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Remembering BrilliantTurtle89

Heather225 June 28th

It is with a heavy heart that I share the passing of our very dear @BrilliantTurtle89.

Turtle was an invaluable member of the community who embraced everyone she met with love and compassion, regardless of their background, culture, age, or length of time on the site. She treated everyone fairly and made them feel like they belonged to the community when she was around. She was a vibrant, caring, and compassionate soul who made the community a better and more caring place with her guiding presence. She taught us all how to be resilient and encouraged us to focus on finding solutions to problems instead of worrying about the problems themselves. 

She demonstrated this through her listening, mentorship, and leadership here at 7Cups. Her work in the Group Chats was phenomenal, and she had a special place in her heart for teens and put in extra effort to support them. Sadly, this community has lost a piece of itself with the passing of Turtle. 

Not only did Turtle leave a lasting impression on everyone on this site, she regularly would express how much she loved being a part of this community. From the very beginning, the warmth, support, and camaraderie she experienced uplifted her. Being surrounded by thoughtful and kind-hearted people made a profound impact on her. Each interaction, whether it’s a thoughtful discussion, a shared laugh, or a simple word of encouragement, reinforces how special this community was to her. 

As we mourn the loss of Turtle, we also celebrate her remarkable life and the legacy she leaves behind. Her compassion, generosity, and dedication will continue to inspire us all. While we grieve, let us also remember the joy and positivity Turtle brought into our lives and strive to honor her memory by following in her footsteps.

We remember Turtle in her roles: ATL, Care Team Guide, Chatroom Mentor (adults & teens), Chat Support, Community Mentor, Group Moderator, Group Support Ambassador, Group Support Mentor, Listener Coach, Quality Mentor Leader, Teen Transition Mentor, and the Verifiers Team.

Our deepest condolences go out to Turtle's family and friends during this difficult time. May we all find comfort in the beautiful memories we shared with Turtle and in knowing that her spirit will live on in the hearts of those she touched.

BlueDarkAurora June 28th

@Heather225 What a beautiful soul and a wonderful person<3 Thank you sharing this heartfelt message. 

BlueDarkAurora June 29th

It's been a while so I wanted to gather my thoughts first. Words don't hold any power on their own but it's the person saying them that gives them meaning & warmth and every interaction I've had with turtle was filled with so much warmth and compassion. Only a special kind of heart can hold so much love and care for others, to selflessly want to help and heal the world in whatever way possible. It's a loss I'm sure all those who have had the chance to meet turtle will feel deeply in their hearts. May their soul rest in peace <3

LittleBirdie30 June 28th

@Heather225 Turtle was such a beautiful person and she will be missed on all her roles, including Care Team 🩵

azuladragon34 June 28th


What awful news. I cannot describe in words what her family must be going through right now. My heart goes out to them especially her kids. She will be forever in our hearts and  we will miss her immensely. She was such an amazing soul and a bright light in the 7Cups community. 

Rest in Peace Turtle. You are loved ❤ 

Antonio7Cups July 1st


Oh nu, did she have kids? 🥲

Antonio7Cups July 1st


They're so awful news, I didn't expect she had kids and I can imagine what are they going through without her mother💔

Jenna June 28th


When I first met Turtle back in 2017 she came into the LSR asking for help. We ended up in a conversation and I directed her on how to handle a chat. From there, a friendship was formed and we created a bond over the years. She was the first to know about my renal failure and was a listening ear for my worries about that. We shared our struggles together. She never once judged any of my choices or feelings nor did I hers. I loved hearing about her human and animal family when we were able to connect. I will forever cherish what we went through together and the memories we have. She was truly an amazing person.

