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What do synchronicities mean?

GumballMachine October 18th, 2023

Could anyone help me with my situation? I will describe it in further detail if anyone can. In very brief terms I have been experiencing certain ones for a long time and I don’t know why. I need help because it is becoming distressing 😔

soulsings October 18th, 2023

@GumballMachine your question what is synchronicities may be explained in wikipedia

"Synchronicity is a concept first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl G. Jung "to describe circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection."[1] In contemporary research, synchronicity experiences refer to one's subjective experience that coincidences between events in one's mind and the outside world may be causally unrelated to each other yet have some other unknown connection.[2] Jung held that this was a healthy, even necessary, function of the human mind that can become harmful within psychosis.

I am not an expert but only a peer supporter. If you are in great distress and your situation is disrupting your life, you may find greater support with a professional mental health counselor.

I think this is an interesting topic but if taken too far, one may think that one's mind is causing things to happen. If you care to you can share more here and may get other's opinons. But remember a professional is more suited to helping you sort things out.

GumballMachine OP October 18th, 2023

Thanks, Wikipedia doesn’t help. I already know what they are. I want to know WHY, not what. 😔

My mind isn’t causing them to happen.

mytwistedsoul October 18th, 2023

@GumballMachine  From what I've read - they're messages that you have to interpret and work out. From what I read they mean you're on the right path or you are where you're meant to be in this moment

GumballMachine OP October 18th, 2023

I am not sure how to interpret them. Would you know? I feel like they are blocking me from progressing in my life since its just the past that continues to recur. Something is blocking my life from moving forward normally it seems. I wish that it would be showing that I am meant to be in this moment, but if I was meant to be in this moment I would rather that they show themselves when I am NOT meant to be in it so I can continue living normally.

mytwistedsoul October 19th, 2023

@GumballMachine Have you tried writing them in a journal when they happen? It Might help you notice patterns and emotions associated with them. It might also help find why they're significant to you. It's usually personal I think that might be why its so hard to find answers on how to interpret them

GumballMachine OP October 20th, 2023

I write down brief notes and I also take down my dreams in detail when I remember them. I am not sure how to make sense of them.

calmBalloon8126 October 18th, 2023



Synchronicity happens to everyone as they are aware. It is fundamentally a communication from the source of all life. What most people don't know about them is that it's not just following breadcrumbs to a definite answer. Sometimes you will have Synchronicities that have 10 or 15 years between them. It is a communication for you to understand something about yourself, from yourself. It goes over the heads of some, so don't let skeptics talk you out of it, it's very real. I like that Jung said it can very disturbing in psychosis because that is definitely true. If you are disturbed or even slightly ill, it can be overwhelming. However, it should be noted and stressed that at no point would the synchronicities be showing or implying harm in your direction or toward anyone else. It is acts of pure love.

GumballMachine OP October 18th, 2023

Thanks for this. I just don’t know how to interpret it and understand what it is trying to say. :-/ which is partly why it is bothersome. I would rather just continue living normally but it seems there is something I am missing.

BismaKanwal October 18th, 2023

@GumballMachine did you get the help you were looking for?

GumballMachine OP October 18th, 2023

Mostly, yes but I don’t understand how to interpret them.

RogueOne1983 October 18th, 2023

@GumballMachine why is it becoming distressing?

GumballMachine OP October 18th, 2023

I am trying to live normally and life definitely isn’t normal when the past keeps replaying. It has been going on for maybe almost two years. I feel like there is something I am missing and only when I can understand it maybe I can take action that is needed (on whatever it is trying to communicate) and it will stop. Alternatively it may continue but I would know why it is happening so it wouldn’t be distressing.

GumballMachine OP October 18th, 2023

It also feels like a curse, like I am living in the past instead of moving forward in life like other people do. But I didn’t cause it to happen, it is just imposed on me, which makes it worse.

Hapra October 18th, 2023

@GumballMachine I also get synchronicities.  Things happen that are too coincidental to be happenstance.  Especially when I'm following my inner authority (not following the mind).  Do you want to talk sometime?

GumballMachine OP October 18th, 2023

Yes, how can we talk?

GumballMachine OP October 18th, 2023

Feel free to describe your situation to me anytime and I will respond.

GumballMachine OP October 20th, 2023

They continue to happen 😔 I don’t know what to do about them


Hey I think this might help, specifically the part about "déjà vécu."

GumballMachine OP June 5th

@resourcefulWillow1729 hi