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"Safety is an ongoing conversation"
by Heather225
Last post
June 27th
...See more I was having a chat with @PetiteSouris about the power of education in online safety and it got me thinking about how I view safety as an ongoing conversation. I think one of the most effective methods we have for keeping ourselves safe online is to be talking to each other, sharing experiences, lessons learned, and wisdom from our own research and experiences with safety. Some of have extensive experience, and others are still figuring out how to navigate the wide world of the internet, including 7 Cups. We prioritize safety, given the nature of our platform, and we want to empower everyone to take control of theirs. We can do this by sharing what we know! Here's where you come in: Please share some tips you've picked up on keeping yourself safe, especially as it relates to our community. There's no overcommunicating when it comes to upholding safety so let's keep talking!
The Community Guideline Series - Masterpost
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
May 20th
...See more Hay everyone✨! This post contains all the forum posts that are a part of The Community Guideline Series Feel free to explore them all, I hope you enjoy reading them😊 Part 1 - Our profiles [] Part 2 - Behavior on Cups [] Part 3 - Safety of our members [] Part 4 - Boundaries and behavior [] Part 5 - Safety for everyone [] ✨Happy reading and a wonderful day to you all✨
Teen Safety Series: Tip #3- Take control of your 7 Cups experience!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
April 2nd
...See more Hello and welcome to the Teen Safety Series []. In today’s post, we will be learning one more step. At 7 Cups, we believe everyone deserves a safe and supportive space to connect.  That simply means giving you the power to control your experiences. If you are feeling uncomfortable in a chat/ group chat? You don't have to. You can shape your experiences. We offer a couple of handy tools to help you feel comfortable and in control. * Block Button:  In 1-1 chat with a listener, if a listener's behavior makes you feel uneasy, you can block them with a single click. This will prevent them from contacting you again. Listeners can utilize the same in case a member’s behavior is not respectful or appropriate.  * Mute Button: In the group support chats, sometimes you might just need a break from a conversation. The personal mute function allows you to hide messages from specific members/listeners without leaving the room entirely. Also, you can report/ block them if their behavior is causing discomfort to you.  Please know, you are in control of your experiences. And, please don't hesitate to use these tools to create a positive and comfortable experience for yourself.  We are here with you to support you in taking charge of your well-being on 7 Cups. Here are a few more steps you can take: Report inappropriate behavior: If something makes you feel unsafe, please report it through the "Report an issue" [] link.    Take breaks: It is okay to step away from a chat or group chat if you need some time for yourself. Focus on positive interactions: Seek out listeners who make you feel supported and understood. Please know we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for any support. And, let's work together to make 7 Cups a welcoming and supportive space for everyone.  ------------------------- Did you check out Tip #1 & #2? Find them here! * Tip #1 [] * Tip#2  []
Safety Patrol: Cheers and Top 5 Flaggers! ✨
by Rebekah
Last post
1 day ago
...See more Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well 🌞 This will be our main forum thread detailing when cheers have been awarded, and our Top 5 Flaggers! It will be updated every so often with new Top 5 Flaggers (I'd like to aim for once a month, but I have a feeling it'll be a bit more sporadic than that), and when cheers have been awarded for flagging. So, this space is quite important for Safety Patrol team members. Maybe 'subscribe' to this page and keep an eye on updates from Safety Patrol leaders! PPC (Primary Points of Contact); - Community Manager: Heather225 [] - Admin: EvelyneRose [] - Ambassador: Rebekah [] - Mentor Leader: tommy []
Flagging Professional Titles!
