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notmyselftoday November 9th, 2019


I'm 28 years old. I've been cutting on and off since I was 13. the longest I've ever went without self harming was a year just after high school. tonight I had a heartbreaking and disheartening realization. I realized that as much as I want to quit self harming I'm not sure I'll ever be capable of this. it feels like it's something I'll always crave. the only thing that will instantly bring me relief and allow me to feel like I'm able to breathe. I think I should tell my therepist all this but a) I dont want him to give up on me too and b) I dont know how to tell him that this is how I feel now. I want to quit self harming .... I do I just dont think it's in my wheelhouse. I've lost faith in myself .

adventurousBranch3786 November 12th, 2019

@notmyselftoday Hi There are open chats in trauma on Sundays. I think the moderator has experiance in SH also. Maybe we could give you more support there. She is also a listener in case that would interest you.

notmyselftoday OP November 12th, 2019

thank you for the invite I frequently attend that group @adventurousBranch3786

adventurousBranch3786 November 9th, 2019

@notmyselftoday I have faith in you also.

notmyselftoday OP November 10th, 2019

thank you @adventurousBranch3786

rebecca947 November 12th, 2019


Heya <3 I noticed your username- you joined the discussion! Glad to see you utilising all aspects of the site to help. Self-harm is a quick fix, a temporary fix to the pain we experience. It'll never be more than a temporary fix, like a bandaid to a bad wound. It won't heal the issue. Self-harm can be very addictive, as it releases feel-good hormones within us when we do it. It does give us instant relief, but how long does that last before the feelings come back? It'd be a good idea to tell your therapist your thoughts- no good therapist would ever give up on you. They should appreciate your thoughts, as it is your therapy session and they are there to help you heal and grow. As for how to tell it to him, tell it how you told us here! Even write it down if you don't feel able to speak it out loud.

I've been there myself, feeling like I want to quit but not feeling able to. Not sure if I should quit. But a lot of things happen, and having faith in ourselves really strengthens our resolve. Self-harm will be with us for a long time, even forever. The urges will be there, but one day, you'll be able to acknowledge it, and let it go. I believe in you and your ability to get through this tough time and these difficult thoughts. You're worth the effort, and I believe a good therapist also thinks the same of you. You're strong enough to handle this, even if you don't believe it yourself at the moment. <3

notmyselftoday OP November 12th, 2019

thanks agian for the support rebecca @rebecca947