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Safety & Knowledge at 7 Cups

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"Safety is an ongoing conversation"
by Heather225
Last post
June 27th
...See more I was having a chat with @PetiteSouris about the power of education in online safety and it got me thinking about how I view safety as an ongoing conversation. I think one of the most effective methods we have for keeping ourselves safe online is to be talking to each other, sharing experiences, lessons learned, and wisdom from our own research and experiences with safety. Some of have extensive experience, and others are still figuring out how to navigate the wide world of the internet, including 7 Cups. We prioritize safety, given the nature of our platform, and we want to empower everyone to take control of theirs. We can do this by sharing what we know! Here's where you come in: Please share some tips you've picked up on keeping yourself safe, especially as it relates to our community. There's no overcommunicating when it comes to upholding safety so let's keep talking!
The Community Guideline Series - Masterpost
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
May 20th
...See more Hay everyone✨! This post contains all the forum posts that are a part of The Community Guideline Series Feel free to explore them all, I hope you enjoy reading them😊 Part 1 - Our profiles [] Part 2 - Behavior on Cups [] Part 3 - Safety of our members [] Part 4 - Boundaries and behavior [] Part 5 - Safety for everyone [] ✨Happy reading and a wonderful day to you all✨
Teen Safety Series: Tip #3- Take control of your 7 Cups experience!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
April 2nd
...See more Hello and welcome to the Teen Safety Series []. In today’s post, we will be learning one more step. At 7 Cups, we believe everyone deserves a safe and supportive space to connect.  That simply means giving you the power to control your experiences. If you are feeling uncomfortable in a chat/ group chat? You don't have to. You can shape your experiences. We offer a couple of handy tools to help you feel comfortable and in control. * Block Button:  In 1-1 chat with a listener, if a listener's behavior makes you feel uneasy, you can block them with a single click. This will prevent them from contacting you again. Listeners can utilize the same in case a member’s behavior is not respectful or appropriate.  * Mute Button: In the group support chats, sometimes you might just need a break from a conversation. The personal mute function allows you to hide messages from specific members/listeners without leaving the room entirely. Also, you can report/ block them if their behavior is causing discomfort to you.  Please know, you are in control of your experiences. And, please don't hesitate to use these tools to create a positive and comfortable experience for yourself.  We are here with you to support you in taking charge of your well-being on 7 Cups. Here are a few more steps you can take: Report inappropriate behavior: If something makes you feel unsafe, please report it through the "Report an issue" [] link.    Take breaks: It is okay to step away from a chat or group chat if you need some time for yourself. Focus on positive interactions: Seek out listeners who make you feel supported and understood. Please know we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for any support. And, let's work together to make 7 Cups a welcoming and supportive space for everyone.  ------------------------- Did you check out Tip #1 & #2? Find them here! * Tip #1 [] * Tip#2  []
The Community Guideline Series - Masterpost
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
May 20th
...See more Hay everyone✨! This post contains all the forum posts that are a part of The Community Guideline Series Feel free to explore them all, I hope you enjoy reading them😊 Part 1 - Our profiles [] Part 2 - Behavior on Cups [] Part 3 - Safety of our members [] Part 4 - Boundaries and behavior [] Part 5 - Safety for everyone [] ✨Happy reading and a wonderful day to you all✨
The Community Guideline Series part 5
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
January 22nd
