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What would you say is your relationship to yourself?

As the title suggests :)

Feel free to answer however you like or what comes to mind. 

Personal story: 

I just turned 27 and I realized that a strong majority of my life has not been the best relationship with myself. I lot of limiting going on through self-doubting, valuing others' experiences more than my own, second guessing, ruminating on lack, etc. 

It's been life-changing to tune into myself and have a relationship there where I really care. It's always up from this lens.

I made an app that empowers us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level. 

Admirablerainbow2825 September 4th


I can relate it to your experience. I used to not love myself earlier, when I was younger. I wasn't very knowledgeable and didn't have much experience before about life. But now that I look at my younger self, I have learned a lot of lessons. It is  about our ownselves, how we cope with the various situations and deal with them. We tend to think that it is the other person who is the problem. But we forget to take care of ourselves first. We put others first. I have realized I shouldn't be doing that to myself. 

Lessons I learnt:

- Take care of yourself first to be able to take care of others.

- Forget about the past. Learn from the past and focus on the present. Don't worry about the future.

I am a very important person. I am grateful for who I am. I am going to continue taking care of myself.

MovementBetterThanStagnation OP September 5th


The lessons you learned are beautifully said. 

Admirablerainbow2825 September 4th


Some self care tips I follow are as follows:

- Take a walk

- Journal your thoughts.

-Practice gratitude and say positive affirmations over yourself.

Don't compare yourself to others. Be yourself.

NotAllHere713 September 12th


My relationship with myself is Neglect. I spend all of my time supporting my kids because their dad is not "there" to support them physically, mentally and emotionally. Now that they are both going to college, I have been trying to work on myself but I really don't know what "self-care" is. 


I'd love to discuss it more with you. With your consent and if it's valuable to you. Some people are discussing that with their therapist so they don't need to or want to talk about it.

I got a great resource that helps us understand our thoughts, build self confidence, and digest our emotions. I have recovered from depression, emotional neglect (feeling that and then doing that to myself), and low self-worth. So I made an app that would've helped me then and helps me now because I use it. It's like an interactive journaling app through voice that helps us connect with ourselves. If you're interested, please let me know and I'll share the link to our website.

NotAllHere713 Friday


Thank you for responding. I am willing to talk more with you. I have a therapist, but I think she is overwhelmed right now, so it would be nice to hear another person's POV. BTW, I suffer from depression, anxiety and no self-esteem. I have come to realize (too late) that I cannot help those who refuse help. It just causes me and the ones I love more pain. After all this time, I need to get back to me so I can recover. How do I contact you?



idk how to DM on this platform.

I reread the community guidelines to find that sharing personal contact information is prohibited.

I think talking on a thread in this community is great anyway. we can continue on this thread if you'd like. if not, then a new thread or post can be made where we talk more :)

NotAllHere713 Monday


Thank you for reaching out! 🌺


@NotAllHere713 Do you remember what kinds of things you did to relax/treat yourself before you had kids or even when you’ve had a short break (if any) from them?

NotAllHere713 Monday


I used to draw and go out and be by myself for a while. I feel calmer when I'm in Nature. 


@NotAllHere713 That’s nice nature can be so peaceful at times. Do you like hiking?

kabir22 September 12th


I'm my best friend as is as that! 
kabir22 September 12th





WhatNameidk Friday

how can you have a relationship with yourself - it sounds fake. You are yourself