DarkerPlaces June 28th

I miss her lots

DarkerPlaces June 29th

Soz i didnt realy no what to say yesterday i still cant believe it 😢😢 Turtle was 1 my first listners on cups n she always helped me with so much stuff even maths hw n problems at school n she always managed to make me smile somehow even when i was in the worst mood il miss turtle so much cups will never be the same again without her 😢 RIP Turtle 🐢


This is very shocking news. Turtle has been swimming around 7 Cups (as she would say) for so long now that I feel she's always been a part of my journey here. She was a light to everyone in the groups, for both listeners, users, and especially teens. I loved how she would speak about her little ones and mention bits of her day. She showed me resilience through some of her tough times and I was very much cheering for her, always. RIP Turtle and my best to the family -- I will hold on to Turtle's light and make sure I swim forwards with some cheer and cookies. 

amiableBunny4016 June 28th


I remember Turtle as a beautiful, caring and such a bright person. Turtle brightened the atmosphere in TCR and in so many rooms and was so supportive and accepting of others, she accepted and supported me for me and for that I am so grateful to have met turtle. The teens side, has had so much fun with turtle and so many jokes and happy times. Its so sad to hear about turtle's passing. 💗 7cups shares beautiful and amazing memories of turtle and @brilliantTurtle89 will never be forgotten by the community. They brought happiness, and shined light wherever they went. 

Rest well turtle. 💗 you will forever be in our hearts.


akunknown June 28th


So sorry to everyone who met/knew @BrilliantTurtle89. Rest In Peace, in Power and in eternal Paradise ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@Heather225 Ohhhh myyy, this is heartbreaking!!! Rest in heaven, Brilliant 🐢. 


AnnaSilverberg June 28th

I am in shock, it's so difficult to imagine that I won't be seeing 
Turtle appear in one of the chatrooms for a lighthearted chat 
about the most random things that come to mind. 
She was such a supportive and a caring person and I must say
that I will truly miss her and her wonderful presence. 

My condolences to her family and all those who had the 
pleasure of getting to know her and be in her shining light. 

hopedreamlove June 28th


This is shocking to hear. From the first time I met Turtle, I appreciated her kindness and humor. She conveyed endless support and strength with everything she did. My deepest condolences to her loved ones. Rest easy Turtle. ❤️

HopieRemi June 29th


Omg I am so shocked to hear this. Turtle was great, she was always so nice whenever we would run into each other in the lsr. I hope her passing was peaceful at the very least. Please rest in peace, Turtle<3

unassumingEyes June 29th

@Heather225 This was not what expected would be the first peice of news i would recieve this morning.

It just...wasnt. 

I used to call her Master Oogway. It was a one time thing until it wasn't...I asked her if it was okay and she said sure.

(This is dry because i keep needing to pause.)

It seems...almost ironic, that the person i nicknamed Masteer Oogway went and passed away...I think she could appreciate the irony of that

She was one of those...awe-inspiring adults who understood...understood what its like to be a be scared and tired and alone when surrounded

She understood. And she connected. She was the fun oldie and i know she was a great mom...

I wish the best to her little turtles..

She was a role model. She was kind and caring and gentle and sometimes- alot of times- i wished i had a mom like her.

She inspired me


And she has me, she is still alive in our kindness, in our love and our care

But the heart tends to grieve

I know this is long and just a mash up of thoughts but what can I write? What can I say? 

Master Oogway...Turtle... she was so amazing, it could never fit in words.

She is gone but we love her still 🐢

confidentangel2369 June 29th

I'm sending out my condolences

CommunityModAnne June 29th

In loving memory -- Turtle was such a kind person. She would make sure to check in with everyone and I'm glad to have known her 💗

Brightwords12 June 29th


This is shocking.. I'm deeply saddened by this news. I only knew her from LSR. She was especially kind person. 


Sending love and hugs to everyone needing some.😔

softSummer7903 June 29th

@brilliantTurtle89 RIP 🙏

mytwistedsoul June 29th

My condolences to all of Turtle's family and friends 😞 💙 ❤️

Arky1 June 29th

I didn’t know Turtle but have seen lots of people on the teen side that are very upset. They tell me she was an amazing person. I am sorry she had to leave us all and that I will neve get to meet her. I wish strength to the friends and family that she has left behind.

