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What is your profile pic?

Heather225 August 9th, 2023

You may have noticed that the newly upgraded rollover feature (the pop-up that appears when you hover over a user’s name using the desktop version of the site) aimed at encouraging interaction and connection. Now you can get a quick look at basic info without having to click into the profile such as if a listener is verified, what level they or a member is on (tip: helps to identify newbies to welcome), and what I like most: a bigger clearer profile photo.


To celebrate the rollover, please tell us

What is your pfp

Does it have a meaning?

★ Why did you choose it?

☆ Bonus upvotes if you tag a friend to share their pfp story!

Arsalan01 August 10th, 2023

What's your pfp

...well it's my picture

Hidden secrets?

None. It's got absolutely nothing to do with how having a pic of a guy on your pfp lowers the amount of messages you get from guys looking for a "chat" 🙂

Whys it the way it is.

Funny story actually. I'm a hilarious guy trust me I am. Buttttt I never laugh. Someone very close to me said if they squint really really hard and shake the phone enough it kinda looks like I've got a smile on. So yeah this is literally the only pic I've got of me smiling T_T

TaylorCaress03 August 10th, 2023


What is your pfp: My pfp is a pic of me at our camp beach from last year

Does it have a meaning?: Yes! Quite a few. One, the beach is calming to me. You can't see it in the pic, but it was behind me. Two, it was one of the best weeks of my life. I felt calm and happy for once. Three, I made close friends. Four, it is just a reminder of a day that was special to me.

★ Why did you choose it?: Like stated above, it's a reminder of a day that was special to me. A reminder that I have been happy, and I can be happy again.

☆ Bonus upvotes if you tag a friend to share their pfp story! @TabbyCat97

TaylorCaress03 August 10th, 2023

@TaylorCaress03 I just realized tabby already posted on ignore that XD

Saly33 August 10th, 2023


It's a nice topic... Thanks Heather for asking... I enjoyed reading friends' answers... I chose my profile picture. I was in Greece in the summer and I love this memory... So that others may know me... and may my beloved know me and find him

Positron2 August 10th, 2023

What is your pfp?

Top Cat

Does it have a meaning?

Years ago f**book had a promotion to use a cartoon character as your pfp in order to raise awareness against child abuse.

★ Why did you choose it?

As a victim of child abuse,
Now I always use a cartoon as pfp on every website that I go to.
I do change it up, sometimes, but always a cartoon.

Willendorf2017 August 11th, 2023

⭐What is your profile pic?

My profile picture is me in my winter coat in downtown Toronto (Ontario, Canada) where I live.

🌟 Does it have a meaning?


Why did you choose it?

I chose it because I love the winter, especially when it's snowing! If I was wearing my winter coat, it was likely really cold and/or windy. I'm smiling because I was with my partner, I was cozy warm in my coat, walking around the heart of downtown - I love that I'm within walking distance of several interesting areas - and, likely, hoping that it would snow :) ⛄

BastianLatte August 11th, 2023

@Heather225 1000032943_1691718087.jpg

AlitaBattleAngel August 11th, 2023

mine is pretty straight forward

Bunnylovesyou August 11th, 2023

My profile picture is a bunny! Hmmmmm I wonder why :0

I normally use more realistic bunnies, I've been feeling the bunny with flowers vibe, but honestly I needed a change. I feel like my profile picture symbolizes the chaos and the beauty that is life. It honestly reminded me of a bunny covered in glorious beautiful scars, which is me. i want all my members to see my profile picture and my bio and see me as a safe trusted person, someone they can rely on. I feel it really sums me up.

Also its rainbow 😅 i like rainbows

heyloke August 11th, 2023

@Heather225 My profile picture was taken place at the Ice Cream Museum, New York location. I took a picture of the cotton candy stand they had. It was a wonderful, fun memory I had with my aunty and my cousin that I had just met for the first time. I chose it because my favorite color is pink, and I think it's a pretty picture that has a good memory behind it.

LifeIsMyCanvas August 11th, 2023



My profile pic was a gif of a flashing neon light that says' love me till im me again'. It's non-flashing now because someone with epilepsy said it was upsetting them so I made it still.

