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Safety & Knowledge at 7 Cups

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Apply for the Safety Patrol Team! (Now Open to Listeners and Members)
by Heather225
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Are you passionate about our community? Are you always looking out for the safety of others? We are looking for dedicated community members to scan for inappropriate profiles and flag them so they can be removed quickly and efficiently from the site! We are very excited to announce that members can now join the team! Here’s what being on the Safety Patrol looks like:: - Scan the browse listeners page [] daily and flag any inappropriate profiles - Scan the general request queue daily for inappropriate profiles - Scan forums or group rooms for inappropriate profiles - Be proactive to help flag any profile you have seen anywhere that is inappropriate How do we know if it's inappropriate? - Sexual or graphic profile picture - Sexual or graphic username - Sexual or graphic bio text - Profile bio text sharing social media handles, email Id..etc. Prerequisites & Expectations: ✓ Listeners: You must be a Verified Listener [] ✓ Members: You must be a part of the community for at least one month (no longer have the Newbie badge) ✓ You must be active on 7 Cups a few times a week (roughly an hour minimum) ✓ You will be required to read a document on best practices [] and pass a test to prove your knowledge. ✓ Once you have read the guide in full and understand the material, apply and take the test here. [] Primary Points of Contact Admin: EvelyneRose Team Leaders: Rebekah and tommy Thank you so much for your interest in keeping 7 Cups a safe and supportive place! [ Updated by Rebekah on 4th January 2023 to display newer guide. ]
"Safety is an ongoing conversation"
by Heather225
Last post
June 27th
...See more I was having a chat with @PetiteSouris about the power of education in online safety and it got me thinking about how I view safety as an ongoing conversation. I think one of the most effective methods we have for keeping ourselves safe online is to be talking to each other, sharing experiences, lessons learned, and wisdom from our own research and experiences with safety. Some of have extensive experience, and others are still figuring out how to navigate the wide world of the internet, including 7 Cups. We prioritize safety, given the nature of our platform, and we want to empower everyone to take control of theirs. We can do this by sharing what we know! Here's where you come in: Please share some tips you've picked up on keeping yourself safe, especially as it relates to our community. There's no overcommunicating when it comes to upholding safety so let's keep talking!
The Community Guideline Series - Masterpost
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
May 20th
...See more Hay everyone✨! This post contains all the forum posts that are a part of The Community Guideline Series Feel free to explore them all, I hope you enjoy reading them😊 Part 1 - Our profiles [] Part 2 - Behavior on Cups [] Part 3 - Safety of our members [] Part 4 - Boundaries and behavior [] Part 5 - Safety for everyone [] ✨Happy reading and a wonderful day to you all✨