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Safety Patrol: Cheers and Top 5 Flaggers! ✨

Rebekah December 11th, 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well 🌞

This will be our main forum thread detailing when cheers have been awarded, and our Top 5 Flaggers! It will be updated every so often with new Top 5 Flaggers (I'd like to aim for once a month, but I have a feeling it'll be a bit more sporadic than that), and when cheers have been awarded for flagging.

So, this space is quite important for Safety Patrol team members.

Maybe 'subscribe' to this page and keep an eye on updates from Safety Patrol leaders!

PPC (Primary Points of Contact);

- Community Manager: Heather225
- Admin: EvelyneRose
- Ambassador: Rebekah
- Mentor Leader: tommy

amiablePeace77 January 26th, 2023

@Star001 @Dystopiatae95 @AffyAvo @blissart @SparkyGizmo

Congratulations to all of you and a big thank you for keeping the site safe!

SparkyGizmo January 26th, 2023


Thank you Ami! 😊 big *hugs* ❤️

amiablePeace77 January 26th, 2023


big hugs back ❤️ 😊

amiablePeace77 January 26th, 2023

@Star001 @Dystopiatae95 @AffyAvo @blissart @SparkyGizmo

Congratulations to all of you and a big thank you for keeping the site safe!

January 26th, 2023


Thanks for your support💕

January 27th, 2023


Thanks Amiable! I appreciate you :)

purpleSea7109 January 28th, 2023

Thank you everyone for your help.Xx

You all doing good jobs welcome.

Thanks to 7 cups of tea.Xx

Thanks for sharing your advice.

Heartsandrosesandpaws January 31st, 2023

Good job keeping cups safe

Rebekah OP March 9th, 2023

Hello everyone!

I'm happy to announce that cheers have been awarded to all safety patrol members who filled in the flag report form from January 26, 2023 - March 9, 2023! 🌞 we all know what this means... it's time to announce the top 5 flaggers of this period!

Here are our Top 5 Flaggers!

5th Place - @blissart with 84 flags!
4th Place - @CompoundingHappiness with 122 flags!
3rd Place - @Dystopiatae95 with 141 flags! 🌞
2nd Place - @tommy with 180 flags! 🌞🌞
1st Place - @SparkyGizmo with 251 flags! 🌞🌞🌞

Wow, this is amazing! Here is a special thank you to our safety patrol as a whole, for maintaining site safety to the absolute utmost standard. Your work does not go unnoticed; you are greatly appreciated!

If you would like the chance to appear on our top 5 flaggers list, please don't forget to fill out the cheers form, found HERE 🌞

[@EvelyneRose @MidnightRaven999 @Rebekah @tommy @Demi84 @Frozty @iCareUK @KindnessMatters2020 @InternalAcceptance @MidwesternCalmSeeker @niceworldmnd @Ninziesss @positivePumpkin22 @iPHOENIX @Aishaa97 @CompoundingHappiness @Connectingsoul @BlueRivercares @TabbyCat97 @SilentSerenityy @SparkyGizmo @EmotionsListener @lyricalAngel70 @Bubblegumwings1234 @MagnificentSunrise @Sleepwalkermw @Dystopiatae95 @blissart @LittleBirdie30 @heathermarie95 @SolaceCares @Asher @comfortableNight4463 @sunnyWriting4806 @halcyonCloud2036 @SirenOfSerenity @Lou73 @Jenna @amiablePeace77 @MistyMagic @whenitsdarklookforstars @innateJoy9602 @fruityPond7887 @Star001 @Hamstermum @Chevy81 @MelodyoftheOcean @globalBraid3744 @AcatalepticShadow @sunnySea4551 @LightAzalea @calmDew1576 @Isentropic @DancingHeart4982 @AffyAvo @SukoLovesHito133]

amiablePeace77 March 10th, 2023


Congratulations everyone!

SparkyGizmo March 10th, 2023



fruityPond7887 March 10th, 2023

@Rebekah Ahh this is amazing guys! Congratulations and thank you for helping to keep our site safe!! 😊💜

SparkyGizmo March 10th, 2023



Marje March 10th, 2023

@SparkyGizmo @tommy @CompoundingHappiness @Dystopiatae95 @blissart

Yaayyy! Congrats you 'all! Awesome works there! Thank you for you five and all Safety Patrols for our space safe! ✧ ◝ ( ⁰ ▿ ⁰ ) ◜ ✧

SparkyGizmo March 10th, 2023


Thank you Marjerine! 😊❤️ *high fives* 😊 and *big hugs* ❤️

SparkyGizmo March 10th, 2023


Hi Rebekah! 😊❤️ Thank you so very much for your forum post, for tagging me and for allowing us all to take a moment to celebrate our victories together! ❤️ Yes, we work hard and do it for the love of 7 cups, for the love of our teammates and do it in an effort to keep one another safe. It really does feel good to take a pause and *sit in the moment* 😊 and celebrate together as a community!

