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Safety & Knowledge at 7 Cups

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"Safety is an ongoing conversation"
by Heather225
Last post
June 27th
...See more I was having a chat with @PetiteSouris about the power of education in online safety and it got me thinking about how I view safety as an ongoing conversation. I think one of the most effective methods we have for keeping ourselves safe online is to be talking to each other, sharing experiences, lessons learned, and wisdom from our own research and experiences with safety. Some of have extensive experience, and others are still figuring out how to navigate the wide world of the internet, including 7 Cups. We prioritize safety, given the nature of our platform, and we want to empower everyone to take control of theirs. We can do this by sharing what we know! Here's where you come in: Please share some tips you've picked up on keeping yourself safe, especially as it relates to our community. There's no overcommunicating when it comes to upholding safety so let's keep talking!
The Community Guideline Series - Masterpost
by AnnaSilverberg
Last post
May 20th
...See more Hay everyone✨! This post contains all the forum posts that are a part of The Community Guideline Series Feel free to explore them all, I hope you enjoy reading them😊 Part 1 - Our profiles [] Part 2 - Behavior on Cups [] Part 3 - Safety of our members [] Part 4 - Boundaries and behavior [] Part 5 - Safety for everyone [] ✨Happy reading and a wonderful day to you all✨
Teen Safety Series: Tip #3- Take control of your 7 Cups experience!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
April 2nd
...See more Hello and welcome to the Teen Safety Series []. In today’s post, we will be learning one more step. At 7 Cups, we believe everyone deserves a safe and supportive space to connect.  That simply means giving you the power to control your experiences. If you are feeling uncomfortable in a chat/ group chat? You don't have to. You can shape your experiences. We offer a couple of handy tools to help you feel comfortable and in control. * Block Button:  In 1-1 chat with a listener, if a listener's behavior makes you feel uneasy, you can block them with a single click. This will prevent them from contacting you again. Listeners can utilize the same in case a member’s behavior is not respectful or appropriate.  * Mute Button: In the group support chats, sometimes you might just need a break from a conversation. The personal mute function allows you to hide messages from specific members/listeners without leaving the room entirely. Also, you can report/ block them if their behavior is causing discomfort to you.  Please know, you are in control of your experiences. And, please don't hesitate to use these tools to create a positive and comfortable experience for yourself.  We are here with you to support you in taking charge of your well-being on 7 Cups. Here are a few more steps you can take: Report inappropriate behavior: If something makes you feel unsafe, please report it through the "Report an issue" [] link.    Take breaks: It is okay to step away from a chat or group chat if you need some time for yourself. Focus on positive interactions: Seek out listeners who make you feel supported and understood. Please know we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for any support. And, let's work together to make 7 Cups a welcoming and supportive space for everyone.  ------------------------- Did you check out Tip #1 & #2? Find them here! * Tip #1 [] * Tip#2  []
Guidelines on Soliciting Monetary Transactions
by Heather225
Last post
May 17th
...See more It has come to our attention that there have been instances of listeners attempting to offer money to members. While we understand and sympathize with the financial struggles many may be facing, it's important to note that accepting and soliciting money are both strictly prohibited by the Community Guidelines. This rule applies to both listeners and members. This is also a critical matter of safety and we take our community's very seriously. If you encounter anyone trying to offer you money or ask for links or emails to send funds, please report them to our Help Desk [] or tell an Admin so we can take prompt action. You can quickly access the Help Desk by clicking Report an issue under your settings: Thanks for your understanding and for looking out for one another!