by Rebekah
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...See more Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well 🌟 It has been brought to our attention that some of our safety patrol members are unsure of when to flag professional titles in bios and usernames. This is understandable, it's definitely a grey area -- so, we thought it would be a good idea to make a forum post about it so that any and all questions can be answered. Please feel free to ask questions in this thread, and I'll do my best to answer! Please keep in mind the following... Listener Usernames: We SHOULD FLAG profiles that include the following words in their username: - "Doctor" - "Therapist" - "Counsellor" - "Nurse" - "Psychologist" - "Psychiatrist" - "Dr" Listener Bios: Please note that for any reference to healthcare fields (saying they ARE a doctor, nurse, psychologist, counsellor or therapist etc., anything in the healthcare field), the listener MUST indicate they do not give advice and follow guidelines of the site. If they do not, feel free to send these profiles to a SPOT member, or flag the profile. *** We DO NOT flag students of any kind. If someone says they're a student nurse, a student studying for a degree in psychology or the like, we DO NOT flag it *** Our goal is to make sure that we never mislead members to believe that listeners can give professional guidance, advice or feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions! (A special thank you to @KindnessMatters2020 for writing basically all of this post 😛💙🌞)
Apply for the Safety Patrol Team! (Now Open to Listeners and Members)
by Heather225
Last post
March 20th
...See more Are you passionate about our community? Are you always looking out for the safety of others? We are looking for dedicated community members to scan for inappropriate profiles and flag them so they can be removed quickly and efficiently from the site! We are very excited to announce that members can now join the team! Here’s what being on the Safety Patrol looks like:: - Scan the browse listeners page [] daily and flag any inappropriate profiles - Scan the general request queue daily for inappropriate profiles - Scan forums or group rooms for inappropriate profiles - Be proactive to help flag any profile you have seen anywhere that is inappropriate How do we know if it's inappropriate? - Sexual or graphic profile picture - Sexual or graphic username - Sexual or graphic bio text - Profile bio text sharing social media handles, email Id..etc. Prerequisites & Expectations: ✓ Listeners: You must be a Verified Listener [] ✓ Members: You must be a part of the community for at least one month (no longer have the Newbie badge) ✓ You must be active on 7 Cups a few times a week (roughly an hour minimum) ✓ You will be required to read a document on best practices [] and pass a test to prove your knowledge. ✓ Once you have read the guide in full and understand the material, apply and take the test here. [] Primary Points of Contact Admin: EvelyneRose Team Leaders: Rebekah and tommy Thank you so much for your interest in keeping 7 Cups a safe and supportive place! [ Updated by Rebekah on 4th January 2023 to display newer guide. ]
Safety Patrol - Team Visit
by KristenHR
Last post
September 26th, 2023
...See more Good Day to Everyone, First, thank you for all you are doing to keep our site safe! On behalf of the leadership team, we appreciate your time and energy and all you do. I wanted to check in as we end another month to have a visit with you and to help us get to know each other a little better, I wanted to ask a few questions today. How was your weekend? Did you do anything enjoyable? As we've just entered fall, what's something you'd like to learn or accomplish this fall that you don't know or haven't done yet that's on your to do list? If time and money were no issue, what is your dream vacation? Can't wait to hear from you!