I have DID which comes with identity confusion. The day I first heard I might have DID I came home and told my husband. I cried on the bed, afriad that I would be lost in a sea of other personalities. My husband said, 'I always know who you are, you are my wife'. When I saw this gif 'love me till i'm me again' it just summarised that whole experience perfectly. I've decided to keep it until I know who I am, and I feel like myself. Yesterday I told my life story to strangers to help a charity get funding for their work with people like me. I expected to be terrified after, but actually I felt safe for the first time since my dad died. I'd been seen as I was, and excepted for it. After a life of trafficking I never thought I'd feel that from strangers. I don't need to keep my history at arms length now, it's part of me and I'm ok with that. Now I just have to work out who the rest of me is after trauma is and i'll be winning 😊

BeautifulSunset53 August 11th, 2023


its a Sunset.

and I like to think of the sunset as something beautiful, which is about to relax after a day's work and duties.

RakyTacky August 11th, 2023


What is your pfp- It's a cute stickfigure handing a bouquet

Does it have a meaning?- Yep, everyone deserves a bouquet for how beautiful they are, inside and out. And I'd love to be handing flowers to everyone in the near future once i actually earn.

★ Why did you choose it?- It's jus cute and it made me feel nice warm emotions when i first saw it soooo yepppp.

LoveMyMoonflowers August 12th, 2023


Awh I love that! :0

RakyTacky August 13th, 2023


ur pfp is the cutest thing ever thooooo, bunnies and flowers are a combo i never knew i needed-

EmotionsListener August 11th, 2023

@Heather225 (and thank you @Jenna for tagging me)

At the moment the following image is my profile picture, though it changes fairly often as I enjoy making them. This is one that I created over time, originally I made various LGBTQ+ flags out of cross sections of flower close ups in the various colours of each flag. I then made various heart images using those, and have chosen to use the hearts in the colours of the lesbian and pride flag as a way of representing myself while also speaking to the LGBTQ+ community here on cups. In the most recent version I've also chosen to add the common phrase "Love is love."


pegasus124 August 11th, 2023

My profile picture is me on a walk by the ocean during the pandemic lockdown. My friend (who I spent many days with during this time) and I wanted to get out into nature. I remember feeling worried we weren’t supposed to be out in the world.

The meaning/why I chose this photo is because it was a time where I felt pretty free honestly. It was invigorating to get outside and explore since we hadn’t been able to do that much at the time. I also was unemployed during this time which was also very freeing. That was a great summer for me. Also chose it because it doesn’t have my face in it 😂

serenePineapple7180 August 11th, 2023


My profile picture is based on my autogenerated name that came up when I signed up for 7cups. I decided to keep it cause I love pineapple and am actually growing a few now. I also think the idea of a serenepinapple is funny and non-assuming, which I hope makes members feel more comfortable chatting/reaching out to me :)

ListenerPanda007 August 12th, 2023

SerenePineapple 🫶🏻

MelodyoftheOcean August 12th, 2023

Thank you for the post @Heather225 and thank you for thinking of me @LittleBirdie30

I loved reading through all of these stories, so I thought I'll share mine too ^^

What is your pfp

It is a picture of the ocean with rays of light, brightening it up

Does it have a meaning?

To me, it looks very calming, but still bright. The ocean can be a scary thing, especially underwater, the same way life can be scary - until someone lights a candle, or in this case, brightens it up by just listening.
I could go on about what the ocean means to me, but I think the above summarizes it well enough ^^

★ Why did you choose it?

I, as many others, chose the name first. And I thought a lot about how to visualize that. I thought about putting a whale up there, showing how the ocean indeed isn't a quiet place, but one with calming sounds, but as whales are also predators to smaller creatures of the sea, I decided against that. So the closest I came to visualizing a Melody of the Ocean was rays of sunlight underwater.

☆ Tag a friend to share their pfp story!

There are so many people on Cups with wonderful profile pictures, so I don't want to limit the stories being shared to the amount of people I can tag. But if you read through this, and you want to share your story too, please do. I'd love to hear it.