...See more Hay everyone✨! Welcome to part 5 in the Community Guidelines Series. We have learned so much by now but we continue our learning progress  If you want to read the guidelines, you can do so here []! And if you haven’t seen part 1- 4 you can do so here [], here [], here [] and here []! Psst😛 in part two and four, you can take a fun quiz to brush up on your knowledge! In this post we want to focus on the guidelines we have related to our safety and how we can make sure to do our part in keeping Cups safe. It also entails what is appropriate behavior and what isn’t, I recommend giving this post a good read, there’s no quiz after this one but in the next and final post, there will be one We have some Forum post links within this post, feel free to check them out and share your take on them in the comments, I’d love to hear your thoughts Please make sure that we stay appropriate and that we remain supportive to one another. We are a community and it’s up to us to keep our community healthy.  Refrain from sharing personal contact information Including, but not limited to, social media accounts, home addresses, phone numbers, messaging apps/sites because they don’t guarantee your safety on Cups, or any other medium of contact off-site, this includes Podcasts that you host as well. Learn more about internet safety in this forum []. I do recommend that you look at it, it truly has valuable information. Offsite contact is never permitted while you are a member of the 7 Cups community, including if you are on a self-care or deactivation break. While you are a member of this community, no matter your account status, this is the rule. There are no exceptions. Please respect it & keep yourself safe! Respect the boundaries of other community members.Boundaries are the key to healthy communication, we have to respect the boundaries that members of this community have. Listeners and Members.This also means that there is a total ban on stalking [] and harassment of any kind. Choose not to engage in sexual chat or flirting.This is not allowed to any degree on Cups.  Graphic, flirtatious, and sexually suggestive language is strictly prohibited. We can’t share links of this nature either, on Cups we have a zero-tolerance policy for these behaviors. Even if it is consensual, it is not allowed on 7 Cups. Read more about sexual chats and flirting in this forum. [] We have a behavior point system []. We ask each user to live by the guidelines outlined in this thread []. Each behavior mentioned will be assigned a behavior point, once a certain number of points are accumulated within a specific period, consequences will be enacted. Zero Tolerance PolicyZero Tolerance Policy draws a clear line that we will not support or entertain certain behaviors like being unsupportive, bullying, any form of discrimination or racism, inappropriate or flirting, sexual chatting,or violation of any community guidelines. High Warmth, High Expectations [] are a part of the 7 Cups Community Culture. We want to foster and maintain a healthy and uplifting community. And, in order to do that, everyone is accountable for their behavior. Here are some fun questions for you: * What do I do if I get a chat where the other person is inappropriate? * What do I do if someone asks for my personal information? * How can I make sure that the chat I am in remains appropriate? * Where do I report someone when they are inappropriate? 💙Thank you all for reading through this wonderful post💙 This is the final post in the series, I hope you all learned something new.  Thank you for taking part in it. You guys are absolutely amazing💙! ✨We wish you a wonderful rest of your day✨
The Community Guideline Series part 4
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
January 9th
...See more Hay everyone✨! Welcome to part 4 in the Community Guidelines Series. If you have made it so far in the series, I’m sending gold stars your way⭐!  The focus of this post is our behavior and how we can affect those around us with it. If you want to read the guidelines, you can do so here And if you haven’t seen part 1, 2 or 3, you can do so here [], here [] and here []! Psst, in part two you can take a fun quiz to brush up on your knowledge! So, how we behave affects others, just as others behavior affects us. But did you know that you can choose between reacting and responding? Reacting is an emotional response to a situation, when we react we’re often being impulsive and it is sometimes influenced by what we have experienced in the past or even influenced by our fears. Responding is a deliberate and thoughtful action, it’s where we weigh our options and we consider what our situation is. We make a conscious decision on how we’re going to act or respond.  Questions that help: Will I benefit something positive from engaging in that conflict? Will this help me feel better today or will this upset me? Do I need to stay here to argue, or can I use the mute function? If I’m upset, is there something I can do to help myself feel better rather than react to what upset me? We need to keep our environment supportive, our community supportive and our relationship with ourselves and others supportive as well. And we can do that by not engaging in conflict, but rather problem solving and understanding that we all have our boundaries.  