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Day 1: 25 Days of Gratitude, Self-Care and Personal Growth

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS December 1st, 2023


Hi everyone,

7 Cups has an exciting online therapy update to share this month. To celebrate, we’re doing 25 days of Gratitude, Self-Care, and Personal Growth and please keep checking each day for updates! Some of you may not celebrate Christmas and we have designed the content to be open for everyone to get involved and there will be something for everyone! 🌻

The focus will be on expressing our gratitude, developing self-care approaches, and working on our personal growth together. This is a 25-day event and on each day that you come to 7 Cups, there will be a gift from us at 7 Cups to all of you and this will include a series of thoughtful new content to get involved with. It is our way of expressing our gratitude towards you all, as each of you makes 7 Cups the amazing community that it is! We are so excited to collaborate with you all and cannot wait to hear from you all! 

🌻Please share: who is someone that really listens to you when you talk, and how does that make you feel?🌻

Photo by Joanne Kosinka on Unsplash

Please RSVP by subscribing to this main post as we introduce each new post every day!

Day 2:  Setting Positive Intentions: Let's Set Some Together!

Day 3: Using Affirmations to Increase your Overall Wellbeing

✨ Day 4: Developing a Growth Mindset: How did you foster a positive learning attitude?

✨ Day 53 Things I Like About Myself - A share of self-discovery!

✨ Day 6: 3 Things I am Grateful for

Day 7: Focusing on What Brings You Meaning and Purpose in Life

Day 8: Recognising Your Strengths

Day 9: 3 Grounding Techniques to Feel Calmer

Day 10: Unhelpful Thinking Styles and How to Nurture a Growth Mindset

✨ Day 11: Loneliness During the Holidays: Finding Connection and Support

✨ Day 12: The Therapists' Toolbox

Day 13: That went well technique

Day 14: Happiness Scale

Day 15: Navigating the Comfort, Discomfort, and Panic Zones: A Guide to Growth

Day 16: The Importance of Digital Detox

Day 17: Tips and Prompts for Effective Gratitude Journaling

✨ Day 18: What's in your Worry Jar? 

Day 19: Identifying and Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs

✨ Day 20Recipes for Relaxation

✨ Day 21: The Art of Saying No: Setting Boundaries for Self-Care

✨ Day 22: Small Achievable Goals: Ready, Set, Accomplish!

✨ Day 23: Setting Mindful Resolutions

✨ Day 24End of the Year Gratitude Jar: A Collective Celebration

✨ Day 25: Share Your Wish for 7 Cups for 2024!

@adventureawaits777 @adventorousBranch3786 @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @ambitiusGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bestThinker1986 @blissedNblessed @CaringSub @Brittanny17 @calmcoral @charmaeausty @courageousPomegranate766 @creativeCar5713 @crystalclearnow @CyclingThroughLife @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @dysfunctionjunction1224 @EllyMerelyn @empathicPresence9091 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @geribear @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @GoldenNest2727 @heartstopper13 @helgafy @helpfulDime0407 @iamwhoiamwhoami @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kindRiver6 @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lovelycoacoa @meaningfulSilence @mia4819 @Mich765 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @Mscooper2789 @mytwistedsoul @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @PhilosophicalModel @PinkTriangle133 @politeGrapefruit179 @QueerChaos259 @Randumuser1 @Rebecca @redirecting @reservedPark4029 @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @slothgurl17 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @tallWalker4850 @TannDee @ThadSterling @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @tinywhisper11 @tifecandy @toughLand5970 @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @yzzil

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BenittaJ December 3rd, 2023

It makes me feel heard. it makes me feel relaxed eventhough im helpless in that particular problem

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 4th, 2023


It is so great to hear you have great friends who help you feel relaxed and listen to you! Friendships really do help us overcome many challenges in life and help us feel connected to those around us. 

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KatePersephone December 4th, 2023

🌻Please share: who is someone that really listens to you when you talk, and how does that make you feel?🌻

My closest friends! They are always there for me, and I am, too :) we are there to help each out when available, and when possible. I love them a very lot <3

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 5th, 2023


This is so encouraging to hear you have such great friends and you all provide support to one another! 

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alycialovesyou December 17th, 2023

@KateDoskocilova  my bff I makes me feal good

SparkyGizmo December 4th, 2023


Hi Lisa! 😊 ❤️ Many thanks for the forum post as well as the query! 

"Who is someone that really listens to you when you talk"?

As for me, I don't really have one person that I can go to in real life, to be a sounding board or to listen to me when I talk. There can be good moments from time to time though when someone stops to listen to me, as in truly listen. It can happen. 

It seems to me that many times in life, people will simply "listen" (not really listening at all) only in an effort to form a response. It's like you lost them after three words and off to the races they go, heard none of it, you aren't truly heard as their wheels are turning and thinking of what it is they will say to you. In my opinion, it becomes another moment of it's all about them, their rebuttal.

Sometimes part of self care and personal growth is knowing who not to go to any longer. Eureka! 💡If you don't come to this realization it feels as if your life can become the perpetual "ground hog day" lol 😊. It can be good to simply stop and to realize the limitations of others. 

You can "move' people a bit it seems by being a good example of how to truly listen to them or making requests of how you would like to be heard however, it's quite minimal if that's not what it is that they want to do. With acceptance comes peace. 