Arie3 June 29th

@Heather225 I am very shocked to hear this, it took me a while to get my thoughts together and type this but its still very overwhelming, Turtle was a gem, me and her had great conversations and i will miss it <3 I had no idea and i definitely wondered why she wasnt online these days. She was a great person, very funny and great sense of humour despite things in her life. I hope her family and her children find the strength. I loved turtle. Rest in peace <3

LoveMyMoonflowers June 29th

I saw this last night but didn’t know what to say exactly 🥺 I still don’t know what to say right now, it hurts so much 😔💜 

TurtleRiver June 29th

I’m so sorry to hear this news. You will be missed very much.

coolvibes June 29th

@Heather225 It is really unfortunate news to hear about the passing of such a positive force here on cups. BrilliantTurtle always uplifted the LSR and left an inclusive foot print. Thank you for placing this post so people could celebrate her legacy and share in her memory. I have nothing, but high hopes for her families ability to come to terms with their loss. She will be missed.

bobCatz June 29th

Our conversations were always during my late nights and her early mornings. I always called her Mrs Turtle and asked about her little turtled every time I got a chance  

I cant believe you wont be here anymore Mrs Turtle. May your young family and friends find comfort in the wonderful person you are and will always be. 

And to our 7 cups family, stay together and find strength in our memories of time spent with her. 

Hope June 30th

This came as such a shock. She has spent many years in service of 7 Cups. I saw her many times in teen rooms. She was kind and resilient.

My condolences to her family and friends. I can only imagine how challenging things are right now. You are in my thoughts. 

pink65 June 30th

@Heather225 may her soul rest in peace and be happy

rachel0707 June 30th

i’m so sorry, may her soul rest in peace 🙏🏽❤️

MistyMagic June 30th

What sad, sad news. I am sending my condolences, love, and gentle wings to wrap up her young family and keep them all safe. 

Dearest 🐢MammaT,💖

We joined the same year and instantly became good friends. We shared so much and supported each other in many projects. I will miss your wonderful stories, and will never forget the year your donkey became famous in the nativity play, we laughed so much!

Your touch here will be missed in so many ways, and by so many people. I am proud to have known you and shared time with you ✨🦋🐢✨

I still find it unbelievable.



Listening - One Step At A Time!

aquaaaaa June 30th


Dear Turtle,

          I'm honestly at a loss of words even now.. The day I came back to cups and I get hit with an absolute tragedy.. You've made such an impact on me and so many other people on cups that your legacy is enshrined in us, I miss you loads and I just wish I could've spoken to you more. I was away from Cups for some reason and it hurts so deeply that I know that the distance between the last time I've talked to you will never stop increasing. I will be forever grateful for how much you've helped me, I still remember the times when you helped me get out of spiraling and I will never be able to thank you enough for that. I still remember how kind and nice you were to all of us and how fondly you chatted with us.. I may have also gotten a bit of inspiration from your shoe collection actually hehe

         It just stings so bad.. I wish I talked to you more Turtle, you meant a lot to many of us and myself too, I regret not coming back on to Cups earlier... I was too late. There's so much more I want to say but I just don't have it in me to articulate it.. I wish you were here to celebrate my birthday.. I swear I won't ever forget how much you helped and mean to me Turtle. Thank you so much for everything. I miss you so much and I have so much love and respect for you. 💙

          I wish everyone else can grieve in peace and remember their love for Turtle too.



GlisteningEmbers June 30th


Heaven just got a bit sweeter for all of us upon her death.

I hope you find peace in the silence that once filled the chat with Turtle's bright charisma. 

VioletNotes June 30th

This is heartbreaking. I was not a teen that shared many personal moments with turtle, but I always valued her presence. Going into a chatroom and seeing her interacting with everyone was a relief. Someone to support and understand the peers that I care about in a way that only she could. I'm wishing the best for everyone experiencing this loss. 

SpadeSystem June 30th


Turtle was such a brilliant person. Always brought sunshine to the community. My deepest condolences to her family 😢 

GlisteningEmbers June 30th


I loved Tortle. She was my favorite person ever. I even have a silly quote from her. 

"Turtle says she wants to rick Roll you all. I don't know what it means so I don't know whether i should be typing this or not!" -Turtle(@brilliantTurtle89)

Turtle's death is a reminder to me to appreciate the people in my life because there's no promise that they will wake up tomorrow. 

SpadeSystem June 30th



Angiewaa June 30th


aw ☹️ i was wondering why turtle friend hadnt been on in a while.. now i know i guess.  RIP turtle really miss u 🐢🐢🐢