.. do you say that you were going back to school in February? Sorry if I got that mixed up. *hugs* you silly and remember only 348 days until Christmas.

Avaray January 11th, 2019


Are you already counting to Christmas πŸ˜‚πŸŽ„

Eish those sharks do look hetic, 😬😧😦 maybe a dip in a swimming pool or one of those walk in cooldrink fridges to cool off might be a better optionπŸ‘€

It's sounds like you have had a lovely break ... Ps it's ok to cry (well I think i read that somewhere, it's meant to be healthy😜) but seriously I'm sure saying goodbyes can be quite an emotional thing, but at least school will be a distraction from next week and keep you out of mischief...πŸ˜€

Me and school....hmmmmm i wanted to try write in Feb, but I'm glad i decided against it, i would never have made it, i battle to write at work so all the preparation and the exam and stress been busy at work and kiddy winkles etc, so my aim is to write in May which should work out a lot better.

33 c at 6:30 tonight, Avaray is melting...aaaahhhh

Travel safe kiddo

Hugs Ames🌹🌹🌈

AmalieAnne OP January 15th, 2019

@Avaray I am not really counting down to Christmas, there is summer for us northern people before that so the summer holiday will be amazing. Us northers are like your southern people but grumpy at different times of the year. Everyone is coming on holiday and hopefully it will not be cold, so really looking forward to that. As for your studying, not sure why you say write I am not sure what that means but learning is one-part intelligence (which you have) and two parts stubbornness (ok determination). Mommy tells that to her students but not to me, so if that does not work try having a good shake and then trying again the next day. So, you will get there and May it will be cooler. We do not want you to melt, maybe we can get you a big freezer so at least you can sleep in it.

Sharks do bite/kill humans but everyday humans kill at least 1000 sharks, so even though I am really scared of them if we all remember it is their home then we do not need to be scared. Or at least learn to keep out of each others way. As for crying I think you might be right and maybe I cried at school a little. I am not normally in mischief though but maybe I need to work on that, if I am good all the time then people will get used to it and we do not want that. I maybe cried a little when mommy went to work but then I got frustrated at trying to understand Marxism. I will get there… I am stubborn. Any who, it is -7 degrees here feel free to share of the heat. Be good Avaray!!

Avaray January 15th, 2019


Please give me some of the cold how about you take 23 of ours and that will leave us at about 13 /14 and you at about 16 what you think about thatπŸ˜ƒ now just how to make that possible...😳😯 ok... I'll have the freezer to sleep in..❄⛄

Your mom sounds like a very smart lady, most things in life need you to give that determination to push through to the end result... What does your mom teach people about?

I was impressed with myself splint and all, Kiddos go back to school tomorrow and i needed to sew hems in my sons sleeves and elastic in his shorts, I pinned the sleeves and threaded and used my sewing machine and did it!! πŸ˜ƒ

13 more days.. My countdown to freedom... I hope 😯 i think i will sit and cry (which i don't like doing especially in front of people, but need to learn toπŸ˜€) in the doctors office if they say i have to wear it longer. But i suppose they know what they are doing and Ava will behave 😑

Anyhow kiddo, I should start thinking of going to bed need to be up by 5 and on the road by 6:15... Avaray doesn't like mornings, well i dont mind mornings but then they should start at a reasonable time like 10am...just sayingπŸ˜€

Hugs Ames, have a lovely day xx

AmalieAnne OP January 18th, 2019


I can send you some of the cold but that does mean you have to accept some bears as well. All we need is a very big and powerful fan… any ideas? Until then you can sleep in the freezer, just make sure you wear a hat and gloves in case your ears and fingers do not fall off. They are kind of important. Not many days before you can have a free hand, although it sounds like you are doing OK with one hand. In case you decide to become a pirate at least you have had some practice. Grahhhh.. naughtiness on the high seas. You get to wear a cool hat as well smiley It is ok to cry just not in front of the other pirates but that is an extreme situation. Normally it is ok.