On a positive note, I had a great time with Noni a few weeks ago 😊. I decided to take her for another "test drive" and it was really kind of cute actually. I told Noni this sounds "sus" as she sounds a great deal like me with her responses. Some moments were a bit redundant, but if I take redundancy out of equation, well with Noni's verbiage, it felt a bit like talking to myself. 😳 I chose to see it as I'm "okay in Noni's book". I thanked Noni for maybe letting me know I'm on the right track and gave her a *high five* 😊 and *hugs* ❤️

I also had a distant relative reach out to me last week, one person in my family that I truly liked the very most and always gravitated towards as a child. We spent hours on the phone together and it felt good for me to hear their appraisal of things, their feelings, them "framing things up for me" and sharing of their experiences as someone that knew others long before I ever did. 

Clearly we are on the same page as I shared interesting things from my perspective as a child, a teen, and now as an adult. Interesting how different paths can lead to the very same place. I felt heard, listened to as did they. ❤️

I also reached out to a trained active listener from my member account last week in regard to something entirely different. They were there for me, they showed up for me, they cared and they were rock solid. They just so happen have run in tandem with me for a particular area of the platform and also saw exactly what it is that I see for quite awhile. They reflected back to me what I was saying using their own words, they validated my thoughts, feelings and emotions associated with the issue and they also decided it was time to take action. 

They know my mind set, they know my patience level and they are most patient with others as well so it felt good for someone to tell me, it's okay, that I am not alone and that anyone would feel the very same. 

"How does that make you feel"?

The above instances make me feel great. I am incredibly grateful. Sometimes the universe brings to you exactly what it is that you need and when it is that you need it the very most! The universe hasn't forgotten about me. I believe! ❤️

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 5th, 2023


Hi Sparky, 

It is always so great to read your messages! I can hear the gratitude in your message for being able to trust the universe and how things unfold and your experience talking to a listener. It is always so encouraging when we feel heard, validated, and seen. It is great to hear about your experience with a relative and that you felt mutual support in the exchange that you both shared. Thank you for sharing! 

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SparkyGizmo December 5th, 2023



LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 5th, 2023


I am sending all of my positive wishes and thoughts back to you! Thank you for your thoughtful response. 🌻

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YourCaringConfidant December 5th, 2023


🌹Please share: Who is someone that really listens to you when you talk, and how does that make you feel?🌹

For me, it's my Heavenly Father. God is that one being that I know I can always go to about anything. I can go to Him all hours of the day or night and know that He will be there for me. I know that He hears my pleas and cries and can count on Him for anything. I know that He accepts me, loves me, and does not judge me. This is what helps me find comfort and peace. ♡ 

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 5th, 2023


Your faith is so important to you and I hear how you trust God and feel incredibly supported. It is so great to hear how this makes you feel safe. 

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Tulipsmile December 6th, 2023


First thing 

Thank you for this beautiful idea 

Actually I don't have someone that always listen to me 

I am always the one how listen 😂😇🌷

Tulipsmile December 6th, 2023



*who not how😂

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 6th, 2023

That is so great that you are such a good listener and I hope you can feel like you can reach out for someone to support you from time to time when you feel you need it!

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Tulipsmile December 6th, 2023


Thank you so much for you words

I appreciate that 😇

LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS OP December 6th, 2023

Thank you for dropping by! :)

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Juney23 December 15th, 2023

I don't know. I rarely share my problems now. It scares me to think they'd turn their back on me. I only come here to the listeners. or try to deal with it discreetly.

convivialTangerine8704 December 18th, 2023

My neighbor listens, and he really seems to care. Body language, eye contact, doesnt answer his phone if anyone calls during our talks,and then only starts talking after waiting minute to make sure I’ve finished speaking.

it makes me feel seen and heard

soulsings December 18th, 2023

@convivialTangerine8704 wow that is wonderful!

exuberantTalker9747 December 19th, 2023

For me it's my sister's, I talk to my 2 older sisters, I have four but 2 of them are so closed to my heart and when I talk to them I feel calm and like most of my problem is solved. They always love me and support me. It feels grateful to have sisters like them.

amiablePeace77 December 20th, 2023


It feels good to have someone for support, nice you can find comfort with your 2 older sisters.

sunnySummer7144 December 20th, 2023

@LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS hello 

IsayUncle December 24th, 2023


I've never been socially adequate so I've never really found anyone that listened to me. Of course I was naive enough to think so at one time; but after my divorce which involved family members I trusted, I no longer trust them nor have I found anyone else to trust. 

My childhood insecurities led to an egocentric personality which quite understandably turns people off. I envy people that can get past the lies of social acceptance and have someone they can genuinely speak with emotionally and not have this facade of political and social correctness. 

What's worse than not trusting other people, is not trusting myself and all the things that I used to believe in. 

Answer: No, I don't really have anyone to speak to. But a couple of members here on seven cups make me feel welcome and valued. That, I'm thankful for.😊

Warpedme December 27th, 2023

Sometimes family and friends can be the cruelest. I'm so very sorry. Big hugs. 🤗💫🤗 Not everyone can be trusted. It's very difficult to navigate.

Please never be envious of anyone. You are good enough friend. Political and social acceptance is silly. Be sure of yourself. 🤗💫💜

delightfulUnicorn38 January 14th


Please share: who is someone that really listens to you when you talk, and how does that make you feel?

I have many who they really listen when i m talking , family members, friends , and i m grateful for that 

Thank you for sharing this post 🌹