Woo-hoooo, rock on top flaggers! Impressive! *take a bow* my friends and well done! Rock on to everyone on the safety patrol team. Thank you all for your contributions. Every bit counts and adds to our collective body of work to make the magic happen!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

March 10th, 2023


Thank you for the post!

@SparkyGizmo @tommy @CompoundingHappiness @Dystopiatae95 @blissart

You all amazing! Thankyou for being part of the team and others too. 😁

SparkyGizmo March 10th, 2023


Thank you Tae! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Comphi March 10th, 2023


Thank You Tae

JoyHappyNess March 10th, 2023


@Star001 @Dystopiatae95 @AffyAvo @blissart @SparkyGizmo

I am so happy to hear that you are all trying to make cups a safe place. And with all those flag reports filled... And you are all still doing great roles in cups and in the listener support do y'all balance? It's a celebration 🎉🎉🎉... They deserve those cheers. I'm honestly happy that there people who sacrifice their time to ensure safety

SparkyGizmo March 10th, 2023


Thank you Joyness! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

JoyHappyNess March 10th, 2023


Hugs ❤️❤️❤️

March 10th, 2023

@JoyHappyNess thank you so much Joy ❤️

comfortableNight4463 March 10th, 2023

@Rebekah Congratulations to everyone! You all are doing amazing!

SparkyGizmo March 10th, 2023



comfortableNight4463 March 14th, 2023

@SparkyGizmo ❤️

TabbyCat97 March 11th, 2023


Well done all! So proud of you - congrats. ♡


SparkyGizmo March 11th, 2023



Marcolite March 12th, 2023

➡️WHERE is the online form to request a badge back? I was on the coveted Safety Patrol for a short period of time, being completely unaware of a flagging quota, and thus POOF went the badge (*I understand that many others were affected too). We NEED MORE valid volunteer SPers (no matter how much time one spends here or the least amount of time one spends here per day, per week, per month) and NOT LESS.

Thanks in Advance. 😄


Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 12th, 2023


True that, any and all volunteer support should be equally appreciated, it's the little drops that fill the pot!

The form is Here but it's typically faster to simply reach out to the relevant leaders and request for the same! You can message @ Rebekah or @ MidnightRaven999 for it anytime! Thankyouu for trying to keep our community safer! ❤

Marcolite March 12th, 2023


Many thanks for the link to the form. 😃

...."and all volunteer support should be equally appreciated, it's the little drops that fill the pot!"

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Stay Safe 'n Sound out there. 😃

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 12th, 2023

@Marcolite Aw you're welcome. Have a nice day ahead! <3

jennysunrise8 March 12th, 2023

@Marcolite I think any system that removes volunteers for not meeting some quota is just a bad policy that will of course result is less volunteers by removing volunteers who refuse to overwhelm themselves and know their limits right away or those who dont yet and try to reach the unreasonable/unnecessary demands every month and eventually realize and then join the first group and just decide to quit - theres a reason why people volunteer for anything because they are genuinely interested in helping and have a certain amount of time in their lives they can do it but the time that person can devote to it without becoming overwhelmed is determined by a lot of personal things and will most likely be different month to month as nothing else in life is set by any strict quota it changes. No automated system (or worse a group of volunteers spending any volunteer time getting rid of other volunteers) is going to know the limits or changing life of that individual

and it really is just basic respect for volunteers and their time and limits and appreciating what time each volunteer is able to spend helping with the site that doesnt exist right now some volunteers just realize it sooner than others "We NEED MORE valid volunteer SPers (no matter how much time one spends here or the least amount of time one spends here per day, per week, per month) and NOT LESS" absolutely!! (former safety patrol volunteer who has been volunteering since it was formed the quota auto removal just started for SP 2 months ago apparently and will not be reapplying for the badge)

Marcolite March 12th, 2023


Thanks so very much for that spot-on reply. ❤️

Bad policy is an understatement.

To me, the quota, which needs to be removed STAT, makes absolutely ZERO sense (no matter what explanation is given to it by others), and in my educated opinion, [sadly] turns flagging into a game or a contest. SMH. 😡

MidwesternCalmSeeker March 12th, 2023


Congrats to all. I FINALLY flagged one profile today, lol. I just don't seem to find them as easily as everyone else, but that's okay!

SparkyGizmo March 12th, 2023



calmmoon2104 March 13th, 2023

@Rebekah Congratulations! 😀❤

AffyAvo March 10th, 2023


Awesome stuff!

SparkyGizmo March 10th, 2023


Thank you Affy! *high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️ Thank you for "hittin' it" from all angles across the platform!

Comphi March 10th, 2023


Thank you Affy