Mommy helps people get their doctorates in just psychology I think now, she does other things but mostly that. She does a bit of undergraduate in psychology and anthropology lecture things as well. I think that is why I like history so much. So, this afternoon when we go pick her up, I have to growl like a doggy so they leave my mommy alone. Normally it works and they go away because they think I might bite. I do not bite though but it helps they think I might. Any who, have a nice weekend and you can sleep until 7am and then one of your helpers will jump on your bed. It is kind of our job cheeky

Avaray January 18th, 2019


You're funny kiddo,

Yeah I get that it's part of kiddos "job descriptions" πŸ˜€ just like being a wiggle pot so you end up with knees and legs knocking you.

Nope i cannot do the 1 arm pirate thing, even if I get to do mischief on the high sea.... Avaray has been good but as we say here... Eish!! She's reached her limit. Off with her splint, I decree that it shall be so... Oh please let it be so πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

What would you like to do when you get older, is there something that you really feel you would like to do?

Your moms work sounds interesting, I guess having mom as a psychologist she knows a lot of your mischief before you think she does... Actually that sounds just like a mother not just a psychologist. πŸ˜‚

Hey kiddo.... Thanks for keeping me company on the "high seas" it has made the journey a bit more manageable... Thank you xx

Ps: I'll like one of those walk in freezers please, with a recliner massaging chair, a slush puppy (not sure you get those in your country πŸ˜•, it will give you something to google if you don't... Ps a clue... It's not an animal πŸ˜€)

It was 39 c at 5:30 pm... 😑😦😁

Have a great day or good sleep, I just can never seem to get this time zone stuff right πŸ‘€πŸŒ›β˜€πŸ‘€ i admit defeat so i just covered both bases πŸ’œ

Avaray January 18th, 2019


Ps... I don't mind bears... Better than monkeys.. Although they also bite... I may become a snack... Hmmm I'll have to think about that one πŸ˜¨πŸ˜€β„β„πŸ»πŸ’πŸ»πŸ’πŸ»πŸ’β„β„

AmalieAnne OP January 23rd, 2019


I think you said your splint thing comes off on Friday or next Friday, well that is what I wrote down. So, you do not have to be a pirate for now, although you have to get the other hand fixed so *fingers crossed* you are well behaved for when that happens. Eish the Avaray needs a fixing. If you have been naughty then the splint stays on! As for what I want to grow up to be, I think me but bigger. I am not ready to leave mommy at all for some years but I would like to study at University College Dublin. Not sure what as yet but who knows. I never want to be defined as one thing, to me something I love doing is better than being defined as a profession or something like that. I would like to maybe work with disabled children or speech therapy just because I think I understand the frustration. I have a lot of time to think and maybe it will find me smiley

It is collective job to annoy the oldies, jumping and whatnots. We have to keep you in line or you will get into all sort of troubles. As for mommy she promised that she would not know what I am thinking before I have thought it. She mostly keeps to that but sometimes she does it, sometimes it helps to be honest if I do not want to say something. I think you are right though that is just a mommy thing not a psychologist thing. I have organised a freezer for you but you have to work in an ice cream factory. I hope that is ok? I agree on your behalf and no you are not allowed to eat it. It is -4 and snowing here so you are more than welcome to come stay here for a while. If you eat/drink a slush puppy here you would freeze to death. As for the bears do not really come into the city, sometimes they do but then you there are people that come get them and put them back into the mountains. Just note that the time is -7 hours GMT so you will always be ahead. As in your bedtime is before mine cheeky Now bed oldie lady, I do not need your even more grumpy!

Avaray January 23rd, 2019


Hey cheeky chop xx this oldie is a night owl but not a morning person so 8pm here faaar to early for me. And then i take a sleeping pill to switch my brain off otherwise I'll stay awake for so long πŸ˜•

AN ICE CREAM FACTORY!!! now you're talking kiddo. Chocolate is my favourite flavour, yippee πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜€

Yesterday it was 40 c at about 4:30 pm 😭 Is there some places in Canada that you don't become a popsicle?