Boundaries are the key to healthy communication, so respecting our own boundaries is just as important as respecting others boundaries. Let’s work together in keeping the community healthy and supportive💙 Check out the guidelines that I’m discussing here below: Respect the boundaries of other community members. Boundaries are the key to healthy communication, we have to respect the boundaries that members of this community have. Listeners and Members. This also means that there is a total ban on stalking [] and harassment of any kind. Engage in healthy problem-solving. We all want to be in a safe and supportive environment. The key to a healthy community is to have good communication. We all need to cooperate  and working together is the best way to go about it. Now, having a healthy debate is absolutely fine, as it leads to problem-solving and all of us working together. Here’s a great read: Read more on the topic of healthy problem-solving in this forum. []   Use proper conflict resolution skills with every person on the site. Sometimes miscommunication happens, we all have different stories, cultures and beliefs and sometimes we can forget that others don’t have the same experience as we do and that their culture isn’t like ours. Dealing with conflict in a proper way, means dealing with the conflict in a way that benefits both you and the other person involved. Read more on conflict resolution in this forum. Supportive environment is always better than an environment where we are feeling unsafe. We all deserve to feel safe at 7Cups.  In the Group Support Chatrooms. All the chatrooms (listeners and members-focused) are operating under Zero Tolerance Policy. We encourage you to read the chatroom guidelines for each chatroom and commit to following them. You will find the participation rules at the bottom of each chatroom labelled as “Please read the Chatroom Rules” All participants are expected to be aware of the rules of participation. This means that if you are found to be violating any rules, you will be responsible for the consequences. Consequences of violations: * Community Moderators can instantly mute you if you are found to be violating any chat room rules after one verbal reminder. Volunteer moderators will be sending 3 warnings to mute you after 2 verbal reminders. * If you repeatedly and knowingly violate chat room rules, you will be muted instantly without any verbal reminder by community moderators. Also, if needed, your account can be suspended. * Both or all parties engaging in an argument or conflict will be instantly muted. You have a personal mute button for a reason. It is your decision not to use personal mute and engage in conflict. * If you have a question or disagreement about a rule, a topic with a listener, or a moderator, please take the issue to PMs immediately. If you continue to argue and disrupt the flow of the room, you can be instantly muted. * You are welcome to submit a review for the Chat Room Moderators, Room Supporters, and Listeners here! [] and For members here! [] Now that we’ve read this fine post about how we can use our behavior in a supportive way, let's take a quiz!  You can find the quiz here [].  Feel free to tag a friend and of course share your score🤗! Psst, see the final post in this series here []!  ✨ We wish you a wonderful rest of your day ✨
The Community Guideline Series part 3
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
January 9th
...See more Hay everyone✨! Welcome to our third post in the Guideline Series💙  Today we will talk about how we can make sure that our members are safe. If you haven’t checked out the Guidelines yet, you can do so here []!  And if you haven’t seen part 1 or part two, you can do so here [] & here []! Psst! In part two you can take a fun quiz to brush up on your knowledge😃!  Here you can see the guidelines that are about how we can take part in ensuring that Cups remains a safe space for both listeners and members💙 We need to do our absolute best to make sure that we do our part in keeping Cups safe, so please read this post (and all the others) carefully. In part 4, we’ll definitely get another wonderful quiz to test our knowledge One User, One Account Policy We can’t be creating one account after another, to make sure that Cups is a safe place we are only allowed to have one member account and one listener account. That goes for everyone, without any exceptions. If you are found to have more than one member or listener account on the site, both or all the accounts will be immediately suspended. Protect your log-in information to all accounts on 7 Cups and not allow anyone else to use it besides the person whose name is in our system. We can’t share our accounts, no matter if it’s a member or a listener account. This is for everyone’s safety, as chats can have sensitive information and you, as the owner of the account, have to take responsibility for what is done on your account. So, one account, one user! If it comes to our attention that another person