Connecting Lives: International Crisis Resources List for 7Cups
by Lunaire00
Last post
February 5th
...See more (1/2/24 NOTE: This project is on hold. Sorry for the inconvenience!) Hello 7Cups Community! I’m excited to invite compassionate listeners like you all to be a part of a meaningful project and team: the 7Cups Crisis Resources Team! The goal of this project is to compile a comprehensive list of international crisis resources to support 7Cups users globally, as we have noticed crisis resources for some countries are more limited than for others.  As it is just currently myself on the team, I am looking for other interested listeners to join and assist with compiling and entering information, or to assist with the admin and logistics of the project.  ✅ Requirements  * Adult Verified Listener []  * Be a part of 7Cups for 2+ months (No Newbie badge)  * Commitment to dedicating 1-2 hours/month during the first phase (less frequent commitment needed in the second phase)  * No Behavioral Reports in the last 3 months  💜 Qualities you should have * Passionate about mental health and crisis resources  * Responsive and effective in a collaborative team environment  * Detail-oriented for accurate data entry  * Basic tech skills for online tools, specifically Google Docs and Google Sheets  * Clear and effective communication  * Initiative and contribution to project improvement  Special Request - If there are any listeners who are familiar with coding, specifically setting up user searchable databases using GitHub/Notion etc, please reach out to me as I would like to explore the idea of collating the data into a database as opposed to a Google Doc/Sheet. This is currently an idea and not part of the project.🤍 📄 Team Member Duties  There are two phases you can join, depending on whether you’d like to help with data compilation or administrative side: Short Term Commitment - Phase 1: Data Compilation (Estimated 1-3 months) For those who wish to assist with Data Compilation: * Responsibilities:  * Identify 3-5 major hotlines/resources per country for suicide/self-harm/general emergencies that adhere to our trustworthiness guidelines. * Countries to Cover: There are 195 countries on the list, and we aim to cover as many as possible. * Data Entry: Input information into the Google Document/Sheet, including the hotline’s name, contact details (number, etc.), operating hours, website, and any other pertinent details. * Quota: No monthly quota; contribute as much as you can. Active participation is appreciated throughout the compilation phase. Afterward, feel free to leave the team if needed, as only a few listeners will assist with upkeep. If you are inactive for more than 6 weeks, you will be required to reapply.  * Cheers: Earn 10 cheers per resource captured/entered correctly. For those who wish to assist with the administrative duties: * Responsibilities: * Application Tracking: Maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of team members and their applications using the designated Google Sheet. * Data Compilation Dashboard: Monitor the data compilation dashboard in Google Sheets and promptly address any issues, errors, or concerns related to data compilation to uphold accuracy * Communication * Facilitate effective communication among team members by relaying important updates, changes, or announcements. * Act as a liaison between data compilation team members and project leadership, ensuring a smooth flow of information. * Country Resource Assistance: Contact listeners from countries where we are facing challenges in finding crisis resources for assistance with obtaining crisis resources for that region and/or verification of resources, etc * Cheers: TBD This role is suited for those with an experience and understanding of working with Google Sheets, and that are comfortable with reaching out to listeners.  Long Term Commitment - Phase 2: Updates, Upkeep, and Diversification of the List (3+ months) For those who wish to assist with Admin: Updates & Upkeep * Responsibilities: * Monitoring Responses: A Google Form will be introduced for 7Cups users to add, edit or correct information on the list. Team members will monitor the Google Form responses. * Update Frequency: Regularly update the resources list every 1-2 months to incorporate user submissions and ensure the list remains accurate and relevant. * Cheers: Earn 10 cheers per edit/correction/addition made. For those who wish to assist with Data Compilation: Diversification * Responsibilities  * Compile resources for specific issues such as domestic violence, sexual assault, etc., with the same format for compiling the information as Phase 1. * Cheers: Earn 10 cheers per resource captured/entered correctly. 💗 Why Join?  * Empower 7Cups users during crisis situations * Strengthen community support within 7Cups * Extend 7Cups' reach to an international audience * Reduce barriers to help-seeking 👉 Interested? Please fill out this Google Form []!  👉 If you have any questions, please message Lunaire00.  👉 The Admin contact for this project is @Heather225  A special and huge thank you to @Suryansh for assisting with the project and helping me make it a reality! 💜 Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to making a positive impact together! 🤍🌷
7 Cups Behavior Reporting Process & Tracking - Updated Version