Safety Patrol YouCanBookMe Change **Please read**
by KristenHR
Last post
August 30th, 2023
...See more Per the new site guidelines here [], we may no longer use the YouCanBookMe (YCBM) accounts as they require emails now. They changed their rules and set up. Our site update was just placed today so this is going to take a bit to get the community aware of this. Because of this, we will not be flagging profiles currently for this violation, but we will be outreaching on these profiles as of this moment. Once everyone has had the opportunity to comply with this and get their YCBM removed, we will notify you at the point to begin flagging these profiles. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for all you do! ------------------------- @EvelyneRose @Rebekah @tommy @LilacLeopard @Zayin @KristenHR @InternalAcceptance @Ninziesss @positivePumpkin22 @iPHOENIX @Comphi @EmotionsListener @Dystopiatae95 @blissart @LittleBirdie30 @SolaceCares @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @Jenna @MistyMagic @fruityPond7887 @Star001 @Hamstermum @MelodyoftheOcean @AcatalepticShadow @AffyAvo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @kindheartedlily @richuyulin @charmingFlower8111 @florablossom3319 @blissfulSky8162 @sereneMirage8103 @courageousDreamer8927 @Jiminycricket91 @kyan1 @Raspberrycheesecake @MattForHelp @radiantLight33 @TabbyCat97 @LandOfHopesx3 @Daf8 @Optimisticempath @coco128 @jundaee @pandanfe @Artalistens @Bunnylovesyou @WatermelonLover22 @SuryanshSingh @SparkyGizmo @Strawberryshortcake90
Safety Patrol Check-In **Aug 6 - 12**
by KristenHR
Last post
August 11th, 2023
...See more Hi Team! Please check in and let us know how you're doing. Tell us something about you that we don't know. We'd love to get to know each other better. Here are some ideas if you are struggling to think of something: What's one goal you are working on? What's your favorite color? What is your favorite food? What is a hobby or activity that you excel at? Please join in and share, tell us what you're up to, and we'd love to hear about things we can celebrate with you on. ------------------------- @EvelyneRose @Rebekah @tommy @LilacLeopard @Zayin @KristenHR @InternalAcceptance @Ninziesss @positivePumpkin22 @iPHOENIX @Comphi @SparkyGizmo @EmotionsListener @Dystopiatae95 @blissart @LittleBirdie30 @SolaceCares @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @Jenna @MistyMagic @fruityPond7887 @Star001 @Hamstermum @MelodyoftheOcean @AcatalepticShadow @AffyAvo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @kindheartedlily @richuyulin @charmingFlower8111 @florablossom3319 @blissfulSky8162 @sereneMirage8103 @courageousDreamer8927 @Jiminycricket91 @kyan1 @Raspberrycheesecake @MattForHelp @radiantLight33 @TabbyCat97 @LandOfHopesx3 @Daf8 @Optimisticempath
Using the Multiple Accounts Profile Flag
by Rebekah
Last post
August 9th, 2023
...See more Hi, team! Hope you're doing well 🌞 This is just a brief post for those of us who are unsure of when to use the multiple account flag option on a profile. All important information will be in bold and underlined. As stated in the guide, flagging for multiple accounts does NOT mean flagging an account that you suspect is a multiple account, nor does it mean a person who has openly admitted to having other accounts. For these, we email, and NOTHING ELSE. Flagging a profile with this option is ONLY to be used for accounts that are clearly multiples of other usernames, such as; * JohnnyTruelove * vaibhavm * JasonBond * JonIGod * JohnOfGod * Nomales * JTruelove * IndianListenersOnly * idonotwantmales * idonotwantfemales * idonotwantindianmen * idonotwantmuslimmen * NaughtyMan * LonelySubmissiveMan * XYZGuyLookingForABC Other clear examples include “tommy98” and “tommy89” next to each other in the general request lineup. This is clearly a multiple account and so can be flagged. If you are ever in doubt, do not flag and please contact Rebekah/tommy or Please, DO NOT FLAG SUSPECTED MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. We only flag accounts that are 100% known to be multiples - examples of these can be found in the universal SP team guide. Click here [] for more information, or send me a message. Thank you for reading, and for continuing to keep the site a safe place for all ☺️ *** 🌞 PPC (Primary Points of Contact) 🌞;- Ambassador & Team Lead: Rebekah- ML & Team Lead: tommy- Admin Oversight: EvelyneRose 🌞 Useful Links 🌞;- Would you like to become a Verified Listener? Apply here []!- Interested in joining the Safety Patrol team? (Remember, you must be verified to join.) Apply here []!- If you'd like to become a SPOT member, apply here []! (Remember, you must be on Safety Patrol for at least 2 months (1 month for mentors), and further requirements detailed within the application.)