has accessed your account, we will need to immediately close your account for security reasons. This includes log-in details for 7 Cups Admin accounts. Maintain a confidential atmosphere. Listeners: This means that you need to keep confidentiality between you and members & other listeners. Keeping confidentiality is very important, even though we are anonymous here, we can’t share stories that aren’t our own. It can cause harm that no one should have to endure. We can’t share chat details with anyone else, nor write about them anywhere. This also goes for when you seek support in the Listener Support Room, we can’t share this information, which includes the usernames of our members. We don’t want listeners that aren’t in the room to be discussed, since that can cause triangulation [], that’s a big no no.  Be in a healthy state of mind. If you are feeling suicidal, actively or having a suicidal ideation, homicidal, or abusing anyone or anything (animals are included in this). We can’t support you. The reason for this is because 7Cups is an international support site, that means that we don’t have the resources that crisis hotlines have access to make sure that you are safe no matter how your situation is. Our listeners are not trained to take on crisis chats of any nature.  Please review the community’s guidelines on Crisis here! [] Guidelines on being sober Listener Account: We are providing support to members who are sharing with us their most sensitive challenges. So, we can’t be under the influence of drugs or alcohol to any degree, we must be completely sober at all times. If you are suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol to any degree we will suspend your account immediately for two weeks. In order to listen to another user, you must be sober. Member Account: As members don’t have the same responsibilities as listeners do, they are allowed to be under the influence as long as they demonstrate they can participate in keeping the environment supportive and be respectful in their communication. Here are some fun questions for you. 🔹How can you make sure that our community is safe? 🔹Have you done some self-care today? 🔹What is your favorite self-care activity? Feel free to tag a friend, lets hear your amazing answers!  Psst! See part 4 here []!  ✨We wish you a wonderful rest of your day✨
Safety Hunt: December 9th - 22nd - 2023
by KristenHR
Last post
December 24th, 2023
...See more Our Safety Team would love to have you join in on our Scavenger Hunt.  To help you review or learn more about safety of the site, where to find things and learn a little more about our communities and some recent announcements, we've prepared a Hunt for you.  You'll need to look around various parts of the site to find the various answers or links to come up with the correct responses to these questions. Dates are today, December 9th through December 22nd.  We'll award 10 cheers for every correct response you have to the hunt.   To participate, compete the following form.  Cheers and acknowledgement will be noted here after the 22nd. Can't wait to see how you do!  Everyone is welcome - Not just the Safety Team! ------------------------- @EvelyneRose @Rebekah @tommy @positivePumpkin22 @AuRewolf @KristenHR @KindnessMatters2020 @Lunaire00 @LightsFromDark @iPHOENIX @Comphi @EmotionsListener @Dystopiatae95 @blissart @LittleBirdie30 @SolaceCares @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @Jenna @MistyMagic @fruityPond7887 @Star001 @Hamstermum @MelodyoftheOcean @AffyAvo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @kindheartedlily @richuyulin @florablossom3319 @blissfulSky8162 @sereneMirage8103 @courageousDreamer8927 @Jiminycricket91 @kyan1 @Raspberrycheesecake @MattForHelp @radiantLight33 @TabbyCat97 @LandOfHopesx3 @Daf8 @Optimisticempath @coco128 @jundaee @pandanfe @Artalistens @Bunnylovesyou @WatermelonLover22 @Suryansh @SparkyGizmo @rubyjane00 @niamh333 @lovelyApple6441 @LOOPHOLE @azuladragon34 @Rui00 @Ralien @fantasticJet1739 @Grace3012 @Mahad2804 @HachiBee @LoveMyMoonflowers @OllieRNLI999
The Community Guideline Series Part 2
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
December 8th, 2023