by ASilentObserver
Last post
December 8th, 2023
...See more All, The post below outlines an updated behavior reporting process! We had originally launched this in 2016 and we are now updating it and re-emphasizing it as we move forward. Our objective to streamline the process and keep you well informed. Not many people struggle with a number of behavior points, but for people that do, we want to ensure that you can take steps to improve your behavior and be part of the community. We are figuring out the best ways to manage unhelpful & un-supportive behaviors on 7 Cups. Once you have reviewed the entire post, please ask any questions or share your constructive thoughts. This process is designed to provide you an opportunity to improve. We do not have any intentions to punish anyone but we do need to keep people accountable for their behavior. It is your community and how you behave, impacts it as well. Our purpose is to provide a better help & support and compassionate environment to all. We all want to be part of a community that fosters high warmth and high expectations. It is the best way to lead a community because everyone deserves support and compassion. Growing a plant, for example, requires a lot of effort, care, and the right treatment. Not every plant growth is similar but the basic process is somewhat the same. Suitable environment, the right proportion of soil, water, sunlight. Knowing the right conditions is significant for a seed to grow into a beautiful plant. Similarly for a community: If you have high warmth but low expectations, then structure or its culture is low. If you have low warmth and high expectations, then it has a structure, but limited reliability and safety. If you have low warmth and low expectations, then neither has a structure nor culture. If you have high warmth and high expectations, it has structure and reliability and safety. So here we are focused on providing both so that the community can have increased trust, support, culture, safety, and compassion. A few points to keep in mind when reading the below: * We believe in second chances. We know and understand no one is perfect and can improve. But, we need to understand when you have an opportunity to improve, you strive to improve and show that you improved. Value the opportunities you have. * We believe in inclusivity. We welcome all constructive feedback. Because we are also not perfect and striving to improve. Feedback is a two-way process. Ensure to provide feedback in a compassionate, constructive, and respectful manner. * We believe in accountability. Everyone is responsible and accountable for their actions. Because action has a reaction and impacts someone. We are in a community setup, so how you act impacts community activities. If you are supportive, the activities flow in a positive way. If you act unsupportive, the activity flow gets interrupted. * We believe transparency is helpful. As a community member, it is your right to know what is happening with the reports and how it gets processed. So, we want to provide better transparency in our actions in this system. However, there are also natural limitations too. We will not be able to share or disclose in detail with the community at large things that are happening on an individual basis. Because a wise person said, Praise in public, criticize in private. We want to give everyone a second chance to improve and feel encouraged to improve. The below behavior rating system has been specifically designed to meet the community's needs. We considered all inputs and tried to include all that was feasible to add. As you review this post, please remember this is a work in progress and always be updated as per the community's needs. Please share all constructive feedback, inputs, and ideas on what is missing or what does not make sense and what can be done. Introduction The aim of this guide is to provide information and to help you understand how the Behavioral Points System would work. What is the Behavioral Rating System? It is a process we would be used to assign points based on the infractions they did in the community at a point in time. Every time, they commit a violation, they will be getting points assigned and informed through email so they know what violations they did, and what points assigned to them for the violations. So they can have the opportunity to learn from the mistakes they made and improve. But if they do not improve and they cross the threshold, they will face consequences. This is modeled after other point systems like having a driving license in the US. If a person drives in a safe and smart manner (they are a good member), then they will receive no points. If they drive through stop signs, then they get a point. If they drive dangerously, then they get more points. If a person accrues enough points, then they are required to go to driving school. If they still do not improve then they can lose their license and no longer drive. It is a systematic process where all reports will be included for a user. How does it work? * The system will be applicable to both listeners and members. * Each behavior report or flagged forum thread will be evaluated using the below point criteria. Points are cumulative. * Each point expires 6 months after it was earned. * If no reports within