Safety Patrol Team - Post Here When You Have Checked Browse Listeners and/or Flagged a Profile!
by Heather225
Last post
March 27th, 2022
...See more â¨PATROL TEAM: ASSEMBLE!⨠Every time you scan browse listeners [], please drop a reply here. That way, we can consistently help each other and know how long it's been since the last check! Ideally, we want each member of the Safety Patrol Team to be checking for bad profiles 3 times per week. Please show your participation, so we can keep our site clean! Places to check for inappropriate profiles: âBrowse Listeners [] âGeneral Requests âMy Feed - bottom right hand side for Our Newest Listeners âHome Page - left side: Currently Active Listeners and Welcome New Members Please refer to the Profile Flagging Guide [] if unsure of what should be flagged. Updated by Rebekah [24 January 2022]
Important Updates on the Safety Patrol Guides! 🚩
by Rebekah
Last post
January 21st, 2022
...See more Hello, Safety Patrol team members! I hope you're all doing well, and that your start to 2022 has been nothing short of excellent 🌞 Due to some feedback we received a few weeks ago, we've been hard at work behind the scenes to bring you a brand new guide for Safety Patrol. It is 100% up-to-date as of today, 15th January 2022. Please find it here! : SAFETY PATROL TEAM UNIVERSAL GUIDE [] <--- I hope this is helpful 🌞 Primary Points of Contact (PPC) * MidnightRaven999 [] - Ambassador and Team Lead * Rebekah [] - Ambassador and Team Lead * EvelyneRose [] - Admin Oversight * Heather225 [] - Community Director
Safety Patrol (SP) and the Safety Patrol Outreach Team (SPOT)
by Rebekah
Last post
January 10th, 2022
...See more Hello all! Rebekah here 🌞 As a co-leader of SPOT, I have noticed that many listeners are confused between the difference between the Safety Patrol team and SPOT (Safety Patrol Outreach Team). So, I thought it would be helpful for there to be a forum post about the 2 teams! SP = Safety Patrol. SPOT = Safety Patrol Outreach Team. SP - Safety Patrol On SP, we flag users who have profile violations. For example, inappropriate usernames, bios and profile pictures. You must be a Verified Listener to join Safety Patrol. Useful links will be included at the end of this post! SPOT - Safety Patrol Outreach Team On SPOT, we outreach users who have fixable profile flag violations, usually ones which fall into grey areas. Only Safety Patrol members can join SPOT, and you must have been on the SP team for 2 months prior to applying. Mentors, you can join after 1 month. Summary of Teams SP and SPOT are clearly related, but they are two separate teams. Members of SP are not able to send messages to users with profile violations, only SPOT team members can do this! 🌞 I hope this post is useful to those who are unsure of what the difference is between SP and SPOT! PPC (Primary Points of Contact); - Ambassador & SPOT Leader: Rebekah [] - ML & SPOT Leader: tommy [] - Admin: EvelyneRose [] - Community Manager: Heather225 [] Useful Links; - Would you like to become a Verified Listener? Apply here []! - Interested in joining the Safety Patrol team? (Remember, you must be verified to join) Apply here []! - If you'd like to become a SPOT member, apply here []! (Remember, you must be on Safety Patrol for at least 2 months (1 month for mentors), and further requirements detailed within the application.)
Thank you active members of the Safety Patrol Team!
by Gracey
Last post
November 3rd, 2021
...See more A MASSIVE Thank you to all the safety patrol members that have been flagging profiles and submitting the cheers tracking form! With your help we are able to make sure we are consistently improving the safety here on 7Cups! If you know anyone who is interested in joining the safety patrol team please send them to this post → Here []
Can You Speak Different Languages!? Tell us Here!
by Heather225
Last post
May 8th, 2021
...See more Hi, Team! Occasionally patrollers come across profiles that seem a littls suspect or might require a deeper look, but they are in a language they can't read. Instead of fumble with unreliable translators, it was suggested to me that we create a masterpost of users who speak various languages and would be willing to offer their expertise to other users! If you speak another language besides English, and you would not mind being contacted by others for translation checks, please leave a reply below!