...See more Hay everyone✨! Welcome to the second part of The Guideline Series,  if you haven’t seen the first part, you can find it here []! Here, you’ll see the guidelines that focus on how we should treat each other. It’s so important that we treat one another with kindness and respect, even though their opinions, thoughts or beliefs differ from ours. We all have different histories, backgrounds and that’s what makes us so wonderful, no two persons are the same. So cherish one another, celebrate our differences and let's stay united as a community 💙 A tiny refresher, here are the guidelines []. Here are a few things from the Guidelines, regarding behavior on Cups. Remain professional/ supportive, kind, and respectful towards one another. This is an important one! If we aren’t getting along with someone, we do have to keep in mind that we have the possibility of either responding or reacting.  Now, responding is the healthy way to deal with things and it certainly does avoid conflict of any kind, whilst reacting is never going to be good for either party.  We want you to know that it’s very good to step away and don’t engage with the person.  That supports healthy communication and creates a safe atmosphere.  Prevent hurtful rumors/gossip from spreading. Rumor: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth. Gossip: idle talk especially about the personal or private affairs of others.  Now, we don’t want to experience either of those, that’s for sure.  So, we shouldn’t do that to others either.  If you need to gossip, feel free to fill out this form [] and send it into Cups space, that way,  no one can read it. And you got to express your gossip needs.  Aim to grow and learn as a Member/ Listener & person. In this light, learning to accept feedback thankfully. Getting feedback on how we can improve and do better is a wonderful opportunity to grow, if we don’t know what we can improve on, then getting that information is very vital.  Allow yourself to grow, it’s the best thing you can do for both yourself and our community.  Let's grow together. Do not engage in hateful behaviors of any kind. 7Cups is about support, which means that it’s forbidden to show hate towards any gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, racial or cultural background, or imposing your viewpoint on any of these items. Show support, not hate.  Here’s a tiny quiz on the Guidelines we’ve talked about so far: Take me to the Quiz [] What’s your score? Who are you tagging so they can take the quiz? Psst, see the next post in the series here []!  ✨We wish you a wonderful day everyone ✨
The Community Guideline Series
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
November 29th, 2023
...See more Hay everyone✨!  Are you familiar with our Community Guidelines? How is your understanding of our Guidelines?  Do you have questions regarding our Guidelines? This is the first post in the Community Guideline series,  we want you safe in our Community and we hope that you find this series helpful. Now, why do we have guidelines? Our guidelines do serve a purpose, they are here to ensure all of our safety for both Listeners and Members. They focus on making our Cups environment a friendly, supportive, and safe one.  We all want a place where we can have that, Cups strives to fulfil those needs and if we all put our work in making Cups safe, then that is exactly what we will accomplish.  So, by us all going by the guidelines, we are making sure that Cups has the ability to be that place for us.   Here you can find our Guidelines [], I do recommend that you take a good look at them since they are so very important.  Here are a few things from the Guidelines, regarding the look of our profiles. Profile Picture Why is it important to have an appropriate profile picture? A big part of creating a supportive environment lies in this one, that’s why it is in the guidelines. As 7Cups focuses on keeping us safe, this is included in it.  It’s never a good experience to be about to send someone a message and then get overwhelmed or triggered by their profile picture.  Please keep the picture appropriate. Profile Bio In our Profile Bio we get the perfect opportunity to introduce ourselves a little, we can let people know what hobbies we have and other light-hearted information.  But we can not give any identifiable information about ourselves, 7Cups is about anonymity and that’s the best way to remain safe.  It’s also against our guidelines to have triggering information in our profile, that has the same reason as the one is given about the Profile photo.  Profile Username With our profile username, we have the opportunity to be creative and use words that in a way describe how we are.  But as with the first two, keeping it appropriate and anonymous is important. FYI: Profile Pictures/Bio/Usernames that don’t follow the guidelines will be flagged. We definitely don’t want that to happen. Stay appropriate :)  A few questions for you, wonderful community member: * How can you make sure that your profile, bio and username fits the Community Guidelines? * Why is it important that we go by the Community Guidelines? * What do we do when we see an inappropriate username, profile picture or bio? I would love to hear all your answers.  Here are a few links that are interesting, informative and useful as well: Profile Guidelines: Politics and Current Events [] Let's play a game! Safety Tips! [] Safety Patrol [] Check out Part two here []!  ✨We wish you all a wonderful rest of your day✨