three months from the date of action, an 80% reduction in the points. Note: One can be able to apply for a leadership role. This includes Mentor roles, teen star, group mod, peer support, and project agent roles. * If zero reports within a month from the date of action, 40% reduction in the behavior score. Applicability of the system: The process will be applicable moving forward. It won't consider past reports. Except for the reports which are severe. It will be up to the Community Management Teams' decision for those reports. How reports are filed? Reports filed via specific behavior reports: The incoming report will be reviewed by the concerned team. It will be reviewed for accuracy and if one of the below behaviors is identified the following actions will be taken: The authority sends a warning message to the reported user letting them know about the report. If the user would like to provide their side of the story, they will be invited to do that. Point(s) will be assigned if the user assumes responsibility for the action and agrees that it happened. The authority will let the user know the point has been assigned. If the user does not accept responsibility for the behavior and the evidence that the behavior did occur is clear, point(s) will be assigned. It is requested of all reporters that they submit relevant screenshots to prove their accusations for a user. All points will be tallied and tracked on the community management team's backend panel. Dates will be logged to monitor the timing. Please click here for more information on how to provide constructive feedback. [] You can learn more about triangulation here [] Learn more about rumors spreading here []. Learn what open communication is here []. Important Notes: � All the behaviors identified above are common behavior identified in the specific areas. Though, if the same behavior is found in other parts of the community as well, the points and consequences will be applicable. Zero Points Behavior. They are applicable for the first instance only. If the behavior continues, the points will be assigned according to the severity of the reported behavior. Except for a few specific behaviors that are subjected only to listeners. All other behaviors are subject to both listeners and members of the community. Adult Teen Listeners- In case of violations, the badge and access will be removed instantly. Below you will find the corresponding consequences of the above behaviors. Red Flag Offenses: � Forum Spam - If you are repeatedly spamming the forums with inappropriate content or advertisements you or your account may be removed Post inappropriate or graphic pictures, your account will be removed Sexting and/or repeatedly sexting (after a given warning not to) will result in account removal Underage or in the wrong age community (you must be 15 to be a listener & 13 to be a member) Red Flag Consequences: Immediate removal from 7 Cups community Protocol on Getting Support from a community leader: If you are having a problem, you may approach a community leader for support on how to manage that situation. However, please refrain from telling them specific details. As a general rule when communicating with community leaders: we should avoid using names and specific details about a person or a given situation. For example, if you are having a conflict with another listener. You could go to the community leader and say I am struggling with a difficult situation. Could you give me some tips on how to use conflict resolution? In this example, no specific details are mentioned, but you are still able to ask for help as you work through a difficult situation. Footnote: The protocols are similar to earlier ones and shared from the previous update with few changes. Updated the constructive feedback point in accordance with the new forum guideline [] on Sep 23, 2020 - Hope Link here to Heather's clarification post on BPS Guidelines with better view available in the Community Guidelines page, Click here [] [edited by MistyMagic to remove scripts and add in H's post 30 Oct 2020]
Profile Guidelines: Politics and Current Events
by Heather225
Last post
November 22nd, 2023
...See more 7 Cups is built on fostering an atmosphere that promotes healing and support. We understand the world is a particularly tough place right now and many feel compelled to express their political stances to stand in solidarity. However, this can and does incite debates and discomfort for those who come here seeking a safe space for emotional support. To ensure 7 Cups remains focused on therapeutic outcomes, we are requesting that all members and listeners refrain from including political content in their bios and profile pictures. Our profile guidelines emphasize the importance of conveying warmth, compassion, and kindness through your pictures. Some examples are stances, signs, and associated flags. Our decision to implement this guideline is rooted in our commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for as many as we can. We know this is difficult to hear for some, and this guideline is not meant to stifle your freedom of expression or discourage important conversations. Instead, it is a gentle reminder to prioritize the therapeutic goals of our community. Thank you for honoring this request to help care for one another.