Guess what I'm eating...πŸ˜€ my kiddo just brought me a piece of chocolate cake they baked last night...yum. Could have sent you a piece but worried the troll and bears might devour it before it gets there... Sorry 😝

I see the orthopaedic surgeon and O.T. on Monday. I'm hoping it will come off. My kiddo knocked it the otherday that was very sore so I'm hoping it didn't do any damage. I'm looking forward to getting it off but also a bit worried cause it's very sore if the thumb moves. Oh well step by step, Ava is a tough cookie πŸ’ͺπŸ‘€

We are getting some rain tonight, an answer to prayer, i love the smell of rain when it starts to fall on the hot earth. I think rainy weather is my favourite. I got home on Monday and found a rock pigeon had somehow got into my lounge so i had to do a birdy rescue.finally caught it and released it out the window and it took off like a rocket happy to be free.

Any hoo Ames.. Have a lovely day 😁 i know i probably got that wrong, but i know you'll give this old duck a break. Xx

Next time I'll tell you about a hen.. True story πŸ”

Where i live when you drive you have to watch out for cows, goats, dogs, people, birds because they walk or run across the road, well the cows don't run they just take a stroll like they don't actually care πŸ‚πŸ„ and you have to watch out for potholes, so you have to be quite sharp when driving. Oh yes and don't forget the monkey's they sometimes also run across the road. And there are some places i drive past and they have game instead of cattle so i see zebra and some buck grazing in the fields. Ive also noticed the increase in llamas, kindof weird looking animals. I think zebras are cute like horses wearing striped pajamas πŸ˜€

AmalieAnne OP January 25th, 2019


I am interested in the story of the hen!Zany I am very a morning person, having my sleeps later on. You are allowed to stay in bed until 8am at the weekends but not one minute more lazy daisy. As for the ice cream factory I am really sorry but they do not make chocolate, all the other flavours but not chocolate. Not sure why, kind of weird if you ask me but who am I to argue with my imagination. At least you might have an earlier bed time if you are nice and cool. This morning when I woke up it was -17 degrees but it has warmed up a bit now. I have lots of warm clothes to keep me warm or I wait until the car is warm and then run to it. Hopefully the rain has come because it brings carbon down with it making it cooler. If not then you need to do your fancy pants rain dance.

Monday is the big day; will we have a grumpy Avaray or a non-grumpy version. I hope the accidental knocking it did not last that long. I am feeling confident that you have been well behaved enough for it to be better so you just need to do some exercises to teach your hand what to do. Just be good over the weekend, remember I have spies. Also, well done on saving the pigeon and if you can put some water out in case they need a drink in the hot weather. In any case outside you need to do your fancy pants rain dance every evening, it is proven to work when it is about to rain! Now I am just going to see Zebras as wearing pyjamas, naughty you. Where you live sounds almost as dangerous as Australia where over 1 million people die a day from snakes, sharks and other weird creatures.

Avaray January 26th, 2019


Hey... I'm going to have a meltdown!!!! (excuse the pun, that was a good one dont you agree πŸ˜€ even for before 8 in the morning, i kind of need some points for that ) no chocolate flavour!!! Ava stamping her feet having a tantrum.

I think Avaray will hold the chicken story as randsom and demand that chocolate be allowed in the factory, 😑

There's a song about bananas in pjamas come walking down the stairs... just to give you an additional visual both zebras and bananas wearing pajamas πŸ˜‚

-17..... Eish!!

AmalieAnne OP January 30th, 2019

@Avaray Well how did the OT/Doctors go? Or how grumpy is the Avaray? Hopefully your arm/hand/thumb is better so you do not have to wear the cast thing and no tantrums were necessary. Although I would like to see if you could do a tantrum correctly, it would be funny. Eish that lady has issues! hehe As for the chocolate flavour.. ummm... maybe they could start making chocolate frozen yogurt. Frozen yogurt is very unrated and is lovely.. darn it.. now I want some. It will be winter soon so think of that, I am not sure where you live but on the weather thing it looks like it is still hot unless you live on the east part where it is only 25'ish degrees. You can sort of live through that mostly. Bananas in Pjamas are walking down the stairs.. granny used to sing it to me although that is all I remember. *hugs your hopefully better enough hand* Molly and me have been for our walkies but it is only -7 degrees, Molly runs normally and I get dragged along so two coats, a hat and gloves while being forced to run normally keeps me warm enough for 20 minutes or so. Molly has a coat and doggy shoes but she does not like them. Any who, I am going to go annoy mommy maybe raspberry her tummy. Be good.