The Oath Masterpost
by Lyra
Last post
July 26th, 2023
...See more The various oaths that exist on this site are a little spread around, and can sometimes be extremely hard to find! Please use these to navigate your way around and find the one that you want. ------------------------- For Members ⭐ Member Oath [] ⭐ Group Support Oath [] ⭐ Forum Oath [] ⭐️ 7 Cups Compassion Course [] (not an oath, but has similarities) For Listeners ⭐ Listener Oath [] ⭐ Group Support Oath for Mods [] ⭐ Forum Oath [] ⭐ Mentor Oath [] ⭐️ Adult-Teen Listener Oath [] ⭐ Peer Supporter Oath [] ⭐ Triangulation Pledge [] For Leaders (Members & Listeners) ⭐ Leadership Guidelines [] ⭐ Leadership Oath [] (Leadership Development Program) For Everyone ⭐ Cup 1 Oath [] ⭐ Safe Internet Pledge [] ⭐ 7 Oath Statements [] ⭐ Trolling Immunity Oath [] ⭐ Break The Chain Oath [] ⭐ NAMI Oath [] ⭐ Around the World Community Oath [] ⭐ Eating Disorder Community Family Oath [] ⭐ LGBTQ Family Oath [] ⭐ Depression Community Family Oath [] ⭐ Anxiety Family Community Oath [] Academy Trainees (Members & Listeners) ⭐️ Academy Oath [] ------------------------- If you spot one that isn't included, please link it below and I'll add it in. :) ------------------------- Updated June 8th 2016 to include the Trolling Immunity Oath Sunisshiningandsoareyou updated with the peer supporter oath on 5/20/22 AffyAvo - Updated July 13, 2022 to consolidate information theriverissinging made some formatting changes, July 13 2022
Who to Contact: Emails, Forms, and Admins
by Heather225
Last post
May 2nd, 2023
...See more With how big this site is, figuring out who to contact can be a little confusing. Here's a quick reference list of who to contact for what, the forms you should know about, and what the different emails you see are used to address. Emails For community-related questions and reports. This includes but is not limited to account investigations such as user-to-user disputes and multiple accounts, age verification, and general site questions. Note: If you are reporting an inappropriate username or profile, please do not email community. Submit the username [] for the Safety Patrol to action or consider joining the Safety Patrol so that you can flag profiles and bios. See how you can join HERE [] This is to be used for any forum/subcommunities queries only. Link to info HERE []!! This is the contact for the technical support team at 7 Cups. Before contacting tech support, we recommend submitting a support ticket [], outlining your technical support issue. The Admin Team uses this for BPS correspondence. What is the BPS? [] Forms If you need to report a user for behavior, submit a ticket and relevant screenshots here [] If you need to report an inappropriate username or bio, submit the username []to the Safety Patrol to action. If you want to get more actively involved in safety, consider applying for the team []! Account Review Request: Has your account been deactivated? Please fill out a request to request a review and restoration. [] Group Support Emergency Form: Request on-demand mod help! []Our 24/7 staff (schedule) [] []will reply in a timely manner. Feedback Form: []community input and suggestions. Please use this form in place of the Product Feature Request on the Help Desk [] - Refer to this post on how we process feedback. [] If you’ve still got questions, please refer to the 7 Cups Help Desk [] for general information and frequently asked questions. Community Management Team We help out around the community! @Heather225 - Director of Community @ASilentObserver - Community Manager (Group Support + Listener Rooms) @Hope - Community Manager (7 Cups Academy) @SoulfullyAButterfly - Content + Growth Paths + Huddles @CheeryMango - Subcommunities @EvelyneRose - Quality (Anonymous Evaluations, Listener Coaching Team, etc.) Ambassadors Ambassadors are high level listeners who volunteer extra time to lead a project or area of the site. You can view an updated list of ambassadors and other team leaders here []. If I am forgetting any other contacts, please PM me, and I will update this post!
My Boundaries on Sexual Health Chats
by CamLavvy02
Last post
April 26th, 2023
...See more [Trigger warning for sexual abuse & addiction related topics being mentioned.] Thank you for taking the time to look over my forum. As someone who takes Sexual Health chats, I decided to provide a specific list regarding my boundaries. Anyone is free to message me and ask any further questions if needed. (Some words will be censored/bypass censors for context reasons.) Sexual Health Issues I can provide support for: * Both Men & Women's Issues * Circumcision * M*sturbation * Menstruation & Maturation * P*rn Addiction & Support * Sexual Abuse * Sexual Relationships Sexual Health Issues I cannot provide support for: * Abuse from any abuser's perspective * Animal-human relations * Consensual Incest & P*dophilia * Kinks * Pregnancy related issues * Roleplaying * S*xting * Both of these lists are subject to change. If there is an update, a new post will be provided below. Again, if anyone has questions, feel free to respond to this post or PM me. Don't be afraid to reach out. I'm more than happy to elaborate or further explain on anything that needs more clarification.
Important Notice
by iCareUK
Last post
March 16th, 2023
...See more Hello everyone! I am the new Forum Supporter for Safety & Knowledge Community. You will start seeing numerous posts about different aspects of safety and well-being to promote the message that 7 Cups cares about your safety. Some posts will be labelled *Trigger Warning* if they are believed to possibly cause distress, but they are ultimately very important in relation to keeping people safe on 7 Cups. I lead a Safeguarding Team here in the UK and I am very experienced and passionate in Safeguarding and safety and how to protect Children, Adults and Vulnerable People, obviously, procedures are different in the real world to what they are on Cups and we are always looking for ways to improve to boost any and all aspects of your safety whilst using 7 Cups. If you find anything distressing, please feel free to get in touch to talk about it, but whilst it could be distressing for some people, it is also very important and relevant to others. 7 Cups strives to be inclusive and diverse and this is why we need to ensure that everyone, regardless of background, receives relevant safety information. I look forward to sharing content with you all and giving this amazing community a new lease of life for the purposes in which it was created. I look forward to seeing your engagement and getting to know you all. iCareUK ❤️
Spam Accounts & Posting
by iCareUK
Last post
December 7th, 2022
...See more Spam Accounts & Posting There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that 7 Cups is a great community of people. There is, however, some people that have and are creating accounts in order to breach the privacy and security of the site, so in this post, I will detail this issue so that the whole community is aware, and I am currently in discussions with Glen about this issue. It is absolutely paramount that we inform the community of such issues and provide relevant safety information so that we can keep 7 Cups as safe as possible. Problem Detected I have personally seen and dealt with a very small number of accounts that have been created in order to try and disrupt the 7 Cups community, they have, up to now, done this by replying to forum threads with a general story that is most likely unrelated to the topic of the thread. This post will also contain a link, some may appear with a censor triggered and some may not, I have noticed however, that these links contain the word "hack", and these links can pose a threat to not only site safety but the safety of your account. Safety comes first! The first thing I would like to stress, is do not click the links and avoid direct contact these people either by replying or sending PM's, this could potentially make you a target. Sadly, these situations are all the more common on the internet these days, so it is paramount that you follow the following safety advice. 1) Do not click unknown links, look at web addresses carefully, I'll give an example of my experience in this field, I once saw a YouTube link, but YouTube's website is [] and not [] (link changed) look for specific wording, such as the word "hack". 2) Do not communicate with these people, this could make you a target for any future accounts to come. 3) Report: You can make a report here [], it is very useful if you click "Report A Member" and provide the accounts username and the link of the post (see below) and this will help us to tackle this issue much quicker. Post Links In order to find a post link, visit [] on your phone, tablet, laptop or PC and load the post of concern, in the address bar at the top, you will see " and will also contain a specific address that directs to each individual post, copy all of this and paste it into the form. 4) Safety Patrol - I am a member of the safety patrol as well as a fantastic team, and I'm now working around the clock to have these issues rectified quickly and effectively, but there are chances I may not see all of them, there is also the team who run the forums who do some very incredible work to keep the forums free of such content and to ensure the forums are kept safe at all times. 5) Passwords Passwords are something you can personally focus on, creating a strong password will help to keep your account secure. We have weak and strong passwords and I'll give an example. If my password was icareuk1, the chances are, my account could very easily be logged in by someone else, so it is very important to think about your password (please don't post passwords anywhere on this site, your password is personal to you and you should tell nobody what it is) A strong password is something a little more difficult, so as an example, let's assume I really loved vegetables, but nobody knew that on 7 Cups, so I set my password as "vegetablesaresogood1234" it is a better password, but it is still very easily guessable. Strong passwords contain many characters, mine contains over 20 characters (not saying how many 😜) but also contains capital letters, numbers and special characters also work very well for creating a strong password. Veget@bles@reS0g00d713 would be an extremely strong password, and even if you didn't want to use so much, Vetetables@resogood713 is still a good password. Think of your password like you would the key to unlock your front door, you want to keep it safe and secure so only you have access to it. 5) Share information. If you come across any posts as detailed in this thread, please feel free to send the Post Link (see above) by posting it below in the comments so we can take action, we may have just missed this particular post, or was unavailable at the specific time, or you have my permission to PM the link to me for this reason only. 7 Cups is a community, and a great community 7 Cups is, a place where everyone comes together to share love, support and kindness to all, and these particular accounts do not belong in the 7 Cups community because it goes against that very standard. Everyone works so hard at 7 Cups, especially behind the scenes, from Members registering to get some support, to the admins and leaders who work on specific areas of the site to make sure it works well for you, your voices are heard, and the community is safe. For this, I would like to thank everyone who has joined 7 cups in all instances (members, listeners, leaders, community leaders, ambassadors, and admins for all your hard work to strengthen not only our own lives, but the lives of everyone in the community Thank you ❤️
Resource for Dealing With Online Harassment
by amiableVision1813
Last post
November 14th, 2022
...See more Hello, everyone! I just found this online course about ways to deal with online harassment. It is for online journalists, but let us think about it, most of us are online we contribute to the distribution of information. This might be helfpul for you: Online Harassment: Strategies for Journalists' Defense []. Stay safe!
Forum Forms File (FFF) - A list of all the forms you might need
by WarmChocolateMug
Last post
July 13th, 2022
...See more Here's a list of most if not all of the forms that you can find around the site and are frequently requested. If you feel that other forms should be added, please feel free to reply below or send me a PM! Most links are generally linked to the forum posts where the forms can be found so that they can still be relevant if the form is changed. Active Listening Tests & Listener Learning Quizzes (Click Here for More Training Guides []) - Listener Only * []Active Listening 1 []( []Updates []) [] * Active Listening 2 [] (Updates []) * Active Listening 3 [] (Updates []) * Active Listening 4 [] (Updates []) * Listener Learning Quizzes MasterPost [] Leadership * Leadership Roles Slides [] * Help Wanted [] * Leadership/Community Reapplication Form [] * Community Leadership + Domains [] Report Forms (More Information Here []) * Reporting a Listener or Member [] * Moderator, Room Supporter, & Listener Review Form [] * Community Moderator Report Form [] * Moderator Request Form [] * Group Moderator Activity Log [] (For Group Moderators Only) * Account Review Request (If Rejected/Deactivated) [] Suggestions, Feedback and Bug Reports * Community Feedback Form [] (More Information Here []) * Support Ticket for Bugs [] * Feedback on Forum Functionality [] * Member Chat Rooms Feedback Form [] * Censor Updates/Suggestion Form [] * Report Problems with Help Guides [] Miscellaneous * Username Change [] * Explore and Register with 7 Cups Academy [] * Teen Transitioning Mentor Request [] * Listener Coach Request [] - Listener Only * Gossip Dump Form [] * Peer Appreciation Form [] Credits: @Jenna @Vivelespatates @MissZ @kindsoul10 @affyavo @M4GIC @KyleBorg @amazingNutella24 for vetting and adding more links! Updated - @Suryansh November 26, 2023
Mod Actions Log!
by ASilentObserver
Last post
July 11th, 2022
...See more Hello Chatroom Mentors and Group Moderators, As you know we introduced the Behavioral Rating System [], we need your help to ensure effective implementation of the system. We need your help with reporting the events where you muted the user for breaking any chatroom guidelines. To log those events, please fill out this short form []. Please bookmark the form and help us. Your efforts and contributions will be much appreciated. Thank you!!